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Solved MCQs on Database Management System

Database Management System – DBMS MCQs Set 1

1. A collection of raw facts and figure is called?

A). Data

B). Information

C). Processing

D). None

View Answer
Correct: A
2. The manipulated and processed data is called?

A). Object

B). Information

C). Data

D). None

View Answer
Correct: B
3. Manipulation of data to achieve the required objectives and result is called?

A). Data processing

B). Operation

C). Both a and b

D). None

View Answer
Correct: C
4. A person's account, car, and house are considered?

A). Object

B). Table

C). Data processing

D). None

View Answer
Correct: A
5. A collection of related fields is called______?

A). File

B). Record

C). Database

D). None

View Answer
Correct: B
6. A record in a database is the information referring to a____?

A). Person

B). Product

C). Event

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
7. Each item of information within a record is called____?

A). File

B). Field

C). Both a and b

D). Byte

View Answer
Correct: B
8. All records in a file have the same?

A). Contents

B). Structure

C). Both a and b

D). None

View Answer
Correct: B
9. A collection of data that consists of name, address and email of a person is called?

A). Byte

B). Record

C). Character

D). Field

View Answer
Correct: B
10. A logical grouping of characters is a?

A). Field

B). Record

C). File

D). All

View Answer
Correct: A
11. A field is to a record as:

A). Data are to files

B). A column is to a row

C). Files are to tables

D). Attributes are to columns

View Answer
Correct: B
12. A database containing all students in a class would store basic data of students in:

A). Record

B). Field

C). Cell

D). File

View Answer
Correct: D
13. A database containing all students in a class would store Roll No of a student in:

A). Record

B). Field

C). Cell

D). File

View Answer
Correct: B
14. A database containing all students in a class would store the information of individual students in:

A). Record

B). Field

C). Cell

D). File

View Answer
Correct: A
15. Which of the following is also known as data set?

A). Record

B). Field

C). File

D). All

View Answer
Correct: C
16. A set of related files created and managed by a (DBMS) is called?

A). Field

B). Record

C). Database

D). None

View Answer
Correct: C
17. Which of the following is an example of a database?

A). Phone book

B). Library catalog

C). Student records

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
18. SQL is a_____?

A). Unstructured language

B). Structured Language

C). Object oriented language

D). Software

View Answer
Correct: B
19. SQL stands for:

A). Sort-Query-List

B). Self-Quantiflying-Language

C). Seek-Qualify-Label

D). None

View Answer
Correct: D
20. SQL can be used to:

A). Create database structures only

B). Query database data only

C). Modify database data only

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
21. In general a file is basically a collection of all related______?

A). Fields

B). Records

C). Database

D). Domain

View Answer
Correct: B
22. The collection of related information defined by its creator is called _____?

A). File

B). Database

C). Record

D). Field

View Answer
Correct: C

Database Management System – DBMS MCQs Set 2

 1. A database is an organized collection of _______ related data.

A). Physically

B). Logically

C). Loosely

D). Badly

View Answer
Correct: B
2. The objectives of database management systems include:

A). Database Integrity

B). Data Integration

C). Availability

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
3. Information sharing means that:

A). The same information can be shared by different applications.

B). Information can be stored once and retrieved any number of times.

C). a and b

D). Neither a nor b

View Answer
Correct: C
4. Which of the following is handled by DBMS?

A). Data security

B). Data integrity

C). Data independence

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
5. A program whose job is to store and retrieve user data in the database is called:

A). Database Management System

B). Data Business Management Service

C). Database Modeling System

D). Data Business Model System

View Answer
Correct: A

6. The database system is composed of four major parts:

A). Software, You, Me, DBA, Client

B). Hardware, Hard drive, Monitor, Data, User

C). Hardware, Software, People and Data

D). DBMS, Hardware, User, Programmer, Engineer

View Answer
Correct: C
7. In a database processing system:

A). The DBMS accesses the database data

B). The database applications access the database data

C). The database applications interact with the DBMS

D). a and c

View Answer
Correct: D
8. Data that causes inconsistency lacks:

A). Data integrity

B). Data redundancy

C). Data anomaly

D). Good data

View Answer
Correct: A
9. Which one of the following is an advantage of database management system approach?

A). Reduced security and control of the data

B). Increased duplication Of data.

C). Programs are independent of the data format

D). All

View Answer
Correct: C
10. Which of the following enables the user to modify data structures Without affecting existing programs that use them?

A). Data independence

B). Data dependence

C). Data relationships

D). Data Integration

View Answer
Correct: A
11. Database appllcation contain procedures for:

A). Deleting records

B). Adding records

C). Processing queries

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D

12. Which of the following is related to a component of DBMS known as personnel?

A). Database administrator

B). Application programmer

C). End users

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
13. The major component of DBMS is called ______?

A). Database Manager

B). Data Manager

C). File Manager

D). All

View Answer
Correct: A
14. Duplicate data in multiple data files is called_____?

A). Data redundancy

B). Data multiplication

C). Data Integrity

D). None

View Answer
Correct: A
15. The description of structure and organization of data in a database is contained in:

A). Data mine

B). Data dictionary

C). Structured query language

D). None

View Answer
Correct: B
16. A request for information from a database in database terminology is called ______?

A). Report

B). Letter

C). Table

D). Query

View Answer
Correct: D
17. A printed or onscreen display of data or information in the database is called _______?

A). Entity

B). Report

C). Query

D). Screen

View Answer
Correct: B
18. The name for software to build reports that summarize data from a database is______?

A). Reporter

B). Report Builder

C). Report Generator

D). Report writer

View Answer
Correct: C
19. For database systems needing to support approximately 2 trillion bytes of data within an organization, which type of database would be appropriate?

A). Organizational databases

B). Personal database

C). Workgroup database

D). Internet databases

View Answer
Correct: A
20. For database systems needing to support approximately 15 concurrent users within an organization, which type of database would be appropriate?

A). Internet databases

B). Personal database

C). Organizational databases

D). Workgroup database

View Answer
Correct: D
21. What is the advantage of minimizing the data redundancy?

A). Avoid inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the data

B). Save Time in processing the data

C). To free up the storage space

D). All of the above

View Answer
Correct: D

in time.

A). Instance, Schema

B). Schema, Instance

C). Relation, Domain

D). Relation, Schema

View Answer
Correct: B
25. Relational schemas and other metadata about relations are stored in a structure called the _____?

A). Catalog

B). Log

C). Data Dictionary

D). Metadata

View Answer
Correct: C

BMS MCQ Questions With Answers Set 4

1. Which Of the following refers to something that can be identified in the users work environment, something that the users want to track?

A). Relationship

B). Attribute

C). Entity

D). Identifier

View Answer
Correct: C
2. Properties that describe the entity's characteristics are called_______?

A). Identifier

B). Entity

C). Attribute

D). Relationship

View Answer
Correct: C
3. Attributes that name, or identify, entity instances are called______?

A). Entity

B). Identifier

C). Relationship

D). Attribute

View Answer
Correct: B
4. Customers, cars and parts are example of____?

A). Attributes

B). Entities

C). Relationships

D). Cardinals

View Answer
Correct: B
5. Which of the following represent the entities?

A). Aeroplane

B). Teacher

C). Student

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
6. An identifier may be______?

A). Composite

B). Unique

C). Non unique

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
7. Entities can be associated with one another in which of the following _____?

A). Attribute

B). Identify

C). Entity

D). Relationship

View Answer
Correct: D
8. The relationship can be:

A). One to one

B). One to many

C). Many to many

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
9. In which of the following is a single entity instance of one type related to a single entity instance of another type?

A). One to one relationship

B). One to many relationship

C). Many to many relationship

D). Composite relationship

View Answer
Correct: A
10. In which of the following is a single entity instance of one type related to many entity instances of another type?

A). One to one relationship

B). One to many relationship

C). Many to many relationship

D). Composite relationship

View Answer
Correct: B
11. In which of the following can many entity instances of one type be related to many entity instances of another type?

A). One to one relationship

B). One to many relationship

C). Many to many relationship

D). Composite relationship

View Answer
Correct: C
12. Which of the following is an example of one to one relationship?

A). Student-registration number

B). Person-automobile

C). Mother-Daughter

D). Person-phone number

View Answer
Correct: A
13. Which of the following is an example of one to many relationship?

A). Student-registration number

B). Person-automobile

C). Mother-Daughter

D). Both b and c

View Answer
Correct: D
14. A relationship between countries and capitals is an example of ________ relationship.

A). One to one

B). One to many

C). Many to many

D). Many to one

View Answer
Correct: A
15. Which of the following is related to modality?

A). Optional

B). Mandatory

C). Unidirectional

D). Both a and b

View Answer
Correct: D
16. An entity related to itself in an ERD model refers to?

A). Recursive relationship

B). One to many relationship

C). Many to many relationship

D). One to one relationship

View Answer
Correct: A
17. A data model is _____?

A). A logical representation of the structure of the database

B). Shown as an entity relationship diagram

C). Transformed into tables and relationships

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
18. Which of the following indicates the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship?

A). Maximum cardinality

B). Minimum cardinality

C). E-R diagram

D). Greater entity count

View Answer
Correct: A
19. Which of the following refers to an entity that logically depends on another entity?

A). Strong entity

B). ID-dependent entity

C). Weak entity

D). Dependent

View Answer
Correct: C
20. In an ER diagram a rectangle represents?

A). Weak entity

B). Relationship

C). Attribute

D). Entity class

View Answer
Correct: D

DBMS MCQ Questions With Answers Set 5

1. In an E-R diagram rectangle with rounded corners represents _______?

A). Entity class

B). Weak entity

C). Relationship

D). Attribute

View Answer
Correct: B
2. Relationships among entities of a single class are called_______?

A). IS-A relationships

B). Recursive relationships

C). HAS-A relationships

D). None

View Answer
Correct: B
3. In an E-R diagram a relationship is represented by________?

A). Ellipse

B). Rectangle

C). Rectangle with rounded corners

D). Diamond

View Answer
Correct: D
4. An attribute which consists of a group of attributes is called ______?

A). Composite attributes

B). Multi-valued attributes

C). Composite identifiers

D). Identifiers

View Answer
Correct: B
5. Identifiers that consists of two or more attributes are called_______?

A). Composite identifiers

B). Multi-valued attributes

C). Composite attributes

D). Identifiers

View Answer
Correct: A
6. Which refers to connecting entities of different types when identifiers are different?

A). HAS-A relationships

B). IS-A relationships

C). Binary relationship

D). None

View Answer
Correct: A
7. In an E-R diagram a ellipse represents________?

A). Weak entity

B). Relationship

C). Attribute

D). Entity class

View Answer
Correct: C
8. A meaningful association between entity types is _______?

A). Relationship type

B). Entity identifier

C). Relationship instance

D). Associative entity

View Answer
Correct: A
9. Which is not an example of a strong entity type?

A). Course

B). Department

C). Student_Id

D). Student

View Answer
Correct: C
10. If employee is the entity type then Michael, smith is the entity_______?

A). Characteristics

B). Field

C). Identifier

D). Instance

View Answer
Correct: D
11. Which is not included in the definition of an entity?

A). Person

B). Object

C). Concept

D). Action

View Answer
Correct: D
12. An entity type whose existence depends on another entity type is called _________ entity?

A). Strong

B). Weak

C). Dependent

D). Variant

View Answer
Correct: B
13. An entity that Associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes specific to the relationships is called ________?

A). Associative entity

B). Connecting entity

C). Intersectional entity

D). All

View Answer
Correct: A
14. A person name, birthday and social security number are all examples of _______?

A). Entities

B). Attributes

C). Relationships

D). Descriptors

View Answer
Correct: B
15. The most common type of relationship encountered in data modelling is __________ relationship?

A). Unary

B). Binary

C). Ternary

D). Associative

View Answer
Correct: B
16. Which is not a basic construct of an E-R model?

A). Relationships

B). Entity types

C). Identifiers

D). Attributes

View Answer
Correct: C
17. An example of a multi-valued attribute might be ______?

A). Student_Address

B). College_Degree

C). Student_GPA

D). ID_Number

View Answer
Correct: B
18. _________ specifies the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another?

A). Cardinality constraint

B). Entity instance

C). Associative entity

D). Multi-valued attribute

View Answer
Correct: A
19. An entity class?

A). Contains structure or format of entity

B). Contains one instance of a particular entity

C). Represents something that the users want to track

D). b and c

View Answer
Correct: D
20. All instances of a given entity?

A). Have the same values for the attributes

B). Belong to the same entity class

C). Have the same attributes

D). b and c

View Answer
Correct: D
21. ______ express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.

A). Relational Cardinality

B). Mapping Cardinality

C). Participation Constraints

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: B
22. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A. This is called as _____?

A). Many-to-many

B). One-to-many

C). One-to-one

D). Many-to-one

View Answer
Correct: C
23. An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B, however can be associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in A. This is called as _____?

A). Many-to-one

B). Many-to-many

C). One-to-one

D). One-to-many

View Answer
Correct: A
24. Every weak entity set can be converted into a strong entity set by _____?

A). Using generalization

B). Using aggregation

C). Adding appropriate attributes

D). None of the above

View Answer
Correct: C
25. In E-R model the details of the entities are hidden from the user. This process is called _____?

A). Generalization

B). Abstraction

C). Specialization

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: B

Database Management System MCQs With Answers Set 6

1. An identifier of an entity instance?

A). Must be unique

B). May be unique

C). May consists of more than one attribute

D). a and b

View Answer
Correct: D
2. Which type of identifier is used to identify a set of instances of a given entity?

A). Unique

B). Non-unique

C). Instance

D). None of above

View Answer
Correct: B
3. Depending on the system being modeled, a relationship can have entities?

A). 1


C). 3

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
4. The degree of a relationship refers to the:

A). Number of entities

B). Maximum cardinality

C). Minimum cardinality

D). Number of attributes in the identifiers

View Answer
Correct: A
5. A weak entity is one which _____?

A). Does not have a unique identifier

B). Is not in a relationship with any other entities

C). Cannot exist in the database by itself

D). Is a subtype

View Answer
Correct: C
6. A subtype entity_____?

A). Contains optional attributes not contained in super type

B). Inherits attributes of its supertype

C). Is always mutually exclusive

D). a and b

View Answer
Correct: D
7. Cardinality expresses number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity

A). The specific

B).  Undetermined

C). Predetermined

D). Programmed

View Answer
Correct: A
8. Knowing _____ the number of entity occurrences is very helpful at application software level.


B). Maximum

C).  Exact

D). Maximum and minimum

View Answer
Correct: D
9. A _____ attribute need not be physically stored within the database

A).Single valued

B). Derived

C). Multi valued

D). Composite

View Answer
Correct: B
10. A _____ relationship exists when 3 entities are associated.

A). Unary

B). Binary

C). Ternary

D). Weak

View Answer
Correct: C

11. Attributes may share a_____?

A). Domain

B). Name

C). Location

D). Table

View Answer
Correct: A
12. Which of the following might be represented with a single valued attribute

A).Person's phone number

B). Car's color

C). Employees educational background

D). Computer processor speed

View Answer
Correct: D
13. If an entity can exist apart from one or more related entities it is said to be _____ independent.

A). Existence

B). Relationship

C). Business

D). Weak

View Answer
Correct: A
14. A Relationship is an association between_____?

A). Fields

B). Objects

C). Entities

D). Databases

View Answer
Correct: C
15. Data integrity constraints are used to _____?

A). Ensured that duplicate records are not entered into the table

B). Control who is allowed access to the data

C). Prevent users from changing the values stored in the table

D). Improve the quality of data entered for a specific property

View Answer
Correct: D
16. Which of the following can be addressed by enforcing a referential integrity constraint?

A). Information on the customer must be known before anything can be sold to dad customer

B). All phone numbers must include the area code

C). Certain fields are required such as the email address or phone number before the record is accepted

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: A
17. _____ is a special type of integrity constraint that relates two relations and maintains consistency across the relations.

A). Domain constraints

B). Referential integrity constraints

C). Entity integrity constraints

D). Domain integrity constraints

View Answer
Correct: B
18. Drop table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a _____ constraint.

A). Primary key

B). Local key

C). Composite key

D). Foreign key

View Answer
Correct: D

19. _____ is preferred method for enforcing Data integrity.

A). Constraint

B). Triggers

C). Stored procedure

D). Cursors

View Answer
Correct: A
20. _____ express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.

A). Relational cardinality

B). Mapping cardinality

C). Participation constraints

D). None of the above

View Answer
Correct: B

D). Foreign key

View Answer
Correct: D

19. _____ is preferred method for enforcing Data integrity.

A). Constraint

B). Triggers

C). Stored procedure

D). Cursors

View Answer
Correct: A
20. _____ express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set.

A). Relational cardinality

B). Mapping cardinality

C). Participation constraints

D). None of the above

View Answer
Correct: B

nagement mcqs nts, mcq on dbms with answers.

DBMS MCQs - Database MCQs With Answers Set 7

1. The term 'semantic' means?

A). Data

B). Meaning

C). Attribute

D). Detailed

View Answer
Correct: B
2. Which type of attribute is composed of other attributes?

A). Simple

B). Meta

C). Group

D). Compound

View Answer
Correct: B
3. Which of the following is not true of semantic objects?

A). Always represent physical entities

B). Always provide a sufficient description

C). Are always named

D). Always describe a distinct identity

View Answer
Correct: A
4. A semantic object?

A). Is a representation of some identifiable thing in the users' work environment

B). Is a characteristic of an attribute?

C). Is one or more object attributes that the users employ to identify object instances

D). Is description of an attribute's possible values?

View Answer
Correct: A
5. A semantic object that contains one or more multi-value, simple or group attributes but no other attributes is known as?

A). Simple objects

B). Composite objects

C). Compound objects

D). Hybrid objects

View Answer
Correct: B
6. Combinations of composite and compound objects are known as?

A). Hybrid objects

B). Association objects

C). Subtype objects

D). Arch type objects

View Answer
Correct: A
7. A semantic object that contains only single-value, simple or group attributes is called?

A). Simple objects

B). Composite objects

C). Compound objects

D). Hybrid objects

View Answer
Correct: A
8. Which of the following contains at least one object attribute?

A). Simple objects

B). Composite objects

C). Compound objects

D). Hybrid objects

View Answer
Correct: C
9. A hybrid object is a semantic object that contains at least one?

A). Single-value, group attribute that includes a multi-value semantic object attribute

B). Single-value, group attribute that includes any semantic object attribute

C). Multi-value, group attribute and at least one multi-value semantic object attribute

D). Multi-value, group attribute that includes any semantic object attribute

View Answer
Correct: D
10. A composite object is a semantic object that contains?

A). Single-value, simple or group attributes but no object attributes

B). At least one object attribute

C). At least one multi-value, simple or group attribute but no object attributes

D). At least one multi-value object attribute

View Answer
Correct: C
11. Which of the following relate two or more other objects?

A). Hybrid objects

B). Association objects

C). Subtype objects

D). Archtype objects

View Answer
Correct: B
12. Which of the following are used to represent the specialization of objects?

A). Hybrid objects

B). Association objects

C). Subtype objects

D). Archtype objects

View Answer
Correct: C
13. Which of the following are used to model objects that contain base data along with multiple variations, or versions?

A). Hybrid objects

B). Association objects

C). Subtype objects

D). Archtype objects

View Answer
Correct: D
14. How are the E-R model and the semantic object model similar?

A). Neither strives to model the structure of the things in the users' world

B). Both see the concept of entity as basic

C). They both see the semantic object as basic

D). Both are tools for understanding and documenting the structure of -the users' data

View Answer
Correct: D
15. The principle difference between the E-R model and the semantic model is?

A). The E-R model sees the concept of entity as basic while the semantic object model sees the concept of semantic object as basic

B). The semantic object model sees the concept of entity as basic while the E-R model sees the concept of semantic object as basic

C). The E-R model models the users' worl D). The semantic model models the real world

D). An E-R model is a tool for understanding and documenting the structure of the users' data while the semantic model is not

View Answer
Correct: A
16. Attributes which have a single element are called:

A). Simple attributes

B). Group attributes

C). Semantic object attributes

D). Paired attributes

View Answer
Correct: A
17. One or more object attributes that the users employ to identify object instances is/are called?

A). Group identifiers

B). Object identifiers

C). Compound identifier

D). Domain

View Answer
Correct: B
18. Which of the following is a description of an attribute's possible values?

A). Group identifiers

B). Object identifiers

C). Compound identifier

D). Domain

View Answer
Correct: D
19. Which of the following is an identifier that has more then one attribute?

A). Group identifiers

B). Object identifiers

C). Compound identifier

D). Domain

View Answer
Correct: A
20. The set of an attribute's specific values is called?

A). Identifier

B). Domain

C). Enumerated list

D). Attribute

View Answer
Correct: C
21. Which of the following refers to an attribute whose maximum cardinality is 1?

A). Multi-value attribute

B). Nonobject attribute.

C). Paired attribute.

D). Single-value attribute

View Answer
Correct: D
22. Which of the following refers to a simple or group attribute?

A). Multi-value attribute

B). Nonobject attribute

C). Paired attribute.

D). Single-value attribute

View Answer
Correct: B
23. Which are the three types of domains?

A). Group, compound, and association

B). Simple, group, and semantic

C). Compound, hybrid, and association

D). Simple, compound and semantic

View Answer
Correct: B
24. The process of developing a set of object diagrams is?

A). Sequential

B). Iterative

C). Parallel

D). Singular

View Answer
Correct: B

BMS MCQs - Database MCQs With Answers Set 8

1. The columns of a table correspond to _____?

A). Table

B). Record

C). Field

D). Cell

View Answer
Correct: C
2. The foreign key is found in _____ ?

A). Parent table

B). Dependent table

C). Pivot table

D). Index table

View Answer
Correct: B
3. A table must have _____ ?

A). Primary key

B). Secondary key

C). Composite key

D). Sort key

View Answer
Correct: A
4. A two-dimensional table of data is called a _____?

A). Group

B). Set

C). Declaration

D). Relation

View Answer
Correct: D
5. A table is perceived as two-dimensional structure composed of _____?

A). X and y co-ordinates

B). Matrix elements

C). Rows and columns

D). Intersection of data

View Answer
Correct: C
6. A relation is analogous to a _____?

A). File

B). Field

C). Record

D). Row

View Answer
Correct: A
7. A relation is also known as _____?

A). Table

B). Tuple

C). Relationship

D). Attribute

View Answer
Correct: A
8. An attribute is also known as a _____?

A). Table

B). Relation

C). Row

D). Field

View Answer
Correct: D
9. A row of a relation is called a (n) _____?

A). Attribute

B). Entity

C). Tuple

D). Both a and c

View Answer
Correct: C
10. A person, place, thing, event, or condition about which data is kept in the database is called _____?

A). Attribute

B). Field

C). Record

D). Entity

View Answer
Correct: D
11. A category of data or information that describes an entity is called a(n) _____?

A). Attribute

B). Data item

C). Record

D). Tuple

View Answer
Correct: A
12. Which of the following is NOT a general characteristic of relations _____?

A). Each row is unique

B). The order of columns is significant

C). The order of rows is insignificant

D). Columns are all elemental or atomic

View Answer
Correct: B
13. An index can be used to _____?

A). Improve the performance of the database

B). Document the structure of the database itself

C). Reduce data dependency for application programs

D). All

View Answer
Correct: A
14. Which of the following are properties of relations _____?

A). Each attribute has a unique name

B). No two rows in a relation are identical

C). There are no multivalued attributes in a relation

D). All of the above

View Answer
Correct: D
15. A key is _____?

A). A field that identifies only one record

B). The most important field in a record

C). The first field of table

D). None

View Answer
Correct: A
16. Which of the following describes the primary key _____?

A). It must be unique

B). It helps in indexing of a large database

C). It makes sorting quicker

D). All of the above

View Answer
Correct: D
17. Which of the following is NOT a good primary key _____?

A). Social security number

B). Order number

C). Zip code

D). Student ID number

View Answer
Correct: C
18. How many primary keys can a table have _____?

A). One

B). At least one, but not more than two

C). Between 1 and 5

D). No limit

View Answer
Correct: A
19. Which of the following should be a primary key _____?

A). A person's last name

B). An employee's salary

C). A customer's ID number

D). A salesperson's region

View Answer
Correct: C
20. Which field listed below is the most appropriate primary key _____?

A). A person's name

B). A person's street address

C). A person's birth date

D). A person's Social Security Number

View Answer
Correct: D
21. One field or combination of fields for which more than one record may have the same combination of values is called _____?

A). Secondary key

B). Index

C). Composite key

D). Linked key

View Answer
Correct: A
22. A candidate key is _____?

A). Primary key

B). The primary key selected to be the key of a relation

C). An attribute or group of attributes that can be the primary key

D). All

View Answer
Correct: C
23. An attribute in a relation of a database that serves as the primary key of another relation in the same database is called a _____?

A). Global key

B). Link key

C). Foreign key

D). None

View Answer
Correct: C
24. A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called a _____?

A). Foreign key

B). Composite key

C). Multivalued key

D). Global key

View Answer
Correct: B
25. For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called the _____ of that attribute.

A). Domain

B). Set

C). Relation

D). Schema

View Answer
Correct: A
26. A domain is atomic if elements of the domain are considered to be _____ units.

A). Different

B). Constant

C). Indivisbile

D). Divisible

View Answer
Correct: C
27. Which one of the following is a set of one or more attributes taken collectively to uniquely identify a record?

A). Foreign key

B). Candidate key

C). Sub key

D). Super key

View Answer
Correct: D
28. The subset of a super key is a candidate key under what condition?

A). No proper subset is a super key

B). Subset is a super key

C). Each subset is a super key

D). All subsets are super keys

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Correct: A
29. An attribute in a relation is a foreign key if the _____ key from one relation is used as an attribute in that relation.

A). Candidate key

B). Primary key

C). Super key

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: B
30. Course(course_id,sec_id,semester). Here the course_id, sec_id and semester are _____ and course is a _____?

A). Relations, Attribute

B). Attributes, Relation

C). Tuple, Attributes

D). Tuple, Relation

View Answer
Correct: B

atabase Management System MCQ Set 9

1. In relational databases, the table is also called _____?

A). Tuple

B). Relation

C). File

D). Schema

View Answer
Correct: B
2. In 3NF a non key attribute must not depend on a _____?

A). Non key attribute

B). Key attribute

C). Composite key

D). Sort key

View Answer
Correct: A
3. Different attributes in two different tables having same name are referred to as _____?

A). Synonym

B). Homonym

C). Acronym

D). Mutually exclusive

View Answer
Correct: B
4. Every relation must have _____?

A). Primary key

B). Candidate key

C). Secondary key

D). Mutually exclusiveness

View Answer
Correct: A
5. The Entity integrity rules states that _____?

A). No primary key attribute can be null

B). Each entity must have a primary key

C). Primary key must have only one attribute

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: A
6. A rule that states that each foreign key value must match a primary key value in the other relation is called _____?

A). Referential integrity constraint

B). Key match rule

C). Entity key group rule

D). Foreign / primary match rule

View Answer
Correct: A
7. Two or more attributes having different names but same meaning are called _____?

A). Homonym

B). Aliases

C). Synonym

D). Alternate attributes

View Answer
Correct: C
8. A constraint between two attributes is called _____?

A). Functional relation

B). Attribute dependency

C). Functional dependency

D). Functional relation constraint

View Answer
Correct: C
9. The attribute on the left hand side of the arrow In a functional dependency is _____?

A). Candidate key

B). Determinant

C). Foreign key

D). Primary key

View Answer
Correct: B
10. The goal of normalization is to ____?

A). Get stable data structure

B). Increase number of relation

C). Increase redundancy

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: A
11. A relation is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and all its non key attributes are _____?

A). Dependent on part of the primary key

B). Dependent on the entire primary key

C). Independent of the primary key

D). Independent of any other relation

View Answer
Correct: B
12. In 2NF which forms of dependency is removed?

A). Functional

B). Partial

C). Associative

D). Transitive

View Answer
Correct: B
13. Which of the following are anomalies that can be caused by redundancy in tables?

A). Insertion

B). Deletion

C). Modification

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
14. A functional dependency between two or more non key attributes is called _____?

A). Partial functional dependency

B). Partial non-key dependency

C). Transitive dependency

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: C
15. Which of the following anomalies result from a transitive dependency?

A). Insertion

B). Modification

C). Deletion

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D
16. A relation is in third normal form if it is in second normal form and _____?

A). Dependent on part of the key

B). Dependent on all of the key

C). Independent of the key

D). Has no transitive dependencies

View Answer
Correct: D
17. A relation that contains minimal redundancy and allows easy use is called _____?

A). Clean

B). Simple

C). Complex

D). Well-structured

View Answer
Correct: D
18. The 1NF describes the tabular format in which ____?

A). All the key attributes are defined

B). No repeating groups in the table

C). All attributes are dependent on the primary key

D). All

View Answer
Correct: D

19. In a functional dependency the determinant _____?

A). Will be paired with one value of the dependent attribute

B). May be paired with one or more values of the dependent attribute

C). May consists of more than one attribute

D). a and c

View Answer
Correct: D
20. When the determinant contains two attributes?

A). The first attribute determines the dependent attribute

B). The second attribute determines the dependent attribute

C). Both attributes determine the dependent attribute

D). Either the first or second attribute determines the dependent attribute

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Correct: C
21. An anomaly in a relation is _____?

A). An unusual data value

B). A duplicate data value caused by changing the data

C). An undesirable consequence of changing the data

D). An error in the design

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Correct: C
22. Restrictions on operations on a relation are called _____?

A). Deletion anomalies

B). Insertion anomalies

C). Modification anomalies

D). Referential integrity constraints

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Correct: D
23. The normalization process generally?

A). Reduces the number of relations

B). Increases the number of relations

C). Reduces the number of functional dependencies

D). Increases the number of functional dependencies

View Answer
Correct: B
24. A relation is automatically in _____?

A). First Normal Form

B). Second normal form

C). Third normal form

D). Boyce-Codd normal form

View Answer
Correct: A
25. A relation is in domain/key normal form if?

A). Every key of relation is a logical consequences of definition of constraints and determinants

B). Every key of relation is a logical consequence of definition of constraint and domains

C). Every constraint on relation is a logical consequence of definition of keys and determinants

D). Every constraint on relation is a logical consequence of definition of keys and domains

View Answer
Correct: D

Database Management System MCQs Set 10

1. Which of the following is TRUE from functional dependency shown as (A, B) → (C, D)?

A). A is the determinant of C

B). A and B together are determined by C and D together

C). A and B together determine D

D). C and D together determine A

View Answer
Correct: C
2. What is the highest normal form a relation is in if every determinant is a candidate key?

A). First

B). Second

C). Third


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Correct: D
3. A relation is considered a _____?

A). Column

B). One-dimensional table

C). Two-dimensional table

D). Three-dimensional table

View Answer
Correct: C
4. A functional dependency is a relationship between or among?

A). Tables

B). Rows

C). Columns

D). Attributes

View Answer
Correct: D
5. Which of the following is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies a row?

A). key

B). Determinant

C). Tuple

D). Relation

View Answer
Correct: A

6. For some relations, changing the data can have undesirable consequences, called _____?

A). Referential integrity constraints

B). Modification anomalies

C). Normal forms

D). Partial dependencies

View Answer
Correct: B
7. When the values in one attribute must exist in another attribute, it is called _____?

A). Transitive dependency

B). Insertion anomaly

C). Referential integrity constraints

D). Normal forms

View Answer
Correct: C
8. The different classes of relations and the techniques for preventing anomalies are called _____?

A). Normal forms

B). Modification anomalies

C). Referential integrity constraints

D). None of the above

View Answer
Correct: A
9. Two or more attributes or attribute collections that can be a key are called _____?

A). Determinants


C). Candidate Keys

D). Primary Key

View Answer
Correct: C
10. A relation is in this form if it is in BCNF and has no multi-value dependencies?

A). First

B). Second

C). Third

D). Fourth

View Answer
Correct: D
11. If attribute A determines attribute B and B determines A, the values of the attributes have this relationship _____?

A). One-to-one

B). Many-to-one

C). Normalized

D). Many-to-many

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Correct: A
12. If attribute A determines B but B does not determine A, the relationship among their data values is _____?

A). One-to-one relationship

B). Many-to-many relationship

C). Many-to-one relationship

D). Normalized relationship

View Answer
Correct: C

13. One solution to the multi-value dependency constraint problem is to _____?

A). Change the theme

B). Split relation in two relations, each with a single theme

C). Add a composite key

D). Create a new relation

View Answer
Correct: B
14. In _____ normal form, any multi-valued attributes have been removed.

A). First

B). Second

C). Fourth

D). Fifth

View Answer
Correct: A
15. A relation is in fourth normal form if it is in BCNF and it has no _____?

A). Transitive dependencies

B). Partial dependencies

C). Multi-value dependencies

D). Deletion dependencies

View Answer
Correct: C
16. A partial functional dependency (FD) means that _____?

A). Some attributes of an entity are not known

B). Not all attributes on right-hand side of FD are necessary

C). No dependency exists in the entity

D). Not all-of the attributes on the left-hand side of the FD are necessary

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Correct: D
17. The anomalies addressed by moving from BCNF to 4NF generally deal with _____?

A). Inability to uniquely identify an entity

B). Inability to reconstruct relations once they have been decomposed

C). Excessive updates and redundancy of data for each entity

D). Creation of identical rows in a relation

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Correct: C
18. In general, a row in a relation should have all of the data about?

A). Each instance of the relation's theme

B). One instance of the relation's theme

C). No instance of the relation's theme

D). Every instance of the relation's theme

View Answer
Correct: B
19. Which of the following is a requirement of 3NF?

A). Must contain a composite

B). Must contain a partial dependency

C). Must contain no partial dependencies

D). Must contain no transitive dependencies

View Answer
Correct: D
20. Which is TRUE from functional dependency shown as A → (X, Y)?

A). X is functionally dependent on A

B). A determines Y

C). X and Y are functionally dependent on A

D). A is a determinant

E). All of the above

View Answer
Correct: E
21. Which of the following should not be placed in a relatiopal table?

A). Entity

B). Repeating group

C). Attribute

D). Relationship

View Answer
Correct: B

22. In BCNF, every _____ in a table is a candidate key.

A). Determinant

B). Entity

C). Atomic attribute

D). Primary Key

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Correct: A
23. An index _____?

A). Makes retrievals faster

B). Is always generated for a primary key

C). Increases the space needed for the database

D). Both a and b

View Answer
Correct: D
24. A 3NF violation means _____?

A). An attribute in the table depends on only one part of a concatenated key

B). An attribute in the table can have several values in one record

C). The table has no primary key

D). An attribute in the table belongs in another entity

View Answer
Correct: D
25. A relation is not allowed to have _____?

A). Two columns with the same values

B). Two columns with the same domain

C). Two columns with the same names

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: C

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