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Solved MCQs on Everyday science

1. Which is the most sensitive part of eye?

A. Retina
B. Cornea
C. Pupil
D. Lens


Correct Answer: A. Retina


2. Scientific Study of teeth is called?

A. Odontology
B. Ornithology
C. Orthoepy
D. D. Pedagogy


Correct Answer: A. Odontology


3. Fibula is a bone found in one of the following parts of the human body?

A. Arm
B. Leg
C. Skull
D. D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Leg


4. _____ can help Bats to fly in the dark.

A. Electromagnetic waves
B. Ultrasonic waves
C. Ultra Violet waves
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Ultrasonic Waves


5. One of the following can be manufactured by using wood:

A. Gun Powder
B. Paper
C. Ink
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Paper


6. At the time of solar eclipse, rate of photosynthesis will be:

A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. Remain Constant
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Decreased


7. The sound waves cannot travel through?

A. Gases
B. Liquids
C. Vacuum
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Vacuum


8. Sir Frederick Banting discovered one of the following vaccine

A. A. Covid Vaccine
B. Insulin
C. Anti-Rabies Vaccine
D. D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Insulin


9. Bamboo belongs to:

A. A weed family
B. A Herb family
C. A Grass family
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. A Grass Family


10. Glucose syrup is commonly made from:

A. Sugar Cane
B. Maize
C. Beet root
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Maize


11. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is:

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Ozone
C. Oxygen
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Oxygen


12. Which is the slowest rotating planet?

A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Jupiter
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Venus


13. Deficiency of Vitamin-D in our body causes:

A. Scurvy
B. Rickets
C. Hair fall
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Rickets


14. The Purity of one of the following is measured by Lactometer:

A. Honey
B. Water
C. Milk
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Milk


15. Which one of the following is the major Ingredient of leather?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Collagen
C. Syntans
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Collagen


16. Which one of the following is responsible for global warming?

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Ozone
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Carbon Dioxide


17. The type of lens found in human eye is?

A. Biconcave
B. Cylindrical
C. Biconvex
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Biconvex


18. Memory loss due to brain injury is known as?

A. Amnesia
B. Paralysis
C. Scnizoplanc
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Amnesia


19. Which one of the following is second largest planet in solar system?

A. Neptune
B. Uranus
C. Saturn
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Saturn


20. Ultraviolet rays coming from the sun are filtered by?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Ozone layer
C. Helium
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Ozone Layer


21. Chemical name of synthesis Vinegar is?

A. Sodium Chloride
B. Sodium Acetone
C. Acetic Acid
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Acetic Acid


22. Medicines used to kill weeds are known as:

A. Insecticides
B. Fungicide
C. Herbicides
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Herbicides


23. Which one of the following is water borne disease?

A. Typhoid
B. Rabies
C. Autena
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Typhoid


24. Myopia is a disease related to:

A. Feet
B. Neck
C. Eyes
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Eyes


25. Alzheimer is a disease which damage?

A. Spleen Cells
B. Liver Cells
C. Nerve Cells
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Nerve Cells


26. Which part of the donated eye is used by the recipient?

A. Cornea
B. Retina
C. Iris
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Cornea


27. Equinox is unique phenomenon when:

A. A Day is Shortest in a Year
B. When Day and Night are Equal in a Year
C. A Day is Longest in a Year
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. When Day and Night are Equal in a Year


28. Nowadays Milk is not considered balanced diet because it is lacking in ____?

A. Magnesium and Vitamin D
B. Iron and Vitamin B
C. Iron and Vitamin C
D. Calcium and Vitamin C


Correct Answer: C. Iron and Vitamin C


29. Nearest star to the sun is:

A. Proxima Centuri
B. Alpha Scorpius
C. Beta Orionis
D. Vegetal


Correct Answer: A. Proxima Centuri


30. A Human breathes how many times a day:

A. 13,000
B. 20,000
C. 22,000
D. 30,000


Correct Answer: C. 22,000


31. Total Percentage of Oxygen in Air is:

A. 2%
B. 21%
C. 78.6%
D. 75%


Correct Answer: B. 21%


32. The specific name of frog larva is:

A. Caterpifar
B. Grub
C. Trochophore
D. Tadpole


Correct Answer: D. Tadpole


33. In Plants, the process of pollination enables:

A. Photosynthesis
B. Fertilization
C. Gymnosperm
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Fertilization


34. The normal temperature of Human body is:

A. 35 °C
B. 36 °C
C. 37 °C
D. 38 °C


Correct Answer: C. 37 °C


35. Which is the biggest planet in our solar system?

A. Mercury
B. Earth
C. Mars
D. Jupiter


Correct Answer: D. Jupiter


36. Deficiency of ___ affects bones.

A. Vitamin A & B
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin C
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Vitamin D


37. Term Morphology in linguistics deals with:

A. Study of Meanings
B. Study of Formation of words
C. Study of Abbreviations
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Study of Formation of Words


38. Copper Test checks:

A. Pulse
B. Blood
C. Hemoglobin
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Blood


39. Main constituent of hemoglobin is:

A. Iron
B. Calcium
C. Chlorine
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Iron


40. Term Morphology is biology deals with:

A. Study of Form and structure of animals and plants
B. Study of Human Beings
C. Study of Meaning
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Study of Form and structure of animals and plants


41. Balloon is filled with:

A. Helium
B. Oxygen
C. Argon
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Helium


42. The number of milk teeth in human being is:

A. 20
B. 22
C. 6
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. 20


43. ___ is deemed as father of history?

A. Tabri
B. Herodotus
C. E.H.Carr
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Herodotus


44. ____ is a coinage metal.

A. Nickel
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Copper


45. Unpaired electrons present in orbital can be determine by:

A. Electrical Balance
B. Digital Balance
C. Guoy Balance
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Guoy Balance


46. He2+ is existing while Helium does not, because He2+ has bond order?

A. Non Zero
B. Greater
C. Both A and B
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Non Zero


47. An enantiomer can be detected by:

A. Conduct meter
B. Polarimeter
C. Sonicator
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Polarimeter


48. The 1st organ made in a fetus is:

A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Brain
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Heart


49. Microbes are unicellular organism that are visible only by a microscope, one of its example?

A. Protein
B. Vitamin
C. Protists
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Protists


50. Agar is commercially obtained from:

A. Brown Algae
B. Red Algae
C. Green Algae
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Red Algae


51. Among the following, which substance is not a conductor?

A. Aluminum
B. Silicon
C. Graphite
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Silicon


52. Insulating material are ___ in nature?

A. Polarizing
B. Dielectric
C. Semiconductor
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Polarizing


53. Triglycerides (fats and oils) are made up of:

A. Sugars and Water
B. Glycerol and Amino Acid
C. Fatty acids and Glycerol
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Fatty acids and Glycerol


54. For good vision ___ is important?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin C
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Vitamin A

55. Miscible liquids that have different boiling points can be separated by?

A. Filtration
B. Decanting
C. Distillation
D. None of These


Correct Answer: C. Distillation


56. Because penicillin prevents peptidoglycan synthesis, it is more effective on __ cells?

A. Gram Positive
B. Gram Negative
C. Acid Fast
D. All of these


Correct Answer: A. Gram Positive


57. The genetic information of bacteria is stored in ___, in one circular chromosome?

C. Protein
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. DNA


58. The fact that viruses are obligate intracellular parasites means that they require __ for reproduction.

A. Tissue Culture
B. Host Cell
C. Bacteria
D. All of these


Correct Answer: B. Host Cell


59. Lipid-rich component of bacterial cell are:

A. Capsule
B. Cell Wall
C. Cell membrane
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Cell membrane


60. Greenhouse effect causes.

A. Plants to grow better
B. Global Warming
C. Damaging
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Global Warming


61. The lithosphere of the earth is?

A. Rocky outer Part
B. Innermost Part
C. Middle Post
D. None of These


Correct Answer: A. Rocky outer Part


62. Milky way is a?

A. Star
B. Planet
C. Galaxy
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Galaxy


63. What divides the Earth into the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere?

A. Axis of Rotation
B. South Pole
C. North Pole
D. Equator


Correct Answer: D. Equator


64. Horticulture is the science of?

A. Garden Management
B. Arid Irrigation
C. Water Management
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Garden Management


65. Sedimentary Rocks are formed by a natural process known as ___?

A. Lithification
B. Rejuvenation
C. Hydration
D. Peroxidation


Correct Answer: A. Lithification


66. Atmospheric pressure decreases rapidly with altitude because the air becomes?

A. Colder
B. Less Dense
C. Rich in Ozone
D. Warmer


Correct Answer: B. Less Dense


67. Gneiss, schists, anthracite, diamond, marble state are common examples of___?

A. Sedimentary Rocks
B. Igneous Rocks
C. Metamorphic Rocks
D. Extrusive Igneous Rocks


Correct Answer: C. Metamorphic Rocks


68. The proportion of ___ rocks decreases with depth?

A. Aluminum
B. Silicon
C. Iron
D. Lead


Correct Answer: B. Silicon


69. Regarding food availability, which of the following things inspired people to settle permanently in one location?

A. Tools
B. Agriculture
C. Fishing
D. Industry


Correct Answer: B. Agriculture


70. The Earth surface and crust are constantly evolving due to ___?

A. Rotary Cycle
B. Normal Cycle
C. Rock Cycle
D. Change Cycle


Correct Answer: C. Rock Cycle

71. In Human being blood does not clot due to presence of?

A. Heparin
B. Fibrinogen
C. Vitamin K
D. Thrombin


Correct Answer: A. Heparin


72. Currant is a ____?

A. Vegetable
B. Tool
C. Fruit
D. Machine


Correct Answer: C. Fruit


73. Which instrument is used to measure pressure?

A. Wind Vane
B. Barometer
C. Stadio Meter
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Barometer


74. Science concerned with improving the quality of human off springs is called?

A. Genetics
B. Biology
C. Heredity
D. Eugenics


Correct Answer: D. Eugenics


75. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is?

A. Mesosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Thermosphere
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Troposphere


76. Water boils at 100° degree on Celsius scale. What is boiling point of water on Fahrenheit scale?

A. 373F
B. 273F
C. 212F
D. 210F


Correct Answer: C. 212F


77. Which converts sound energy into mechanical energy?

A. Loudspeakers
B. Microphones
C. Dynamo
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Microphones


78. The Process in which involves both solid and liquid phase is called?

A. Freezing
B. Boiling
C. Melting
D. Condensation


Correct Answer: C. Melting


79. Which one of the following has no roots flower?

A. Moss
B. Liverworts
C. Both A & B
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Both A & B


80. Ice looks white because?

A. It reflects Lights
B. It absorbs all light
C. It is due to water is white
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. It reflects Lights


81. No of CO2 are present in 220 mg?

A. 5 moles
B. 0.005 mole
C. 5000 moles
D. 10 moles


Correct Answer: B. 0.005 mole


82. How many colours are there in sunlight spectrum?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9


Correct Answer: C. 7


83. Generally, plants take which gas at day time?

A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Carbon mono-oxide
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrogen


Correct Answer: B. Carbon Dioxide


84. Hydrophytes is associated with ____?

A. Benzene
B. Water
C. Gas
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Water


85. Which of the following cannot be transplanted?

A. Liver
B. Kidney
C. Brain
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Brain


86. The smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system is___?

A. Nephron
B. Neuron
C. Dendrites
D. Cerebrum


Correct Answer: B. Neuron


87. Asthma occurs due to ____?

A. Air Pollution
B. Water Pollution
C. Land Pollution
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Air Pollution


88. Another name of Erythrocytes is ___?

A. White Blood Cell
B. Platelets
C. Red Blood Cell
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Red Blood Cell


89. Beriberi occurs due to the deficiency of ___?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D


Correct Answer: B. Vitamin B


90. Malaria is a disease caused by ____?

A. Fungi
B. Parasites
C. Bacteria
D. None of these


Correct Answer: B. Parasites


91. Milk contains the fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and ___?

A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin K
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Vitamin K


92. The study of cancer is called ____?

A. Ichthyology
B. Ecology
C. Meteorology
D. Oncology


Correct Answer: D. Oncology


93. Which of the following is the largest search engines of the Internet?

A. Google
B. Yahoo
C. Baidu
D. Bing


Correct Answer: A. Google


94. Which one of the following has its own light?

A. Moon
B. Planet
C. Asteroid
D. Star


Correct Answer: D. Star


95. A person of ___ blood group is called as universal recipient?

A. A+
B. B+
C. AB+
D. O+


Correct Answer: C. AB+


96. Cholera disease occurs due to contaminated ____?

A. Water
B. Air
C. Land
D. None of these


Correct Answer: A. Water


97. AIDS stands for ____?

A. Aggressive Immune Difieciency System
B. Active Immuno Deficiency System
C. Active Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
D. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome


Correct Answer: D. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome


98. 1 Cubic foot per second unit of water management is equal to ___?

A. 5,4805 gallons
B. 6,4805 gallons
C. 7,4805 gallons
D. 8,4805 gallons


Correct Answer: C. 7,4805 gallons


99. Transformer is used to ____?

A. Decrease Voltage
B. Increase Voltage
C. Both a & b
D. None of these


Correct Answer: C. Both a & b


100. The substance in human body which fights disease is ___?

A. Vaccines
B. Serums
C. Viruses
D. Anti-Bodies


Correct Answer: D. Anti-Bodies


101. ____ are used for the growth of the body?

A. Proteins
B. Fats
C. Carbohydrates
D. Fiber


Correct Answer: A. Proteins

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