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Solved MCQs on Biology New

Biology MCQs With Answers Set 1

1. Science is the study that includes _____.

A). Experiments

B). Observation

C). Both a and b

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: C
2. Scientific study of living organisms is called _____.

A). Chemistry

B). Biotechnology

C). Geology

D). Biology

View Answer
Correct: D
3. Word "Biology" has been derived from _____.

A). French

B). English

C). Greek

D). Italian

View Answer
Correct: C
4. The word "Logos" means _____.

A). Reasoning

B). Thought

C). Both a and b

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: C
5. The division of biology that deals with study of animals is called _____.

A). Botany

B). Zoology

C). Microbiology

D). Anatomy

View Answer
Correct: B
6. The branch of biology that deals with the study of form and structures of living organism is called _____.

A). Morphology

B). Anatomy

C). Histology

D). Cell biology

View Answer
Correct: A
7. The microscopic study of tissues _____.

A). Histology

B). Entomology

C). Pharmacology

D). Paleontology

View Answer
Correct: A
8. Histology is the scientific study of _____.

A). Muscles

B). Cells

C). Organs

D). Tissues

View Answer
Correct: D
9. The study of the functions of different parts of living organisms is called _____.

A). Morphology

B). Anatomy

C). Histology

D). Physiology

View Answer
Correct: D
10. The study of structure and functions of cells and cell organelles is _____.

A). Histology

B). Anatomy

C). Cell biology

D). Paleontology

View Answer
Correct: C
11. The study of internal structure is called _____.

A). Cell Biology

B). Anatomy

C). Morphology

D). Physiology

View Answer
Correct: B
12. The study of inheritance is called _____.

A). Embryology

B). Physiology

C). Genetics

D). Zoology

View Answer
Correct: C
13. The study of Genes and their roles in inheritance is called _____.

A). Anatomy

B). Inheritance

C). Genetics

D). Histology

View Answer
Correct: C
14. The study of remains of extinct organisms _____.

A). Taxonomy

B). Biotechnology

C). Paleontology

D). Entomology

View Answer
Correct: C
15. The study of fossil is called _____.

A). Immunology

B). Paleontology

C). Pharmacology

D). Parasitology

View Answer
Correct: B
16. Molecular biology is also known as _____.

A). Biochemistry

B). Biometry

C). Bioeconomics

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: A
17. The branch of biology that deals with the study of social behavior of the animals that make societies _____.

A). Parasitology

B). Immunology

C). Socio Biology

D). Entomology

View Answer
Correct: C
18. Study of insects is called _____.

A). Entomology

B). Embryology

C). Histology

D). Immunology

View Answer
Correct: A
19. Study of occurrence and distributions of living organisms in different regions of World _____.

A). Biochemistry

B). Biogeography

C). Biometry

D). Entomology

View Answer
Correct: B
20. The cost and profit value of yield of wheat crop can be calculated through _____.

A). Bioeconomics

B). Biogeography

C). Biophysics

D). Biometry

View Answer
Correct: A
21. The art of gardening _____.

A). Agriculture

B). Animal Husbandry

C). Forestry

D). Horticulture

View Answer
Correct: D
22. Profession dealing with production of useful products through micro-organisms _____.

A). Animal Husbandry

B). Biotechnology

C). Microbiology

D). Biochemistry

View Answer
Correct: B
23. Total number of elements that occur in Nature _____.

A). 80

B). 88

C). 90

D). 92

View Answer
Correct: D
24. Elements that take part in making body mass of a living organisms _____.

A). 15

B). 16

C). 17

D). 18

View Answer
Correct: B
25. Percentage composition of water in protoplasm of all living things _____.

A). 50-60%

B). 60-70%

C). 70-80%

D). 80-90%

View Answer
Correct: B
26. The element mostly present in an individual is _____.

A). Nitrogen

B). Carbon

C). Hydrogen

D). Oxygen

View Answer
Correct: D
27. Percentage composition of oxygen in the protoplasm of living organisms _____.

A). 31%

B). 43%

C). 65%

D). 77%

View Answer
Correct: C
28. Percentage composition of hydrogen in the protoplasm of living organisms _____.

A). 10%

B). 20%

C). 30%

D). 40%

View Answer
Correct: A
29. Protons and Neutrons are included in _____ level.

A). Molecular

B). Atomic

C). Organelle

D). Sub-Atomic

View Answer
Correct: D
30. Which one of the following is Macromolecule?

A). Glucose

B). Water

C). Hydrogen

D). Starch

View Answer
Correct: D

Biology MCQs Set 2

1. Which of the following is a micromolecule?

A). Lipid

B). Starch

C). Protein

D). Glucose

View Answer
Correct: D
2. In how many groups biomolecules are divided?

A). Two

B). Three

C). Four

D). Five

View Answer
Correct: A
3. Biomolecules assemble in a particular way and form _____.

A). Cell

B). Organ

C). Organelle

D). Tissue

View Answer
Correct: C
4. Which level of organization is not visible in plants?

A). Individual Level

B). Organ system level

C). Organ

D). Tissue

View Answer
Correct: B
5. An example of plant tissue _____.

A). Connective tissue

B). Nervous tissue

C). Muscular tissue

D). Ground tissue

View Answer
Correct: D
6. Similar cells organized into groups and performing same function are known as _____.

A). Organ system

B). Tissue

C). Organ

D). Organelle

View Answer
Correct: B

7. Stomach consists of _____.

A). Epithelial Tissue

B). Muscular tissue

C). Connective tissue

D). Both a and b

View Answer
Correct: D
8. Members of the same species living in same place are called _____.

A). Habitat

B). Community

C). Biosphere

D). Population

View Answer
Correct: D
9. The area of the environment in which organism lives _____.

A). Ecosystem

B). Habitat

C). Biosphere

D). Both a and b

View Answer
Correct: B
10. Which one is not a complex community?

A). Pond

B). Habitat

C). Forest

D). A fallen log

View Answer
Correct: D
11. Zone of life on earth _____.

A). Community

B). Ecosystem

C). Biosphere

D). None of these

View Answer
Correct: C
12. Number of major groups in which all the organisms have been divided _____.

A). 2

B). 3

C). 4

D). 5

View Answer
Correct: D
13. What is true About Amoeba?

A). Multi-cellular eukaryote

B). Unicellular Prokaryote

C). Simple Multi-cellular

D). Unicellular Eukaryote

View Answer
Correct: D

14. Amoeba is _____.

A). Autotrophic

B). Heterotrophic

C). Both a and b

D). Ectoparasites

View Answer
Correct: B
15. Which one organism has colonial mode of life?

A). Amoeba

B). Volvox

C). Paramecium

D). Euglena

View Answer
Correct: B
16. What is true about volvox?

A). Unicellular eukaryote

B). Multicellular eukaryote

C). Unicellular prokaryote

D). Colonial eukaryote

View Answer
Correct: D
17. The scientific name Brassica campestris is for the plant _____.

A). Mango

B). Apple

C). Mustard

D). Melon

View Answer
Correct: C
18. Mustard plant is sown in _____.

A). Summer

B). Winter

C). Spring

D). Autumn

View Answer
Correct: B

19. Organ of plant that takes part in sexual reproduction _____.

A). Stem

B). Root

C). Leaf

D). Flower

View Answer
Correct: D
20. Types of tissues present in frog _____.

A). Glandular

B). Epithelial

C). Muscular

D). All of these

View Answer
Correct: D
21. The assembling of organelles leads to the formation of _____.

A). Atoms

B). Cells

C). Tissues

D). Molecules

View Answer
Correct: B
22. The bio-elements are combined instead of isolation through _____.

A). Covalent bonding only

B). Ionic bonding only

C). Micro bonding

D). Ionic and covalent bonding

View Answer
Correct: D
23. Biomolecule having low molecular weight is known as _____.

A). Micro molecule

B). Macro molecules

C). Complex molecule

D). Compounds

View Answer
Correct: A

24. The organ system by which the digestion process is carried is called _____.

A). Endoplasmic system

B). Muscular system

C). Digestive system

D). Molecular system

View Answer
Correct: C
25. The organelle which is responsible for protein synthesis is _____.

A). Ribosomes

B). Golgi bodies

C). Endoplasmic reticulum

D). Cytoplasm

View Answer
Correct: A
26. The stones in kidneys are removed by a technique called _____.

A). Dialysis

B). Renal surgery

C). Lithotripsy

D). Farming

View Answer
Correct: B
27. The organelle which is responsible for cellular respiration is _____.

A). Ribosomes

B). Mitochondria

C). Cytoplasm

D). Epithelial tissue

View Answer
Correct: B
28. The organ which is specialized for food storing and digestion of proteins is _____.

A). Lungs

B). Stomach

C). Kidneys

D). Liver

View Answer
Correct: B
29. The branches, roots, stems, and leaves are classified as _____.

A). Vegetative organs

B). Unicellular organs

C). Vegetative organs

D). Reproductive organs

View Answer
Correct: C
30. The study of naming and classification of organisms into groups and subgroups is called _____.

A). Entomology

B). Immunology

C). Paleontology

D). Taxonomy

View Answer
Correct: D

Biology MCQs With Answers Set 3

1. Zoology deals with the study of _____?

A). Plants

B). Animals

C). Atom

D). Cell

2. The scientific study of Plants is called _____?

A). Botany

B). Zoology

C). Anatomy

D). Histology

3. Economically study of animals called _____?

A). Biophysics

B). Bioeconomics

C). Biogeography

D). Biochemistry

4. Study of drugs and their effects on the human body is called _____?

A). Anatomy

B). Physiology

C). Pharmacology

D). Histology

5. The study of the molecules of life is called _____?

A). Immunology

B). Physiology

C). Anatomy

D). Molecular Biology

6. The branch of biology which deals with the study of nucleic acid is called _____?

A). Taxonomy

B). Molecular biology


D). Embryology

7. Allah made every living thing from _____?

A). Water

B). Soil

C). Air

D). Fire

8. Reproductive organ of the Plant is _____?

A). Root

B). Stem

C). Flower

D). Leaf

9. The number of bio elements in nature is _____?

A). 13

B). 14

C). 15

D). 16

10. An example of Unicellular is _____?

A). Frog

B). Horse

C). Euglena

D). Rabbit

11. An example of the organ is _____?

A). Carbon

B). Stomach

C). Electron

D). Neuron

12. An example of bio-molecule is _____?

A). Iodine

B). Chlorine

C). Proton

D). Protein

13. How many elements make 99% of the total mass?

A). Four

B). Ten

C). Eight

D). Six

14. Organelles assemble to form _____?

A). Cells

B). Tissues

C). Systems

D). Organ

15. An example of Bioelement is _____?

A). Bromine

B). Cobalt

C). Carbon

D). Aluminium

16. The element that makes 3% of the total mass of a living organism is _____?

A). Oxygen

B). Carbon

C). Hydrogen

D). Nitrogen

17. Epidermal tissue is found in _____?

A). Pigeon

B). Sparrow

C). Onion

D). Crow

18. The part of the earth where communities of living organisms exist is called _____?

A). Ecosystem

B). Biosphere

C). Population

D). Habitat

19. Which of these does not represent a unicellular organization?

A). Amoeba

B). Volvox

C). Paramecium

D). Bacteria

20. An example of Volvox is _____?

A). Brown alga

B). Blue-green alga

C). Red alga

D). Green alga

21. Frog has two eyes, each of which has _____?

A). One eyelid

B). Two eyelids

C). Three eyelids

D). No eyelid

22. An example of the multi-cellular organism is _____?

A). Frog

B). Euglena

C). Amoeba

D). Bacteria

23. Scientific name of pea plant is _____?

A). Homosaplens

B). Pisum Indicum

C). Dilbergia Sisso

D). Pisum Sativum

24. Euglena is an example of _____?

A). Acellular

B). Unicellular

C). Multicellular

D). Colonial

25. If a scientist is studying the methods of inserting human inserting genes in bacteria, which branch of biology may this be _____?

A). Pharmacology

B). Physiology

C). Biotechnology

D). Anatomy

26. Which one will be the correct sequence of the levels of organization of life?

A). Molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, individual

B). Cell, organelle, molecule, organ tissue, organ system, individual

C). Organ, organ system, individual, cell, organcell

D). Molecule, tissue, organelle, cell organ system, organ, individual

27. Which of the following group includes organisms of all which are absorptive in the nutrition?

A). Bacteria

B). Animals

C). Protists

D). Fungi

29. Which of these tissues also make the glandular tissue in animals?

A). Connective tissue

B). Epithelial tissue

C). Nervous tissue

D). Muscular tissue

30. When we study the feeding relations among different animal species of a forest, at what level of organization we are studying _____?

A). Community

B). Biosphere

C). Population

D). Individual

4:04 AM

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