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English Preposition Solved MCQs

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 1

1. Nafeesa is afraid_____ spiders.

A). from

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
2. I am worried_____ the exam.

A). in

B). about

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
3. He looks upset, I think he took the criticism_____ heart.

A). to

B). about

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
4. I am envious_____ them.

A). of

B). about

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
5. He confided_____ me.

A). about

B). in

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B

6. They decided_____ the grey sofa.

A). about

B). on

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
7. She suffers_____ a heart disease.

A). about

B). in

C). from

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
8. The teacher set some homework_____ the end of the lesson.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). at

View Answer
Correct: D
9. I am good_____ tennis.

A). about

B). in

C). at

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
10. We arrived_____ the station an hour late.

A). about

B). in

C). at

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
11. He is interested_____ history.

A). about

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
12. Please do not interfere_____ my personal affairs.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
13. Green pepper is very rich_____ vitamin C.

A). of

B). about

C). on

D). in

View Answer
Correct: D
14. He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing _____ him.

A). on

B). in

C). at

D). about

View Answer
Correct: C
15. She cares_____ the environment.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). about

View Answer
Correct: D
16. It was kind_____ you to help.

A). of

B). in

C). about

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
17. Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing_____ the bad weather.

A). in

B). to

C). of

D). about

View Answer
Correct: B
18. What did you make_____ the lecture?

A). in

B). on

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
19. He was accused_____ theft.

A). on

B). about

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
20. As_____ me, I will be happy to lend a hand.

A). in

B). for

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
21. It differs_____ their last suggestion.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). from

View Answer
Correct: D
22. I am _____ favour the idea. I think it will work well.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). about

View Answer
Correct: B
23. What is the cause_____ the problem?

A). of

B). on

C). about

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
24. I would like to thank you_____ behalf of all of us.

A). on

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
25. He is jealous_____ her success.

A). about

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
26. Everything is_____ control there is no need to worry.

A). about

B). under

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
27. He is married_____ Maria.

A). about

B). to

C). of

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
28. He does not care_____ losing his job.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
29. I never listen_____ the radio.

A). to

B). of

C). about

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
30. Do not take any notice_____ him.

A). about

B). on

C). of

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 2

1. I am fed up_____ his mess.


B). of

C). about

D). in

View Answer

Correct: A

2. He is tired_____ their complaints

A). about

B). of

C). on

D). in

View Answer

Correct: B

3. She will be there_____ you

A). for

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer

Correct: A

4. The trouble_____ him is that he never knows when to keep quiet.

A). about

B). in

C). with

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

5. Shall I ask_____ the bill?


B). in

C). of

D). for

View Answer

Correct: D

6. Everybody blamed him_____ the accident.

A). for

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer

Correct: A

7. Congratulations_____ your engagement.

A). about

B). in

C). on

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

8. She is sick_____ her job.

A). in

B). about

C). on

D). of

View Answer

Correct: D

9. The mission is_____ United Nations control.

A). about

B). under

C). in

D). of

View Answer

Correct: B

10. I need it by Friday_____ the latest.

A). at

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer

Correct: A

11. They are associated_____ our company.

A). about

B). with

C). in

D). of

View Answer

Correct: B

12. She has nothing_____ common with them.

A). in

B). of

C). about

D). on

View Answer

Correct: A

13. Their share price fell to_____ ten rupees yesterday.

A). under

B). below

C). both a and b

D). not a nor b

View Answer

Correct: C

14. I could not find the solution_____ the problem.

A). about

B). in

C). to

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

15. Their boss has them all completely_____ her thumb. They are really scared of her.

A). under

B). about

C). in

D). of

View Answer

Correct: A

16. In the_____ example, you can see how it works.

A). in

B). about

C). above

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

17. They walked_____ the bridge.

A). in

B). about

C). over

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

18. _____ all, you should make sure there are no typos.

A). in

B). about

C). above

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

19. The goods that had not been claimed were sold_____ the Police Property Act.

A). in

B). under

C). of

D). about

View Answer

Correct: B

20. He was in prison for_____ three years.

A). over

B). about

C). of

D). in

View Answer

Correct: A

21. They have closed_____ 50 newspapers this year.

A). in

B). over

C). of

D). about

View Answer

Correct: B

22. It is only_____ the end of the book that we find out who the father really was.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). at

View Answer

Correct: D

23. You have finished _____ last at last.

A). about

B). in

C). of

D). at

View Answer

Correct: D

24. I know nothing _____ the matter.

A). in

B). about

C). of

D). on

View Answer

Correct: B

25. The company has been _____ fire from investors because of its poor performance this year.

A). under

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer

Correct: A

26. The results were _____ average.

A). about

B). above

C). in

D). of

View Answer

Correct: B

27. What is the matter _____ her?

A). of

B). about

C). with

D). on

View Answer

Correct: C

28. She is feeling a bit _____ par.

A). below

B). under

C). both a and b

D). not a nor b

View Answer

Correct: C

29. They manufacture it _____ licence from the parent company.

A). about

B). in

C). under

D). of

View Answer

Correct: C

30. That reminds me _____ when I was at university.

A). about

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer

Correct: B


View Answer
Correct: A
28. She is obsessed _____ her project.

A). by

B). in

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
29. They were driving too fast _____ 150 kph.

A). above

B). over

C). both a and b

D). not a nor b

View Answer
Correct: C
30. She spent a fortune _____ that painting.

A). about

B). in

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C


28. There is an eraser _____ the end of my pencil.

A). in

B). of

C). on

D). about

View Answer
Correct: C
29. We were exhausted _____ the end of the journey.

A). in

B). by

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
30. They could not decide which one they liked and _____ the end they didn't bother.

A). of

B). at

C). in

D). about

View Answer
Correct: C

A). at

B). until

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
29. It must be finished _____ Friday afternoon.

A). by

B). of

C). at

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
30. She will be staying at the hotel _____ Friday.

A). at

B). until

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 6

1. A hare fell _____ a well.


B). into

C). at

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
2. My watch is _____ the table.

A). in

B). at

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
3. I am going _____ Paris.

A). to

B). for

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
4. He will reach here _____ sunset.

A). in

B). for

C). at

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
5. I shall leave for Mumbai _____ 6 o clock in the morning.

A). at

B). in

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
6. She will come here _____ the evening.

A). about

B). on

C). in

D). at

View Answer
Correct: C
7. Did he leave for New York _____ the month of July?

A). for

B). in

C). from

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
8. There are many buildings worth seeing _____ Hong Kong.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). at

View Answer
Correct: B
9. He was busy _____ his office work.

A). on

B). for

C). at

D). in

View Answer
Correct: D
10. Nelson Mandela was born _____ Mvezo in South Africa.

A). upon

B). in

C). at

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
11. Aslam sat _____ the roof of bus.

A). upon

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: D
12. The cat sprang _____ the rat.

A). upon

B). in

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
13. David reached Germany _____ the 7th of January.

A). of

B). upon

C). on

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
14. The ball fell _____ the well.

A). on

B). into

C). at

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
15. He jumped _____ the river from bridge.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). into

View Answer
Correct: D
16. Pakistan defeated India _____ 1965 war.

A). of

B). in

C). at

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
17. He will return my software engineering books ____ a week.

A). in

B). to

C). of

D). at

View Answer
Correct: A
18. He said to me I shall return your money _____ a week.

A). in

B). within

C). at

D). for

View Answer
Correct: B
19. Maria came to Sydney _____ six years.

A). on

B). after

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
20. Divide this money _____ Elizabeth and Jennifer.

A). within

B). between

C). among

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
21. Distribute this match winning prize _____ all the team players.

A). among

B). within

C). between

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
22. These four monkeys always quarrel _____ themselves in cage.

A). on

B). in

C). among

D). between

View Answer
Correct: C
23. There is a large table _____ the cupboard and the wall.

A). among

B). between

C). within

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
24. Susan came _____ three days.

A). on

B). in

C). at

D). after

View Answer
Correct: D
25. He was standing _____ the wall.

A). after

B). of

C). behind

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
26. We must finish our work ____ 4 o' clock.

A). about

B). by

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
27. You should wait here _____ I come.

A). about

B). to

C). till

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
28. A voice came _____ the dinning table.

A). to

B). at

C). from

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
29. They parked their car _____ a parking place.

A). to

B). at

C). on

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
30. Lisa looked _____ the departmental stores.

A). at

B). on

C). of

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 7

1. We must abide _____ the law.


B). in

C). about

D). by

View Answer
Correct: D
2. He was absent _____ the meeting.

A). in

B). from

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
3. Ali was accused _____ theft.

A). of

B). about

C). in

D). by

View Answer
Correct: A
4. We must act _____ the teachings of Islam.

A). of

B). upon

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
5. I agree _____ you in this critical matter.

A). to

B). among

C). with

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
6. I agree _____ your wedding proposal.

A). with

B). to

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
7. I am angry _____ your behaviour.

A). about

B). of

C). at

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
8. The train arrived _____ the station in time.

A). at

B). in

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
9. The accused appeared _____ the judge.

A). to

B). in

C). after

D). before

View Answer
Correct: D
10. You should be ashamed _____ your misconduct.

A). to

B). by

C). at

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
11. Rohail aspires _____ become a doctor.

A). to

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
12. You should be aware ______ your faults.

A). by

B). in

C). of

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
13. The muslims always beg _____ Allah's help.

A). of

B). by

C). to

D). for

View Answer
Correct: D
14. Muslims believe _____ one God named Allah.

A). of

B). in

C). for

D). by

View Answer
Correct: B
15. Jazzy was born _____ a rich family.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). to

View Answer
Correct: B
16. The prime minister of Pakistan belongs ______ Pakistan Tehrek-e-Insaf.

A). of

B). with

C). to

D). by

View Answer
Correct: C
17. Sam does not care _____ his children.

A). for

B). to

C). of

D). about

View Answer
Correct: A
18. Cathrene is very careful ______ her long hair.

A). in

B). at

C). about

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
19. I have confidence _____ my ability to appear _____ PPSC interview.

A). on

B). for

C). of

D). in

View Answer
Correct: D
20. I congratulated Ariana _____ her birthday.

A). to

B). for

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
21. I am conscious ______ my weakness.

A). of

B). for

C). in

D). from

View Answer
Correct: A
22. He has no control _____ his bad language.

A). over

B). in

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
23. Madina is very dear _____ all muslims.

A). of

B). to

C). with

D). for

View Answer
Correct: B
24. Do not depend _____ her greedy selfish friends.

A). on

B). upon

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A,B
25. My letter was delivered _____ me by post office.

A). for

B). of

C). to

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
26. Hundreds of Chinees died _____ Coronavirus.

A). for

B). by

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
27. Pakistan Airforce soldire Rashid Minhas died ______ his country.

A). for

B). to

C). on

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
28. Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik engaged _____ Indian tennes star Sania Malik.

A). with

B). in

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
29. Aslam and Akram are not entitled _____ these comforts.

A). to

B). of

C). with

D). by

View Answer
Correct: A
30. Two and five equal _____ seven but three and five not equal _____ seven.

A). on

B). to

C). of

D). with

View Answer
Correct: B

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 8

1. He is born _____ rich parents.

A). for

B). of

C). from

D). by

View Answer
Correct: B
2. We are committed _____ a policy of peaceful co-existence.

A). to

B). with

C). for

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
3. He insists _____ leaving immediately.

A). against

B). over

C). for

D). on

View Answer
Correct: D
4. His company is greatly sought _____.

A). at

B). after

C). for

D). out

View Answer
Correct: B
5. He is one person, I count _____ in times of difficulty.

A). at

B). in

C). with

D). on

View Answer
Correct: D
6. Fate smiles _____ him in all his ventures.

A). upon

B). at

C). with

D). for

View Answer
Correct: A
7. We are accustomed _____ doing hard work.

A). in

B). of

C). to

D). with

View Answer
Correct: C
8. Few persons in the world die _____ over work.

A). from

B). of

C). with

D). to

View Answer
Correct: A
9. A blind man cannot distinguish light _____ darkness.

A). between

B). from

C). with

D). to

View Answer
Correct: B
10. Will you entrust me _____ that money?

A). to

B). for

C). with

D). by

View Answer
Correct: C
11. He arrived _____ the airport _____ time for the plane.

A). in, in

B). at, on

C). on, in

D). at, in

View Answer
Correct: D
12. You're always _____ a hurry. You drive _____ a tremendous speed.

A). for, at

B). in, at

C). on, with

D). in, with

View Answer
Correct: B
13. I'm interested _____ cricket but I'm not very good _____ it.

A). in, in

B). in, with

C). in, at

D). with, at

View Answer
Correct: C
14. What platform does the train _____ Paris leave _____?

A). for, from

B). of, from

C). in, from

D). for, by

View Answer
Correct: A
15. She was fined _____ parking her car _____ no-parking area.

A). for, on

B). for, in

C). for, at

D). for, with

View Answer
Correct: B
16. The house is _____ fire! Send _____ the Fire Brigade.

A). in, for

B). on, for

C). at, for

D). on, of

View Answer
Correct: B
17. He is not sitting _____ his desk but _____ his armchair.

A). with, on

B). on, on

C). at, in

D). at, on

View Answer
Correct: C
18. A hawker goes _____ house _____ house.

A). to, to

B). from, at

C). by, to

D). from, to

View Answer
Correct: D
19. I have no access _____ the Principal.

A). on

B). to

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
20. You should abstain _____ drinking.

A). from

B). for

C). about

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
21. He did not comply _____ my request.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). with

View Answer
Correct: D
22. I am convinced _____ the necessity of hard work.

A). on

B). in

C). of

D). about

View Answer
Correct: C
23. Your diet is deficient _____ proteins and fats.

A). of

B). on

C). for

D). in

View Answer
Correct: D
24. She was absorbed _____ her studies.

A). on

B). in

C). for

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
25. Death is preferable _____ disgrace.

A). to

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
26. They complained _____ your misbehaviour.

A). about

B). against

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
27. We do not agree _____ his proposal.

A). about

B). to

C). of

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
28. The people did not agree _____ the leader.

A). to

B). in

C). with

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
29. The police charged him _____ stealing the jewels.

A). to

B). of

C). with

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
30. He did not avail himself _____ the opportunity.

A). for

B). on

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 9

1. The players agreed to abide ______ the referee’s decision.


B). in

C). by

D). into

View Answer
Correct: C
2. Modern industry abounds _____ opportunities for young people with good scientific qualifications.

A). in

B). for

C). into

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
3. The children were so absorbed _____ their game that they did not notice the passage of time.

A). to

B). about

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
4. A junior cashier has absconded _____ ten thousand rupees.

A). of

B). with

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: B
5. He was abstained _____ salted food by the doctor.

A). about

B). from

C). on

D). of

View Answer
Correct: B
6. The committee regrets that it cannot accede _____ your request for a month’s unpaid leave.

A). for

B). on

C). in

D). to

View Answer
Correct: D
7. My information does not accord _____ the report which has just been presented.

A). with

B). in

C). from

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
8. I have been accused _____ many things in my life but never of cowardice.

A). to

B). in

C). of

D). at

View Answer
Correct: C
9. You will soon get accustomed _____ the change of climate.

A). to

B). in

C). at

D). for

View Answer
Correct: A
10. The new teacher was very slow to adapt _____ the unusual rules of the school.

A). for

B). in

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
11. He became addicted _____ drug at quite an early age.

A). for

B). by

C). into

D). to

View Answer
Correct: D
12. This paint will adhere _____ any surface whether rough or smooth.

A). by

B). to

C). of

D). from

View Answer
Correct: B
13. It is awful to be afflicted _____ a sense of inferiority.

A). with

B). by

C). at

D). up

View Answer
Correct: A
14. The debate adjourned _____ the following week.

A). on

B). with

C). at

D). to

View Answer
Correct: D
15. This college is affiliated _____ the Preston University.

A). from

B). in

C). to

D). with

View Answer
Correct: C
16. Whether I pay or my wife pays amounts _____ the same thing.

A). for

B). on

C). to

D). into

View Answer
Correct: C
17. The condemned man appealed _____ the court for mercy.

A). in

B). to

C). of

D). from

View Answer
Correct: B
18. Several committee members had not been apprised _____ the contents of the document.

A). of

B). on

C). for

D). from

View Answer
Correct: A
19. I certainly do not approved _____ your riding your motorbike over the speed limit.

A). on

B). about

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: D
20. The success of the project can be ascribed _____ the dodged efforts of ordinary members of the team.

A). in

B). for

C). to

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
21. My father will never assent _____ my spending a holiday abroad before I am 16.

A). to

B). in

C). for

D). from

View Answer
Correct: A
22. The defence of the oil installation had been assigned _____ my regiment.

A). on

B). to

C). of

D). for

View Answer
Correct: B
23. In less than 60 years the refugee from India had become fully assimilated _____ the local community.

A). with

B). on

C). into

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
24. His mind is well attuned ____ mine.

A). on

B). by

C). about

D). to

View Answer
Correct: D
25. This record enables me to balance _____ the facts of my life and decide what to do with it.

A). up

B). on

C). down

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
26. Realizing he could do nothing to save his aircraft, the pilot bailed _____

A). out

B). under

C). in

D). of

View Answer
Correct: A
27. We did not exactly bargain _____ him turning up like that out of the blue.

A). about

B). for

C). of

D). to

View Answer
Correct: B
28. They had few essential supplies to begin _____ so they had to improvise.

A). of

B). for

C). with

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
29. We are trying to make sure that children who can best benefit _____ foster care, do get.

A). to

B). of

C). by

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
30. In their anxiety prisoners would often blurt _____ pieces of vital information.

A). on

B). of

C). for

D). out

View Answer
Correct: D

English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 10

1. She shows the strain of bottled _____ emotion.

A). from

B). in

C). up

D). upto

View Answer
Correct: C
2. He decided to break _____ from the party and seek re-election as an independent.

A). in

B). away

C). up

D). with

View Answer
Correct: B
3. There has been a complete break _____ of law and order.

A). up

B). off

C). down

D). of

View Answer
Correct: C
4. The plague broke _____ in London that summer and hundreds died.

A). out

B). down

C). in

D). up

View Answer
Correct: A
5. There has been an exciting new technological break _____ .

A). about

B). through

C). down

D). for

View Answer
Correct: B
6. Three minutes could bring _____ this transformation.

A). about

B). into

C). up

D). down

View Answer
Correct: D
7. I think we agreed on the main points. Does anyone want to bring _____ anything further.

A). about

B). up

C). around

D). down

View Answer
Correct: B
8. South Africa brushed _____ the threat of tougher economic sanctions.

A). about

B). of

C). off

D). down

View Answer
Correct: C
9. Michael, who has been nervous and jumpy lately suddenly burst ____ tears.

A). into

B). in

C). on

D). with

View Answer
Correct: A
10. The Eagle swooped and carried _____ a sleeping lizard.

A). up

B). down

C). in

D). off

View Answer
Correct: D
11. When one is adolescent one often gets caught up _____ one's thoughts and dreams.

A). around

B). of

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: C
12. When Britain adopted the decimal system for its money, it changed _____ relatively smoothly.

A). in

B). for

C). over

D). to

View Answer
Correct: C
13. A young officer was charged _____ the task of taking 200 prisoners to the rear.

A). for

B). with

C). by

D). in

View Answer
Correct: B
14. When the man saw the police car, he cleared _____ as fast as his legs could carry him.

A). of

B). in

C). to

D). away

View Answer
Correct: A
15. I am not saying I am useless, but machinery and modern techniques have come _____ to make me the odd man out.

A). on

B). through

C). around

D). about

View Answer
Correct: D
16. I came _____ an old friend in the liberty market this morning.

A). around

B). across

C). about

D). with

View Answer
Correct: B
17. When he finally came round _____ writing the letter, he found his feelings were easier to express than he had expected.

A). in

B). to

C). with

D). against

View Answer
Correct: B
18. The modern child finds it difficult to conceive _____ a time when there was no radio or TV.

A). of

B). for

C). in

D). up

View Answer
Correct: A
19. The two were found guilty of robbery, and condemned _____ four years imprisonment.

A). with

B). for

C). to

D). into

View Answer
Correct: C
20. When everyone has been conferred _____ perhaps I can give you an answer.

A). with

B). for

C). to

D). up

View Answer
Correct: A
21. The police men's story conflicts _____ that of the accused.

A). from

B). to

C). with

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
22. Confronted _____ the evidence of half a dozen witnesses, the accused broke down and confessed.

A). to

B). in

C). of

D). with

View Answer
Correct: D
23. If you want to converse _____ Japanese people, why don't you start learning Japanese?

A). in

B). with

C). to

D). into

View Answer
Correct: B
24. In this engine the rotary section corresponds _____ the cylinders of conventional model.

A). to

B). with

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: A
25. You can always count _____ Michael for help when you are in difficulties.

A). to

B). into

C). in

D). on

View Answer
Correct: D
26. Why are so many of us credited _____ so little Intelligence and self-determination?

A). upon

B). for

C). with

D). in

View Answer
Correct: C
27. The truth about the human condition dawns _____ those who have the humility to recognise their unimportance.

A). upon

B). into

C). with

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
28. They are bad people to deal _____, always late in delivery dates.

A). into

B). in

C). upon

D). with

View Answer
Correct: D
29. You will notice water rising in the tube, now what do you deduce _____ that?

A). from

B). for

C). with

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A
30. I felt I must defer _____ my host’s judgement.

A). to

B). from

C). for

D). in

View Answer
Correct: A

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