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Public Administration Solved MCQs

(I) Public Administration may be defined as:
(A) Management of industry
(B) Administration of Public

(C) Management of Property
(D) Administrative Capacity
(E) None of these

(2) The concept of “bounded rationality” was given by:

(A) Wax Weber
(B) F. W. Riggs
(C) Herbert Simon

(D) Abraham Maslow
(E) None of these

(3) Bureaucracy is based on:

(A) Traditional Authority

(B) Personal Authority
(C) Charismatic Authority
(D) Corporate Authority
(E) None of these

(4) Behaviorism is associated with:

(A) Rationalism.
(B) Communication.
(C) Socialism.

(D) Humanism
(E) None of these

(5) The author of “The Function of the Executive” is:

(A) F. W. Taylor
(B) Chester Bernard

(C) Mary Parker Follet
(D) Henry Fayol
(E) None of these

(6) Which of the following is not of the core values of public administration?

(A) Equity
(B) Efficiency
(C) Effectiveness
(D) Bureaucracy
(E) None of these

(7) Which of the following is one of the features of bureaucracy conceived by

Max Weber?
(A) Authority
(B) Hierarchy

(C) Publicness
(D) Civil society
(E) None of these.

(8) Which of the following is an essential component of a formal organization?

(A) Decentralization
(B) Formal Structure
(C) Power
(D) Centralization
(E) None of these

(9) Bureaucracy is a form of:

(A) Political Organization.
(B) Social Organization
(C) Community Organization
(D) Private organization
(E) None of these

(10) McGregor’s name is most commonly associated with one of the following:

(A) Bureaucratic Theory
(B) Scientific Management
C) Theory X and theory Y

(D) Human Relations
(E) None of these

(11) Legal-rational authority” is a core concept of:

(A) Public Choice Theory
(B) Theory of Emergency
(C) Maslow’s Theory of Motivation
(D) Theory of Bureaucracy

(E) None of these

(12}One of the four functional imperative of a system identified by the Talcott Parsons is:

(A) Efficiency
(B) Effectiveness
(C) Adaptation
(D) Entropy 
(E) None of these

(13) “Entropy” is a law of nature in which all forms of organizations move towards:

(A) Growth and Continuity
(D) Continuous Improvement
(C) Rebirth and Emergency
(D) Disorganization and Death

(E) None of these

(14) One choice theory is economic explanation of:

(A) Religion
(B) Islam.
(C) Political decision making
(D) Psychology.

(E) None of these.

(15) System. Theory is associated with the work of following:

(A) Leonard While
(B) Mary Parker Follet
(C) Talcott Parsons.

(D) F.W. Taylor
(E) None of these

(16) Which one of the following is the foundation of modern Human Resource

(A) Specialization.

(B) Compensation
(C) Job Analysis
(D) Job Evaluation
(E) None of these

(17) The process of transmitting the idea or thought into meaningful symbols is called:

(A) Decoding
(B) Feedback
(C) Reception
(D) Encoding.

(E) None of these

(18) Which of the following will not be considered as a formal organization?

(A) A Hospital
(B) A University
(C) A Group of Friends.

(D) A Service Industry
(E) None of these

(19) Which of the following violates the principle of Utility of Command?

(A) Bureaucratic Organization
(B) Functional Organization

(C) Manufacturing Organization
(D) Product Organization
(E) None of these.

(20) Which of the following is not a feature of good governance?

(A) Accountability
(B) Transparency
(C) Nepotism.

(D) Rule of law
(E) None or these.


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