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List of Facts About Human Body (Updated).

List of Facts About Human Body (Updated)


  1. Normal temperature of body is 98.4 deg: F = 37 deg: C
  2. Corrine is used as a paralyzing agent
  3. A nerve cell is called neuron. Each neuron has several inputs called dendrites and a single output called axon
  4. The weakest bone is clavicle bone
  5. The hardest bone is collar bone
  6. The part of small intestine that joins large intestine is colon
  7. The hardest part of the body is the tooth
  8. Systole is heart contraction
  9. Diastole is heart relaxation
  10. Dendrites are connected with neurons
  11. Epidermis = outer skin is called the True skin, it is free from blood vessels and its cells are nourished by lymph
  12. Tendons hold muscles to the bones.
  13. The largest part of the human brain is the Cerebrum
  14. Blood fails to clot in the absence of Calcium
  15. the two most abundant elements by mass found in Earth’s crust are Oxygen and Silicon
  16. The eardrum helps in keeping balance of the body
  17. In general, the probability of flooding decreases when there is an
  18. increase in the amount of infiltration
  19. Where is the ‘Atlas’ bone in the human body located? Neck
  20. What does intelligent people have more in their hair? zinc and copper
  21. Which base differentiates DNA and RNA? Uracil
  22. Eye is filled with liquids: two
  23. What is the name of bones of human finger? Phalanges
  24. Pons varolii is found in brain
  25. Human brain contains 4/5th of water
  26. % of water in the body is 70%
  27. Carbon in human body is 18%
  28. Heart is conical in shape
  29. Weight of heart is 9 ounces with 4 cavities
  30. Weight of kidney is 41/2 ounces
  31. Weight of brain is 1.4 kg and it consists of 14 billion nerve cells
  32. Right kidney is shorter and little lower than left
  33. Kidneys are supplied blood though renal arteries
  34. Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through Heptic Portal vein
  35. Coronary artery supplies blood to heart
  36. Each kidney contains about one million nephrons
  37. Eye ball is moved by six muscles
  38. Most active muscle of human body is eye muscle
  39. Digestion of food takes 3 to 4 hours in stomach
  40. Capacity of stomach is one and a half kilo of food
  41. Clavicle is the collar bone
  42. Scapula is the shoulder bone
  43. Sternum is the chest bone
  44. There are 24 ribs
  45. Spinal cord has 33 disks
  46. Bones in hand are 27
  47. Ulna is the bone of forearm
  48. Radius is the second bone of forearm
  49. Carpal are 8 small bones of wrist
  50. Tarsal is the ankle bone
  51. Femur and patella (knee cap), tibia and fibula are bones of lower limbs
  52. Femur is the longest bone
  53. Head or skull has 29 bones
  54. Total bones are 206
  55. Total muscles are 600 (chk 650)
  56. 60 thousand miles of capillaries of blood
  57. Chemically finger nails are made of protein
  58. Nails are made of a tough material called keratin
  59. Average body has 2 square yards of skin
  60. Weight of skin is 6 pounds
  61. Smallest bone is stirrup in the ear about 1/10th of an inch
  62. A newborn baby has 300 bones
  63. In 22 weeks baby is formed completely
  64. Ovum is a female germ cell
  65. The sensation of skin is perceived by epidermis
  66. Number of systems in body are of 7 types
  67. Man breathes 20,000 times in a day
  68. Root of hair is called follicle
  69. More than 2/3rd of body weight is made of fluids/water
  70. Messages sent in brain at 240 miles/hour
  71. Weight of eyes is 1 ½ ounces each
  72. There are 100,000 hairs
  73. Muscle of jaw exerts 219 kg weight
  74. Circadian rhythm is a medical term of heart beat
  75. Atmosphere exerts a pressure of 15 pounds per square inch on human body
  76. Iris of eye regulates the quantity of light admitted into the eye ball
  77. Outer layer of eyeball is called sclerotic
  78. The front portion of sclerotic is called cornea
  79. In eye a convex lens is placed
  80. Cornea is the only part of body without blood supply
  81. In front of eye is Cornea, which bends light as it passes into the eyeball. It is covered by a thing membrane called Conjunctiva.
  82. Image made on ratina is upside down, but our brain turns it right.
  83. Behind the Cornea is a sheet of muscles called the Iris with the small hole in the middle called the pupil.
  84. Iris manages the amount of light entry into eye. In dark it relaxes to let pupil enter light as much as possible and in bright light it contracts.
  85. The muscles attached to the lens are ciliary muscles. These muscles can contract the lens thin to see distant objects and for close objects these muscles relax.
  86. Retina contains cone shaped cells that can detect colors.
  87. Retina contains rod shaped cells that can see dim light.
  88. In the centre of retina is a small yellow area called the fovea where each cell has its own connection to the brain.
  89. Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up.
  90. The defect of vision because of which a person cannot see distant
  91. objects clearly: Myopia or Short sightedness
  92. Where on your body are the most sweat glands-Feet
  93. Your eyeballs are 3.5% what-Salt
  94. The human bodies got 45 miles of them – what-Nerves
  95. Where is your zygomatic bone-Cheek
  96. Pancreas lies partly on the left side and partly on the right side of the body.
  97. Development of calf muscles in ladies who wear high heels is a common example of: Use and disuse of organ
  98. Cerumen is the technical name for what body part-Earwax
  99. Skin does not excrete oil.
  100. Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.
  101. Liver receives blood from the alimentary canal through hepatic portal vein.
  102. For short-sightedness (man cannot see distant objects) a concave lens is used
  103. For long-sightedness (man cannot see near objects) a convex lens is used
  104. Concave mirrors are used as shaving mirrors, doctors use concave mirrors for the examination of ear, nose or eyes of a patient
  105. Concave mirrors are used to focus light in case of searchlights
  106. and headlights of automobiles.
  107. Cerebellum co-ordinates movements, conscious control and balance, allowing you to move smoothly.
  108. The largest and most complicated part of brain is cerebrum. It controls conscious actions, speech and all your senses. It also does all your thinking and is the centre of memory and learning. It has two halves linked by bundles of nerve fibres. Its right side does artistic, creative tasks while the left is responsible for understanding, reading and thinking
  109. A reflex action is controlled by the nerves of the spinal cord without involving brain.
  110. Skeleton word comes from a Greek word meaning dried up
  111. Most abundant mineral in human body is calcium
  112. Iris in the eye contracts on the entry of light.
  113. Retina acts as a lens in the entry of light.
  114. Weight of heart is 300 gram.
  115. Water in human body is 85%
  116. A human being drinks 27 tons of water in a year
  117. Peritoneum is a membrane
  118. Unused fat in body is converted into animal fat and stored in different parts of body
  119. Substances which bring down body temperature are Antipyretics
  120. Antibodies are proteins
  121. Most easily breakable bone of body is Collar bone
  122. There is 21/2 pounds of calcium in human body
  123. A human body has 236 joints
  124. Dental enamel is the hardest thing present in human body


  1. A 9 inch nail can be made from the iron available in a body
  2. Average weight of man’s brain is 4.8 ounces and femal’s 4.4 ounces
  3. About 900 pencils can be made from the carbon preserved in human body
  4. Skin does not excrete oil.
  5. New varieties of organisms can be brought about by hybridization.
  6. Male child is born if xy chromosomes are united.
  7. Total teeth = 32, eight flat incisors at the front, fount pointed canine and 20 flat-topped pre-molars and molars at the back of the mouth.
  8. Tooth is covered by tough white enamel.
  9. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body and resists almost everything except the acid produced by certain bacteria
  10. Liver is the body’s chemical factory.
  11. Liver is the largest organ in the body.
  12. Liver carries out more than 500 different tasks.
  13. Liver recycles old red blood cells.
  14. Liver takes up and stores glucose from blood.
  15. Liver also absorbs and stores fat and some vitamins.
  16. Liver uses vitamin B12 for making new red blood cells.
  17. Nearly two third of our body is water.
  18. We loose about a liter and a half of water each day in sweating, breathing and urination.
  19. Each kidney is made up of millions of tiny filtering units called Nephrons.
  20. The nephrons can filter about 4 liters of blood every 5 minutes.
  21. Each day about 200 liters of water leaves the blood and passes into the filters most of it is then reclaimed and return to the blood.
  22. Only about a liter of water per day stays in the nephrons to leave the kidney and flow into the bladder as urine.
  23. Urea is poisonous so the kidneys remove all of it from the blood.
  24. The liquid, which leaves the kidney, as urine is about 96% water and just 4% salts and urea.
  25. The urinary bladder can hold about half a liter of urine before we must empty it.
  26. Amniotic sac is a protective bag of fluid in which the baby floats.
  27. A baby is attached to the side of the womb by placenta.
  28. Homo erectus means upright man
  29. Homo sapiens mean wise man
  30. Cells in intestine are easily worn away and live for only a few days.
  31. Bone cells can last for 30 years.
  32. The left ventricle pumps blood all round the body.
  33. Capillaries are so small that they can fit between cells.
  34. A living bone has layers of hard calcium phosphate on the outside and a heycomb of hard bone of living cells inside
  35. Bone marrow supply blood cells over 2 millin every second
  36. In the inner chamber of ear called cochlea, the vibrations send waves of movement through a fluid.
  37. The cochlea is liked with thousands of sensitive hairs.
  38. Thumping of heart or break out of sweat are caused by adrenaline.
  39. From the age of about 5 years a child’s body grows steadily
  40. Protein is a natural polymer
  41. Muscles along the digestive system contract in a sequence called peristalsis to squeeze food along
  42. Nutrients of food are absorbed in blood in a long section of intestine called ileum. If uncoiled, ileum is 5-6 meters long
  43. Eye contains only three types of color-sensitive cells. These cells (called cones) are on retina. The cones respond to red, green and blue light. Brain makes out other colors by combining the signals from these cells.
  44. Ophthalmology deals with Eyes
  45. ORBIS is mobile eye hospital
  46. Synovial fluid is the “joint oil” between bones
  47. The smallest bone in human body is stapes or stirrup bone. It is one of the three auditory ossicles in the middle ear. Its length is
  48. 10 to 0.13 inch.
  49. Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end
  50. You use 14 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.
  51. A living bone has layers of hard calcium, phosphate on the outside and a honeycomb of hard bone are living cells within.
  52. Every second, hundreds of tiny pulses of electricity shoot through your body along living wires called nerves.
  53. There is a place in the retina where the light sensitive cells are interrupted by the presence of the optic nerve head. It is known as The Retinal Neural Transmission Layer.
  54. The cavity of Ascaris is known as Coelom.
  55. The membranous labyrinth of the ear is filled with Endolymph.
  56. Crura-cerebri is found in Mid-brain.
  57. The strongest muscle of the body is the masseter muscle, which is located in the jaw. (Check)
  58. Muscles account for 40 percent of one’s body weight.
  59. There are 230 joints in the body.
  60. Kids have 20 first teeth. Adults have 32 teeth.
  61. The small intestines are about 25 feet long.
  62. The large intestines are five feet long and are three times wider than the small intestines.
  63. Most people shed 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime.
  64. Your body is 70 percent water.
  65. Normal body temperature is 98.6° Fahrenheit.
  66. When you sneeze, air rushes through your nose at a rate of 100 mph.
  67. An eyelash lives about 150 days before it falls out.
  68. Your brain sends messages at the rate of 240 mph.
  69. About 400 gallons of blood flow through your kidneys in one day.
  70. You blink your eyes about 20,000 times a day.
  71. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day.
  72. Humans breathe 20 times per minute, more than 10 million times per year and about 700 million times in a lifetime.
  73. You have about 100,000 hairs on your head.
  74. There are 10 million nerve cells in your brain.
  75. Each of your eyes has 120 million rods, which help you see in black and white.
  76. Each eye has six million cones, which help you see in color.
  77. One in 12 man is colorblind.
  78. Brain of a normal human adult weighs about 3lb
  79. For an adult blood pressure of 120/80 is regarded as ideal and pressure of up to 140/90 is normal.
  80. Iris in the eye contracts on the entry of light.
  81. Retina acts as a lens in the entry of light.
  82. In your body where is the macula- Eye centre of the Retina
  83. Weight of heart is 300 gram.
  84. Heart pumps five liters of blood in 1 minute.
  85. Colon is mainly responsible for water absorption from the undigested residue.
  86. Right kidney in man is slightly lower in position than the left kidney
  87. The movement of food through esophagus is by the muscular action known as: peristaltic
  88. In the human body what is replaced every three months Eyelashes
  89. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing
  90. The thickness of your skin varies from 1/2 to 6 millimeters, depending on the area of your body
  91. The temperature of the dead human body on Celsius scale is 25 c normal room temperature
  92. Where in your body is the labyrinth- Ear
  93. What does a hypodermic literally mean-Under skin
  94. In the body where would you find your villus Small Intestine
  95. Where is the dirtiest skin on your body- The face
  96. The number of the spinal nerves in the man Is 31 pairs.
  97. Part of the human body can expand 20 times its normal size: Stomach 0.5 litres to 5 litres
  98. In the human body where is your occiput: Back of head
  99. Central nervous system controls the reflex action in the body.
  100. The terminal part of vertebral column in man is called Coceyx
  101. The “Urinary system” of the body consists of 3 organs.
  102. Haryersion canals are present in Bone.
  103. The heart bear is initiated and regulated by nodal tissue made of
  104. specialized cardiac muscles called Purkinje tusse.
  105. The gestation period of human being is Nine months.
  106. The first heart sound is produced when Diastole begins.
  107. Where would you find Lunate Triquetral and Hamate-Bones in Wrist
  108. Which part of the human body contains the most gold: Toenails
  109. In the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland Pituitary
  110. Due to buffer system, human blood has a ph of 7.4.
  111. The normal temperature of human body is 98.6 F.
  112. Chemical elements most % human body O 65% C 18% and Hydrogen 10%
  113. Cell membrane is made up of protein and lipid molecules forming a semi permeable membrane.
  114. Carbohydrates in the cell are in from of glycogen.
  115. An epithelium is a collection of cells.
  116. Exoskeleton lies external to the muscles.
  117. Exoskeleton is commonly found in anthropoids and mollusk.
  118. Exoskeleton is composed of dead substances secreted by the cells.
  119. Endoskeleton lies internal to muscles of the body. It is found in all
  120. It is formed of bones and cartilages.
  121. Endoskeleton is composed of living cells.
  122. Ear has 6 bones- Malleus bone (2), Incus bone (2) & stapes (2).
  123. Human skull has 22 bones.
  124. There are 26 vertebrae in the human body.
  125. Total number of ribs are 24- True Ribs (14), False Ribs (6) and floating ribs (4)
  126. Sternum is that bone where the ribs meet medially.
  127. Collarbone are 2, Shoulder bone are 2.
  128. Carpal bones are those bones, which form the wrist numbering 8.
  129. Small forearm bone is radius and main forearm bone is Ulna. Humerus is upper arm bone.
  130. Metacarpal bones are found in hand numbering 5.
  131. Phalanges are small bones present in fingers also called digits. These are 14 in number.
  132. Each leg is composed of 29 bones.
  133. Tarsal bone is also known as the anklebone. These are seven in number.
  134. Phalanges are toe bones numbering 14.
  135. Vertebrae are 33 in number. Vertebral column covers spinal cord and protects it from injury.
  136. Clavicle bones are also known as collarbones. These are two bones.
  137. Scapula is called shoulder bones.
  138. Sternum is called chest bone.
  139. Patella acts like a kneecap and protects the knee joint.
  140. Tibia is the main large bone of the lower leg also known as calfbone.
  141. Fibula is the smaller part of lower leg.
  142. Femur bears the weight of the body. It is in upper leg.
  143. Muscles are composed of threadlike protein structure called myofibril.
  144. The cardiac muscle continues to contract rhythmically even when it is disconnected from the nervous system.
  145. Trapizius muscle is responsible for movement of shoulder.
  146. Sternocleidomastoid muscle is the longest muscle of the body. It bends head and neck.
  147. Brachialis anticus muscle is responsible for bending forearm to the upper arm.
  148. Heart is enclosed in a tough membrane called Pericardium.
  149. There are four chambers of heart.
  150. Heart is surrounded by a fluid called as pericardial fluid.
  151. The weight of the heart in females is 25% lesser than in males.
  152. Excitability and contractility of the heart id due to the presence of myofibrils of actin and myosin.
  153. Purkinjee fibres are tissues of heart.
  154. A Node and A.V Node are special conducting tissues of the heart.
  155. A. Node was discovered by Keith and Flack in 1907.
  156. V Node functions as Pacemaker.
  157. Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from body collected by Superior Vena Cava from head and upper parts while from the lower parts by inferior vena cava.
  158. Right atrium opens into right ventricle through right atrioventricular aperture guarded by bicuspid valve allowing one-way flow of blood.
  159. When right ventricle contracts, the blood is pushed by the way of pulmonary arteries to the lungs for oxygenation.
  160. The left atrium is that chamber which receives the oxygenated blood from lungs by pulmonary veins.
  161. Left atrium opens into left ventricle from there blood is pumped into aorta, which distributes blood to body.
  162. Cardiac cycle consists of three events- Auricular Systole, Ventricular Systole and Diastole.
  163. Each cardiac cycle takes 0.8 seconds.
  164. Aorta is the largest vessel of the body.
  165. The biggest artery is aorta with a diameter of one inch.
  166. Arteries carry blood away from the heart except pulmonary arteries.
  167. Arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary arteries.
  168. The smallest artery is called arteriole.
  169. The walls of veins are much thinner that the arteries.
  170. Coronary arteries supply blood to heart.
  171. Carotid arteries supply blood to head.
  172. Subclavian arteries supply blood to shoulder and forelimbs.
  173. Coelic artery supplies blood to digestive system.
  174. Renal artery supplies blood to kidneys.
  175. Iliac artery supplies blood to legs.
  176. The most important function of perspiration is to regulate the body temperature.
  177. The number of chromosomes in the human body is 46.
  178. First tissue culture was grown in space on Dec: 17, 1997.
  179. The tiny air sacs in the lung tissues are called alveoli.
  180. Farmer’s lung is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
  181. Otalgia is what condition-Earache
  182. Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C, which
  183. is required for the synthesis of collagen in humans.
  184. Scorbutic gums, a symptom of scurvy
  185. Scurvy leads to the formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with
  186. the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized. In advanced scurvy there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth. It was described by Hippocrates
  187. Shortsightedness can be corrected with the use of Concave.
  188. Pancreas lies partly on the left side and partly on the right side of the body.
  189. In total 25 elements are present in the human body

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