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Biological Science Solved MCQs

 Biological Science Solved MCQs

1.  Which subject deals with the integrated functions of the body.

a. Histology                 b. Anatomy                 c. Physiology               d. Psychology Correct answer ( c )

2.  Which functional groups are formed by the association of various tissues.

a. System                     b. Body                       c. Skeleton                  d. Organ Correct answer (d )

3.  What is the thickness of cell membrane

a. 70-100ºA                 b. 100-150ºA               c. 30-60ºA                   d. 10-20ºA

Correct answer (a)


4.  Cell physiology includes application of most of law’s of which subjects.

a. Biology                    b. Chemistry                c. Physics and Chemistry                    d. Physics Correct answer ( c )


5.  The properties of cell that are equated with those of life includes.

a. Growth                    b. Reproduction          c. Metabolism                 d. all Correct answer (d)


6.  Failure of a tissue or organ to develop is called.

a. Hypoplasia              b. Aplasia                    c. Neoplasia                 d. Alopecia Correct answer (b)

7.  Following processes can occur across the cell membrane at the same time.

a. Osmosis                   b. Active transport      c. Both                        d. None of them Correct answer ( c )

8.  The process of taking dissolved material into the substance of the cell is called.

a. Phagocytosis           b. Pinocytosis              c. absorption                d. diffusion Correct answer ( c )


9.  The process by which cell can take in fluid and molecules too large to be carried across the plasma membrane by active transport is called

a. phagocytosis            b. Pinocytosis              c. absorption                d. diffusion Correct answer (b)


10.  If useful products are released from the cell. The process is called

a. secretion                  b. excretion                 c. sweating                  d. urination Correct answer (a)

11.  The property of being able to react to a stimulus is called.

a. conductivity            b. Irritability                c. contractility             d. transmission Correct answer (b)

12.  The property of transmitting an impulse from one point in the cell to another.

a. conductivity            b. Irritability                c. contractility             d. transmission Correct answer (a)


13.  The property of shortening of cell in one direction is called

a. conductivity            b. Irritability                c. contractility             d. transmission Correct answer ( c )


14.  The largest constituent of protoplasm is

a. Proteins                   b. water                       c. lipids                        d. Inorganics Correct answer (b)

15.  Water occurs in the cell as

a. free water                b. bound water            c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


16.  How much percentage of water lies within the body cells.

a. 20%                         b. 40%                         c. 60%                         d. 80%

Correct answer (b)


17.  How much percentage of water lies between the cells.

a.. 5%                          b. 10%                         c. 15%                         d. 20%

Correct answer ( c )

18.  How much percentage of the body water by weight is in the blood plasma.

a. 1%                           b. 5%                           c. 10%                         d. 15%

Correct answer (b)


19.  Metabolic water is the water generated in all cell of the body by

a. ribosome                  b. mitochondria           c.    bodies                   d. centrosome Correct answer (b)

20.  The second largest constituent of protoplasm is

a. water                       b. proteins                   c. lipids                        d. Inorganics Correct answer (b)


21.  Some proteins serve as structural element in

a. hair                          b. wool                        c. horn                         d. all of them Correct answer (d)


22.  Immunity depends on which constituent as antibiodies

a. carbohydrates          b. Proteins                   c. lipid                         d. fats Correct answer (b)



23.  Which protein represent about 30% of the total protein content of the animal body.

a. Collagens                 b. Elastins                    c. Keratins                   d. Fibrin Correct answer (a)


24.  The proteins of wool, hair, horns etc. is called

a. Collagens                 b. Elastins                    c. Keratins                   d. Fibrin Correct answer ( c )


25.  Reactive proteins include

a. Enzymes Correct answer (d)

b. Hormones

c. Globulins of blood

d. All

26. Lipids includes

a. Triglycerides


b. waxes


c. Prostaglandins


d. All

Correct answer (d)





27.  What percentage of the cell is made up of carbohydrates

a. 1%                           b. 2%                           c. 3%                           d. 4%

Correct answer (a)


28.  Energy can be stored more efficiently as

a. Carbohydrates         b. Fats                         c. Proteins                   d. Water Correct answer (b)

29.  Which constituent in the cell has a high rate of utilization as energy

a. Carbohydrates         b. Fats                         c. Proteins                   d. Water Correct answer (a)


30.  RNA is intimately associated with synthesis of which constituent of the cell.

a. Carbohydrates         b. Proteins                   c. Lipids                      d. Inorganics Correct answer (b)


31.  How much percentage of inorganic material is contained in bones.

a. 35%                         b. 45%                         c. 55%                         d. 65%

Correct answer (d)

32.  Which mineral is an essential part of thyroxin

a. Fe                            b. Mg                           c. Iodine                      d. Na Correct answer ( c )


33.  Which mineral is essential part of hemoglobin

a. Iron                          b. Iodine                      c. sodium                     d. magnesium Correct answer (a)



34.  Electrolytes are especially essential to which cells.

a. nerve                        b. muscle                     c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer



35.  Which is the must abundant major ion found in the cells.

a. K+                           b. HPO4                      c. Mg                           d. Na Correct answer (a)

36.  Proteins can exist in the cell in the forms of

a. Colloidal particles b. crystalloid                c. Both                        d. none Correct answer (a)

37.  Which transmembrane movement involves carriers?

a. facilitated diffusion b. active transport      c. both      d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


38.  Sugars depend on which mechanism to enter the cell

a. facilitated diffusion b. active transport       c. both             d. none of them Correct answer (a)


39.  The speed of entry of glucose is greatly increased by

a. oxytocin                  b. insulin                      c. glucagons                    d. thyroxin Correct answer (b)

40.  Hygrometer is used to measure the

a. Water content          b. protein contents      c. lipid contents          d. mineral contents Correct answer (a)


41.  What percent solution of NaCl is considered isotonic to mammalian RBCs.

a. 0.8%                        b. 0.85%                      c. 0.90%          d. 0.95%

Correct answer (b)

42.  If a bathing fluid has a lower osmotic pressure than the cell, it is called

a. Isotonic                   b. hypotonic                c. hypertonic d. All Correct answer (b)


43.  If a bathing fluid has higher osmotic pressure than the cell it is called

a. Isotonic                   b. hypotonic                c. hypertonic d. all Correct answer ( c )


44.  If a bathing fluid has the same osmotic pressure than the cell it called

a. Isotonic                   b. Hypertonic              c. hypotonic                    d. all Correct answer (a)



45.  Crenation of Red cell occur, in

a. Isotonic solution      b. hypertonic solution c. hypotonic solution d. all

Correct answer (b)


46.  Swelling/bursting of red cell occurs in

a. Isotonic solution      b. hypotonic solution c. hypertonic solution d. all Correct answer (b)

47.  Number of grams of solute per liter of solution is called

a. Normal solution      b. Molar solution         c. Molal solution                                    d. simple solution Correct answer (b)

48.  Number of gram equivalents of solute per liter of solution is called

a. Normal solution      b. Molar solution         c. molal solution                                    d. simple solution Correct answer(a)


49.  Number of gram of solute per 1000 gm of solvent is called

a. Normal solution      b. Molar solution         c. molal solution                                    d. simple solution Correct answer ( c )


50.  Loss of water from tissues is called

a. hypotension             b. dehydration             c. edema          d. none of them Correct answer (b)

51.  Which ion is found in greater concentration outside the cell

a. K                             b. Na                           c. Cl                 d. HCO3 Correct answer (b)


52.  Which ion is found in greater concentration inside the cell

a. K                             b. Na                           c. Cl                 d. HCO3 Correct answer (a)

53.  Rough endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of

a. glycogen                  b. protein                     c. steroids                        d. lipids Correct answer (b)


54.  Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of

a. glycogen                  b. lipids                       c. steroids                        d. all Correct answer (d)


55.  The small spherical organelles attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum are called

a. vesicles                    b. vacuoles                  c. ribosome                      d. polysomes Correct answer ( c )



56.  Ribosomes help to synthesize

a. carbohydrates          b. proteins                   c. lipids            d. minerals

Correct answer (b)


57.  Enzymes involved in krebs cycle are localized in

a. ribosomes                b. mitochondria           c. polysomes d. golgi bodies Correct answer (b)

58.  ATP is generated in

a. ribosomes                b. polysomes               c. mitochondria           d. golgi bodies Correct answer ( c )a

59.  The mammalian cell that are known not to contain lysosomes are

a. WBc                        b. RBc                         c. Platellet                   d. none of them Correct answer (b)


60.  Lysosome enzymes can degrade

a. Proteins                   b. Carbohydrates         c. nucleic acid d. all Correct answer (d)


61.  Lysosomas are abundant in

a. RBc                         b. WBC                       c. Platelet                    d. all Correct answer (b)

62.  Oxidase enzymes responsible for producing H2O2 are present in

a. Mitochondria           b. Ribosomes               c. Peroxisomes            d. Polysomes Correct answer ( c )


63.  Microfilaments may assist

a. in the movement of fibroblasts in heart  b. growth of axons

c. contraction of all muscle                             d. all Correct answer (d)

64.  Centriole consists of how many paired filaments

a. 5                              b. 7                              c. 9                              d. 11 Correct answer (d)


65.  The life span of RBc is of

a. 80 days                    b. 100 days                  c. 120 days                  d. 140 days Correct answer ( c )


66.  Following nucleotides are called purines

a. adenine                    b. guanine                    c. both                         d. none Correct answer ( c )


67.  Following nuclestides are called pyrimidine

a. adenine                    b. guanine                    c. cytosine                   d. all

Correct answer ( c )


68.  Pyrimidine thymine occurs only in

a. RNA                        b. DNA                       c. Both                        d. All Correct answer (b)

69.  Pyrimidine uracil occurs only in

a. RNA                        b. DNA                       c. Both                        d. None of them Correct answer (a)

70.  Adenine is always paired with

a. guanine                    b. cytosine                   c. thymine                   d. uracil Correct answer ( c )


71.  Guanine is always paired with

a. adenine                    b. cytosine                   c. thymine                   d. uracil Correct answer (b)


72.  During starvation of cell, the amount of following may decrease

a. RNA                        b. Protein                     c. Both                        d. None of them Correct answer ( c )

73.  The period between active cell divisions in called

a. anaphase                  b. metaphase               c. interphase                d. telephase Correct answer ( c )


74.  The chromatids become visible in

a. interphase                b. prophase                  c. anaphase                  d. metaphase Correct answer (b)

75.  The period of cell division when the nuclear envelop and nucleolus totally disappear is called

a. Prophase                  b. Metaphase               c. anaphase                  d. telophase Correct answer (b)


76.  The stage in which each centromere divides is called

a. Prophase                  b. Metaphase               c. anaphase                  d. telophase Correct answer ( c )


77.  The division of cytoplasm is called

a. Telophase                b. Metaphase               c. Cytokinesis              d. None of them Correct answer ( c )



78.  The following cell division occurs during gametogenesis

a. Mitosis                     b. Meiosis                    c. Both                        d. None of them

Correct answer ( c )



79.  Crossing over is followed by

a. Meiotic division I   b. Meiotic division II, c. Both                        d. None Correct answer ( c )

80.  Each new sex cell is called

a. Gamete                    b. embryo                    c. zygote                      d. ----- Correct answer (a)

81.  The following are germ layer origin of tissues

a. ectoderm Correct answer (d)

b. mesoderm

c. endoderm

d. All

82. Ectoderm forms

a. Epidermis


b. Blood


c. larynx


d. All

Correct answer (a)




83. Mesoderm form

a. Muscles


b. Bone ---


c. gonad


d. All

Correct answer (d)




84. Endoderm forms

a. digestive tube


b. kidney


c. nails



Correct answer (a)





85.  External stimuli includes

a. light                         b. temperature             c. touch                       d. all Correct answer (d)

86.  The fundamental structural and functional unit of nerves system is

a. axon

Correct answer (d)

b. dendrite

c. cell body

d. neurons

87. The protoplasm Correct answer (a)

b. cytoplasm

c. Both

d. none


88.  The resting potential in nerves is produced by difference in

a. ions                          b. charges                    c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )



89.  Positively charged ions are called

a. anions                      b. cations                     c. both                         d. none of them

Correct answer (b)


90.  Negatively charged ions are called

a. anions                      b. cations                     c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer (a)

91.  In most nerve and muscle cell, the membrane potentical is

a. 60 mv                      b. 70 mv                      c. 85 mv                      d. 100 mv Correct answer ( c )

92.  The plasma membrane in resting condition is almost impermeable to

a. K+                           b. Na+                         c. Cl                             d. HCo3 Correct answer (b)


93.  Plasma membrane in resting condition is very permeable to

a. K                             b. Cl                            c. Both                        d. None of them Correct answer


94.  Which ion is actively transported to the outside of cell membrane

a. K                             b. Cl                            c. Na                            d. HCo3 Correct answer ( c )

95.  Which ion moves freely through the plasma membrane

a. Na                            b. Cl                            c. k                              d. HCo3 Correct answer (b)


96.  The pumping of Na+ depends on

a. ADP                        b. ATP                         c. GDP                        d. All Correct answer (b)

97.  The nerve fiber is capable of converting which stimuli to electrical energy

a. Mechanical              b. chemical                  c. Both                        d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


98.  A nerve impulse is essentially a wave of

a. mechanical charge b. electrical charge      c. Both                        d. None Correct answer (b)


99.  Stimuli can be

a. electrical                  b. mechanical              c. chemical                  d. none Correct answer (d)


100.  In the living animal most stimuli are of

a. Physical nature        b. chemical nature       c. both                         d. none Correct answer ( c )

101.  Which process begins after Na influx essentially stops at its plateu

a. Depolarization         b. Repolarization         c. both                         d. none Correct answer (b)


102.  The time when K+ is moving out of the cell is called

a. relative refractory period    b. absolute refractory period c. both d. none of them Correct answer (a)

103.  The following processes depend on changes in membrane conductance to Na and K.

a. Action potential      b. depolarization         c. repolarization           d. all of them Correct answer (d)


104.  Conductance is reciprocal of

a. permeability             b. action potential       c. resistance                 d. depolarization Correct answer ( c )


105.  Propagation of action potential is called

a. Repolarization         b. depolarization         c. nerve impulse          d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


106.  Propagation in nerves normally proceed in

a. one direction           b. two direction           c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer (a)


107.  Large diameter fibers propagate action potential at

a. lower velocities       b. higher velocities      c. equal velocities        d. none of them Correct answer (b)


108.  Presynaptic neurons conduct impulses

a. toward the synapse b. away from the synapse       c. both correct d. both in correct Correct answer: (a)


109.  Following morphine like substance are found in the thalamus of the brain

a. Enkephalins             b. endorphins              c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


110.  Following are presumed to act as transmitters in the natural control of pain

a. Enkephalins             b. endorphins              c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


111.  Following drugs act at the synapse level.

a. morphine                 b. strychnine                c. tranquilizers                 d. All Correct answer (d)


112.  Neuron excitability increase in

a. alkalosis                   b. acidosis                   c. neutral                     d. none of them Correct answer (a)


13. Neuron excitability decreases in

a. alkalosis                    b. acidosis                  c. neutral                     d. none of them Correct answer (b)

114.  Neural excitability is not affected by

a. alkalosis                    b. acidosis                  c. neutral                     d. none of them Correct answer (d)

115.  Inhibitory transmitters may be

a. glycine                     b. GABA                    c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


116.  Action potential in nerve fibers differ in

a. magnitude               b. duration                   c. both                         d. none of them Correct answer ( c )


117.  Reflex arc is made up of a chain of at least

a. two neuron              b. three neurons           c. four neurons            d. five neurons Correct answer (a)


118.  The simplest reflex is

a. spinal reflex             b. stretch reflex           c. knee jerk                  d. none of them Correct answer (a)


119.  Reflex center are located

a.  through out the neurons system      b. in cervical region only

c. thoracic region only                        d. In lumber region only Correct answer (a)


120.  The medulla oblongata contains reflex centers for control of

a. heart action              b. respiration               c. vomiting                  d. all of them Correct answer (d)


121.  The reflex center associated with locomotion are situated in

a. Cerebrum                 b. cerebellum               c. mid brain                 d. Pons Correct answer (b)


122.  The reflex center associated with temperature regulation are situated in

a. cerebrum                  b. cerebellum               c. hypothalamus              d. Pons Correct answer ( c )


123.  Reflex activity decrease under the influence of

a. anesthetic                b. barbiturates             c. catamine                      d. all Correct answer (d)


124.  Reflexes associated with the animal nerves include

a. corneal reflex          b. papillary reflex        c. auditory reflex         d. all of them Correct answer (d)

125.  Homeostasis is controlled by regulating the activity of

a. cardiac muscle         b. smooth muscle        c. gland                       d. all Correct answer (d)

126.  The major integrator of autonomic nervous system is

a. cerebrum                  b. cerebellum               c. hypothalamus              d. all Correct answer ( c )


127.  Each preganglionic axon braches and can therefore synapse, with as many as

a. 4 neurons                 b. 6 neurons                 c. 8 neurons                 d. 10 neurons Correct answer (d)


128.  Most organ of the body receive innervations

a. sympathetic             b. parasympathetic      c. both                         d. non Correct answer ( c )

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