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Microbiology Solved MCQs


A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates__?


A. Acute infection
B. Carrier state
C. Prodromal phase
D. Convalescence

Cytopathic effect is shown by_?


A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Spirochete
D. Anaerobe

Which of the following would you consider to be general properties of viruses__?


A. New virus particle arises directly (by division) from preexisting viruses
B. Fall in to the general size range of 200-300 angstrom unit
C. Contain equal proportions of protein, lipo polysaccharide and nucleic acids
D. Contain DNA but no RNA

Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is_?


A. Cryptococcosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Aspergilosis

Viruses can be cultured in all except_?


A. Chick embryo
B. Blood agar
C. Guinea pigs
D. Cell culture

Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion disease manifests in_?


A. 1 week
B. 6 week
C. 3 months
D. 6 months

The Window period in HIV infection means__?


A. The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies
B. The time lapse between the infection and development of AIDS
C. The time lapse between obtaining the sample and detection of virus in the lab
D. None of the above

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affets_?


A. Red blood cells
B. Fibroblasts
C. Helper T lymphocytes (CD4)
D. Mast cells

The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is_?


A. Apthous stomatitis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
D. Herpetic gingivostomatitis

Influenza is caused by_?


A. Orthomyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
B. Paramyxo virus, which is a RNA virus
C. Paramyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
D. Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus

Human immune deficiency virus is_ virus?


A. Rheo
B. Retro
C. Rhabdo
D. Flavi

Both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions are present in which of the following viruses_?


A. Pox virus
B. Measles virus
C. Hepatitis B virus

In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started__?


A. Rabies
B. Poliomyelitis
C. Influenza
D. Herpes

Incubation pariod of herpes zoster is__?


A. 7-14 days
B. 1 months
C. 1-2 years
D. 3-6 months

True about prions__?


A. Composed largely proteins without any nucleic acid
B. Phase in which virus cannot be demonstrated in host cell
C. Viruses which are genetically deficient
D. Viral components may be synthesized but maturation & assembling is defective

Pigs are important source of_?


A. Japanese encephalitis
B. Kuru
C. Yellow fever
D. Rabies

Herpes virus_?


A. Acquires its envelope from nuclear membrane
B. Acquires its envelope from nucleolar membrane
C. Acquires its envelope from cytoplasmi membrane
D. None of the above

The presence of Which of the following factors in viruses makes protective vaccines a possibility ?


A. Enzymes
B. Protein coat
C. Polysaccharide
D. Lipids

Certain viruses have been isolated in crytalline form and have been found to be_?


A. Nucleotides
B. Phospholipids
C. Scleroproteins
D. Nucleoproteins

The HIV virus can be destroyed invitro by which of the following_?


A. Boiling
B. Ethanol
C. Cidex
D. All of the above

Portal of entry of poliovirus in mainly_?


A. Gastrointestinal tract
B. Nasal mucosa
C. Lung
D. Skin

Presence of HBe Ag in patients with hepatitis indicates_?


A. Simple carriers
B. Late convalescence
C. High infectivity
D. Carrier status

Which does not have a viral etiology__?


A. Carcinoma Cervix
B. Hepatoma
C. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
D. Lymphoma

Viron is defined as__?


A. Extracellular infectious virus particle
B. Smallest virus
C. A smallest particle similar to virus
D. None of the above

One virus particle prevents multiplication of 2nd virus. This phenomena is__?


A. Viral interference
B. Mutation
C. Supervision
D. Permutation

The only virus, which has double stranded RNA, is__?


A. Bunya virus
B. Reo virus
C. Calci virus
D. Rhabdo virus

Which of the following correctly indicates the infectivity of hepatitis virus in human ?


B. HBeAg
C. Anti-HBC
D. Anti-HBS

Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during window period ?


A. HBs Ag
B. IgM anti – HBc
C. Anti HBs
D. None of the above

For the treatment of case of class III dog bite, all of the following are correct except_?


A. Give inmunoglobulins for passive immunity
B. Give ARV
C. Immediately stitch wound under antibiotic coverage
D. Immediately wash wound with soap and water

Which of the following is a RNA virus ?


A. Measles virus
B. Herpes Virus
C. Papavo virus
D. Adeno virus

Following is a retrovirus_?


A. Immunodeficiency virus
B. Influenza
C. Polio virus
D. Hepatitis virus

Type of Human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix_?


A. Type 6,12,18
B. 16,18,31
C. 6,8,11
D. 3,10,19

The viral action is differentiated from bacterial action by___?


A. Interferon production
B. Toxin production
C. Lymphocytes production
D. Neutrophils production

What is the sequence which a retro virus follows on entering a host cell ?



Which of the following viruses appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of Kaposi’s sarcoma_?


A. Human Herpes Virus 3
B. Human Herpes Virus 1
C. Human Herpes Virus 8
D. Human Herpes Virus 4

Seroconversion in HIV infection takes place in__?


A. 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 9 weeks
D. 12 weeks

Babu, a 28 year old male comes with compaint of exposure 3 wks back, having cervical Lymphadenopathy, Hepatosplenomegaly. Diagnosis of HIV is done by__?


B. Western blot
C. P24 antigen
D. Lymph node biopsy

Anti HBsAB indicates__?


A. Resistance to hepatitis B
B. Acute infection
C. Good prognosis
D. Hepatocellular carcinoma

Presence of HBe Ag in Patients with hepatitis indicates_?


A. Simple carriers
B. Late convalescence
C. High infectivity
D. Carrier status

Which of the following does not go into chronic hepatitis stage ?



Which of the following belongs to cell fraction derived vaccine__?


A. Measles
B. Mumps
C. Rubella
D. Hepatitis B

Dengue virus belongs to__?


A. Flavi virus
B. Togaviridae
C. Reoviridae
D. Rhabdoviridae

Which of the following statement about P24 antigen of HIV is Not True ?


A. It can be detected during the window period
B. Free P24 antigen disappears after the appearance of IgM response to it:
C. Virus load parallel P24 titre
D. It remains during asymptomatic phase

Which of the following viruses are most likely to cross placenta and cause foetal defect ?


A. Herpes Simplex
B. Mumps
C. Rubella
D. Papilloma

Which of the following viruses produces both intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies_?


A. Chicken pox
B. Rabies
C. Small pox
D. Measles

Characteristic feature of retrovirus is_?


A. Ribonuclease
B. Reverse transcriptase
C. DNA polymerase
D. Restriction endonuclease

Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is caused by_?


A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Parasite
D. Bacteria superadded on virus

Interferon interferes with replication of virus at the time of_?


A. Protein synthesis
B. DNA/RNA replication
C. When virus enters the cell
D. Uncoating of the virus proteins capsule

Which of the following microbial cell is most resistant to antiseptics & disinfectants ?


A. Mycobacteria
B. Spore
C. Prions
D. Coccidia

Which of the following viruses does not infect salivary glands ?


A. Echo virus
B. Hepatitis C
D. Orthomyxovirus

Which of the following lesions is NOT an infection from human papilloma virus ?


A. Verruca vulgaris
B. Focal epithelial hyperplasia
C. Condyloma acuminatum
D. Keratoacanthoma

Prions true is__?


A. Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121 C
B. Evokes strong immunogenic reaction
C. Sensitive to most chemical sterilization
D. Contains DNA/ RNA

A young pregnant woman presents with fulminant hepatic failure. The most likely aetiological agent is_?


A. Hepatitis B virus
B. Hepatitis C virus
C. Hepatitis E virus
D. Hepatitis A virus

Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is__?


A. Sialoperoxidase
B. Secretory IgA
C. Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor
D. Histidine rich proteins

A dentist suffred from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is_?


A. Inactive carrier
B. Healthy carrier
C. Convalscent carrier
D. Paradoxical carrier

Virus is cultured in_?


A. Saubourd’s agar
B. Rogosa medium
C. Nonembryonated egg
D. Embryonated egg

Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) usually occurs when CD4 Lymphocyte counts are_?


A. Above 600
B. Between 1000-2000
C. Below 200
D. Above 2000

Mark true in following ?


A. Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome is caused by inhalation of rodent urine and faces
B. Kyanasur forest disease is caused by bite of wild animal
C. Lyssa virus is transmitted by ticks
D. None of the above

The world german measles is applied for_?


A. Rubella
B. Rubeola
C. Herpes simplex
D. Herpetic ginglvostomatitis

Hepatitis A virus is best diagnosed by__?


A. IgM antibodies in serum
B. Isolation form stool
C. Culture from blood
D. Isolation from bile

Which of the following is not a pox virus ?


A. Cowpox
B. Molluscum contagiosum
C. Small pox
D. chicken pox

Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by__?


A. Surface antigen
B. Surface antibody
C. Core antigen
D. Core antibody

ELISA test when compared to western blot technique is__?


A. Less sensitive less specific
B. More sensitive, more specific
C. Less sensitive, more specific
D. More sensitive, less specific

The virus which causes Aplastic anemia in chronic hemolytic disease is_?


A. Adeno
B. Hepatitis
C. EB virus
D. Parvo virus

In HIV, gp 120, envelope glycoproteins bind specifically to__?


A. CD8 T-cells
B. CD4 T-cells
C. B – cells
D. NK – cells

The small nonparticulate protein leading to enhanced replication of HBV as well as HIV is__?


A. HBc Ag
B. HBs Ag
C. Hbe Ag
D. HBx Ag

patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with__?


A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B

EBV is responsible for all except__?


A. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
B. Burkitt’s lymphoma
C. Hepatoma
D. Infectious mononucleosis

Most common tumor associated with AIDS is__?


A. Carcinoma
B. Kaposi’s sarcoma
C. Melanoma
D. Ewing’s sarcoma

The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with__?


A. Helper T lymphocytes
B. Natural killer cells
C. Plasma cells
D. Macrophages

Hepatitis C virus belongs to which one of the following virus groups ?


A. Picorna viruses
B. Herpes viruses
C. Hepadana viruses
D. Flavi viruses

Viruses can be isolated from clinical samples by cultivation in the following except_?


A. Tissue culture
B. Embryonated eggs
C. Animals
D. Chemically defined media

During the Window period of patient with AIDS_?


A. ELISA IS – ve
B. Western Blot is – ve
C. Both are – ve
D. PCR is – ve

Plaque test is used routinely in virology lab’s for__?


A. Identification of viral disease
B. To separate specific clone of virus
C. To maintain certain viral culture
D. To prepare vaccines

All are oncogenic except__?


A. Anopheles
B. Aedes
C. Culex
D. Mansoni

DNA covering material in a virus is called as__?


A. Capsomere
B. Capsid
C. Nucleocapsid
D. Envelope

All are oncogenic except__?


A. EB virus
B. Papilloma virus
C. Herpes simplex virus
D. Varicella zoster virus

True about HIV are all except__?


A. DNA virus
B. Attacks CD4 cells
C. Macrophages are the reservoir
D. Decrease CD4 count in late stages

EBV causes all except___?


A. Carcinoma of nasopharynx
B. Papilloma
C. Infectious mononucleosis
D. Burkitt’s lymphoma

Australian antigen is_?


A. HB Ag
D. None of the above

Which of the following methods is adopted for screening HIV infection ?


A. Virus isolation
B. Western blot followed by ELISA
C. ELISA followed by western blot technique
D. Polymers chain reaction

Enterically transmitted NANB hepatitis B_?


A. Hepatitis C
B. Hepatitis D
C. Hepatitis E
D. Hepatitis F

True about immune response of hepatitis B is____?


A. Antibody of HBs Ag is associated with resistance to infection
B. Antibody to HBC is not protective
C. Highest titres of anti HBC are found in persistent carriers of HBs Ag
D. CMI disappears soon after recover

The best way of detecting the presence of viruses in the infected cell – culture is__?


A. Cytopathic changes in culture cells
B. Presence of viral protein in the infected monolayer
C. Haemagglutination test
D. Haemagglutination inhibition test

The Dane particle is the__?


B. IgG anti HAV
C. Delta Virus

Baby born to mother suffering from AIDS, all are true except__?


A. Failure to thrive
B. Have infections
C. 50% chances to have AIDS
D. All are true

The time gap between appearance of Koplik’s spot and cutaneous rash in measles is__?


A. 24 Hrs
B. 3-4 days
C. 2 weeks
D. 1 days

Rabies virus__?


A. Cytotropic
B. Dermatotropic
C. Chromophilic
D. Neurotropic

Virus are sharply differentiated from bacteria by_?


A. Presence of either DNA or RNA
B. Simple structure
C. Complex multiplication
D. All of the above

The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route__?


A. Hepatitis B virus
B. Hepatitis C virus
C. Hepatitis D virus
D. Hepatitis E virus

Confirmatory test for HIV infection is a_?


B. Immunodot
D. Western Blot

Bacteriophage was discovered by___?


A. Robert koch
B. Twort and d’herelle
C. Menkin
D. Metchinkoff

Australia antigen is associated with__?


A. Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis
C. Chronic leukemia
D. Basal cell carcinoma

Antibody to HSV will begin to appear_______?


A. in a week and reach a peak in 3 weeks
B. only after one year
C. no antibodies are present in primary HSV
D. antibodies are present in recurrent and chronic apthous stomatitis

Half-life of free HIV in plasma is__?


A. 24 hours
B. 6 hours
C. 12 hours
D. 3 months

The culture media used for cultivation of HSV is_?


A. Chocolate agar
B. Robertoson’s cooked-meat broth
C. Chorio allantoic membrane
D. Sabourad’s agar

All of the following infections may be transmitted be dental instruments except__?


B. Hepatitis C
C. Hepatitis B
D. Hepatitis E

HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except__?


A. Saliva
B. Needle prick injury
C. Blood transmission
D. Sexual intercourse

The mechanism by which most fungi caused disease is_?


A. exotoxin production
B. lecithinase production
C. hypersensitivity
D. Coagulase production

Fungus capable to forming fungal ball is_?


A. Penicillium
B. Aspergillus
C. Mucor
D. Rhizopus


The culture media for fungus is__________________?


A. Tellurite medium
B. NNN medium
C. Chocolate agar medium
D. Sabourauds medium

The medium of choice for culturing yeast from of dimorphic fungi is_________________?


A. Brain – heart infusion
B. Sabouraud’s
C. Sabouraud’s plus antibiotics
D. Any medium incubated at 35-37°C

Dematophytes are fungi infecting________________?


A. Subcutaneous tissue
B. Systemic organs
C. Nails, hair and skin
D. Superficial skin and deep tissue

Transmission of all of the following intestinal parasites takes place by the feco-oral route except______________?


A. Giardia lambia
B. Ascaris lumbriocoides
C. Strongyloides
D. Entamoeba

Investigation of choice for invasive amoebiasis is________________?


A. Indirect hemagglutination
C. Counter immune electroporesis
D. Microscopy

Black water fever is caused by______________?


A. Plasmodium vivax
B. Plasmodium falciparum
C. Leishmania donovani
D. Microfilaria

Causative organism of Kalahazar is_______________?


A. Plasmodium ovaie
B. Leishman donovani
C. Entamoeba histolytica
D. Toxoplasma

All the following amoeba live in the large intestine except_________________?


A. coli
B. nana
A. gingivalis
B. histolytica

All are true about Entamoeba histolytica except________________?


A. Cysts are 8 nucleated
B. Cysts are 4 nucleated
C. Trophozoites colonise in the colon
D. The chromatid bodies are stained by iodides

All are seen in a cysts of E. histolytica except_____________?


A. Glycogen mass
B. Chromatid bars
C. Eccentric nucleus
D. Refractile nucleus

Sporozoites of plasmodium falciparum are shaped_______________?


A. Dot
B. Comma
C. Banana
D. Sickle

True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by_______________?


A. cats
B. Dogs
C. Rats
D. Cow

Which worm is longest________________?


A. T. Solium
B. T. Saginata
C. Hook worm
D. A. Lumbricoides

Thread worm is______________?


A. Enterobius
B. Ancylostoma
C. Ascaris
D. Necator

Highest incidence of anemia in the tropics is due to______________?


A. Hook worm
B. Thread worm
C. Ascaris
D. Guinea worm

Medusa lock appearance in X ray is seen in______________?


A. Ascariasis
B. Tapeworm
C. Hood worm
D. Ascariasis and tapeworm

Culture media of candida is_________________?


A. Methylene blue dextrose agar
B. Saboraud’s medium
C. Pingolevin
D. All of the above

The following is not true of Candida albicans______________?


A. Yeast like fungus
B. Forms Chlamydospores
C. Blastomeres seen in isolates
D. Seen in immunocompromised and causes meningitis in them

Opportunistic infection is caused by___________________?


A. Penicillium
B. Mucor
C. Aspergillus
D. All of the above

The inflammatory type of tinea capitis with superadded secondary bacterial infection leading to a painful, circumscribed, boggy, and indurated lesion, is called_____________?


A. Kerison
B. Alopecia areata
C. Pilomatrixoma
D. Tenia incognito

CD4 count in normal healthy adult is_______________?


A. 5
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3

A cerebrospinal fluid of a 2 years old child has been sent to the laboratory to detect the presence of capsulated yeast. The staining technique most commonly employed for the purpose is______________?


A. India ink preparation
B. Methanamine silver stain
C. Ziehl-Neelsen stain
D. Pyte-ferraco stain

Most fungi of medical importance belongs to__________________?


A. Zygomycetes
B. Ascomycetes
C. Basidiomycetes
D. Deuteromycetes

A mother donated a kidney to her daughter having chronic renal failure, which kind of graft it represents________________?


A. Allo
C. Xeno
D. Auto

Which of the following is most potent antigen for stimulating both humoral and cell mediated immunity ?


A. Adjuvant
B. Proteins
C. Polysaccharides
D. Lipids

In falciparum malaria, causes of anemia are due to all except__________________?


A. Hemolysis
B. Malabsorption
C. Spleen sequestration
D. Bone marrow depression

Which of the following is not transmitted by lice ?


A. Trench fever
B. Relapsing fever
C. Q fever
D. Epidemic typhus

Which stage of plasmodium vivax is infective to mosquito______________?


A. Sporozoite
B. Gametocyte
C. Merozoite
D. Zygote

Schuffner’s dots are seen in infection due to_______________?


A. Plasmodium falciparum
B. Plasmodium vivax
C. Plasmodium malariae
D. Plasmodium ovale

Man is the only reservoir for_______________?


A. Salmonella
B. Camphylobacter jejuni
A. histolytica
C. Y. enterocolitica

A 3 years old patient developed high fever of sudden onset. Peripheral blood smear showed cresent shaped gametocytes. Malaria pigment was dark brown in colour Which of the following malarial parasites is the causative agent ?


A. Plasmodium vivax
B. Plasmodium malaria
C. Plasmodium falciparum
D. Plasmodium ovale

Commonest site of extra intestinal amoebiasis is___________________?


A. Brain
B. Liver
C. Spleen
D. Lungs

Delhi boil refer to_______________?


A. Solar Keratosis
B. Malignant pustule
C. L. Tropica sore
D. Venereal ulcer

Madura mycosis produces______________?


A. Brown to black granules
B. White to yellow granules
C. Red granules
D. No granules

Sclerotic bodies measuring 3-5m in size, multi-septate, chestnut, brown color is characteristic of________________?


A. Histoplasmosis
B. Rhinosporodiosis
C. Phaeohypomycosis
D. Chromoblastomycosis

Methods for the diagnosis of superficial fungal infection________________?


A. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings
B. KOH staining
C. Wood light examination
D. All of the above

The following statement is true regarding fungal infection__________________?


A. Dermatophyte infection are exclusively man to animal
B. Rhinosporidium causes deep infection in man
C. albicans is not pathogenic to lab animals
D. Candida infection is usually endogenous

Common name for Trichuris trichura________________?


A. Round worm
B. Whip worm
C. Tape worm
D. Seat woman

Rapid evaluation of fungal hyphae/spores can be achieved with_______________?


A. Grocott Gomori Methenamine silver
B. Hematoxylin and Eosin
C. KOH wet mount
D. Peri-iodic Acid Schiff

Leishmania is cultured in ________________ media?


A. Chocolate agar
C. Tellurite
D. Sabourauds

Which is false about Wucheraria bancrofti_________________?


A. Causes filariasis
B. Body is slender and long
C. Terminal nuclei absent
D. Man and anapheles mosquito are hosts

Kolmer test is a screening test done for_________________?


A. Syphilis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Gonorrhea
D. Lymphoma

Cysticercosis celluosae is caused by_____________?


A. T. Solium
B. Echinococcus granulosus
C. T. Saginata
A. nana

Malaria pigment is________________?


A. Bilurubin
B. Haemoglobin
C. Iron
D. Haematin-globin pigment

In transmission of malaria, mosquito bite transfers_______________?


A. Sporozoite
B. Merozoite
C. Hypnozoite
D. Gametocyte

Amoebic liver abscess can be diagnosed by demonstratig________________?


A. Cysts in the sterile pus
B. Trophozoites in the pus
C. Cysts in the intestine
D. Trophozoites in the feces

parasitic inflammation would show predominantly____________________?


A. Lymphocytes
B. Neutrophilis
C. Eosinophils
D. Basophils

Megaloblastic anaemia is caused by_________________?


A. Dog tapeworm
B. Hookworm
C. Fish tapeworm
D. Threadworm

L.D bodies are seen in_______________?


A. Kalahazar
B. Toxoplasmosis
C. Malaria
D. Sleeping sickness

Hydatid cyst is__________________?


A. Parasitic in nature
B. Fungal
C. Congenital
D. Viral

Candida albicans causes all of the following except______________?


A. Endocarditis
B. Mycetoma
C. Meningitis
D. Oral thrush

Candida is most often implicated in causation___________________?


A. Conjunctivitis
B. Tenea capitis
C. Desert rheumatism
D. Thrush

Pseudohphae are seen in____________?


A. Alternaria
B. Aspergillus
C. Osporium
D. Candida albicans

A sporangium contains_______________?


A. Spherules
B. porangiospores
C. Chlamydospores
D. Oidia

Aflatoxins are produced by________________?


A. Aspergillus niger
B. Aspergillus fumigatus
C. Aspergillus flavus
D. All of the above

Germ tubes are formed mainly by_______________?


A. Candida albicans
B. Candida stellatoidea
C. Candida tropicalis
D. Candida pseudotropicalls

Fungal infection of human beings is called as_____________?


A. Mucorsis
B. Mycosis
C. Fungosis
D. Micromia

Which of the following is true about amoebic liver disease ?


A. Left lobe of liver is commonly involved
B. Portal system is the main filtration system
C. Trophozoites can be visualized in the pus
D. Non-suppurative form is the serious form of extra intestinal amoebiasis

Which of the following is NOT a live attenuated vaccine ?


A. Tuberculosis (BCG)
B. Typhoid
C. Varicella Zoster virus
D. Cholera

Stain used to make the wetted area of filter paper strip more visible is_____________?


A. Eosin stain
B. Haemotoxin stain
C. Ninhydrin stain
D. Blue stain

A rise in the anti-HBc immunoglobulin in a patient indicates________________?


A. Acute infection
B. Carrier state
C. Prodromal phase
D. Convalescence

Cytopathic effect is shown by_____________?


A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Spirochete
D. Anaerobe

Which of the following would you consider to be general properties of viruses______________?


A. New virus particle arises directly (by division) from preexisting viruses
B. Fall in to the general size range of 2-3 angstrom unit
C. Contain equal proportions of protein, lipo polysaccharide and nucleic acids
D. Contain DNA but no RNA

Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS is_____________?


A. Cryptococcosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Candidiasis
D. Aspergilosis

Viruses can be cultured in all except_______________?


A. Chick embryo
B. Blood agar
C. Guinea pigs
D. Cell culture

Following hepatitis B infection through blood transfusion disease manifests in_____________?


A. 1 week
B. 6 week
C. 3 months
D. 6 months

The Window period in HIV infection means______________?


A. The time lapse between the infection and detection of viral antibodies
B. The time lapse between the infection and development of AIDS
C. The time lapse between obtaining the sample and detection of virus in the lab
D. None of the above

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affets_______________?


A. Red blood cells
B. Fibroblasts
C. Helper T lymphocytes (CD4)
D. Mast cells

The classic opportunistic infection in acquired immune deficiency syndrome is_____________?


A. Apthous stomatitis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
D. Herpetic gingivostomatitis

Influenza is caused by_____________?


A. Orthomyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
B. Paramyxo virus, which is a RNA virus
C. Paramyxo virus, which is a DNA virus
D. Orthomyxo virus, which is a RNA virus

A person working in an abattoir presented with a papule on hand, which turned in to an ulcer. Which will best help in diagnosis______________?


A. Trichrome Methylene blue
B. Carbol Fuschin
C. Acid Fast Stain
D. Calcoflour White

The earliest identifiable cells of T-Cell lineage during maturation are_______________?


A. CD7+ Pro-T-Cells
B. CD5+ Pre-T-Cells
C. CD8+ Pro-T-Cells
D. CD8+ Pre-T-Cells

The following immunoglobulin is not known to fix complement_________________?


A. IgE
B. IgM
C. IgA
D. IgG

The reaginic antibody is________________?


A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgD
D. IgE

Secondary response is mediated by_______________?


A. IgG
B. IgA
C. IgM
D. IgE

Portion of immunoglobulin molecule with molecular weight to 5_________________?


A. Secretory piece
B. H chain
C. L chain
D. J piece

Which of the following is true about pasteurization ?


A. It kills bacteria and spores
B. It kills all bacteria except thermoduric bacteria
C. It kills 95% of microorganisms
D. Tubercle bacilli are destroyed

Oil and Grease are sterilized by________________?


A. Hot air oven
B. Auto claving
C. Irradiation
D. Ethylene dioxide

Hot air oven is used for sterilization of all EXCEPT__________________?


A. Glassware
B. Rubber tubes
C. Sharp instrument
D. Liquid paraffin

Endoscopes are sterilized by using_______________?


A. Autoclaving
B. Boiling
C. Cidex
D. Gamma radiation

Killer and Helper cells are part of_______________?


A. B cells
B. T cells
C. Monocytes
D. Macrophage

T cells multiplication is stimulated by_______________?


A. Macrolin
B. Heat
C. Bovine serum
D. Phytohaemagglutinin

Same or closely related antigens present in different biological species are known as________________?


A. Suquestrated antigens
B. Isoantigens
C. Haptens
D. Heterophile antigens

Rh incompatibility is which type of hyper sensitivity reaction ?


A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV

The killer cells are associated with immunologic response___________________?


A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV

The prototype of Type II hypersensitivity reaction is__________________?


A. Arthus reaction
C. Auto immune hemolytic anemia
D. Contact dermatitis

Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of______________?


A. Ultra violet rays
B. Ultrasonic vibrations
C. Infrared rays
D. Gamma rays

A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical Twin. What type of graft it is ?


A. Xenograft
B. Autograft
C. Allograft
D. Isograft

Type I hypersensitivity is mediated by which of the following immunoglobulins ?


A. IgA
B. IgG
C. IgM
D. IgE

Active artificial immunization is induced by the administration of all of the following EXCEPT______________?


A. Bacterial products
B. Toxoids
C. Vaccines
D. Antitoxins




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