Almost all solved MCQs for you..

January 2024



1. First Ghazwa is Widdan or Abwa in 1 A.H
2. Battle of Badr.2hij
3.Battle of Uhad. 3hij
4.Battle of Rajih.4hij
5. Battle of Khandaq (Ahzab).5hij
6. Treaty of Hudaibiya, Hazrat Khalid bin Walid Accepted Islam, Conquest of Khyber.6hij
7. Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings.7hij
8. Battle of Hunain, Conquest of Makkah.8hij
9. Battle of Tabuk. 9hij
10. Hajjat-ul-Wida.10hij
11. Tragedy of Karballah.61hij
12. Badr is a village.
13. Battle of Bard was fought on 17th Ramzan.
14. Battle of Uhd was fought on 5th Shawal.
15. Battle Badar Ghazwa is named as Furqan.
16. Uhd is a hill.
17. Yom-ul Furaqn is called to Yom ul Badar.
18. Fath Mobeen is called to Sulah Hudaibiah.
19. Number of soldiers in Badar, Muslim 313 Kufar 1000
20. After Badr conquest, Prophet stayed for 3 days there.
21. Badr was fought for 3 times.
22. Martyr of Badr Muslims 14 Kufar 70
23. Leader of the Kufar in this battle was Abu Jahl.
24. Number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad 70
25. In Uhad quraish were laid by Abu Sufwan.
26. In Uhad number of Muslim soldiers 1000 kufar 3000.
27. Ahzab means Allies.
28. Ditch dug on border of Syria with help of 3000 companions in 2 weeks.
29. Muslim strength 1600.
30. Khyber was captured in 20 days.
31. During Ghazwa Bani Nuzair wine was prohibited.
32. The battle of Khandaq is also known an battle of Ahzab.
33. Conquest of Makkah was took place on 20 Ramzan.
34. Battle in which prophet not participated is known as Saria.
35. Hazrat Hamza was the first commander of Islamic Army.
36. In Uhd battle Muslim women participated firstly.
37. Battle of Mauta was the first non Arab War.
38. 3000 was the number of musims at the battle of Ditch.
39. 10,000 at the conquest of Makkah.
40. 30,000 at the time of Tabuk.
41. Last Ghazwa- Tabuk.
42. For 20 days Prophet stayed at Tabuk.
43. Total number of Sarias is 53 or 56.
44. Porphet was the commander in the expedition of Tabuk.
45. First Islamic Non Arab was battle of Mautta 8. A.H..
46. The person killed by the Holy Prophet was Ubay Bin Kalf.
47. In Battle of Uhad, the teeth of Holy Prophet were martyred.
48. Khalid bin Walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in battle Moata.
49. Abu Jahal was killed in Battle of Badr by Maaz (add)
50. In Hudabiya Sohail bin Amru represented Quraysh.
51. Battle of Hunain fought b/w Muslims and Hawazin Tribe.
52. Batttle of Tabuk was against the Roman Emperor Heraclius.
53. The first Shaheed (Martyr) was Amaar bin Yaasir
54. First female martyr: Summaya (mother of Amaar bin Yaasir)
55. The first person to be martyred in the Battle of Badr was the freed slave of Hazrat Umar :
56. Muhaj‘jah
57. Khalid bin Walid was removed from the service in the reign of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA).
58. He was removed in 17 A.H.
59. Battle of chains was fought b/w Persians and the Muslims.
60. Umar bin Abdual Aziz is considered as the 5th Khalifa.
61. Abdul Malik was the poet ruler of Ummaya.
62. Karballa took place on 10th Muharram 61 A.H/ 680 A.D
63. Salahuddin Ayubi was of Abbasid dynasty.
64. Halaku Khan came to power after Abbasids.
65. Al Qanun was written by Ibn-i-Sina.
66. Ibn Khuldun is called founder of sociology.
67. Tahafut-al-Falasifah was written by Al-Khazali.
68. Halaku Khan sacked Baghdad in 1258 A.D.
69. Al Shifa a book on philosophy was written by Ibn Sina.
70. prophet stayed at Makkah for 53 years & in Medina 10 years
71. Mubha: an act which brings neither blessings nor punishment.
72. Naval Commander of Islam, Abu Qays under Hazrat Usman
73. Battle of Camel was fought b/w Ali and Hazrat Aysha.
74. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid accepted Islam in 8th A.H.
75. Hazrat Ali established Bait-ul-Maal.
76. During the caliphate of Umar (RA) Iran was conquered.
77. Abu Hurairah has reported largest number of Ahadith.
78. Masjid Al Aqsa is the first Mosque ever built on the earth.
79. Sindh was conquered during the reign of Walid 1.
80. Kharajit is the earliest sect of Islam.
81. Battle of Yermuk was fought in 634 A.D.:
82. Khyber conquest made in 7th Hijra (628 A.D)
83. The Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet Pbuh missed four prayers was Ghazwa Khandaq.
84. First woman martyr Samiya by Abu Jahl.
85. First man martyr Haris bin Abi Hala.
86. Jihad means to strive hard.
87. Jihad made obligatory in 2nd A.H.
88. The battle was forbidden in Arabs in the month of Muharam.
89. Ghazwa Badr is named as Furqan.
90. Ohad is located near Madina.
91. Ohad is 3 miles from Madina.
92. Abdullah bin Ubai accompanied with 300 men.
93. 50 archers were posted to protect the pass in Ohad mountain.
94. Ummay Hakeem was grand daughter of Abu Jehl.
95. Banu Nuzair tribe settled in Khyber after expelled from Madina.
96. Prophet dug a trench along the border of Syria.
97. 3000 men dug the ditch.
98. In battle of Ahzab a piercing blast of cold wind blew.
99. Khyber is located near Madina at 200 km distance.
100. The centre of Jewish population in Arabia was Khyber.
101. Against Khyber muslim army was 1600 men strong.
102. Khyber was captured in 20 days.
103. Khyber is located near the border of Syria.
104. Moata was situated in Syria.
105. Army of 3000 men was sent to Moata under Zaid bin Haris.
106. After the death of Zaid bin Haris Hazrat Jaafiar was made the army leader at Moata.
107. Under Khalid‘s leadership, battle of Moata was won.
108. Battle of Moata took place in 8 Hijra.
109. Tribe of Khuza joined Muslims after Treaty of Hudaibia.
110. Battle of Hunain fought in 8 Hijra.
111. Muslim army for Hunain was 14 thousand.
112. Siege of Taif was laid in 9 A.H.
113. Tabook expedition took place in 9 A.H.
114. In 9 A.H there was famine in Hijaz.
115. In 9 A.H there was scarcity of water in Madina.
116. In Quran Tabook expedition is called expedition of straitness.
117. Conquest of Makkah is called Aam-ul-Fatah.
118. Ghazwa-e-Tabook was fought in 9 A.H.
119. Hazrat Abbas was made prisoner of war in Badr.
120. Abu Jehl was killed by Ma-ooz and Ma-aaz.
121. The leader of teer-andaz at Jabale-e-Yahnene in the battle of Ohad was Abdullah bin
122. Jabeer.
123. Comander of infidels in Ohad was Abu Sufyan.
124. Battle of Tabook came to an end without any result.
125. 2 weeks were spent to dig the ditch.
126. In a battle of Trench Hazrat Safia killed a jew.
127. Qamoos temple was conquered by Ali during Khyber war.
128. For battle of Tabook, Abu Bakr donated all his belongings.
129. In the battle of Ditch, the wrestler named Umaro bin Abad-e-Wad was killed by Ali.
130. In Hunain Muslims were in majority than to their enemy:
131. Hazrat Jaafar was martyred in Moata war.
132. In Tabook ghazwa muslims returned without a fight.
133. Gazwa Widdan was fought in the month of Zil-Hajj 1 A.H.
134. In Hunain battle Prophet was left alone.
135. The participants of Battle of Badar were bestowed with highest reward by Allah.
136. In Badr martyrs were Muhajirs=6 & Ansars=8.
137. In the battle of Taaif, catapult was used first time by Muslims.
138. Against the Syrian tribe the battle of Al-Ghaba was waged.
139. First Sariya Ubaidah bin Haris was fought at Rabakh in 1 A.H.
140. Last Sariya Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas was fought at Syria in 11 A.H.


MCQs on Famous Deserts, Famous Islands, International Airlines, Geographical Lines and Organizations & Pacts

Famous Deserts

  • Thar desert is located in Northwest India and East Pakistan
  • Dsht-i-Lut desert is in Iran.
  • The world’s largest desert Sahara is located in Africa.
  • Kalhari desert is in South Africa.
  • Gobi desert is in Mongolia & China.
  • The Atacama Desert is located in North Chile, South America.
  • What is the worlds oldest desert – country named after it-Namib
  • Namib Desert is in South-West Africa.
  • Simpson Desert is in Australia.
  • Great Victoria Desert is in Australia. • Arabian Desert is in Egypt.
  • Death Valley desert is in California.
  • Gibson Desert is in Australia.
  • Great Sandy Desert is in Australia.
  • Karakum desert is in Turkmenistan.
  • Kavir Dasht Davir desert is in Iran.
  • Nafud desert is in Saudi Arabia.
  • Rub-el-Khali desert is in South Arabian peninsula.
  • Sonoran desert is in Arizona to Mexico.
  • Deserts in Asia are: Gobi, Karakum, Rub-al-Khali, Takla makan.
  • Takla Makan desert is in Xinjing (China).
  • Deserts in Africa are: Kalhari, Namib, and Sahara.

Famous Islands

  • St. Helena is in Atlantic Ocean.
  • Largest island in Indian Ocean is Madagascar.
  • Sumatra is an island in Indonesia.
  • The largest island in the world Greenland is located in North America. (chk)
  • Greenland is geographically in America but politically in Europe.
  • Kalaalit Nunaat (Greenland) Island (Denmark), the largest island is in North Atlantic
  • New Guinea is world’s second largest island.
  • Virgin Island is a group of 100 Island in W.Indies.
  • Canary Island is in Spain.
  • The largest Island in the Mediterranean Sea is Sicily.
  • Malaqasv (Madagascar) is in Indian Ocean.
  • Baffin is in North Atlantic Ocean (Canadian).
  • Sumatra is in Northest Indian Ocean (Indonesia).
  • Neaw Zealand is in South Pacific Ocean.
  • Borneo Island is in Pacific Ocean.
  • Honshu Island is in North West Pacific.
  • Great Britain Island is in North Atlantic.
  • Victoria Island is in Arctic Ocean.
  • Baffin Island is in Atlantic Ocean.
  • Ellesmere Island is in Arctic Ocean.
  • Galapagos Islands are in Pacific Ocean.
  • Indonesia consists of 1300 islands.
  • World’s largest Delta is Sunderlands (India).
  • Paracel Islands are of…. china vs Vietnam
  • Which country owns the Hen and Chicken islands: North island New Zealand
  • Indian city Mumbai consists of seven islands.
  • The famous Island located at the mouth of the Hudson river is Manhattan
  • Sugar Island is the located at the confluence of Ganga and the Bay of Bengal.
  • Cathy Pacific is an island.

International Airlines

  • Aero float is the airline of Russia.
  • Al-Italia is the Italian international airlines.
  • Royal Nepal’s Airline is the name of Nepal’s airline.
  • Transworld Airway (TWA) belongs to USA.
  • Scandinavian airlines operate in the countries Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
  • KLM is the oldest national airline of netherland.
  • JAL is an airline of Japan.
  • BOAC airline is of Great Britain.
  • Garada is the airline of Indonesia.
  • Qantas is an airline of Australia.
  • The famous airport Dum Dum is located in Mombai (India).
  • Chaklala airport is situated in Rawalpindi.
  • Orly airport is located in Paris.
  • Santa Cruz airport is in Mumbai.
  • LOT is the national airline of what country-Poland
  • TABSO is the national airline of which country-Bulgaria
  • Lufthansa is an airlines from Germany
  • Cathy Pacific is an airline of Hong Kong.
  • What is Belgium’s national Airline- Sebina
  • Biman is the airline of Bangladesh.
  • Asiana is the airline of … South Korea

Important Geographical Lines

  • A Curzon line is the polish-Russian frontier setup in 1945.
  • Dead line is the line or boundary of a military prison, which prisoners are not allowed to cross.
  • Green Line is a demarcation line between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities.
  • Hindenburg line separates Germany from Poland.
  • Pak-Iran border line was demarcated on 24th Sep: 1872.
  • Line of control is b/w Azad Kashmir & Occupied Kashmir.
  • Mc Mohan line is the boundary line between India and China. It was demarcated in 1914.
  • Radcliff line is the boundary between Pakistan and India. It was demarcated in 1947 by Sir Cyril Radcliff.
  • 17th parallel line is the boundary line between North Vietnam and the South Vietnam.
  • 24th parallel Line lies in Rann of Kutch. It is frontier between Pakistan and India.
  • 38th Parallel line is the boundary between North and South Korea.
  • 49th Parallel Line is the boundary line between Canada and the USA.
  • Durand line is 1300 mile long frontier b/w Pakistan & Afghanistan demarcated in 1893-95. it has over 200 passes.
  • Maginot line is French line of fortification built in WWII along the German border form Switzerland to Belgium. It divides France from Germany.
  • Maginot line divides France from Germany.
  • Mannerheim line was defensive fortification line on the Karelian Isthmus built by Finland against the Soviet Union.
  • Oder-neisse Line was boundary b/w Germany & Poland during WWII.

Important Organizations & Pacts

  • Name Founded Member Headquarter
  • ADB- 1966- Headqarter at Philippines(Manila) and total 187 member countries
  • Arab League- 1945- 22- Cairo(Eygpt)
  • ASEAN- Aug 8, 1967- 10 member countries -Hq Jakarta, founded at Bangkok.
  • Colombo Plan- 1st July 1951- Colombo (Srilanka)
  • Common Wealth- 1931 HQ London. Total members 54
  • D8- 15 June 1997- Founded at Turkey, HQ Turkey.
  • ECO- Jan 1985- 8- Tehran.Total members 10
  • ICJ- 1951- Hq in Hauge.
  • ICRC- 1883- Geneva.
  • NAM 1961
  • OIC 22 to 25 Sep 1969- 57 member countries – Hq in Jeddah established in Rabat (Morocco).
  • SAARC 8, 1985- 7- 8 Katmandu- established at Dhaka.
  • NATO- 1949 Brussels.
  • SEATO Sep 8, 1954 founder at Manila, ended in 1972
  • UNO 24 Oct 1945 New York.
  • Warsaw Pact 14th May 1955. Dissolved in 1991
  • Term of non-permanent members of the Security Council is 2 years.
  • General Assembly and Security Council appoints the judges of International Court of Justice.
  • RCD was changed to ECO in Jan 1985.
  • G-8 was established on 22 September 1985. G-8 was originally the G-5 but was expanded when Canada, Italy and Russia jointed in June 1997.
  • European Union came in to being on January 1, 2000, EU adopted Euro currency in 2001. Its head quarter is in Brussels (Belgium).
  • International Energy Agency was founded in 1974; its head quarter is in Paris (France).
  • International Olympic Committee was formed in 1984; its head quarter is in Lausanne (Switzerland).
  • The head quarter of international Red Cross and Red Crescent is in Geneva (Switzerland).
  • Organization of Petroleum and Exporting Countries was founded in Baghdad in 1960; its head quarter is in Vienna (Austria).
  • The organization of Economic Cooperation and Development was founded in 1961; its head quarter is in Paris (France).
  • The world council of churches was established in 1948 in Amsterdam (Netherlands), its headquarter is in Geneva (Switzerland).
  • North American Free Trade Agreement, its origin lies in the free trade agreement signed by the USA and Canada in 1989.
  • The organization of African Unity was founded in 1963; its head quarter is in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).
  • The organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries was founded in 1968, its headquarter is in Cairo (Egypt).
  • Organization of American State was founded in 1948; its heat quarter is in Washington DC (USA).
  • China became the member of the World Trade Organization on 11 December 2001
  • OPANAL stands for Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America.It was formed on 2nd December, 1969, its headquarter is in Mexico City.
  • OECS stands of Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, established on 18th June, 1981.
  • The head quarter of OECS is in Casries (St. Lucia).
  • UN has 6 principle organ
  • Security Council has 5 permanent members.
  • The Economic and Social Council acts as coordinating body for the numerous specialized agencies created by the UN. The council has 54 members elected for the term of 3 years.
  • The international court of justice comprises 15 judges.
  • The IBRD was established in 27th Dec 1945.
  • Steel Pact was signed between Italy and Germany on 22nd May 1939 at Berlin.
  • Camp David Accord made between Egypt and Israel on 17 Sep 1978.
  • Locarno pact signed on 16th October, 1925, signed at Locarno.
  • Four Power Pact was signed on 16th July, 1933 at Paris.
  • CENTO was signed on 24th Feb, 1955 in Baghdad.
  • Balkan Pact was signed on 9th Feb, 1934.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine was announced in 1957.
  • Entente Cordiale was formed in April 1904, the agreement was signed between England and France.
  • Dawes Plan was introduced in 1924.
  • CTBT opened for signature from Sep 24, 1996.
  • KELLOGG-Briand pact was signed by 15 states on 27th August, 1928, it was signed in Paris.
  • Rio Summit was held in Rio-de-Janero on 14th 1992.
  • Amnesty International is an international organization which works for the release of the political prisoners. It was established by peter Bomenson in the year of 1961.
  • In 1941 the Atlantic Charter was signed by Churchill and Roosevelt.
  • Truman Doctrine——-announced on 12 March 1947 about the security of Greece and Turkey.
  • USSR and its allies signed Warsaw pact in the year 1955.
  • The famous Dumbarton Oaks conference, which formulated proposals about UN charter, was held in Dec 1944.
  • On 14th August 1941, US president F.D Roosevelt and British Premier W. Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter on a battle ship.
  • Veraillies Treaty was signed in 1919.
  • Bostan Tea party tool place in 1773.
  • The civil right act which was passed in USA in 1964 was the result of the March of 250000 people organized by Martin Luther king in 1963.
  • The famous XYZ affair tool place when an American delegation visited England.
  • Potsdam conference was held in 1945.
  • Mamoon Abdul Gavvum (PM of Maldives) said SAARC is a brain child.
  • Napolean I, first person to call English a nation of shopkeepers.
  • Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration; these words are said by Thomas A. Edison.
  • Hippocrates said that extreme remedies are most appropriate for extreme disease.
  • Archimedes said that give me but one firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the earth.
  • The Asian development bank established in 1966 with headquarter located at MANILA (philipines).
  • Eqypt , Iraq , jorden , Lebanon , Saudi Arab , Syria and Yemen are the founder nations of the arab league.
  • Asian development bank was established in 1966 with headquarter located at manila(philipine)
  • The International court of Justice is located in Hague,Holland
  • WHO is not the principal organ of the United Nations.
  • Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on Dec: 10, 1948.
  • Green Peace has no formal structure and Secretariat.
  • Who were the three statesmen who formulated Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): Nehru, Nasser, Tito
  • international headquarter of Transparency International (TI} is located in Berlin, Germany. The founder of the organisation is Peter Eigen
  • The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is established at: Khatmandu
  • How many official working languages are recognized by UNO:6
  • Who was the first Asian Secretary General of the United Nations? U. Thant
  • Baden Powel was the founder of Boy Scout and Civil Guides Movement.
  • CIS are 11 independent states of the former Soviet Union known as Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Head quarters of WWF are in Vienna, Austria.
  • SAARC was formed in December, 1985.
  • SAARC Human Resource Development Centre is located at Islamabad.
  • HQ of Universal Postal Union is in Berne.
  • New Zealand’s Don McKinnon is the first secretary general of commonwealth.
  • First Islamic Summit was held at Rabat in 1969.
  • Second Islamic Summit was held at Lahore in 1974.
  • 1n 1948 the UN drawn up a charter of civil and political rights.
  • First Secretary General of UN was Tregav Lee of Norway.
  • Kofi Anan got noble peace price in 2001.
  • UNO world was coined by F.D Roosevelt.
  • Kofi Anan is the 7th Secretary General of UNO.
  • What was the first country to leave the United Nations-Indonesia
  • The term of the judges of the international court of justice is 9 years.
  • ILO is not an organ of the UN.
  • First city to be placed under UN was Sarajevo.
  • The UN observed 1998 as the human rights year with the theme “ All Human Rights for All”.
  • ICJ has 15 judges, any two of whom cannot be of the same nationality.
  • UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 and came into force on October 24, 1945.
  • Olive Branch is the emblem of the U.N.
  • Five permanent members of U.N Security Council are China, France, Russia, UK and US.
  • UN Security Council has five permanent and 10 non-permanent members.
  • Bangladesh is not a member of ASEAN.
  • As per SAFTA agreement, India, Pakistan & Sri Lanka have to decrease their custom duties to 0-5% by 2013.
  • Estonia is not a member of CIS.
  • Portuguese is not an official language of UN.
  • ICJ has issued the arrest warrant of … Omar al Basher of Sudan
  • The United States of America has used its veto power more than any other permanent member
  • G-7 is the group of seven rich industralial nations- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US.
  • The UNO originated during the second world war.Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
  • In 1971 the people republic of china was given membership of UNO by expelling Taiwan.
  • The UN Industrial Development Organization has its headquarters at Vienna.
  • Initially, Arab league has seven countries.
  • Headquarter of Arab League is located in Cairo. Arab League was established on 22nd March 1945.
  • Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in 1961
  • The International court of justice was constituted on 26th June 1945
  • The Charter of United Nations consists of 111 articles.
  • The Common Wealth of Australia came into existence in 1901.
  • Article 55 of the UN Charter promotes international Human Rights.
  • Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state’s coastline? 12 miles.
  • A state’s executive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline? 12 miles
  • ECOSOC has been established under chapter 10 of the UN charter
  • United Arab Emirates is a federation of 7 Emirates.
  • Switzerland joined the UN during 2002.
  • African Development Bank was established in 1964.
  • The principal organs of United Nations are Six.
  • United Nations spends a lion’s share of its budget on Refugees rehabilitations
  • The UNO originated during the Second World War. Its charter was drawn up from 25th April to 26th June, 1945 at San Francisco which was signed by 51 countries.
  • Transparency International is based in Berlin.
  • Where is the headquarter of the Amnesty International located: London
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.
  • Human Right Watch dog headquarter is in.. New York
  • In which city World Economic forum usually holds its meetings? The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a Geneva-based non-profit foundation best known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland

 1. Holy Prophet was born in 571 A.D 22nd April ( Day__ Monday).

2. Father‘s name, Hazat Abdullah.
3. Mother‘s Name, Hazrat Amna.
4. Maternal Grand Father‘s name Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf.
5. Maternal Grandmother, Batarah.
6. Real name of Abdu Mutalib was Shaba.
7. Grandmother name, Fatima.
8. 10 is the number of Uncles and 6 aunts.
9. Prophet journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at 12 years.
10. At 25 Prophet married to Hazrat Khadija.
11. Hazrat Khadija accepted Islam first in Women and in all.
12. Hazrat Abu Bakar accepted first in Men.
13. Hazrat Ali accepted first in Children.
14. Varqa Bin Naufal verified Prophet for the first time.
15. Holy prophet had 4 daughters and 3 sons.
16. At age of 40 holy Prophet received first Wahi.
17. In 622 A.D Holy Prophet migrated to madina.

19. Hazrat Haleema was the foster mother of Holy Prophet.
20. Besides Hazrat Haleema (RA) Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Umme-e-Aemon is also my
21. mother.
22. Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy Prophet (SAW)-- Hazrat Halema (RA), Hazrat Sobia
23. (RA) and Hazrat Khola (RA)
24. How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died? Six years
25. Sheema was the foster sister of Holy Prophet.
26. Hazrat Haleema looked after the holy prophet for 4 years.
27. 35 was the age at the time of Hajr-i-Aswad incident.
28. Hazrat Bilal Habshi was the first slave to accept Islam.
29. Wife of Abu Lahab used to spread throne in the way of prophet in 4th year of
30. prophethood.
31. Home of Hazrat Arqam (RA) used as the centre of secret preaching by the holy prophet.
32. In 7th Nabvi boycott of Banu Hashim began.
33. Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet on the first heaven.
34. Hazrat Isa and Hazrat Yahya on 2nd.
35. Hazrat Yaqub on 3rd.
36. Hazrat Idrees on 4th.
37. Hazrat Harron on 5th.
38. Hazrat Musa on 6th.
39. Hazrat Ibraheem on 7th.
40. Al-Kaswa is the name of Camel on which prophet traveled.
41. Prophet purchased mosque land at medina from two orphans (Sehl and Sohail).
42. Charter of Madina was issued on 1 A.H it had 57 Articles.
43. Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd A.H (18 month).
44. 27 total no of Ghazwas.
45. First Ghazwah of Islam was Widan (Abwa), fought in 12th month of First Hijrah.
46. Jang Badr occurred in 2 A.H. 313 Muslims fought in battle.
47. No of Hadith Collected by Abu Huraira (RA) 5374.
48. Prophet hazrat Noah (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya
49. Aby Ubaiduh Bin Jiirrah was entitled Ameen-ul Ummat.
50. Hazrat Umar proposed Azan for the first time.
51. The dome over the sacred Grave of the holy prophet is known as Gumbad-e-Khizra.
52. Baitul Mamur is a place where seventy thousand angles were circumambulation during the
53. Holy Ascension.
54. Baitul Mamoor is on 7th Heaven.
55. 4 kings accepted Islam when holy prophet sent them letters.
56. Mosque of Zarar was demolished by prophet.
57. Hazrat Ali Conquered the fort of Qamus.
58. Lady named Zainab tried to poison the Holy Prophet.
59. Prophet recited surah Al-Fatha at the conquest of Makkah .
60. Hashim was grand father of prophet & brother of Muttalib.
61. The name Muhamammad was proposed by Abdul Muttalib while the name Ahmed was
62. proposed by Bibi Aminah.
63. Migration from Mecca to Abyssinia took place in the 7th month of the 5th year of the
64. mission i.e 615 A.d. The total number of migrated people was 15 (11 men and 4 women).
65. Second migration to Habshah took place in 616 A.D.
66. Second migration to Abyssinia 101 people with 18 females.
67. After Amina‘s death, Ummay Aimen looked after Prophet.
68. After Harb-e-Fajjar, Prophet took part in Halaf-ul-Fazul.
69. Prophet made second business trip to Syria in 24th year of elephant.
70. Friend of Khadija Nafeesa carried message of Nikah.
71. Surname of Haleema Sadia was Ummay Kabtah.
72. Surname of Prophet was Abu-ul-Qasim.
73. Da‘ia of the Prophet was Shifa who was mother of Abdul Rehman bin Auf.
74. Abdul Mutalib died in 579 A.D.
75. Masaira a slave of Khadija accompanied Prophet to Syria.
76. First forster mother was Sobia who was mother of Hamza.
77. For six years Haleema took care of Prophet.
78. For two years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet.
79. After 7 days the Aqeeqa ceremony of Prophet was held.
80. Prophet belonged to Banu Hashim clan of Quraish tribe.
81. Among uncles Abbas & Hamza embraced Islam.
82. Amina was buried at Abwa b/w Makkah & Madina.
83. Six months before the Prophet‘s birth his father died.
84. Prophet had no brother and no sister.
85. Foster father of Prophet was Haris.
86. At the age of 15, Herb-e-Fajjar took place.
87. Herb-e-Fajjar means war fought in the probihited months.
88. First father-in-law of Prophet was Khawalid.
89. Aamina belonged to Bani Zohra tribe.
90. Umar and Hamza accepted Islam in 615 A.d (5th Nabvi).
91. Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in 7th Nabvi.
92. Shi‘b means valley.
93. Social boycott continued for 3 years.
94. A group of Madina met Prophet in 11th Nabvi.
95. Accord of Uqba took place in 13th Nabvi.
96. On 27th Rajab, 10 Nabvi the event of Miraj took place.
97. 10th Nabvi was called Aam-ul-Hazan (year of grief).
98. Name of the camel on which Prophet was riding in migration was Qaswa.
99. Omaar bin Hisham was the original name of Abu Jehl.
100. Abu-al-Hikm is the title of Abu Jehl.
101. Persons included in Bait-e-Uqba Oola 12 and in Bait-e-Uqba Sani 75.
102. Cave of Hira is 3 miles from Makkah.
103. Hijra took place in 13th Nabvi.
104. Medina is 338 Km from Makkah. (210 miles)
105. Makkah conquest occurred in 8th year of Hijra.
106. Prophet performed Hajj in 10th Hija.
107. Prophet was buried in the hujra of Ayesha.
108. Prophet was born in 1st Year of Elephant.
109. Ambassadors sent to Arab& other countries in 7th Hijra.
110. King of Iran tore away the message of Prophet.
111. King of Byzantine in 7th Hijra was Hercules.
112. After 6 years of the birth of Holy prophet Bibi Aamna died.
113. After 8 years of the birth of Prophet Abdul Muttalib died.
114. Holy Prophet demised at the age of 63.
115. First Azan was called out in 1 A.H.
116. Bahira Syrian Christian saint recognized prophet as last prophet.
117. Harb-i-Fajjar was a war fought b/w Quraish and Bani Hawazin Prophet was of 15 years
118. and participated in it.
119. Prophet visited Taif in 10th Nabvi.
120. Tribe of Taif was Saqaif.
121. Prophet with Zaid bin Haris went Taif & stayed for 10 days.
122. Bibi Amna suckled Prophet for 3 days.
123. After 18 month at Madina of change of Qibla occurred.
124. Old name of Zu Qiblatain is Banu Saleem.
125. Cave of Hira is in Jabal-e-Noor Mountain.
126. At Masjid Al Khaif (Mina) almost 70 prophets are buried.
127. Month of migration was Rabiul Awal
128. Qiblah now-a-days is called Khana-e-Kaba.
129. Prophet addressed Khutba-e-Jum‘aa for first time in 1st Hijra
130. Year of Deputation is 9th Hijrah.
131. Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in 2nd Hijra.
132. Jehad was allowed in 2nd Hijrah.
133. Ashaab-e-Sufah: Muhajirs who stayed near Masjid-e-Nabvi.
134. Hurrirah means a cat.
135. Bait-e-Rizwan took place in 6th Hijrah.
136. Jewish tribe of Banu Nuzair expelled from Madina in 4th H.
137. Companions of Prophet at Hudabiya were 1400.
138. Prophet stayed at Makkah for 15 days after its conquest.
139. 1 Lac companions accompanied Prophet at last Hajj.
140. Prophet spent his last days in Ayesha‘s house.
141. Cave of Soar is located near Makkah 5 miles.
142. Quba is 3 miles away from Madina.
143. In sixth year of Hijrah, Prophet intended for Umrah.
144. Prophet stayed in Ayyub Ansari‘s house for 7 months.
145. Prophet performed Umrah in 7th A.H.
146. Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) was the adopted son of the Holy Prophet.
147. Year 570 known as year of Elephant or Amal Fil.
148. Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died in 619.
149. First place from where Prophet openly started his preaching Jabl Faran or Mount Safa.
150. Prophet did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi. (i.e for 3 years)
151. Prophet preached openly in 4th Nabvi.
152. Prophet narrated the event of Miraj first of all to Umm-e-Hani (real sister of Ali)
153. Prophet was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Miraj.
154. In miraj Prophet traveled from Baitul Muqadas to Sidratul Mantaha.
155. During Hijrat Saraqa bin Sajjal spied.
156. In Miraj Jibrael called Aazan in Baitul Muqadas.
157. Prophet led all the prophets in a prayer in miraj at al-Aqsa
158. Fatima died after 6 Months (age=31,11 A.H) Prophet.
159. Youngest daughter Fatima.
160. Islamic official seal started on 1st Muharram, 7 A.H
161. Seal of Prophet was made of Silver.
162. What was written on the Holy Prophet (SAW) seal?
163. Allah Rasool Muhammad
164. Prophet performed 1(in10 A.H) Hajj and 4(in7 A.H) umras.
165. Change of Qibla occurred on 15 Shaban,2 A.H(Monday)(during Zuhr)
166. Construction of Masjid-e-Nabvi started Rabiulawal, 1 A.H.
167. Namaz-e-Juma became Farz in Medina.
168. First man to embrace Islam on the eve of Fatah-e-Makka was Abu Sufyan.
169. First to migrate to Madina (first muhajir) Abu Salam.
170. Last to migrate to Madina was Abbas.
171. First non-arab to embrace Islam Farwah bin Umro
172. Facsimile of the Prophet Mus‘ab bin Umair.
173. Kalsoom bin al_Hadam gave land for Quba mosque
174. The title of ammenul ummat is of Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah.(conqurer of Damascus)
175. The day when Prophet delivered his last Khutab was Juma.
176. Idols in Kaba before Islam numbered 360.
177. The largest idol named Habal.
178. Bilal called first aazan of Fajr prayer.
179. The Hadith, which is transmitted with continuity and enjoys such abundance of narrators
180. that their statement becomes authentic, is called Matwatar.
181. The grave of the Prophet was prepared by Hazrat Abu Talha
182. Qasim was first of the Holy Prophet's children to be born.
183. The first Namaz-e-Janazah performed by Rasoolullah was that of Asad bin Zaraara (radi
184. Allahu anhu).
185. The first Namaaz to be made Fardh was Tahajjud Namaaz, which was later made Nafil.
186. At Masjid-e-Nabvi first Muslim University was established.
187. Holy prophet labored in the formation of Masjid-e-Quba.
188. Masjid-e-Zarar was built by Hyporcrites at Madina.
189. 25 Doors are in Masjid –e-Haram, the most important door of Kaaba is Babul Salam.
190. The flag colour of the Holy Prophet was white and yellow at the time of conquest of
191. Makkah.
192. Friday is known as Sayeed Ul Ayam.
193. Shab-e-Barat is celebrated on the 15th night of Shuban.
194. The camel driver of Prophet at the fall of Mecca was Usama bin Zaid bin Haris.
195. Prophet issued order of killing Abdul Uza bin Khatal at the fall of Mecca.
196. At Koh-e-Safa, Prophet addressed after conquest of Makkah.
198. Umat-ul-Momineen is called to Wives of Holy prophet.
199. Zainab bint Khazeema is known as Ummal Masakeen.
200. Abu Bakar gave the collection of Quran to Hazrat Hafsa.
201. Khadija died on the tenth of Ramadan 10 Nabvi.
202. Khadija was buried in Hujun above Makka
203. In the Cottage of Hazrat Ayesha, prophet spent his last days.
204. Khadija died at 65 years age.
205. Last wife of Prophet Um Maimoona.
206. Khadija belonged to the tribe of Banu Asad.
207. First woman to lead an Islamic army Ayesha (Jange Jamal)
208. Ayesha narrated maximum number of ahadith.
209. The second wife named Sauda.
210. Zainub bint Jaish (Surah Ahzab) was married to the Prophet though Allah‘s revelation or
211. will.
212. Daughter of Umer who married to Prophet was Hafsa.
213. Hazrat Khadija was the first person to read Namaz amongst the Ummah of the Prophet.
214. Umm-e-Salma was alive at Karbala tragedy. She was the last of the wives of Prophet to
215. die.
216. Ummul Momineen Ummay Habiba was daughter of Abu Sufyan.
217. Ummul Momineen Ummay Habiba migrated to Abyssinia and Madina as well.
218. Ummul Momineen Hazrat Safia was the progeny of Hazrat Haroon.
219. Hazrat Maria Qibtiya gave birth to Hazrat Ibrahim, son of Prophet.
220. Hazrat Khadija was buried at Jannat-e-Moalla in Macca.
221. Najashi was the king through which Prophet married to Ummay Habiba.
222. The Umm-ul-Momineen Javeria‘s actual name was Barrah.
223. Hazrat Khadija received salutation from Allah.
224. Third wife of Prophet was Hazrat Ayesha.
225. Sauda said about Ayesha ―My soul might be in her body‖
226. Hazrat Khadija was the only Ummul Momineen who was not buried in Jannatul Baqi.
227. Prophet not offerd funeral prayer of Khadija due to Allah‘s will.
228. Ayesha is called Al-Tayyabeen.
229. Hazrat Ruqia died on the day of the victory of battle of Badr she was the wife of Usman.
230. After Ruqia‘s death Ummay Kalsoom married Usman.
231. Qasim was born in 11 years before Prophethood.
232. Hassan is known as Shabbar which means handsome.
233. For 14 months Hasan remained Khalifa.
234. Hasan is buried at Jannat-ul-Baq‘ee.
235. Eldest son of the Prophet Qasim.
236. Third son-in-law of Prophet was Abul A‘as.
237. Hazrat Asad died first among the Sahabah.
238. Hamza & Hussain are known as leader of Martyrs.
239. Hazrat Usman Bin Talha was the Key holder of Kaaba.
240. Hazrat Saad bin Ubi waqas conquered Persia firstly.
241. Qabeela bin Qais is known as cup bearer of Zam Zam.
242. Abbas was instrumental in bringing abu Sufiyan in Islam.
243. Periods of Caliphs
244. Abu Bakar 632-634
245. Hazrat Umar 634-644
246. Hazrat Usman 644-656
247. Hazrat Ali 656-661
248. Abu Bakar 2y 3m
249. Hazrat Umar 10y 5m 21d.
250. Hazrat Usman 12y.
251. Hazrat Ali 4y 9m.
252. Hazrat Abu Bakar was the merchant of cloth.
253. Real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar was Abdullah (befor Islam- Abdul Kaba).
254. Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of Abu Bakar.
255. Hazrat Abu Bakar died in 22nd of Jamadi-us-Sani 13 AH.
256. Abu Lulu Feroz, the slave martyred Hazrat Umar Farooq.
257. Hazrat Umar Farooq was martyred on 1st Muharram 24 A.H.
258. Hazrat Umar introduced Hijra Calender.
259. Hazat Usman is known as Zul Noorain because he wedded with two daughters of Prophet:
260. Rukya+Umme Qulsoom.
261. Usman accepted Islam at the instigation of Abu Bakar.
262. Asadullah & Haider-e-Karar were the epithets of Hazrat Ali.
263. Ali married Fatima in 2nd Hijra.
264. Hazrat Ali was born at Khane-e-Kaaba.
265. Hazrat Ali was martyred on 21st Ramzan 40 A.H.
266. In Ghazwa Uhad Hazrat Ali was awarded with Zulifqar.
267. Hazrat Umer accepted islam in 616 A.D.
268. Hazrat Umar established the office of Qazi.
269. Hazrat Umar added As Salato Khairum Min Noum.
270. Usman migrated to Habsha
271. Hazat Usman participated in all battles except Badr.
272. In the reign of Usman, Muwaviah established naval fleet.
273. Only sahabi without seeing Prophet Awais Karni.
274. Umar levied zakat on horses.
275. Ali lifted zakat on horses.
276. Abu Bakr had knowledge of dreams.
277. Usman added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers.
278. Atique is the title of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
279. Hazrat Umar established Department of Police.
280. Hazrat Umar formed a parliament, namely Majlis-e-Aam.
281. Ghani was the title of Hazrat Usman (RA).
282. Hazrat Ali has the title the gateway to knowledge.
283. Hazrat Ali is buried at Najaf.
284. Amer bin Aas embraced Islam in 7th Hijra.
285. Khalild bin Waleed embraced Islam in 7th Hijra.
286. First Moazin of Islam, Hazrat Bilal.
287. The home of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansaari was the first place where the Prophet stayed in
288. Madina Shareef.
289. The first person sent to spread Islam under the instructions of the Prophet was Mus'ab bin
290. Umair who was sent to Madinah.
291. The first person to make Ijtihaad was Abu Bakr Siddique
292. Hazrat Abu Zirr Ghaffari is known as the first Dervish.
293. Abdullah ibn Maz‘oom:first person buried in Jannatul Baqi.
294. Hazrat Umar was the first person to perform Janazah Salat in Jamaat with four Takbeers.
295. First census of Islamic world in Umer‘s period.
296. The first person to become murtad (out of the folds of Islam) was either Muqees bin
297. Khubaaba or Ubaidullah bin Jahash.
298. Salah-udin Ayubi conquered Bait ul Muqadas.
299. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani is buried at Baghdad.
300. Shah Jahan Mosque is at Thatta.
301. Jibraeel will be first person questioned on Day of Qiyamat.
302. From amongst the animals, the first animal to be brought back to life will be the Buraaq of
303. Prophet Muhammad.
304. The first Ibaadat on earth was Tauba (repentance).
305. The first Mujaddid of Islam is Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz.
306. First book of Hadith compiled was Muata by Imam Malik.
307. Mosque of Prophet was damaged due to fire in the reign of Motasim Billah.
308. Jamia mosque of Damascus was built by Walid bin Malik.
309. Umm-us-Saheehain is Imam Malik: Mauta.
310. Mohd: bin Ismael Bukhari comprised of 4,000 hadiths
311. Bukhari Sharif & Muslim Sharif are called Sahihain.
312. Imam Tirmazy was a student of Abu Dawood.
313. Kitab-ul-Kharaj was written by Imam Abu Yousuf.
314. Mahmood Ghaznavi called kidnapper of scholars.
315. Mullana Nizam-ud-Din founded the school of Dars-e-Nizamia.
316. Baqee Billah revolted against Akbar‘s deen-e-Ilahi firstly.
317. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhandi was given the title of Mujadid alf Sani by Mullana Abdul Hakeem.
318. Baba Fareed Ganj Shakr married to the daughter of Balban

Note: please correct if you find any mistake 


Important Streets , Mountains, Mountain Passes, Oceans and World Rivers

Important Streets

  • Bond Street is located in London. It is famous for tailoring and jewelry.
  • Dalal Street is located in Mumbai (India). It is the stock exchange market of Mumbai.
  • Drowning Street No. 10 is located at Westminster (England). It is famous for the official residence of the British Prime Minister. It was named after Sir George Drowning, a diplomat under Cromwell and King Charles II.
  • Elgin Street is located in Scotland. It is the world’s shortest street.
  • Young Street is located in Toronto (Canada). It is the longest street in the world.
  • Vicolo della virilita is the world’s narrowest street.
  • Canal Street is the widest street in USA.
  • Broadway (USA) is famous for various theaters and cinema halls. It is regarded as biggest street in the world.
  • Fleet Street is in London where newspaper offices and press agencies are located.
  • The busiest shopping centre of London is Oxford Street
  • Lombart Street is located in San Francisco. This street is also called the Crookedest Street. It is the financial centre in San Francisco.
  • Wall Street is located in New York. It was built in 1653. It is famous for banking, finance and stock exchange market.
  • In which London Street is the US embassy- Grosvener Square.


  • Mount Olympus is in Greece.
  • The mountain range in Russia that is regarded as the boundary b/w Europe & Asia is Urals.
  • Margalla Hills of Islamabad are extension of Himaliya range.
  • Ural mountains separate Asia from Europe.
  • Ordovician are oldest rocks.
  • Oldest mountain system are Araveli.
  • Youngest mountain system are Himaliyas.
  • Andes Mountains are in South America.
  • Ring of Fire are volcanoes in Circum-Pacific Seismic belt.
  • Alps are Europe’s largest mountain system.
  • Atlas are North Africa’s mountain range. Atlas Mountains are in Morocco.
  • The Himalaya mountain range (Asia) is the greatest mountain range in the world.
  • Ayers Rock is the largest single rock in the world.
  • Mauna kea volcano is in Hawaii
  • What is the worlds longest mountain range-The Andes
  • Black forest is a mountain in Germany.
  • Rocky or Rockies Mountains is the largest mountain system of North America.
  • Koh-i-Sultan is in Pakistan.
  • Highest mountain system in the world is Himalayas.
  • Sefid Koh is mountain range in Afghanistan.
  • Blue Mountains are in Australia.
  • Mauna Kea volcano is in Hawaii.
  • What is the name of the second highest mountain in Africa-Mount Kenya
  • In what modern country is mount Ararat-Turkey
  • Most active volcano Italiana is situated in Hawaii.
  • Mount Everest is in Himalaya range with height 29,028 feet first ascent made on May 29, 1953.
  • K2 named Goodwin Austin or Chagori is in Karakoram Range with 28,250 ft height. First ascent made on July 31, 1954.
  • Nanga Parbat is in Himalaya range is known as Killer Mountain with height 26,660 ft. First ascent was made on July 3, 1953.
  • Broad Peak I is in Karakoram range with height 26,470.
  • Tirich Mir is in Hindu Kush mountain.
  • Prince Charles is mountain range in Antarctica.
  • Zardak is the highest peak of Kirthar range.
  • Where are the glasshouse mountains- Queensland Australia

Important Mountain Passes

  • Namni Pass is in Myanmar.
  • Khunjerab Pass is highest pas in Pakistan.
  • Alpine Pass is in USA.
  • Lowari Pass is in Pakistan.
  • Khojak tunnel is in Balouchistan.
  • Bolan (Sulaiman range) pass is in Baluchistan.
  • Kolpur pass is in Baluchistan.
  • Shandur Pass is in Pakistan.
  • Donner pass is in California (USA)
  • Hispar & Biafo glacier is in Pakistan.
  • Siachen glacier is in Karakoram Range.
  • Baltoro gracier is in Karakoram Range.
  • Chogo Lugma is in Karakoram range.
  • Hispar glacier is in Hunza.
  • Malaspina glacier is in Alaska (US),
  • Tasman glacier is in New Zealand.
  • Alpine is the highest mountain pass in the world.
  • Siachen, batoro and chogo lugma glaciers are in Karakorum.
  • April 1984, India conducted an Operation known as ‘Operation Meghdoot’ to capture Siachen.
  • Siachen Glacier is the Worlds Biggest Glacier outside the two Poles. It is also the world’s Highest Glacier that is why it is refered to as “The Third Pole.” It is also the World’s Highest Battle Ground Ever
  • Africa is without glaciers.
  • Highest point of Asia is Mount Everest (Nepal-Tibet).
  • Mount Aconcagua, highest peak in the western hemisphere, located in the Andes Mountains of western Argentina, near the border with Chile.
  • Bodpo La pass is highest pass in Tibet (China) with height 19,412.
  • Vesuvius is a volcano in Italy.
  • Swat valley is in the mountain range of… hindukash
  • Saddle peak is highest peak in Anandaman & Nicobar islands.
  • Karoko tao is a volcano in Indonesia.
  • Approximately the south west monsoon begins in Pakistan in late July.


  • Largest ocean is pacific, then Atlantic, Indian and then Arctic.
  • Largest sea is South China Sea, then Caribbean Sea, then Mediterranean sea, Behring Sea Gulf of Mexico, Sea of Japan, Hudson Bay, East China Sea, Andaman Sea, then Black sea then Red sea and in the last Baltic sea.
  • Sea of Japan is famous for fishing area.
  • Total seas are 12.
  • Bermuda Triange is located in Atlantic Ocean.
  • Diego Garcia is in Indian Ocean.
  • The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is Sunda Trench.
  • Caspian Sea is located in Iraq-Azerbaijan, Turkmensitan, Kazakhstan & Russia.
  • Caspian Sea is the largest salt water lake in the world.
  • Caspian Sea water is shared by Iran, Russia & Azerbaijan.
  • Which sea is sometimes called the Euxine Sea- Black Sea
  • What sea is directly north of Poland- Baltic sea
  • Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean.
  • Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The waters of Caspian Sea are shared by Russia, Iran & Azerbaijan.
  • What is the worlds largest sea (in area): South China
  • Aral Sea is in Central Asia (Kazakhstan). Aral is an inland sea.
  • What is the world’s warmest sea- The Red Sea
  • Aegean Sea is located in Atlantic Ocean.
  • Sargasso Sea is without a coastline.
  • Which of the following cause ocean currents? Permanent winds
  • Nether land’s land is below sea level.
  • Atlantic Ocean is called the “Herring Pond”.

World Rivers

  • Third world comprises of 70% of world population.
  • Hamun Mashkel Lake (Baluchistan) is salt water lake.
  • Most important crop of Nile delta is Cotton.
  • Pak: is 4th among world’s largest cotton producers.
  • A famous natural bridge is located in Virginia.
  • Eskimos live in North America.
  • Iberian Peninsula is a part of Europe.
  • The number of CARS is five.
  • Height of Islamabad is 2000 ft: above sea level.
  • The Devil Tower present in US is a volcano.
  • Hudson Bay is largest bay and is in Northern Canada.
  • Largest gulf is Gulf of Mexico.
  • Grand Canal is oldest man made canal for shipping purpose in China.
  • Shark bay is in Western Australia.
  • English Channel separates England from France.
  • Gulf of Sidra is in Libya.
  • Red river is in USA.
  • Gulf of lion is in France.
  • Churchill water fall is in Canada.
  • Danube River is in Romania (Europe). It pours into Black sea.
  • The Volga is Europe longest river what is the second longest Danube
  • Volga River is in Russia.
  • What is the only river that flows both north and south of equator – The Congo
  • New Zealand is situated in the region of Oceania.
  • Oxus River (also called Amu Darya) is flowing between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It is the largest river of central Asia.
  • Bari Doab is the area lying between River Ravi and River Beas.
  • SURMA is the name of a river.
  • Windermere Lake is the largest lake of UK.
  • What is France’s longest river: Loire
  • Hundroo (Hundrubagh) Water Falls are in India.
  • An iceberg floating in sea will have one-tenth of its mass above the surface of water.
  • Jog Falls are the highest waterfalls in India.
  • Which river is in Lebanon? River Latani
  • Highest salinity is found in the Great Salt Lake in USA.
  • Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin
  • Madagascar is popularly known as the Island of Cloves
  • Niagara Falls was discovered by Louis Hennepin
  • Gateway of Pacific is Panama Canal.
  • Panama Canal links Pacific Ocean with Atlantic Ocean.
  • Panama Canal was opened in 1914.
  • Panama Canal links North America with South America.
  • The Amazon river rises in which country-Peru
  • Amazon River is largest river in terms of volume. It is in Brazil. It pours into Atlantic Ocean.
  • The longest and largest river in Asia is Yangtze.
  • The largest river in China is The Yangtze River.
  • The Soan and the Haro are the two rivers of Potohar Plateau.
  • Aswan dam is constructed on river Nile.
  • World’s largest earth filled dam is Tarbela.
  • Voctoria falls are on the border b/w Zimbabwe & South Africa.
  • Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in world extending from Peru to Bolivia.
  • Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. It is located in Siberia.
  • Indus River pours into Arabian Sea.
  • After Indus, the longest river is Sutlaj in Pakistan.
  • The longest river in South Asia is the Brahmputra.
  • Nile River pours its water into Mediterranean Sea.
  • Don River pours its water into Sea of Azov.
  • Tigris River pours its water into Caspian Sea.
  • Suez Canal is 170 Km long constructed in 1869.
  • The Suez Canal was constructed in 1869.
  • The Suez Canal link the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. The Canal was constructed by a French Engineer, Ferdinand De Lesseps.
  • The Suez Canal was nationalized by Col. Nasser on 26th July, 1956.
  • Mariana trench is the deepest part in the ocean and it lies in Pacific Ocean. It is also called the deepest seafloor depression in the world.
  • River Zambezi flows in Southeast Africa.
  • Euphrates flows in Syria and Iraq.
  • Mesopotamia is the region b/w Tigris & Euphrates.
  • Mississippi river flows in USA. Mississippi is longest river of America.
  • Missouri river flows in USA
  • Hudson River flows in USA.
  • Golden River flows in Alaska, Canada.
  • In what country are the Painted Lakes- Indonesia
  • Name the river that flows through Baghdad- Tigris
  • What city has the most canals- Birmingham
  • Suez Canal was acquired by Britain in 1875 and nationalized by Egypt in 1956. It remains closed 1967-75 after Arab Israel War.
  • Thames River is in England.
  • Seine River is in France.
  • Hang He river is in China.
  • Victoria Lake forms boundary line b/w Tanzania and Uganda.
  • Source River Jehlum is Verinag.
  • Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world. It is located in North America (USA-Canada).
  • Lake Victoria is located in Kenya-Tanzania and Uganda.
  • Great Bear Lake is located in Canada.
  • In which country would you find Lake Disappointment Australia
  • The Amazon river dolphins are what colour- Pink
  • Which of the following rivers rises in lake Lan-Ka Tso in Tibet? Sutlej
  • Volga river pours its water into Caspian Sea it is longest river of Europe.
  • Don is a river of Russia.
  • Lake Erie (N.America) is most polluted lake in the world.
  • Lake Mead on the Arizona-Nevada is largest man-made lake in USA.
  • Baikal Lake is in Siberian desert.
  • Palk Bay lies b/w Gulf of Mannar and Bay of Bengal.
  • Panama Canal connects Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean.
  • 3- Gorges Dam is in .. China
  • Indus originates from Tibet near Mansorowar Lake.
  • The Victoria Falls in Africa is located on river Zambezi. It is the highest fall of Africa.
  • Mt Merapi is located on Java.
  • What is the longest river in Australia- Murray-Darling
  • Gulf Stream is an ocean current named after the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
  • Aswan dam is in Egypt.
  • Word Tsunami is of Japanese language.
  • Largest coral reef is in Australia.
  • Colorado River forms Grand Canyon.
  • River Rhine is in Western Europe.
  • The Victoria Falls is located in Zimbabwe.
  • Highest fall of world Angel Falls is on river Carrao Venezuela.
  • Niagara fall is in North America b/w America & Canada.
  • Ribbon fall is in North America.
  • Silver Strand fall is in North America.
  • Grand Canal is located in People’s Republic of china.
  • After Australia, Europe is the smallest continent.
  • ‘Victoria falls’ is located in Rhodesia.
  • Deccan Plateau is in Asia.
  • Asia is the largest continent and covers about 1/3 of the world’s total land area.
  • Both the highest and lowest points on the earth are found in Asia.
  • The lowest point of Asia is Dead Sea which is about 397 meter below sea level.
  • Dead sea lying b/w Israel and Jordan.
  • Asia Minor is a geographical expression, a part to Turkey.
  • The world’s longest river, the Nile is located in Africa.
  • Africa is also known as Dark Continent.
  • Highest point of South America is Mount Aconcagua (Argentina) and lowest point is Valdes Peninsula (Argentina).
  • Highest Point of North America is Mount Mckinley and the lowest point is Death Valley (California, USA).
  • Highest point of Africa is Kibo, a peak of Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) and lowest point is Lake Assal (Djibouti).
  • Highest point of Europe is Mount El’brus and the lowest point is Caspian Sea.
  • Highest point in Antarctica is Vinson Massif.
  • Highest point in Australia is Mount Kosciusko (New South Wales) and the lowest point is Lake Eyre (South Australia).
  • The lowest point of the North America is the Death Valley located in California.
  • Danube River flows in Austria.
  • Victoria River is the chief source of River Nile.
  • Dardanelles connects black Sea and Mediterranean.
  • Black sea is so called because a dense fog prevails there in winter.
  • The river Jordan flows out into the Dead sea
  • River Mekong flows in Vietnam.
  • River Thames flows in Southern England.
  • River boat Gondola is used in Italy’s city Venice.
  • Hydespes River is now called the Jhelum River.
  • The length of Panama Canal is 50072 miles.
  • At the equator, the equation of the day is 12 hours.
  • Meridan means mid-day.
  • Shale is not a metamorphic rock


Important Battles

  • Battle of Jhelum was fought b/w Alexandar the Great and Raja Porus in 326 B.C. The latter was defeated.
  • Mahumud Ghaznavi invaded on Somnath in 1025 A.D.
  • Battle of Tarain was fought b/w Mohd: Ghouri and Prithvi Raj in 1192 A.D. The former won the battle.
  • First battle of Panipat was fought b/w Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur in 1526. Babur won the battle.
  • Second battle of Panipat was fought in 1556. Akbar won the battle.
  • Third battle of Panipat was fought b/w Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marahttas in 1760. Ahmed Shah defeated the latter.
  • West Bank was occupied in 1967.
  • Japan attacked Pearl Harbour located in Hawaii on 7 Dec: 1941.
  • Israel occupied Golan Heights from Syria.
  • West Bank is located b/w Isreal & Jordan.
  • West Bank was occupied in 1967.
  • Iran & UAE dispute over Persian Gulf islands, Greater & lesser Tunbs.
  • Sakhalin Island is dispute b/w Russia & Japan.
  • Iran & UAE dispute over Persian Gulf islands, Greater & lesser Tunbs.
  • Sakhalin island is dispute b/w Russia & Japan.
  • In Battle of Sabroan, English defeated Sikhs and captured Lahore.
  • Nickname of Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was Little Boy and on Nagasaki=Fat Man.
  • The hundred year war actually lasted for 114 years.
  • Sir William Howard Russell was the first Great War correspondent.
  • Hundred years war fought between France and Britain during 1338-1453.
  • Cease fire between Iran and Iraq took place in 1988, by the intervention of U.N.
  • The place named Normandy became worlds famous due to the D.Day landing during the Second World War on 6th June 1944. Normandy is located in France.
  • Pearl Harbor incident took place on 7th Dec 1941.
  • In 1982 the Falklands war was fought between Britain and Argentina.
  • Civil War of USA lasted from 1861-1865.
  • The famous British Naval commander, who defected the French Naval Fleet at Nile in 1788 and at Trafalgar in 1805 was Horatio Nelson.
  • Doer war fought between South Africa and British.
  • Fighting broke out between Greeks and the Turks in July 1974.
  • At the end of Second World War in 1945, Germany was divided among 4 major powers.
  • In Opium war Britain fought against China.
  • Gulf war Jan 1991 stopped in Feb 28, 1991.
  • Iran-Iraq was started in Sep 1980 and ended in Aug1988.
  • Lloyd George of Great Britain represented in treaty of Versailles.
  • Germany remained in grip of allied occupation from 1994 to 1952.
  • The American general who acted as the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe during the second world war was D.D Eisenhower.
  • The criminals of the Second World War were trailed in the city of Nuremburg.
  • Break up of Germany occurred on 1945 and merger on Oct 3, 1990.
  • Iraq occupied Kuwait on 2nd Aug 1990.
  • USA dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6th August 1945.
  • First World War begun on 1914 A.D. and Second World War started in 1939 when Germany attacked on Poland, it is also considered as greatest war.
  • Germans call a WW1 sea fight Battle of Skagerrak what in UK: Battle of Jutland
  • Operation Thunderbolt was the nickname given to which raid Israeli raid on Entebbe
  • In WW2 the Germans launched operation Bernhard – what Counterfeit British Notes
  • In WW2 what was the German codename for invasion of Russia- Barberossa
  • Operation Dracula in WWII freed what city- Rangoon Burma
  • Which 19th century battle UK / USA fought after peace signed- Battle of New Orleans
  • Waterloo is now in… Belgium
  • The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
  • In Battle of Sabroan, English defeated Sikhs and captured Lahore.
  • Iraq occupied Kuwait in August 1990.
  • North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.
  • Darfur conflict is in Sudan.


Important Books & Their Authors

  • Shahnama-i-Islam was written by Hafeez Jalandri.
  •  Taloo e islam was written by Allama Iqbal
  • Man who ruled India was written by Philip Woodruff.
  • The book confession was written by Rousseau.
  • Quaid –e-Azam Jinnah. The story of a Nation is written by G.Allana.
  • Foundation of Pakistan was written by Sharif ud din Pirzada.
  • Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam was written by Edward Fitzgeranld.
  • Gitanjali was written by Rabindranath Tagore.
  • Asrar-e-khudi is written by Allama Iqbal
  • Bal-e-Jibril is written by Allama Iqbal
  • Bang-e-dara is written by Allma Iqbal
  • Bostan is written by Sheikh Saadi
  • Darbar-i-Akbari is written by Azad, Muhammad Hussain
  • Gulistan is written by Sheikh Saadi
  • Javaid Nama is written by Allama Iqbal
  • Jawab-e-Shikwah is written by Allama Iqbal
  • Ktab al Shifa is written by Ibn Sina
  • Mirat ul Aroos is written by Nazir Ahmed
  • Muqaddamah is written by Ibn Khaldun
  • Shaer o Shaeri is written by Altaf Hussain Hali
  • Mussaddas-i-Hali is written by Altaf Hussain Hali
  • Naqsh-e-Faryadi is written by Faiz Ahmed Faiz
  • Payam-e-Mashriq is written by Allama Iqbal
  • Shahnama is written by Firdausi
  • Tehzeeb al Ikhlaq is written by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  • Tafhim ul quran is written by Syed Abdul ala Maudoodi.
  • Yadgar-i-Galib is written by Hali
  • Zabur-e-Anjam is written by Dr. Allama Iqbal
  • Zarb-e-Kaleem is written by Dr. Allama Iqbal
  • Anthony Cleopatra is written by W. Shakespeare
  • As you like it is written by W. Shakespeare
  • Caesar and Cleopatra is written by G.B Shaw
  • Comedy of Errors is written by W. Shakespeare
  • Daughter of the East is written by Benazir Bhuto
  • Decline and Fall of Roman Empire is written by Edward Gibbon
  • Great Expectations is written by Charles Dickens
  • Hamlet is written by W.Shakespeare
  • Ibn Battuta Travels in Asia and Africa is written by Ibn Battuta
  • Jinnah of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert
  • Myth of independence is written by Z. A Bhutto
  • World War is written by W. Churchill
  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah is written by M.H Saiyid
  • Nineteen Eighty Four is written by George Orwell
  • Old man and the Sea is written by Ernest Hamingway
  • Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens
  • Origin Of species is written by Charles Darwin
  • Paradise Lost is written by John Milton
  • Pride and Prejudice is written by Jane Austen
  • Social Contact is written by Rousseau
  • Twelfth Night is written by W. Shakespeare
  • A Tale of Two Cities is written by Charles Dickens
  • Vanity of Human Wishes is written by Samuel Johnson
  • Wealth of Nation is written by Adam Simith
  • Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan is written by Stanley Wolpert
  • Faust is written by Goethe
  • Mein Kampf is written by Hitler
  • Divine Comedy is written by Dante
  • Odyssey (Greek) is written by Homer
  • Utopia is written by Thomas Mooore
  • War and Peace is written by Leo Tolstoy
  • Crime and Punishment is written by F.M Dostovsky
  • Communist Manifesto is written by Karl Marx and Eagles
  • Das Capital is written by Karl Marx
  • The Prince is written by Machiavelli
  • Constitutional Development of Pakistan is written by G.W Choudhry
  • Five Thousand Years of Pakistan is written by Wheeler R.E.M
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan is written by Zulifkar Ali Bhutto
  • Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan is written by Hecor Bolitho
  • Muslim Separatism in India and Pakistan is written by Abdul Hamid
  • Political Syetem in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed
  • Politics in Pakistan is written by Khalid B. Saeed
  • Quaid-i-Azam and Pakistan is written by Ahmad Hasan Dani
  • Struggle for Pakistan is written by I.H Qureshi
  • The Emergence of Pakistan is written by Mohammad Ali Choudhry
  • The Making of Pakistan is written by K.K Aziz
  • Towards Pakistan is written by Whaeed-uz-Zaman
  • Khusboo is written by Parveen Shakir
  • Laila Majnoo is written by Amir Khusro
  • Akbar nama is written by Abu Fazal
  • Al Qanoon fil Tib is written by Ibne Sina
  • Green Book is written by Presisdent Moamoor Gadafi
  • Republic is written by Plato
  • Revolution and Independence is written by Words Worth
  • Road to Freedom is written by Bertrand Russel
  • Romeo and Juliet is written by Shakespeare
  • The spirit of Islam was written by Syed Ameer Ali.
  • The poem Shikwah and Jawab-e-Sikwah was written by Allama Iqbal.
  • Five Thousand Years of Pakistan was written by REM Wheeler.
  • White Papers are policy statements published by the British parliament on the subject of tremendous public importance.
  • Blue Books are the official reports of the British Government.
  • White Books are the official publications of the countries like Portugal, China, and Germany.
  • Yellow Books are the official records of France.
  • Grey Books are the official policy as well as reports of the Japanese government.
  • Green Books are the official reports of the Italian government.
  • Orange Books are the official publication of the Netherlands.
  • Lenin wrote ‘the state and revolution’.
  • Ibn-e-Khaldun retired as a judge.
  • Al Ghazali is known as Hujatul Islam.
  • The name of the book which Al-Farabi wrote is ‘Ara Madinatul Fazila’.
  • Plato wrote ‘the laws’.
  • Aristotle founded ‘the lyceum’.
  • Mao wrote ‘On contradictions’.
  • J.S. Mill wrote ‘On liberty’.
  • A short history of Pak:=I.H.Qureshi.
  • Discovery of Pak:= A.Aziz.
  • History of Freedom Movement=I.H.Qureshi.
  • Jinnah as I know him= Abdul Hassan Isphahani.
  • Jinnah:Creator of Pak:=Hector Bolithio.
  • India wins Freedom= Abdul Kalam Azad.
  • Emergence of Pak:=Ch: Rahmat Ali.
  • Transfer of Power in India=V.P.Memon.
  • Pakistan Nagozeer Tha= Syed Hasan Raza.
  • Quaid-i-Azam & Pakistan=Ahmed Hassan Dani.
  • Friends not Masters=Ayub Khan.
  • The Pakistan Issue= Nazir Yar Jung.
  • Quid wrote the preface of “My Leader”=Ziauddin Ahmed.
  • Muslim Nationalism in India= Malik Hafeez.
  • Pathway to Pak: = Ch: Khaiquzzaman.
  • The Indian Musalimans= W.W.Hunter.
  • Our Struggle=Mohd: Noman.
  • Evolution of Pakistan: Sharifuddin Pirzada.
  • Birth of Pak: =Dr. Sachin.
  • Pakistan the Heart of Asia= Liaquat Ali Khan.
  • Incomplete Partition = Alastair Lamb.
  • My Last day with Quaid=Ilahi Bux
  • Outline of a scheme of Indian Federation=Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan.
  • The Forgotten Years is an autobiography of from Foreign Minister Sir Zafarullah Khan.
  • Mission with Mountabatten=Alan Campbell Johnson.
  • Religious Thought of Sayyid Ahmed Khan==Bahir Ahmad Dar.
  • The Cambridge History of the British Empire=H.H.Dodwell.
  • The book “party politics in Pakistan’ (1947-58) is written by K.K.AZIZ.
  • Higher than Hopes is biography of Nelson Mandela.
  • Who wrote “History of God”? Karen Armstrong
  • Hayat-e-Jawaid, written by Altaf Hussain Hali, is on the life of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
  • “The Sun also Rises” is written by Earnest Hemingway.
  • Khadija Mastoor wrote Angan.
  • Imam Ghazali is the author of Ihya-ul-Uloom.
  • Montesquieu wrote ‘the spirit of laws’.
  • Who is the author of “Preparing for the Twenty First Century”? Paul Kennedy
  • Who wrote “Supreme Court and Human Rights”? Tamizuddin
  • The author of famous book, “Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy” is Henry Kissinger.
  • ‘Rise and Fall of Great Powers’ is the work of Paul Kennedy.
  • “My Experiments with Truth” is autobiography of Mahtma Gandhi.

Famous Straits

  • Palk Strait separates India from Sri Lanaka.
  • Babul Mandab strait separates Arabia from Africa.Babel-Mandab strait leads into the Red Sea.
  • Red sea is b/w Arabia and Africa.
  • Davis Strait separates Greenland from Baffin Island.The Davis Strait lies between Canada and Greenland
  • Messina strait separates Italy from Sicily.
  • Johor strait separates Malaysia from Singapore.
  • Bass Strait separates Australia from Tasmania.
  • Florida Strait separates Cuba from Florida. It joins Atlantic Ocean with Gulf of Mexico.
  • Dover strait separates England from France.
  • Gibraltar Strait separates Spain and Africa and joins Mediterranean Sea with Atlantic Ocean.
  • Torres Strait separates Australia and Papua New Guinea
  • Bosporus Strait connects Black Sea with the Sea of Marmora.
  • Dardanelles strait (Turkey) joins Marmora sea with Aegean Sea.
  • Malacca strait separates Sumatra from Malay Peninsula. It is longest strait in the world.
  • Mozambique strait is the broadest strait in the world. It is b/w Mozambique and Madagascar.
  • Sunda strait separates Sumatra from Java Island.


World Wise General knowledge MCQs

  1. Houston and Delware canals are present in the country? France
  2. “Grand Canal” is the oldest man made canal for shiping purpose situated in? China
  3. Hudson Bay is the largest bay of the world situated in Northern Canada
  4. Budapest is the capital of Hungary situated on the bank of River Danube.
  5. Sea of Marmara and Aegean sea are connected by the strait Dardanelles
  6. Cook strait separates south New-Zealand from North New-Zealand
  7. River volga pours it’s water into the Caspian sea
  8. The important country close to international date line is? New zealand
  9. Longest day in the Northern Hemisphere? 21st june
  10. The shortest day is? 22 December
  11. Continent in the world has the least rainfall? Africa
  12. South pole is located in the continent of ?Antarctica
  13. Which is the largest country in the Arabian penunsula? Saudi Arabia
  14. Which is the least populated continent in the world? antarctica
  15. Which of the following countries leads the world in the export of oil? Saudi Arabia
  16. Which island was epicenter of Tsunami of 26, december 2004? Smatra
  17. Which continent is without glaciers? Australia
  18. The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman
  19. The longest highway in the world is the Trans Canada (length of About 8000 km)
  20. The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is Myanmar.
  21. The country also known as “country of Copper” is Zambia
  22. The coldest place on the earth is Verkoyansk in Siberia
  23. The country which ranks second in terms of land area is Canada
  24. The largest Island in the Mediterranean sea is Sicily
  25. The capital city that stands on the river Danube is Belgrade
  26. The Japanese call their country as Nippon
  27. The length of the English channel is 564 kilometres
  28. The country in which river Wangchu flows is Myanmar
  29. The city which is the biggest centre for manufacture of automobiles in the world is Detroit, USA
  30. The country which is the largest producer of rubber in the world is Malaysia
  31. The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam
  32. The first Industrial Revolution took place in England
  33. World Environment Day is observed on 5th June
  34. The first Republican President of America was Abraham Lincoln
  35. The country famous for Samba dance is Brazil
  36. The name of Alexander’s horse was Beucephalus
  37. Singapore was founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles
  38. The famous British one-eyed Admiral was Nelson
  39. The UNO was formed on oct. 24,1945
  40. The independence day of South Korea is celebrated on 15th August
  41. ‘Last Judgement’ was the first painting of an Italian painter named Michelangelo
  42. The first President of Egypt was Mohammed Nequib
  43. The person who is called the father of modern Italy is G.Garibaldi
  44. The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was Margaret Thatcher
  45. What do you call a group of sheep?A Flock of Sheep
  46. On the banks of which river is the city of London located? Thames
  47. Which among the following trees is considered the tallest in the world? Eucalyptus
  48. Which of the following is a Kharif Crop? Rice,cotton
  49. Humidity in the river is maximum in ?Monsoon
  50. Simpson Desert is present in? Australia
  51. The national flag of Pakistan was designed by Amiruddin Kidwai.
  52. The most sunshine place is Arizona, U.S.A.
  53. Money is not made out of paper. It is made out of Cotton.
  54. Norway is the only European Country which is the member of OPAC.
  55. The oldest army in the world is that of the Swiss Guard in the Vatican City (Rome,Italy)
  56. A.D. is the abbreviation of Anno Domini.
  57. Someone who collects Teddy bear is known as Arctophile
  58. Solar Calendar is also Known as Gregorian calendar.
  59. Squash is not included in Olympics.
  60. Five rings in Olympic Flag represent Five Continents.
  61. Milan (Italy) is the fashion world of Capital.
  62. FORTUNE is the only Magazine which is issued for Top 100 Richest Persons in world.
  63. The largest circulated magazine in the world is Reader’s Digest.
  64. Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in Italy.
  65. The largest capital is Lapaz, Bolivia (South America).
  66. Piccaso and Pablo are the Persons who Started Cubism movement.
  67. The largest City area wise is New York and Population wise is Tokyo.
  68. The largest artificial lake is lake Mead ( manmade)
  69. The largest active volcano is Mauna-lao Hawaii Island.
  70. The deepest cave is Reseau Jean Bernard in France.
  71. The largest tomb is the Mount Li Tomb belonging to Zheng the first Emperor of China.
  72. Technologically the most advanced Asian Country is Japan.
  73. The largest forest is The Vast Coniferous Forest of the Northern Russia.
  74. The country with the highest rate of suicide is Sri Lanka.
  75. The smallest Islamic country is Maldives (in South Asia).
  76. Volga baltic canal system is the world’s largest canal system.
  77. The country with the highest annual population growth rate is Oman, Asia.
  78. The largest cinema is The Radio City Music Hall, in New York, USA.
  79. The country without cinema is Saudia Arabia.
  80. The largest complex of film studio is at Universal City, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  81. The largest oil field is the Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia.
  82. Banana Tree having no wood.
  83. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland are known as Nordic Countries.
  84. The largest car manufacturing company of the world is general motors’ of U.S.A.
  85. The weight of a cricket ball is 5 ½ oz (ounces). The length of a wicket is 27 inches.
  86. A hockey ground is 100 yards long and 80 yards wide.
  87. Sunbeams are the symbol of Olympics.
  88. The national game of Greece is boxing.
  89. Football is the national game of Russia and Brazil.
  90. The height of volley ball net is seven feet.
  91. Judo and Karate are Japan’s national games.
  92. Bull fighting is Spain’s national game.
  93. There are four player in a polo team.
  94. Jerusalem is known as the ‘ETERNAL CITY’.
  95. Sea water is the chief source of water.
  96. The silicon valley is situated in PaloAlto (California) U.S.A.
  97. The most expensive car is Rolls Royce.
  98. The largest Airline is Aeroflot (USSR).
  99. Cupid was the Roman god of love.
  100. 01000 is a positive binary number.
  101. George Eastman invented the KODAK camera and photographic film.
  102. The longest skating ‘rink’ in the world is Ottawa.
  103. France is known as the perfume capital of the world.
  104. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.S.) liked to wear White Colour.
  105. The name of Hazrat Nooh’s (A.S.) son who was drowned in the Nooh’s Deluge (Storm) was Kan’aan.
  106. Namrood was a king during the days of Hazrat Ibrahim.
  107. Barani Dam in Pakistan was built on river Kurram.
  108. Hub Dam near Karachi was constructed in 1983.
  109. Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan was the first lady of Pakistan.
  110. Begum Shaista Ikram Ullah was a first women federal minister of Pakistan.
  111. In Pakistan, Sialkot is famous for producing sports goods.
  112. Protein is present in the highest amount in a human body.
  113. Book which is “collection of laws” of Hinduism? DHARMA
  114. East India company established in 1600. (Era Of Akbar)
  115. 19 april 2004 national security counsel eastablished
  116. Russia withdraw from Afghanistan in 1989 ( invasion 1979)
  117. Palestine liberation organization was established in 1964
  118. Capital of Cyprus is Nicosia; Cyprus freed 16 august 1960
  119. Dutch is the language of Belgium
  120. “Karez” or small coverd canals are dug to avoid evaporation due to excessive heat.This method of irrigation is prevalent in Balochistan.
  121. “Harnai” in Balochistan is famous for woollen mills.
  122. The village life of Pakistan is the best depicted in the paintings of Ustad Allah Bakhsh.
  123. Z.A. Bhutto government’s land reforms prescribed the ceiling of land holding as 150 acres of irrigated and 300 acres of un-irrigated land.
  124. Laws passed by the legislature of a country are called Statutes.
  125. “Abdin Palace” is the official residence of the president of Eygpt.
  126. “Hellenic Republic” has the official name of Greece.
  127. The Lahore Resolution 1940 was first called “Pakistan Resolution” by Hindu press and newspapers.
  128. After independence, the first industrial unit inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam was Valika Textile Mills.
  129. The first chairman of Senate after its creation was Khan Habibullah Khan.
  130. ‘Khojak Pass’ connects Qila Abdullah and Chaman.
  131. Johnson is the first president of America who faced an impeachment trial in the constitutional history of USA.
  132. Under 1956 constitution, for the first time, the president was given the power to opiont the prime minister at his own discretion.
  133. Under 1962 constitution, ‘Basic Democracy System’ served as an electoral college for the election of the president, central and provincial legislatures.
  134. Senate, under 1973 constitution, is a permanent chamber which cannot be dissolved and its one-third members shall be replaced after every three years.
  135. Proclamation of Emergency on account of war of internal disturbances has been laid down in Article 232 of the constitution of 1973.
  136. South of the Kabul River up to Kurram Pass lies the Koh-e-Safeid.
  137. The Geneva Pact was signed on April14, 1988 between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  138. ‘Hiran Minar’ was a favourite hunting ground of Emperor Jehangir.
  139. Bay of Biscay is situated between France and Spain.
  140. Mohammad bin Tughlaq ruler is referred to as the ‘Mad Monarch’.
  141. Austin said these words “Law is a Command of Sovereign, enforceable with sanction”.
  142. Nasir-ud-Din-Mahmud was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate.
  143. Shams-ud-din Iltutmish Sultans of the slave Dynasty reigned for the longest period.
  144. Battle of tarain was fought between Muhammad ghauri and raja pirthavi in 1192 AD
  145. China’s parliament has the largest membership
  146. February will have 30 days after 400 years
  147. Prince suleman al masood was first muslim who traveled in space
  148. Exxon is largest oil company in the world
  149. Rahbar was first rocket launched by Pakistan
  150. The country with minimum birth rate is Sweden
  151. Highest life expectancy in Japan
  152. First pc made in 1970 called Altair
  153. China joined UN in 1946 and Afghanistan in 1946
  154. Under water frogs breathe through their skin (cutenious).
  155. Which famous author penned the words, “To be or not to be…”? – William Shakespeare
  156. Why do birds migrate? – To reach food and breeding grounds
  157. Which language has the most words? – English
  158. What do deciduous trees do —– Lose their leaves in winter
  159. Which country grows the most fruit —– China
  160. What is a baby rabbit called —– Kit or Kitten
  161. Hardest substance is diamond, what’s the softest? — Talc
  162. What is 6 inches bigger in Summer —– Eiffel tower
  163. De Witt Wallace founded what —– Readers Digest
  164. Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions —Germany
  165. From what language does the word alphabet come —– Greek -alpha beta
  166. What colour is the bull on an archery target? —- Gold
  167. Pirates remain a problem off the coast of which African country? Somalia
  168. Name of author/authoress of novel series “Harry Potter ?J.K. Rolling
  169. A group of zebras is called a Herd
  170. The Quaid-i-Azam was born in Wazir Mension Karachi
  171. BOAC is international airline of Britain
  172. Emirate is international airline of UAE
  173. USA used veto power most of the times in UNO Security Council.
  174. Current total of SAARC members are eight. Which last country joined the SAARC in its 13th conference at Dhaka? Afghanistan
  175. Talbul project is disputed between Pakistan and India.
  176. Mehdi Shah was elected first Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan.
  177. Talpatty Island is disputed between India and Bangladesh
  178. Hermon area is disputed between the countries Syria, Israel and Lebanon
  179. Isfara velley is disputed between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
  180. Parang Island is disputed between China and South Korea.
  181. Kurial islands are disputed between Japan and Russia.
  182. In Which countries of Europe, United States is planning to set up a missile defense base? Czech Republic and Poland
  183. Hans Island is disputed between Denmark and Canada.
  184. Banana Island is disputed between Kiribati and Fiji.
  185. 7th NFC award was signed by prime minister and other chief ministers of all provinces on 30th December 2009.
  186. Halaib Triangle is disputed between Sudan and Egypt.
  187. Canary Islands is disputed between Spain and Morocco.
  188. Shahbaz Airbase is located in Jacobabad.
  189. Shamsi Airbase is located in Quetta.
  190. NATO expelled Russian diplomats from NATO headquarters in Brussels over a spy scandal in Estonia
  191. Who won maximum number of Grand Slam in the history of world tennis? Roger Federer
  192. How many Grand Slam titles Roger Federer has won till 2009? 16
  193. In 1991 Madras was also changed to a new name of Chennai
  194. “In the line of Fire” is the autobiography of General Pervez Musharraf
  195. Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia book is written by Ayesha Jalal
  196. The State of Martial Rule book is written by Ayesha Jalal
  197. Self and Sovereignty book is written by Ayesha Jalal
  198. The Lord of the Rings book is written by JRR Tolkien
  199. Books written by Barack Obama are: 1. Dreams from My Father 2. The Audacity of Hope
  200. Who is called “The Father of Comedy”? Aristophanes
  201. The name United Nations was coined by Roosevelt
  202. Which one of the following king of France is called “Citizen King”? Louis Philip
  203. Who is called the Shakespeare of Punjabi language? Peer Waris Shah
  204. Who is called the father of Academy Award (Oscar Award)? Louis B Mayer
  205. Who is known as the founder of USA? John Adams
  206. Who is called “Father of Economic”? Adam Smith
  207. Who is known as the founder of Modern Turkey? Kemal Ataturk
  208. Who is called “lion of the Punjab”? Ranjit Singh
  209. Otto Von Bismarck is called the? Man of Blood and Iron
  210. Who is known as the ‘Iron Man of India’? Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


Most Important General Knowledge Questions

  1. “Jatiya Sangsad” is the Parliament f------------- ( Bangladesh)
  2.  Sejm is the Parliament f ---------- (Belarus)
  3.  L ya Jirga is the Parliament f --------- (Afghanistan)
  4.  F lketing is the Parliament f ---------- (Denmark)
  5. Knesset is the Parliament f ---------- (Israel)
  6. Diet is the Parliament f --------- (Japan)
  7. “Duma” is the parliament f --------- (Russia)
  8. St rting is the Parliament f ------(N rway)
  9. C rtes is the Parliament f ------ (Spain)
  10. Rksdag is the Parliament f ------- (Sweden)
  11. Bundesrat is the Parliament f ----- (Germany)
  12. Advis ry C uncil is the Parliament f ----- (Qatar)
  13. Chamber f Deputies is the Parliament f ----- (Luxemb urg)
  14. Pe ple’s Great Hural is the parliament f ----- (Mang lia).
  15. The Internati nal Criminal P lice rganizati n’s kn wn as --------- (Interp l was established in 1923)
  16.  Current Interp l’s headquarter is situated in ----------- (Ly n (France)).
  17. Sc tland Yard is the investigati n p lice f ------- (England)
  18. it was f rmed n ------- (Sept. 29, 1829).
  19. Gestap was the secret p lice rganizati n and BND is the secret agency f Germany.
  20. M ssad and Aman is the secret agencies f Israel.
  21. Khad and NDS are the secret agencies f Afganistan.
  22. RAW and CBI are the secret agencies f India.
  23. KGB is the secret agency f Russia.
  24. BIN is the secret agency f Ind nesia.
  25. VEVAK and SAVAK are the secret agencies f Iran.
  26. ISI,IB,MI and FIA are the secret agencies f Pakistan.
  27. CIA and FBI are the secret agencies f USA.
  28. MI6 , MI5 are the secret agencies f UK.
  29. GSD — Iraq, KDS — Bulgaria, DRM — France,
  30. DND — Canad, G2 — Ireland are the secret agencies
  31. “Hist ry f G d” was written by Karen Armstr ng.
  32. The Peking news was the first newspaper f the w rld (china).
  33. “Queen’s H use” is the fficial residency f Sirilankan President and “Temple tree” is the fficial residency f Srilankan Prime Minister.
  34. “Sharm-ul-Sheikh” is the Egyptian seap rt n Red Sea.
  35. “Asiana” is an airline f S uth K rea.
  36. “Teges” is the currency and Astana is the capital f Kazakhstan.
  37. ‘NIKKEI’ is a st ck exchange index f T ky .
  38. “Wheel” is a symb l f pr gress.
  39. The “St nehenge” is am ng the Seven W nders f the W rld, situated in England.
  40. The maj rity f ‘Kurd P pulati n’ is living in Iraq and Turkey.
  41. “Ramallah” is the headquarters f Palestinian Auth rity situated at West Bank.
  42. ‘Seni r Citizen Day’ is bserved every year thr ugh ut the w rld n The first ct ber.
  43. “Shekle” is the currency f Israel.
  44. “Sub Judice” means under c nsiderati n.
  45. Euclid (300 BC), als kn wn as Euclid f Alexandria, was a Greek mathematician, ften referred t as the “Father f Ge metry”. His Elements is ne f the m st influential w rks in the hist ry f mathematics, serving as the main textb k f r teaching mathematics (especially ge metry) fr m the time f its publicati n until the late 19th r early 20th century.
  46. R bert Baden-P well f unded the B y Sc uts as an rganizati n in 1908, a few m nths after the first sc ut encampment at Br wnsea Island Sc ut camp in 1907.
  47. Brief Hist ry f Time (subtitled “Fr m the Big Bang t Black H les”) is a p pular-science b k written by British physicist Stephen Hawking.
  48. ‘Seatle’ is the seap rt and ‘Delta is the air line f USA.
  49. ‘Aral Sea’ is b unded by Uzbekistan and Kazakhistan.
  50. “Hague” is the headquarters f Internati nal C urt f Justice.
  51. The w rld’s fam us bridge “G lden Gate” is l cated in San Francisc (USA).
  52. “WAFA” is a news agency f Palestine.
  53. “Cathay Pacific” is an airline f H ng K ng.
  54. The General Assembly meets every year in regular sessi ns which begin n third Tuesday in September every year
  55. “Reuters” is the fam us news agency f Britain.
  56. When the st ck market is rising, it is called Bullish and when d wn, it is called Bearish.
  57. “Brist l” is a fam us seap rt f UK.
  58. “Ariana” is an airline f Afghanistan.
  59. “Fr m Plassey t Pakistan” is abi graphy f Fer z Khan N n.
  60. “Five Th usand Years f Pakistan” an ted b k n Pakistan’s cultural heritage is written by R.E.M. Wheeler.
  61. KLM is the ldest nati nal airline f Netherland.
  62. Wh is said t be the father f M dern lympics? Pierre de C ubertin
  63. Wh was the f under f Republican Party f USA? Alexander Hamilt n
  64. “Davis Cup” is ass ciated with Lawn Tenis.
  65. “Skhalin Island” enriched with il reserves are claimed by Russia and Japan.
  66. “ XUS River” is fl wing between Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
  67. “Sine die” means with ut fixing date.
  68. “Dead Sea” is lying between Israel and J rdan.
  69. “Th mas Cup” is given in the game f Badmint n.
  70. R tterdam is the seap rt f Netherland.
  71. “Vict ria Fall” is in Rh desia.
  72. “Das-Man-Palace” is the fficial residence f Amir-e-Kuwait.
  73. “N dynasty lasts m re than three generati ns “ is the the ry f Ibn Khaldun.
  74. Greece is a W rld’s ldest dem cratic c untry.
  75. After Sui, Mari is the sec nd largest gas field in Pakistan.
  76. H ly Pr phet (PBUH) app inted g verner f yeman f r c llecti n zakat? Hazrat Muaz Bin Jabal
  77. Australia is the largest w l pr duceing c untry.
  78. “Baku” is the seap rt n Black Sea.
  79. Karakum desert l cated inTurkmenistan.
  80. Minsk is the capital f? Belarus
  81. Baht is the currency f? Thailand
  82. Fleet Street is fam us f r newspapers.
  83. Sikandry Azam bel ngs t which c untry? Maced nia
  84. Smallest c untry f the w rld is Vatican City.
  85. The l west rainfall area in Pakistan is? N khundi
  86. Interfax is the news agency f? Russia
  87. Heathr w is the seap rt f? L nd n
  88. Largest pr ducer f uranium is? Canada
  89. Which c untry is situated bel w the sea level? Netherlands
  90. Wh was the painter f M na Lisa? Le nard Davinci
  91. Neza e Sultan is an extinct v lcan l cated in Chagai District, Baluchistan, have deep res urces f Sulfur.
  92. Yell w sea is situated between? China and K rea
  93. L ngest land b undary between tw c untries? USA and Canada
  94. When the Simla Acc rd was signed? July 3, 1972
  95. When did Pakistan bec me member f United Nati ns? 30th Sep 1947
  96. Which c untry pp sed Pakistan’s membership in United Nati ns? Afghanistan
  97. Auth r f “Paradise L st & Paradise Regained” was J hn Milt n.
  98. Asgheri aur Akbari kis n vel k d mash’h r kirdar hain? Mira-Tul-Ar s
  99. “Shikwa aur Jawab-e-Shikwa” Iqbal k k nsay kalam main hain? Bang-e-Dara
  100. Waqa-e-Karbala kis hijri main h wa?61 hijri
  101. What is length f Pakistan-India b rder? 1610 km
  102. “Pathway t Pakistan” b k was written by Ch khalique Zaman
  103. When Qaid e Azam met M.K Gandhi 1st time in 1916 Luckn w.
  104. Wh is seceratry f state f r India in cabinet missi n? L rd Pathetic Lawerance
  105. Green peace” headquarter is l cated in Amsterdam.
  106. D ab between river Ravi and Chenab is called Rachna D ab.
  107. Wh supp rted Pakistan res luti n fr m sindh pr vince by Abdullah Har n.
  108. Ch. Rehmat Ali c ined w rd Pakistan in “N w r Never” pamphlet in 1933.
  109. Largest Muslim c untry in Africa by p pulati n is Nigeria and Aligeria is largest Muslim c untry by area.
  110. Sirilanka is the highest literacy rate and highest per capita inc me am ng SAARC c untries.
  111. “Bakhtar” is a news agency f Afghanistan.
  112. “ITAR-TASS” is a news agency f Russia.
  113. Arya Samaaj was f unded in1875 by Dayananda Sarasvati.
  114. “ ld man and the Sea” was written by Heming way.
  115. “Burma” is the ld name f Myanmar.
  116. Muhammadan Educati nal C nference was established in 1886 by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
  117. Pakistan lies f the tr pic z ne f N rth.
  118. Vience is called “city f canals”.
  119. Real name f Tipu Sultan was Fateh Ali.
  120. ‘Lufthansa’ is the name f airline f Germany.
  121. M nac has the sh rtest and Canada has the largest c astline c untry in the w rld.
  122. ‘Land f Maple Leaf’ is the nickname f Canada.
  123. ‘Sick Man f Eur pe’ is called Turkey.
  124. “Yangtze Kiang” is the largest river f Asia (china).
  125. Share f Punjab in Pakistan by area is 25.8%.
  126. Ibne Batuta came in India fr m M rr c .
  127. Liaqar-Nehru Pact n April 8, 1950.
  128. Pedag gy is the study f teaching.
  129. After USA arms exp rter, Russia is the sec nd largest exp rter f arms.
  130. Kahuta Lab rtries established in 1976.
  131. Nuclear p wer plant in Pakistan was established in 1972 with help f Canada.
  132. Durand line was demacrated in 1893 which lies between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  133. Pakistan’s first missile is Hatf-I.
  134. ldest m narchy is in Japan.
  135. The Great Bear lake is situated in Canada.
  136. “Edmund Hillary” is the first man wh successfully climbed Mt. Everest in 1953.
  137. “Ferdinand Magellan” was the first man t sail r und the w rld.
  138. “ rigin f Species” was written by Charles Darwin.
  139. Sir Francis M dy was the first G vern r f Punjab fr m August 1947 t August 1949.
  140. Th mas Jeffers n was the f under f Dem cratic Party f USA.
  141. Alexander the Great was the king f Maced nia.
  142. Britain parliament is called m ther f parliaments.
  143. Seweden was the first c untry wh had issued currency n tes in the w rld.
  144. Kremlin is a f rtress where there are g vernment ffices, palaces and churches is in Russia.
  145. “Hawang H River” is als called yell w river (china).
  146. During the Mughal peri d, P rtuguese traders first came t India.
  147. “Maput ” is the capital and largest city f M zambique.
  148. State f Kashmir was purchased by Ghulab Singh f r Rs.7.5 milli n.
  149. Canada is called “Land f Lilies”.
  150. Niagara Falls is situated inUSA&Canada.
  151. SAARC was f rmed in Dhaka n December 8, 1985.
  152. Afghanistan is separated fr m Central Asia by xus River.
  153. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is als called K tri Barrage; which is situated n river Indus.
  154. Cheif electi n c mmissi ner ffice term f r 3years.
  155. An ther name f Hatf III missile is Gazdnavi.
  156. IL headquarter is situated at Geneva (Switzerland).
  157. M st Hafiz- e- quran were martyrd in ghazwa Yamamah
  158. The ldest Airp rt f the w rld is l cated in Netherlands.
  159. 1st c nstituti n in the w rld is Misaq e Madina.
  160. Ghzwa furqan is an ther name f Ghzwa Badar.
  161. The writer f awaz d st is Mukhtar Mas d.
  162. Elysee palace is the residence f French President.
  163. Naypyitaw is the current capital city f the Republic f the Uni n f Myanmar.
  164. Chaghi is the biggest district and Kalaat is the largest Divisi n f Pakistan.
  165. The headquarters f Internati nal lympic C mmittee is l cated at Lausanne (Switzerland).
  166. Trygve Lie is the first and the nly Secretary General f UN wh resigned fr m his p st.
  167. Kuwait is a tax free c untry.
  168. Wh is the f under f Wikileaks? Julian Assange (Australian)
  169. Allama Iqbal qualified as PhD sch lar fr m Munich University, Germany.
  170. “Jinnah f Pakistan” and “Zulfi f Pakistan” was written by Stanely W lpert.
  171. Islamabad was made capital in the year 1959.
  172. Radcliffe was a lawyer by pr fessi n.
  173. Day f deliverance was bserved n 22 Dec. 1939.
  174. Baku is the seap rt n Caspian Sea (Caspian sea makes his b undries with Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan).
  175. Urinium res urces f und in Pakistan? D G khan
  176. “Taklamakan desert” f und in xinjaning (China)
  177. Nap le n is kn wn as “Man f Destiny” and “Little C rp ral”. Prince Bismarck is called the Man f “Ir n and Bl d”.
  178. After independence the first radi stati n was established at Karachi.
  179. Abdus Salam was a Pakistani Physicist and N bel Prize Winner in 1979 in physics. What is his c ntributi n t Physics? Interacti n f Elementary Particles and weak f rces
  180. Nightingale Fl rence (bel ngs t France) was a Nurse. (in creamin war)
  181. Paris is the capital f France situated n the bank f Seine.
  182. Babusar Pass c nnects Abb tabad and Gilgit.
  183. Ural M untains separate Asia fr m Eur pe.
  184. Baglihar Dam is l cated in D da district n river Chenab.
  185. The first airline f Pakistan is rient Airline.
  186. D n is river f Russia and Darlinng is river f Australia.
  187. Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New Y rk is the w rld’s largest railway stati n
  188. Transparency Internati nal is based in:Berlin
  189. May 3, each year is internati nally bserved as Press Freed m Day.
  190. The last day f the Quaid-e-Azam was written by:C l. Illahi Bukhsh
  191. ne unit diss lved n 1st July 1970
  192. The largest Agency f FATA (Federally Administered Tribal Areas) by area is: S uth Waziristan
  193. Biman is the Airline f:Bangladesh
  194. In the absence f President, wh bec mes the acting President f Pakistan:Chairman f the Senate
  195. Largest c ntinent f the w rld is “Asia” and smallest is “Australia”. Largest cean f the w rld is “pacific cean” and smallest cean is Arctic cean”. The Sahara is the largest desert f the w rld.
  196. Kazakhstan is the largest Muslim c untry in land area in the w rld. It has an area f 1,049,000 sq.miles. Maldives is the smallest Muslim c untry in land area f 115 sq. miles.
  197. Ind nesia is the m st p pul us Muslim c untry and Maldives is less p pul us Muslim c untry.
  198. The strich f N rth Africa is the biggest bird. Its height is up t 2.7 meters ( 9 feet ) and weight is up t 160 kgs. While the humming bird is smallest bird. It is 5.5-20 cm in length and weight ab ut 16 grams.
  199. The largest museum in the w rld is the American Museum f Natural Hist ry.
  200. Biggest Library is C ngress Library in USA.
  201. C untry with largest c ast line is Canada.
  202. Fer z Shah Tughlaq c nstructed five canals t rem ve scarcity f water.
  203. “Decline f the West” b k was written by German Phil s pher Spengler
  204. “Trip li” is the capital f Libya.
  205. Brazil is the w rld’s largest pr ducer f c ffee.
  206. The Palk Strait separates which tw c untries? India and Sri Lanka.
  207. Althing ( ldest parliament f w rld) is the parliament f Iceland.
  208. After ‘Pushtuns’, the largest ethnic gr up in Afghanistan is Tajiks.
  209. The capital f Argentina is Buen s Aires.
  210. “Rupiyah” is the currency f Sri Lanka.
  211. “ANTARA” is the news agency f Ind nesia.
  212. “Helmand” is the largest pium pr ducer pr vince in Afghanistan.
  213. “SANA” is the name f Syria’s news Agency.
  214. Qantas is an airlines f:Australia
  215. The first Muslim N bel Laureate was Anwar Sadaat f Egypt.
  216. Asian Devel pment Bank (ADB) was established in1966 and it’s headquarter is l cated at Manila in Philippine.
  217. The permanent Secretariat f SAARC is established at Kathmandu in Nepal (1987).
  218. The term f ffice f a judge f the Internati nal C urt f Justice is nine years.
  219. The Strait f Malacca is the main shipping channel between the India cean and The N rth Pacific cean.
  220. “C ng river” cr sses the equat r twice.
  221. Strait f B sp r us c nnects? Black sea and sea f marmara.It separates Italy fr m Sicily? Messina
  222. Strait f Malacca is the largest strait f the w rld and it separates — Malaysia and Ind nesia
  223. Straits separate Malaysia fr m Singap re? J h r Strait
  224. The Kalahari Desert, which stretches ver 1,40,000 miles is in? S uth Africa
  225. The panama canal links? N rth America with s uth America
  226. The w rd “Tsunami” bel ngs t which f the f ll wing languages? Japanese
  227. The highest m untain in the w rld is the M unt Everest in Nepal (Tibet)
  228. The biggest desert in the w rld is the Sahara desert.
  229. The name given t the b rder which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan is Durand line
  230. The river J rdan fl ws ut int the Dead sea
  231. The biggest delta in the w rld is the Ganges Delta
  232. The w rld’s ldest kn wn capital is Damascus
  233. The city which is als kn wn as the City f Canals is Venice
  234. Paris is the capital f France situated n the bank f river Seine
  235. English channel separates England fr m France
  236. Great vict ria desert is present in Australia
  237. Largest sea in the w rld? S uth china sea
  238. ne f the Asian c untry thr ugh which equat r passes is? Malaysia
  239. The deepest p int in the cean is? Mariana trench (deapest cean—pacific cean) near philpine
  240. L ngest m untain range in the w rld? Andes (in s uth America)
  241. Which f the f ll wing t wns is situated at the highest altitude? Lhasa
  242. What are the tw seas linked by suez canal? The mediterranean and red sea
  243. The biggest island f the w rld is Greenland
  244. The city which was nce called the `F rbidden City’ was Lahsa
  245. The “R f f the w rld” is? The pamir plateau .
  246. The c untry called the Land f Rising Sun is Japan
  247. The c untry kn wn as the Sugar B wl f the w rld is Cuba
  248. The l west p int n earth is The c astal area f Dead sea
  249. The c untry which has the greatest p pulati n density is M nac .
  250. The Red Cr ss was f unded by Jean Henri Durant in 1964
  251. “Paradise Regained and Paradise Last” written by J hn Milt n
  252. The primary pr ducer f newsprint in the w rld is Canada
  253. The first expl rer t reach the S uth P le was Cap. R nald Amunds n
  254. W rld literacy day is celebrated n 8th September
  255. The f under f m dern Germany is Bismarck
  256. The c untry kn wn as the land f the midnight sun is N rway
  257. The f under f the Chinese Republic was San Yat Sen
  258. The first Pakistani t receive the N bel Prize was Abdul Salam in 1979 (physics)
  259. The first Secretary General f the UN was Trygve Lie
  260. The highest waterfalls in the w rld is the Salt Angel Falls, Venezuela
  261. The largest library in the w rld is the United States Library f C ngress, Washingt n DC
  262. Nickname f New Y rk city is Big Apple. (New Y rk`s ld name Amesterdam — ldest st ck exchange market)
  263. F RM SA is the ld name f Taiwan.
  264. Italy is als called the B t f Eur pe.
  265. The largest flag is f Brazil; the ldest flag in the W rld is f Denmark ; ldest &l ngest anthem – Japan ; ldest parliament – Althing – Iceland.
  266. The river which carries maximum quantity f water int the sea is the Amaz n River (als called father f water)
  267. The Gurkhas are the riginal inhabitants f Nepal
  268. The largest bell in the w rld is the Tsar K lk l at Kremlin, M sc w.
  269. The biggest stadium in the w rld is the Strah v Stadium, Prague
  270. The w rld’s largest diam nd pr ducing c untry is S uth Africa
  271. Australia was disc vered by Willium Jansz n
  272. Miner – e – Pakistan was designed by Haji Murad Khan (a Russian engineer) and its height is 196 feet)
  273. The cl th required f r c vering The H ly Kabba is 1,000 meters.
  274. The l ngest rivers in the w rld are first Nile – Eygpt, sec nd Amaz n – Brazail (but it is a largest river) and third Mississippi – USA.
  275. Geneva is als kn wn as City f C nventi ns.
  276. The language with m st letters is Khmer(Camb dian) with 74 Alphabets.
  277. Scandinavian C untries are Sweden, Denmark, N rway.
  278. The Blue Whales are n t nly the largest animal but als the l udest animal. They have been rec rded making n ises at 188 decibels.
  279. The largest silver pr ducer c untry is Mexic .
  280. American President is elected f r 4 years and Senat r elected f r 6 Years
  281. The l ngest fr ntier is the fr ntier between Canada and the United States f America (USA).
  282. The first w man prime minister is Mrs. Srima Bandaranaike f Sri Lanka.
  283. The m st abundant mineral in the human b dy is calcium and m st abundant element is xygen
  284. Largest earth filled dam in the w rld is Terbella Dam c nstructed n Indus river in 1976.
  285. There are 64 b xes (h uses) b th in chess and draft.
  286. The distance c vered in marathan race is 26 miles (43 km).
  287. The ldest nati nal anthem is Kimigay f Japan.
  288. Sunderbans (West Bengal) is the largest delta in the w rld.
  289. The Headquarters f the ‘Internati nal M netary Fund’ and W rld Bank is at Washingt n.
  290. The Internati nal C urt f Justice c nsists f 15 Judges (f r the term f ffice 9 year).
  291. Hungary is a Land-l cked c untry in Eur pe.
  292. In the United Nati ns, Pitras Bukhari was the first permanent representative f Pakistan.
  293. Multan is called, the city f “Great Saints”.
  294. Qarn-ul-manazil is Meeqat f r the citizens f Najd and the wh le East pilgrims: the citizens f the Gulf, Iraq, Iran and ther wh pass by it.
  295. Eur pe nly muslim c untry is Albania
  296. Myanmar is new name f burma
  297. Ind nesia is new name f Guyana
  298. Siam is ld name f Thailand
  299. Beijing is new name f peking
  300. Hinduism is w rld’s ldest religi n
  301. G lden temple is the sacred place f Sikhism (Amritsar)
  302. The first “Barani University” t study and reasearch in rain-fed agriculture land was established at Rawalpindi.
  303. Under the c nstituti n f Pakistan, Fedral Shariat C urt shall c nsist f n t m re than Eight Judges.
  304. Under 1973 c nstituti n, ‘Bicameralism’ was intr duced in Pakistan.
  305. Behman and Bismillah Airlines bel ng t Bangladesh.
  306. Awaz-e-d st is written by Mukhtar mas d
  307. Fasana-e-azad is written by rattan nath sarshar
  308. The l ngest canal in the w rld is bel ye-m re Baltic
  309. w rld l ngest r ad is pan-am highway
  310. In the muslim w rld Kuwait has the highest per capita inc me
  311. Highest military award f UK is Vict ria Cr ss and USA is Medal f H n r.
  312. C lumbus disc vered America in 1492
  313. NPT was signed in 1st July 1968 by 62 nati ns
  314. UN General assembly appr ved CTBT in 10 sep 1960
  315. Haya Rashid Al Khalifa the first muslim w men as president UN General Assembly bel ngs t Bahrain
  316. Brazil has the largest area f f rest land
  317. IC ( rganizati n f Islamic c nference) was established May 1969 has 57 members and it’s headquarter is situated in Jedah.
  318. Arab League was established n March 22, 1945 with headquarters in cair
  319. WT established January 01, 1995 (t tal 187 members)
  320. N rth Atlantic treaty rganizati n (NAT ) was established in 1949 ( head ffice in Brussels ) (28 memer c untries)
  321. Nuclear N n-pr liferati n Treaty signed by UK,USA,RUSSIA July 01, 1968
  322. IL was established 1919 and has head ffice in Geneva
  323. IAEA was established 1957 and has head ffice in Vienna
  324. UNESC was established in1946 and has head ffice in Paris
  325. WH was established 1948 and has head ffice in Geneva
  326. IMF was established 1945 and has head ffice in Washingt n( W rld Bank was established in 1944)
  327. Headquarter f UNICEF is in New Y rk
  328. 2001-2010 is the SAARC decade f the rights f the child.
  329. ASEAN was established August 09, 1967 and has head ffice in Jakarta
  330. PEC ( rganizati n f petr leum exp rting c untries) has head ffice in Viana (Austria).
  331. Which fam us act r became the president f the United States? – R nald Reagan
  332. Have y u any idea when the Berlin wall came d wn? – 1989
  333. What was the first James B nd b k —– Casin R yal
  334. What is the currency f Austria —– Schilling
  335. Which sea n Earth has n beaches —– Sargass sea
  336. n which nati nal flag is there an eagle and a snake —– Mexic
  337. “Ikebana” is the art f beautifully arranging cut stems, leaves, and fl wers in vases and ther c ntainers that ev lved in Japan ver seven centuries.
  338. What Wall Street in USA is kn wn f r? St ck Exchange (New Y rk)
  339. What is the height f M unt Everest acc rding t new map survey (it previ us height was 29028 feet (8848 metre)?29035 feet (8850 metre)
  340. Which water b dy is the saltiest water b dy (lake) in the w rld (m stly pe ple c nsidered Dead Sea as the saltiest lake but it is inc rrect)?Assal lake
  341. A place where g vernment rec rds are kept is called Archives
  342. The deepest lake f the w rld is Baikal Lake in Russia.
  343. The largest C ntinent f the w rld is Asia and Smallest Australia
  344. The l ngest wall f the w rld is Great Wall f China
  345. The highest peak f the w rld is M unt Everest (Nepal)
  346. The largest dem cracy f the w rld is India
  347. The W rld largest Islamic c untry by area is Kazakhstan
  348. The highest waterfall f the w rld is Angel Falls (height 3212 feet )
  349. The highest dam f the w rld is Nurak Dam
  350. Abyssinia is the ld name f Ethi pia
  351. Ceyl n is the ld name f Sri Lanka
  352. Nipp n is the ld name f Japan
  353. Jesus Christ was b rn in Bethlehem (Juruslam)
  354. Winst n Churchill was Prime Minister f England during 2nd W rld War
  355. L rd Buddha was b rn in Lumbini (566 B.C , died 486 B.C)
  356. KLM is internati nal airline f Netherland
  357. Lufthansa is internati nal airline f Germany
  358. Sabena is internati nal airline f Belgium
  359. SIA is internati nal airline f Singap re
  360. Transw rld Airline (TWA) is internati nal airline is in USA
  361. Palm and Dum Dum are airp rts f India
  362. Senta Cruz is airp rt f India (Mumbai )
  363. Kennedy is airp rt f New Y rk
  364. Gatwick is airp rt f UK
  365. Halim Pardana Kushmah is airp rt f Ind nesia
  366. Subang is airp rt f Malaysia
  367. The number f players in Baseball fr m each team is 9
  368. The number f players in Basketball fr m each side is 5
  369. The brightest planet and nearest t Earth in the s lar system is Venus
  370. The nearest planet t the sun is Mercury
  371. There are n v lcan es in Australia
  372. The intensity f the energy released by an Earthquake is measured by the Richter scale
  373. Dasht-e-Lut Desert is l cated in Eastern Iran
  374. Which river is menti ned m st ften in Bible? J rdan
  375. Which river is called Yell w River due t large am unt f Yell w silt dep sits? Haung He in china
  376. Largest in Asia and China’s l ngest and w rld’s third l ngest river is? Yangtze
  377. nly strait between Atlantic and Pacific cean is Magellan
  378. Tugela waterfall is in S uth Africa
  379. Sutherland waterfall is in New Zealand
  380. ‘Br adway Street’ is fam us f r Cinema Halls.
  381. ‘Fleet Street’ is fam us f r Newspapers and press agencies ffices, it is situated in L nd n.
  382. Eagle is the nati nal emblem f Spain
  383. Which is the first newspaper f Urdu language? Jam-e-Jahan Numma (1st Pakistani __ Amr z)
  384. When Radcliffe Award was ann unced? 17th August 1947
  385. Abu Musa” Area is disputed between Iran and UAE
  386. Rah-e-Rasat perati n was started by Army f Pakistan in Swat
  387. Rah-e-Nijat perati n was started by Army f Pakistan in S uth Waziristan
  388. 17 Member bench f SC has declared NR null & v id and unc nstituti nal all cases withdrawn under NR re pen with immediate effect n 16th December 2009
  389. What is the full name f Kerry-Lugar Bill? Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act f 2009
  390. Under ‘Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act f 2009’ what will USA pr vide Pakistan? $ 1.5 billi n annually
  391. F r h w l ng Pakistan w uld get the US aid under Kerry-Lugar bill? 5 years
  392. H w much t tal US aid will fl w t Pakistan under Kerry-Lugar bill ver the five years? US$ 7.5 billi n
  393. Gilgit-Baltistan (emp werment and Self-G vernance) rder, 2009 was appr ved n August 29, 2009
  394. N vel H1N1 ( ften referred t as “swine flu”) is a new influenza: Virus (H1N1 virus s metimes called Swine flu).
  395. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1, als kn wn as Bird flu
  396. A spratly island is disputed between China and Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.
  397. Gibraltar c l ny is disputed between UK and Spain
  398. M nt Blank is disputed between France and Italy.
  399. The Muslims f Chinese pr vince Xinjiang are called Uighurs
  400. Clash f Civilizati n b k is written by Sumeil Hintingt n
  401. “ rigin f Species” was written by Charles Darwin
  402. War and Peace b k is written by Le T lst y
  403. The Sun Als Rises b k is written by Ernest Hemingway
  404. Pride and Prejudice b k is written by Jane Austen
  405. What is the t tal number f NAT members after the membership f Cr atia, Albania and Maced nia? 28
  406. Name the tallest building in the w rld? Khalifa Burj
  407. Wh is the highest wicket taker in test as well as ne day cricket? Muralitharan
  408. Which f the f ll wing female m squit is the cause f Dengue Fever? Aedes Aegypteis
  409. Which f the f ll wing c untry has br ken the 100 year rec rd f S uth Africa as a largest G ld pr ducer c untry in the w rld? China
  410. Which River is kn wn as “father f waters”? Amaz n
  411. Which river is kn wn as “father f rivers”? Indus
  412. Wh is called Father f Internati nal law? Hug Gr tius
  413. Wh am ng the f ll wing is regarded as the “F under f S viet Uni n”? Lenin
  414. Wh is kn wn as the Father f Chemistry? Jabir bin hayan
  415. S ngs f bl d and sw rds b k is written by Fatima Bhutt
  416. The last G vern r General and first vicer y f united India was L rd Cunning.
  417. The last vicer y f united India was L rd M unt Batten
  418. The State Bank was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam n 1st July 1948.
  419. Partiti n f Bengal t k place n 16th ct, 1905 (L rd Curzin) and cancelled in 1911(H arding).
  420. All India C ngress was f unded by Allan . Hume in1885.
  421. Badshahi M sque was built by Aurangzeb Alamgir at Lah re in 1674.
  422. Babur was the f under f Mughal Dynasty in1526 and the last Mughal Emper r f India was Bahadur Shah Zafar.
  423. Pakistan’s largest steel mill is at pipri (Karachi) f rmed by the c perati n f Russia.
  424. The first C nferences f NAM was held at Belgrade in 1961 and Pakistan j ined the NAM in in the year 1979 at Havana.
  425. The Secretariat f .I.C is at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and EC at Tehran (Iran).
  426. Acc rding t 3rd June 1947 plan plebiscite was held in N.W.F.P and Silhyte.
  427. The first c nstituent assembly f Pakistan was diss lved n 24th ct, 1954 and Mir Maulvi Tamizuddin was its speaker.
  428. Nati nal Assembly c nsists f 342 Muslim members and the Senate c nsists f 104 members.
  429. Pakistan became the member f U.N n 30th September 1947 and Afghanistan pp sed it.
  430. “Humdard” and “C marade” was started by M ulana Muhammad Ali
  431. “Zamindar” was br ught ab ut by Zafar Ali Khan
  432. Day f Deliverance was celebrated n 22nd December 1939
  433. “N w r Never” pamphlet was written in 1933 byCh. Rehmat Ali
  434. Where was Albert Einstein b rn? Germany
  435. Wh kn wn as ‘Nightingale f India? Sar jinin Naidu
  436. Which f the f ll wing states f USA is called “m ther f states”? Virginia (It als called m ther f President)
  437. Wh is kn wn as the ‘Father f Ge metry’? Euclid
  438. Wh am ng the f ll wing is kn wn as ‘Fuehrer’? Hitler
  439. Largest delta is in Bengal created by the river Bharamputra and the Ganges.( Sundrbans )
  440. H ttest place is Aziziyah, Libya.
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