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Sentence Completion Solved MCQs

Sentence Completion Test MCQs Set 1

1. The _____ weather forced us to stay indoors.

A). enticing

B). glorious

C. restorative

D). inclement

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Correct: D

2. It will be hard to _____ Leonid now that you have so _____ him.

A). pacify - soothed

B). mollify - incensed

C). antagonize - irritated

D). anger - ruffled

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Correct: B

3. In a fit of _____ she threw out the valuable statue simply because it had belonged to her ex-husband.

A). pique

B). contrition

C). goodwill

D). pedantry

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Correct: A

4. Harding was unable to _____ the results of the survey. although entirely unexpected, the figures were obtained by a market research firm with an _____ reputation.

A). accept - peerless

B). discount - impeccable

C). fault - mediocre

D). counter - unenviable

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Correct: B

5. The success of the business venture _____ his expectations, he never thought that the firm would prosper.

A). confirmed

B). belied

C). nullified

D). fulfilled

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Correct: B

6. For centuries there was no _____ between their descendants, in fact _____ strife continued until modern times.

A). peace - internecine

B). hostility - intermittent

C). malevolence - intense

D). amity - contrived

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Correct: A

7. The journalist _____ the efforts of the drug squad to control drug peddling, claiming that they had actually _____ the problem.

A). commended - increased

B). lauded - intensified

C). decried - solved

D). deprecated - exacerbated

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Correct: D

8. Their bantering talk seemed _____ , but in fact it masked an underlying _____.

A). hostile - antipathy

B). amicable - antagonism

C). jovial - assumptions

D). exasperating - frustrations

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Correct: B

9. Many so-called social playwrights are distinctly ______, rather than allowing the members of the audience to form their own opinions, these writers force a viewpoint on the viewer.

A). conciliatory

B). prolific

C). iconoclastic

D). didactic

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Correct: D

10. His one vice was gluttony and so it is not surprising that as he aged he became increasingly _____.

A). emaciated

B). despondent

C). corpulent

D). carping

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Correct: A

11. Our once thriving High School Nature Club is now _____, the programs have had to be cancelled due to lack of support.

A). defunct

B). extant

C). resurgent

D). burgeoning

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Correct: A

12. Having been chief accountant for so many years, Ms. George felt herself to be _____ and was unwilling to _____ control of the department after the merger.

A). slighted - truncate

B). irreplaceable - assume

C). insubordinate - retain

D). indispensable - relinquish

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Correct: D

13. Because Elaine's father was a field entomologist who trekked over the continent studying insect infestations, and insisted on taking his young family with him, Elaine and her brother had an _____ childhood.

A). idyllic

B). itinerant

C). sedentary

D). propitious

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Correct: B

14. Literary criticism has in recent years become increasingly _____, it is almost impossible for the non-literary person to understand its analyses.

A). abstruse

B). accessible

C). colloquial

D). wide-ranging

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Correct: A

15. Johnson was such an outstanding orator, that his contemporizes were too dazzled by his _____ to question his fundamental philosophy.

A). persona

B). guile

C). enthusiasm

D). rhetoric

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Correct: D

16. Moths are nocturnal pollinators, visiting scented flower during the hours of darkness, whereas the butterflies are _____ , attracted to bright flowers in the daytime.

A). diurnal

B). quotidian

C). colorful

D). ephemeral

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Correct: A

17. She was roundly condemned for her _____, she betrayed the woman to whom she owed her success.

A). truculence

B). perfidy

C). serendipity

D). pragmatism

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Correct: B

18. The progress of the disease is _____, it spreads stealthily without any symptoms in the early stages.

A). dramatic

B). acute

C). blatant

D). insidious

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Correct: D

19. Our grandfather was an entertaining _____, he used to _____ us with marvelous anecdotes that we, in our childlike simplicity, accepted unquestioningly.

A). rascal - bore

B). orator - intimidate

C). raconteur - regale

D). curmudgeon - surprise

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Correct: C

20. The quantum theory was initially regarded as absurd, unnatural and _____ with common sense.

A). consanguineous

B). discernible

C). incompatibl

D). decipherable

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Correct: C

Sentence Completion Test MCQs Set 2

1. Do not be fooled by her ______ manner, her superficial _____ belies her worldliness.

A). ingenuous - proficiency

B). worldly - simplicity

C). unsophisticated - naivete

D). gregarious - isolation

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Correct: C

2. The student was extremely foolhardy, he had the _____ to question the senior professor's judgment.

A). wisdom

B). temerity

C). interest

D). trepidation

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Correct: B

3. Losing that job was a blessing in disguise because it meant I _____.

A). got a much better job

B). lost my house

C). was unemployed for years

D). none of these

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Correct: A

4. After saying Beverly made too many mistakes, Bob added insult to injury by saying _____.

A). they were small mistakes

B). she worked very slowly

C). her work was excellent

D). none of these

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Correct: B

5. In business, it's often necessary to be quick on the draw, but sometimes it's better to _____.

A). think carefully before doing something

B). do something faster than others

C). be slow to understand what's happeni

D). none of these

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Correct: A

6. If you read between the lines, you will _____.

A). Know what the writer really thinks

B). Be able to read a lot quicker

C). Make up the story for yourself

D). None of these

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Correct: A

7. It stands to reason that the best way to learn to speak a foreign language is to _____.

A). read about it

B). think about it

C). practice using it

D). none of these

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Correct: C

8. Her name is mud these days because _____.

A). she changed it

B). she didn't clean up

C). she was caught cheating

D). none of these

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Correct: C

9. Her name escaped me just as I was introducing her to other guests I felt ______.

A). embarrassed

B). very proud

C). quite angry

D). none of these

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Correct: A

10. Which of the following might a politician pull out of his bag of tricks during an election campaign?

A). a pack of cards

B). a white rabbit

C). a promise to cut taxes

D). none of these

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Correct: C

11. The bombing of their embassy should have been a wake-up call that told them many people _____.

A). liked what their country was doing

B). didn't like what their country was doing

C). didn't care what their country was doing

D). none of these

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Correct: B

12. If someone drops a bombshell, they _____.

A). make a serious mistake

B). create a big problem

C). have some really big news

D). none of these

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Correct: C

13. Leila said the new restaurant was nothing to write home about. She thought it was ______.

A). excellent

B). just average

C). really terrible

D). none of these

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Correct: B

14. Bob and Jane decided to tie the knot because _____.

A). it had come undone

B). they loved one another

C). they needed to save money

D). none of these

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Correct: B

15. Marrying James was just a means to an end for Kerry. Her real goal was _____.

A). to be his wife

B). to meet his sister

C). to be rich

D). none of these

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Correct: C

16. You could be in a vicious circle if the solution to one problem becomes the _____.

A). cause of another one

B). result of another one

C). solution to another one

D). none of these

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Correct: A

17. Our workers are already upset, and you'll just add fuel to the fire if you ______.

A). give them a bonus

B). pay for their medical care

C). cut their wages

D). none of these

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Correct: C

18. For An, music is an end in itself She doesn't do it to _____.

A). enjoy herself

B). entertain people

C). make money

D). none of these

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Correct: C

19. You can keep abreast of current affairs by _____.

A). reading old newspapers

B). watching the latest movies

C). checking out news websites

D). none of these

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Correct: C

20. If you got somewhere safe and sound, you got there _____.

A). because it was easy to get there

B). even though you got hurt on the way

C). even though there was some danger on the way

D). none of these

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Correct: C

Sentence Completion Test MCQs Set 3

1. The principle of living and acting for the welfare of others is called _____.

A). altruism

B). asceticism

C). egoism

D). misogynism

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Correct: A

2. The alchemists, though they are often supposed to have been _____ or confidence tricksters were actually skillful technologists.

A). empiricists

B). polemicists

C). pragmatists

D). charlatans

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Correct: D

3. Bullock carts and hand pumps seem _____ in a village whose skyline is dominated by telephone cables and satellite dishes.

A). anachronisms

B). exigencies

C). diversions

D). provocations

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Correct: A

4. A _____ child, she was soon bored in class; she already knew more mathematics than her junior school teachers.

A). obdurate

B). precocious

C). querulous

D). recalcitrant

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Correct: B

5. The explorer was unable to _____ the stream since an enraged barred the way.

A). assuage

B). parch

C). savor

D). describe

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Correct: A

6. Change your _____ and you change your world!

A). Thoughts

B). Job

C). Name

D). Sexuality

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Correct: A

7. One who fights for the sake of money is called _____.

A). machinist

B). fanatic

C). patriotic

D). mercenary

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Correct: D

8. Aslam Khan is eighty years old so he is called ____.

A). septuagenarian

B). octogenarian

C). Centenary

D). immortal

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Correct: B

9. Capable of dealing with many subjects is called _____.

A). stoic

B). popular

C). versatile

D). gregarious

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Correct: C

10. To be expert in using hands is called _____.

A). dexterous

B). crude

C). ingenuous

D). versatile

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Correct: A

11. A person who is too stubborn to admit is called _____.

A). oblique

B). obdurate

C). determined

D). fascinated

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Correct: B

12. A person who feels sorry for a wrong he has done is called _____.

A). literate

B). illiterate

C). compunctions

D). overt

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Correct: C

13. _____ is a person who is always looking for a fight.

A). bellicose

B). chivalrous

C). patriot

D). bigot

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Correct: A

14. When one discovers that everything is not really all that fine and dandy, they discover that something is not a "bed of ____" Complete the idiomatic phrase.

A). Daisies

B). Wild flowers

C). Daffodils

D). Roses

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Correct: D

15. The revolution in art has not lost its steam, it _____ on as fiercely as ever.

A). trudges

B). meanders

C). edges

D). rages

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Correct: D

16. Each occupation has its own _____ bankers, lawyers and computer professionals, for example, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following.

A). merits

B). disadvantages

C). rewards

D). jargon

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Correct: D

17. _____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members.

A). garrulous

B). equivocal

C). taciturn

D). arrogant

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Correct: C

18. Biological clocks are of such _____ adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms to _____ them

A). clear - avoid

B). meager - evolve

C). significant - eschew

D). obvious - possess

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Correct: D

19. Many people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Hall found that many marketed spices were _____ bacteria, moulds and yeasts.

A). devoid of

B). teeming with

C). improved by

D). destroyed by

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Correct: B

20. The formerly _____ waters of the lake have been polluted so that the fish are no longer is visible from the surface.

A). muddy

B). tranquil

C). stagnant

D). pellucid

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Correct: D

Sentence Completion Test MCQs Set 4

1. The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ____ on as fiercely as ever.

A). trudges

B). meanders

C). edges

D). rages

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Correct: D

2. There are _______ views on the issue of giving bonus to the employees.

A). divergent

B). modest

C). independent

D). adverse

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Correct: A

3. Biological clocks are of such ____ adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms to ____ them.

A). meager - evolve

B). significant - esche

C). clear - avoid

D). obvious - possess

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Correct: D

4. The peasants were the least ____ of all people, bound by tradition and ____ by superstitions.

A). enfranchised - rejected

B). free - fettered

C). enthralled - tied

D). pinioned - limited

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Correct: B

5. He has _______ people visiting him at his house because he fears it will cause discomfort to neighbors.

A). requested

B). curtailed

C). stopped

D). warned

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Correct: C

6. If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on ____ , but their intensity ____ as they travel further from their source.

A). erratically - mitigates

B). indefinitely - diminishes

C). forever - increases

D). eternally - alleviates

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Correct: B

7. The two artists differed markedly in their temperaments; Palmer was reserved and courteous, Frazer ____ and boastful.

A). phlegmatic

B). choleric

C). constrained

D). tractable

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Correct: B

8. Although he never learn to read, his exceptional memory and enquiring mind eventually made him a very _______ man.

A). dedicated

B). erudite

C). pragmatic

D). benevolent

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Correct: B

9. In the Middle Ages, the ____ of the great cathedrals did not enter into the architects’ plans; almost invariably a cathedral was positioned haphazardly in ____ surroundings.

A). durability - convenient

B). location - apt

C). situation - incongruous

D). ambiance - salubrious

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Correct: C

10. The intellectual flexibility inherent in a multicultural nation has been ____ in classrooms where emphasis on British-American literature has not reflected the cultural ____ of our country.

A). eradicated - unanimity

B). encouraged - aspirations

C). stifled - diversity

D). thwarted - uniformity

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Correct: C

11. Unwilling to admit that they had been in error, the researchers tried to ____ their case with more data obtained from dubious sources.

A). ascertain

B). buttress

C). refute

D). absolve

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Correct: B

12. Unlike his calmer,more easygoing colleagues ,the senator was _________ ,ready to quarrel at the slightest provocation.

A). whimsical

B). irascible

C). ineffectual

D). gregarious

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Correct: B

13. The student was extremely foolhardy; he had the ____ to question the senior professor’s judgment.



C). interest

D). trepidation

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Correct: A

14. Archaeology is a poor profession; only ____ sums are available for excavating sites and even more ____ amounts for preserving the excavations.

A). paltry - meager

B). average - augmented

C). modest - generous

D). judicious - penurious

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Correct: A

15. Jill was ________ by her employees because she often _______ them for not working hard enough.

A). deified, goaded

B). loathed, berated

C). disregarded, eulogized

D). cherished, decided

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Correct: B

16. One ____ the new scheme is that it might actually ____ just those applicants that it was intended to encourage.

A). feature of - attract

B). problem with - induce

C). highlight of - stimulate

D). drawback of - daunt

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Correct: D

17. The formerly ____ waters of the lake have been polluted so that the fish are no longer visible from the surface

A). muddy

B). tranquil

C). stagnant

D). pellucid

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Correct: D

18. Reconstructing the skeletons of extinct species like dinosaurs is ________ process that requires much patience and effort by paleontologists.

A). a nascent

B). an aberrant

C). a worthless

D). an exacting

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Correct: D

19. Some critics maintain that Tennyson’s poetry is uneven, ranging from the ____ to the ____.

A). vacuous - inane

B). trite - inspired

C). succinct - laconic

D). sublime - elevated

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Correct: B

20. Corruption is ____ in our society; the integrity of even senior officials is ____.

A). growing - unquestioned

B). endangered - disputed

C). pervasive - intact

D). rife - suspect

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Correct: D

Sentence Completion Test MCQs Set 5

1. He was treated like a ____ and cast out from his community.

A). ascetic

B). prodigy

C). prodigal

D). pariah

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Correct: D

2. Scrooge, in the famous novel by Dickens, was a ____ ; he hated the rest of mankind.

A). misanthrope

B). hypochondriac

C). philanthropist

D). hedonist

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Correct: A

3. Slaves were freed from _____ only after they died.

A). ablution

B). abolition

C). bondage

D). pilferage

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Correct: C

4. A businessman must widen his horizons; a ____ attitude will get you nowhere in this age of global communications.

A). moderate

B). petrified

C). comprehensive

D). parochial

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Correct: D

5. The teacher accused me of ____ because my essay was so similar to that of another student.

A). procrastination

B). plagiarism

C). celerity

D). confusion

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Correct: B

6. Our bookshelves at home display a range of books on wide-ranging subjects and in many languages, reflecting the ____ tastes of our family members.

A). anomalous

B). limited

C). eclectic

D). furtive

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Correct: C

7. "She was sorry she didn't attend her friend's wedding." "Yes, she ........."

A). was regretting she does not go

B). will regret she didn't go

C). regretted she can't have gone

D). was regretting that she she couldn't go

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Correct: D

8. People from all over the world are sent by their doctors to breathe the pure, ____ air in this mountain region.

A). invigorating

B). soporific

C). debilitating

D). insalubrious

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Correct: A

9. Plastic bags are ____ symbols of consumer society; they are found wherever you travel.

A). rare

B). ephemeral

C). ubiquitous

D). fleeting

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Correct: C

10. I suffer from no _____ about my capabilities.

A). illusion

B). doubts

C). hallucinations

D). imaginations

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Correct: A

11. As were many colonial administrators, Gregory was ____ in his knowledge of the grammar of the local language, though his accent was ____ .

A). deficient - poor

B). competent - adequate

C). faultless - awful

D). well-versed - effective

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Correct: C

12. After an initially warm reception by most reviewers and continued ____ by conservative thinkers, Bloom's work came under heavy fire.

A). criticism

B). endorsement

C). denigration

D). counterattack

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Correct: B

13. He took up the letter from the table and _____ it to his friend.

A). has been reading

B). has read

C). was reading

D). read

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Correct: D

14. There is a general ____ in the United States that our ethics are declining and that our moral standards are ____ .

A). feeling - normalizing

B). idea - futile

C). optimism - improving

D). complaint - deteriorating

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Correct: D

15. Through the 19th Century, the classics of Western Civilization were considered to be the ____ of wisdom and culture, and an ____ person - by definition- knew them well.

A). foundation - average

B). repository - educated

C). cornerstone - obtuse

D). font - ecclesiastical

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Correct: B

16. The artist had to ______ a lot before _______ recognized for his talent.

A). struggle, being

B). toil, he

C). practice, performing

D). effort, he was

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Correct: A

17. Homo sapiens, the proud splitter of the atom, inventor of the electronic computer, ____ of the genetic code may be humbled by a lowly ____ of the sewers and soils - the microbe.

A). designer - inhabitant

B). discoverer - rodent

C). writer - organism

D). decipherer - denizen

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Correct: D

18. In this biography we are given a glimpse of the young man ____ pursuing the path of the poet despite ____ and rejection slips.

A). doggedly - disappointment

B). tirelessly - encouragement

C). sporadically - awards

D). successfully - acclaim

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Correct: A

19. Most of the committee members _____ in favour of the ______ of a new dam in that village.

A). was, building

B). are, proposing

C). were, construction

D). still, breaking

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Correct: C

20. The threat of war, far from ____ , lay heavily in the air, and the villagers, while ____ going about their normal activities, were unable to shake off the feeling of impending catastrophe.

A). receding - ostensibly

B). diminishing - contentedly

C). increasing - apparently

D). escalating - joyfully

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Correct: A

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