Almost all solved MCQs for you..



    1. Cheron is the moon of Pluto

    2. Total number of satellites are 31 (chk: 50)

    3. Blue color of sky is due to Tyndal Effect

    4. Our solar system contains 50 satelites

    5. Total planets in solar system are 8

    6. Distance of sun from earth is 150 million km = 1 a.u (angstrom unit)

    7. Moon from earth is 385,000 km

    8. Outer surface of sum is called photosphere

    9. Sun has 90% hydrogen, 8% helium and 2% other elements.

    10. Temperature at surface of sun is 6000K and at its center 20 million K

    11. Venus reflects highest percentage of light

    12. Morning star is called to Venus.

    13. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise

    14. Rhea is the fifth natural satellite of Saturn.

    15. Speed of earth in orbit around sun is 8.5 miles per second.

    16. The only planet which rotates on its axis from East to West is Uranus

    17. Uranus is called lopsided planet

    18. Uranus contain atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium

    19. Period of rotation of earth on axis is 1 day or 23 hrs, 56 minutes & 4.09 seconds.

    20. Period of revolution of Earth around Sun is 356 days, 6 hrs, 9 minutes & 9.54 seconds.

    21. Volume of Earth is 260 billion cubic miles.

    22. Weight of earth is 6586x10 power 18 tons

    23. Rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo in 1610

    24. Titan, the largest moon in solar system is of Saturn

    25. Triton is a satellite of Neptune

    26. Planet referred as Morning Star and Evening Star is Venus

    27. Venus’ atmosphere is 90 times thicker than earth’s.

    28. The temperature of Venus’ surface is about 430 deg: C

    29. Biggest Comet known to man is kohoutek

    30. Only planet whose day is longer than its year is Venus

    31. Brightest visible star is Sirus

    32. Star nearest to earth is Sun

    33. Atmosphere of sun has 3 layers

    34. Sun spots are the cooler areas of sun

    35. In 28 days moon returns to the same position in its orbit

    36. The light coming from stars give the idea of their temperature.

    37. A light year is equal to 9.46 trillion km

    38. Sun radiated energy equal to 10 trillion of TNT explosion

    39. Mercury is nearest to the sun, smallest and fastest planet, with shortest rotation time. Moon = 0

    40. Venus is the brightest, hottest, closest to earth and earth’s twin in size and mass, has largest quantity of CO2 Moon = 0

    41. Earth is most dense, watery, bios planet. Moon = 1

    42. This is an instrument used for measuring the altitude of a celestial body: sextant

    43. Mars moon = 2- Phobos and Deimos

    44. Mars is named after the Roman god of war.

    45. Mars is called Red planet

    46. Mars is half the size of earth

    47. Europa is a moon of Mars

    48. Mars contain atmosphere of carbondioxide

    49. Jupiter is largest, with largest number of satellites, smallest day, with a red spot. Moon = 63

    50. Jupiter is 11(or 10) times larger than earth

    51. Europa is the moon of Jupiter.

    52. CHIIRON is the larges comet in the universe.

    53. Solar eclipse occurs at new moon

    54. Sun is 400 times larger than moon

    55. Lunar eclipse occurs at full moon.

    56. Halos around the moon are formed because of the phenomenon of ___ (optical phenomena)

    57. Jupiter is the fastest planet of the solar system

    58. The Asteroid Belt is found between which of the following planets? Mars and Jupiter

    59. The visible part of the Sun is called Photosphere

    60. Corona is the outer most halo of the Sun.

    61. Mercury and Venus are without Satellites.

    62. The largest crater on the surface of moon is called to Bailly.

    63. The earth is calculated to b 4540 million years old.

    64. A ‘shooting star’ is a meteor.

    65. At 7050 km per hour, Sun rotate on its axis.

    66. 510 million square kilometers is the total surface area of the earth.

    67. The northern polar lights are called Aurorae Borealis, and southern polar lights are called Aurorae Australis.

    68. The pulsating universe theory explains the evolution of universe.

    69. 760 miles/hr is the speed of sound.

    70. 1480, 00,000 km is the distance from sun to earth.

    71. Temperature of Sun is 6000 degree C.

    72. Saturn is least dense moon = 56

    73. Saturn is the second largest planet.

    74. Planet with maximum number of moons is Saturn

    75. Planet with ring is Saturn

    76. Uranus moon = 12, Uranus gives greenish glow

    77. Neptune is the coldest, slowest, largest year moon = 8

    78. Rank of earth as per size is Fifth

    79. Revolution period of earth is 365.25 days

    80. In a leap year there are 29 days in Febrary

    81. Earth is older than moon

    82. Sun light takes 8.3 min to reach earth or 510 seconds

    83. Time required to moon light to reach earth is 1.3 seconds

    84. Light can circle earth 7 times in a________.

    85. Sun is 109 times bigger than earth.

    86. Light travels fastest in vaccum

    87. Rhea is the fifth natural satellite of saturn

    88. Coldest, smallest and farthest planet Neptune

    89. Asteroids are small planets revolving round the sun

    90. Sun is the brightest star in the universe

    91. A shooting star is called a meteor

    92. Our galaxy is spiral known as Milky Way

    93. Shape of our milky way is spiral

    94. The milky way extends through the distance of 10 power 5 light years

    95. Super Nova is a dying star

    96. Nearest spiral galaxy to Milky Way is Andromeda galaxy

    97. Nearest start to our sun is Alpha Centauri

    98. Biggest star in our galaxy is Proxima Centauri

    99. A collection of galaxies is called cluster

    100. .moon is 81 times lighter than earth

    101. Moon has 7% reflection as compared to earth (i.e poor reflection)

    102. Moon has 1/6th gravitation as that of earth

    103. Moon’s 59% surface is visible from earth

    104. Mass of moon is 1/8th to that of the earth

    105. Moon has no atmosphere

    106. Sun is closer to earth in January

    107. At perihelion, earth is nearest tosun

    108. Earth’s axis is inclined at an angle of 66 ½ deg: to the plane of its orbit around the sun or the axis is inclined at 23 ½ deg: from the vertical

    109. Soros cycle is the largest interval between two total solar eclipses about 18 years

    110. Sun has 27 day rotation period

    111. Moon’s rotation period is equal to the Earth’s

    112. Rotation period of earth is 23hrs, 56min, 4sec

    113. Earth rotates around on axis pointing towards the Polar Star

    114. Revolution period is 365 ¼ days = 365.25 days, ¼ is added for leap year

    115. Duration of day at poles is 6 months.

    116. Equinox means equal days and nights

    117. Sun’s energy is called Insulation

    118. The visible yellow face of sun is called Photosphere

    119. The gravity of sun is 28 times greater than that of earth

    120. Moon completes 13 circles in a year around earth

    121. Sun is 13 x 10 power 5 times larger than earth

    122. Maximum duration of solar eclipse is 7 min 40 sec

    123. Sun reaches its maximum angular distance from Equator at Solistice

    124. Millions of asteroids orbit the sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter

    125. Asteroids (minor planets) are make of rock, metal or a mixture of both.

    126. First asteroid discovered was Ceres by Italian astronomer Guiseppe Piazzi in 1801.

    127. Ceres is the largest asteroid

    128. Chiron is one of several distant asteroids which orbit between Jupiter and Uranus

    129. The largest crater on the surface of moon is called to Bailly.

    130. Corona is the outer most halo of the Sun.

    131. Comet is made of ice and dust

    132. Edmond Halley was the first to calculate the path of a comet and predict when it would be seen again.

    133. Halley’s comet was named in his honor though he did not discover it.

    134. The patterns in stars are called constellations.

    135. In 1930, astronomers finally agreed how to divide the whole sky into 88 areas, which are called constellations.

    136. Closest star is Gienah

    137. Speed of light is 3,00,000 km/sec

    138. Which planet is named after the Roman god of war? Mars

    139. Galaxies are the families of stars.

    140. About 80% of galaxies are elliptical and other are spiral

    141. Elliptical galaxies contain very little gas and dust and hardly any new stars are born in them.

    142. Spiral galaxies are disk shaped and usually have clouds of dust and gas where new stars are born.

    143. Light travels at 3,00,000 km/s. the speed at which you can round the world seven times in very second.

    144. Light takes 8 minutes to reach the earth from sun.

    145. In space light travels 9461 million million km in a year. Astronomers call this distance a light year.

    146. Two planet Earth’s could fit side by side inside the Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

    147. Jupiter’s volcanic moon is called IO and other moons are Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.

    148. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system.

    149. Europa is the moon of Jupiter

    150. The moon has no atmosphere because its gravitational pull is not strong enough to hold an atmosphere

    151. Chondrite meteorites are the oldest rocks in the solar system.

    152. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

    153. ‘Galileo Satellites’, named after their discoverer, are four large moons of the planet

    154. Mars contain atmosphere of Carbon dioxide and Uranus contain atmosphere of Hydrogen and Helium.

    155. Venus is about the same size as Earth.

    156. Venus’s atmosphere is 90 times thicker than our. It traps so well that the temperature of Venus’s surface is about 430 degree centigrade.

    157. Closest star is (Gienah) 680,000 million, million, kilometers.

    158. Nicolous Copernicus (1473-1543) was born in Poland. He was the first to explain the solar system.

    159. Chiron is one of several distant asteroids with orbits between Jupiter and Uranus.

    160. In the Solar system there are 2 Mount Olympus's Greece and where- Mars

    161. What is the brightest star always in the Northern sky-Vega

    162. The most common element in the universe is Nitrogen.

    163. Hydra is the largest of the 88 constellations found in the universe. It covers about 3.16 % of the entire sky.

    164. The M-class supergiant Betelgease with a diametre of 700 million kms is the largest star of the universe. It is about 500 times greater than the sun.

    165. What is the common name for the star Sirius: Dog Star

    166. Pluto (the Planet) was almost called what name-Zeus

    167. When a satellite is closest to Earth its position is called what Perigee

    168. 30 km/s is the approximate mean velocity with which earth moves round the Sun in its orbit.

    169. The earth’s reflectivity of solar radiation is termed as albedo.

    170. Joseph von Fraunhofer was the first to explain the presence of dark lines in the sun’s spectrum.

    171. Light of sun reaches the earth in.....499 seconds

    172. Hale-Bopp comet was the most distant comet ever discovered which became visible in December, 1996.

    173. What is the name of the largest moon of Jupiter-Ganymede

    174. M31 is the nearest galaxy to us - what is its other name-Andromeda

    175. The earth is the densest planet of universe .It has density of 5.515 time that of water.

    176. Halos around the moon are formed because of the phenomenon of ___ (optical phenomena)

    177. What is unique about the pistol star- Brightest in sky

    178. Name the first teddy bear in space- Mishka 1980 Olympic mascot

    179. What celestial body gets its name from the Greek long haired Comet

    180. What's unusual about the moons of Uranus-Named Shakespeare character
    1:06 AM

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