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Solved MCQs on Psychology.

Compulsory Question: Year 2000

Paper I

1) What procedure is used by experimenters to determine whether a difference between conditions of an experiment is large enough for us to have confidence in its validity?
a) Correlation coefficient 
b) Scientific intuition
c) Statistical analysis
d) None of these

2) If one finds a positive correlation between degree of coffee drinking and the likelihood of heart attacks. One can conclude that:
a) Coffee drinking causes heart attack
b) Individuals prone to heart attacks are predisposed to drink a lot of coffee
c) An active life style of certain people causes heart attack
d) None of these

3) Someone whose corpus callosum has been cut will experience difficulty in:
a) Naming an object held in the left hand
b) Naming an object held in the right hand
c) Recognizing an object held in the left hand
d) Recognizing an object held in the right hand

4) Taste depends:
a) On one’s taste buds and the smell, temperature and texture of food
b) Only on one’s taste buds
c) Only on smell and texture of food
d) None of these

5) Smoking during pregnancy is associated with:
a) High intelligence in the fetus, since the fetus must be clever to keep the cigarette burning
b) Low birth weight
c) High mortality
d) Both B and C

6) The application of psychological theories, methods and techniques to solve practical human problems describes an area of psychology known as:
a) Social psychology
b) Para-psychology
c) Applied psychology
d) Humanistic psychology

7) Which of the following is not one of the factors, which tend to hinder the fairness of intelligence tests for lower class children?
a) Inappropriate norms
b) Items requiring certain experience
c) Test assume test-taking skills
d) Test givers bias the result

8) As E scores of I-E scale show a general trend upward:
a) People show more reserve suspicion and withdrawal
b) Assassinations and events like Watergate and Vietnam increase
c) The ability for people to openly express themselves decrease
d) Both A and C

9) In ancient times, who supposedly inhibited the body and soul of a “crazy” person?
a) God
b) A saint
c) The devil
d) None of these

10) “Double approach-avoidance” conflict is:
a) Approaching a problem from two different angles
b) A doubly strong tendency to approach an object
c) Being faced with a choice between two equally attractive goals
d) Choosing between two equally attractive objects such that the choice of one means giving up the other

11) “Delusion” refer to:
a) Thoughts or beliefs that have no basis in reality
b) Feelings that have no basis in reality
c) Behaviors that have no basis in reality
d) None of these

12) The basic assumption of humanistic theories include:
a) Humans are basically good and worthy
b) Humans are basically bad and unworthy and thus have to be reconditioned using learning principles
c) There is a natural growth process that can be blocked by bad condition
d) Both A and C

13) Rotter’s social learning theory emphasizes the following:
a) Behavioral potential
b) Expectancy
c) A reinterpretation of Freud’s theory
d) Both A and B

14) “Human beings respond to their subjective cognitions about their world rather than to the objective environment” is an argument for the effectiveness of:
a) Primal therapy
b) Freudian therapy
c) Cognitive therapy
d) Rankian therapy

15) How can morality covertly enter the therapy session?
a) By having ministers take over the role of therapist
b) By the use of techniques to alter a sexual preference
c) By allowing an insane person into therapy
d) By allowing philosophers of ethics to become therapists

16) Research on the role of reinforcement in insight therapy has found that:
a) It does not play a role
b) It does play a role
c) It has an effect only on dependent patients
d) It plays a role in highly structured therapy situation

17) The notion that aggression can be reduced by allowing angry individuals to engage harmless activities that allow them to “blow off self esteem” is:
a) Frustration-aggression hypothesis
b) Displacement hypothesis
c) Sublimation hypothesis
d) Catharsis hypothesis

18) A person behavior is usually attributed to external causes when all but one of the following conditions exist:
a) Others act in the same way
b) The person acts the same way at other times
c) The person acts differently in other situations
d) The person seems aware of the environment

19) A study of gastric ulceration in response to stress produced by shock found that the most ulceration was shown by rates who:
a) Only heard a tone but received no shock
b) Received varying levels of shock
c) Could predict the onset of shock
d) Could not predict the onset of shock

20) Studies of crowding have found that crowding:
a) Depends only on physical density
b) Affects mainly females
c) Can intensify feelings 
d) Has negative effects only among the elderly

Paper II

1) Developmental psychologists believe that two factors that influence human development are:
a) Motivation and emotion
b) Self and others
c) Genetic makes up and experience
d) Rewards and punishments

2) Motor skills are largely a result of:
a) Learning
b) Maturational process
c) Practice
d) Observing other

3) In Piaget’s theory, the first two years of life are called the ----- stages:
a) Paralinguistic
b) Exploratory
c) Sensorimotor
d) Preoperational

4) Learning theories explain attachment of infants to their parents in items of:
a) Conditioning
b) Observational learning
c) The maturation of perceptual skills
d) Cognitive development

5) Freud was among the first to suggest that abnormal behavior:
a) Can have a hereditary basis
b) Is not the result of demonic possession
c) Is psychology caused
d) Can result from biological factors

6) Which of the following is not a common symptom of the depression?
a) Insomnia
b) Delusions
c) Poor appetite
d) Lethargy

7) Gradual exposure to actual feared situation is called:
a) Cognitive desensitization
b) In vivo desensitization
c) Flooding
d) Breaking of resistance

8) Rotational –emotive therapy is a type of:
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Client-centered therapy
c) Cognitive –behavior therapy
d) Behavior therapy

9) The concept of intelligence is closely related to:
a) Motivation
b) Learning
c) Perception
d) Cognition 

10) Most IQ tests assess:
a) Academic motivation
b) Convergent thinking
c) Perceptual motor skills
d) Creativity

11) Addictive disorders include:
a) Alcoholism and drug addiction
b) Overeating
c) Sociopathalogy
d) All the above

12) Seizures, confusions, delusions and hallucinations are symptoms of :
a) Advanced alcoholism
b) Delirium tremens
c) Alcoholic withdrawal
d) All of the above

13) The central concept in Gestalt therapy is:
a) Awareness
b) Self-fulfillment
c) Self-control
d) Desensitization

14) The techniques used in behavior modification:
a) Stress interpersonal interactions
b) Employ the principal of learning
c) Are capable to a very limited rang of psychological problems
d) All involve some sort of operant conditioning

15) Research has suggested that compulsive behavior persists because:
a) It reduces anxiety
b) There is some underlying conflict
c) Others begin to expect it
d) It diverts the attention of the individual from the problem

16) A perceptual experience, which is not grounded in reality, is called a/an:
a) Delusion
b) Illusionary images
c) Hallucinations
d) Spontaneous discharge of sensory neurons

17) The hallucinations of schizophrenic are most likely to be:
a) Auditory
b) Visual
c) Tactual
d) Olfactory

18) Among people with severe mood disorder, ------- is most common:
a) Mania
b) Depression
c) Manic-depression
d) Euphoria

19) Rogers believes that all of us are born with:
a) Unconditional positive regard
b) A drive for self fulfillment
c) A sense of individuality and uniqueness
d) A variety of incongruence, which must be resolved in infancy and early childhood

20) Tests that employ real life problems that the examinee is likely to face on the job are called:
a) Job tasks
b) Valid tests
c) Situational tests
d) Projective techniques

Compulsory Question: Year 2001

Paper I

1) The group in an experiment which receives no treatment is called:
a) Control group
b) Experimental group
c) No group

2) The portion of your nervous system which controls breathing and digestion is:
a) Axon
b) Autonomic
c) Linear circuit
d) None of these

3) The color, smell and feeling of the flowers are relayed through what part of brain:
a) Acetylcholine
b) Thalamus
c) Motor area
d) None of these

4) A hungry person would find food to be a:
a) Primary reinforcer
b) Secondary reinforcer
c) None of these

5) A psychologist explains you that learning can be best defined in terms of underlying thought process. What theory is being stated:
a) Social learning
b) Cognitive learning
c) Trial and error
d) None of these

6) According to Maslow, a person with no job, no friends and no house can be self actualized:
a) 100 percent yes
b) 100 percent no
c) None of these

7) A need to establish and maintain relationship with other people:
a) Achievement motivation
b) Need for affiliation
c) None of these

8) Term n-ach was introduced by:
a) Mc Cleland
b) Jung
c) Maslow
d) None of these

9) Repression refers to:
a) Primary defense mechanism
b) Regression
c) Frustration
d) None of these

10) Enduring dimensions of personality characteristics differentiating people from another is called:
a) Factor analysis
b) Trait
c) Determinism
d) None of these

11) The theory which suggests that people learn attitude by observing their own behavior is:
a) Operant conditioning
b) CR
c) Self-perception
d) None of these

12) Theory of cognitive dissonance is offered by:
a) Skinner
b) Bandura
c) Festinger
d) None of these

13) The ability to view the world in 3 dimensions and perceive distance is:
a) Depth perception
b) Illusion
c) Delusion
d) None of these

14) According to Bandura, one is socialized by:
a) Punishment
b) Observation
c) Food
d) None of these

15) Crowding causes increase in heart rate and the level of adrenaline:
a) No
b) Yes

16) Studies demonstrate that greater genetic similarity is associated with greater similarity of attitudes:
a) True
b) False

17) A theory that states that emotions are a join result of non-specific physiological arousal and interpretation of the arousal is called:
a) Two-factor theory of emotion
b) James-Lange theory of emotion
c) Bem’s theory of emotion d) None of these

18) Maintenance of an internal biological balance is called:
a) Instinct
b) Need
c) Homeostasis
d) None of these

19) The part of personality that provides a buffer between the id and the out side world is:
a) Super-ego
b) Ego
c) Ego-ideal
d) None of these

20) Specialized cells of nervous system carry:
a) Messages
b) Reflexes
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the (a) and (b)

Paper II

1) The combination of responses or ideals in novel way is called:
a) Exploration
b) Creativity
c) Thinking

2) Group intelligence testing is better than individual testing:
a) True
b) False

3) Birth typically occurs after:
a) Forty weeks conception
b) Thirty eight weeks conception
c) Four weeks conception
d) None of these

4) Longitudinal researches investigate:
a) Behavior through times as subject age
b) Behavior of different ages are compared
c) None of these

5) The cause of abnormal behavior is only physiological, it is explained by:
a) Psycho model
b) Medical model
c) Psychosocial model
d) None of these

6) One abnormal behavior was associated with witch craft:
a) True
b) False

7) A feeling of apprehension or tension is:
a) Frustration
b) Panic
c) Anxiety

8) Which of the following treatments deal with phobias by gradual exposure?
a) Super ego control
b) Systematic desensitization
c) Reinforcement
d) Dreams
e) None of these

9) The operation of the brain’s neurotransmitters is altered because:
a) Use of LDS
b) Use of alcohol
c) None of these

10) Researches show that poor performance is the result of:
a) Poor conditions
b) Job satisfaction
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

11) Low job satisfaction is likely to bring about high absenteeism:
a) False
b) True

12) The term propinquity explains:
a) Geographical proximity
b) Why people affiliate with one another
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

13) Group think refers to:
a) Deterioration of mental efficiency 
b) Deterioration of physical energy
c) Think tank
d) None of these

14) Main functions of stimulants are:
a) To alleviate tension
b) To provide energy and alertness
c) Prescribed for insomnia
d) None of these

15) Chromosomal anomalies can be recognized by slanting eyes and flat nose:
a) Down’s syndrome
b) PKU
c) Langdon Down’s syndrome

16) Characters disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive behavior are developed due to disturbed parent-child relation in the:
a) Later Oedipal phase
b) Paranoid stage
c) Libido
d) None of these

17) According to the Piaget, from 2 to 7 years of age, language is developed slowly and gradually this stage is called:
a) Preoperational stage
b) Egocentric stage
c) Sensorimator stage
d) None of these

18) Speech like but meaningless sound appear between 3 months to one year is termed as:
a) Syntax
b) Babble
c) Conversation
d) None of these

19) The ability to deal with new problems and encounters is technically called as:
a) Crystallized intelligence
b) G or g-factor of intelligence
c) Fluid intelligence
d) None of these

20) The triachric theory of intelligence suggests that there are:
a) Four components
b) Six components
c) Three components 
d) None of thes

Compulsory Question: Year 2009

Paper I

1. In psychology , case studies are used to:
a. draw conclusions , about individual behavior on the basis of group finding
b. draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client
c. assess heretibility of individual
d. show importance of case studies.
e. None of these

2. Psychology is concenered with the study of:
a. how group exchange resources 
b. overt behavior only
c. mind and behavior 
d. how aggregate behavior is specified
e. none of these

3. An independent variable is:
a. the only variable of interest
b. a variable that is independently verified
c. a variable whose value depends on dependent variable
d. the variable that is manipulated by experimenter
e. none of these

4. Introspection is:
a. a scientific method used to study dreams
b. a psychotherapeutic technique where the patient gives a running account of internal dialogues
c. a process used to uncover symbolic representation in dream
d. the analysis of the content of our own thoughts.
e. None of these

5. The law of effect states that:
a. close temporal contiguity is the key characteristic in forming an association between stimulus and response.
b. A response will be strengthened if the organism is rewarded for that response
c. effect is strong if the effect is long lasting.
d. Response generalize across similar surroundings.
e. None of these

6. Structuralism and functionalism are similar in that both:
a. emphasize the analysis of mental structures to explain behavior
b. emphasize the fluid, personal nature of consciousness.
c. Regard psychology as the science of conscious experience.
d. Emphasize the observation of behavior rather than consciousness.
e. None of these.

7. The school of psychology that argues that nearly all behaviour is a result of conditioning and that the environment shapes behavior is labeled: 
a. getalt, wertheimer
b. psychoanalytic, freud
c. behaviorism, tichner
d. behaviorism, Watson
e. none of these

8. Chemical which are produced in the brain, and facilitate communication between nerve cells are called:
a. neurotransmitter
b. plasmas
c. syntactic structures
d. adrenocorticoids
e. none of these

9. Psychologists , who typically apply psychological principles to diagnose and treat emotional problems , including illness and marital and family conflict are in the subfield called:
a. biological
b. clinical and counseling
c. social and personality 
d. school and educational 
e. none of these

10. The first step in any research project is generating a:
a. theory 
b. experiment
c. hypothesis
d. proposition
e. none of these

11. The discipline that deals with sampling data from a population and then drawing inferences about the population from the sample is: 
a. hypothesis testing
b. statistics
c. multivariate experimentation
d. independent sampling
e. none of these

12. When two variables are correlated , variation in one?
a. may possibly cause variation in the other.
b. Can only be inferred with social validation
c. Can be cause of variation in the other only if the correction is positive.
d. Always suggests a causal relationship with the other.
e. None of these.

13. In the early stages of research, the most efficient way of making progress toward explaining phenomenon is to:
a. videotape 
b. precisely measure 
c. survey
d. observe
e. none of these

14. A scholarly summary of a body of research on some topic is called: 
a. case history
b. literature review
c. meta-analysis
d. theory
e. none of these

15. The principle governing the ethical treatment of human participants in research essentially states that the hazards anticipated in the research project should be not grater than those encountered in the daily activities.
a. informed consent
b. right to privacy
c. minimal risk
d. informed participants
e. none of these

16. S-R psychology is an approach associated with the perspective:
a. behavioral 
b. psychoanalytic
c. cognitive
d. subjectivst
e. none of these

17. Psychologists whoa re interests in the perception of motion, part-whole relationship and in how people judge size were identified with what shool of psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. gestalt
c. behavioral
d. structural
e. none of these

18. The center of freud’s theory is the thoughts, attitudes, impulses , wished and motivations of which we are unaware:
a. conditioning concept
b. unconsciousness
c. biological motivation proposition
d. multivariate construct
e. none of these

19. Relating overt behavior to electrical anc chemical events taking place inside the body is characteristic of which contemporary perspective?
a. behavioral
b. subjectivist
c. biological
d. cognitive
e. none of these

20. The subjectivist perspective in psychology:
a. is most like cognitive one
b. is generally not influenced by cultural and emotional variables
c. has been most pervasive
d. all of these
e. none of these

Paper II

1. A child is creating new schemata to account for new information , piaget calls this process:
a. assimilation
b. accommodation
c. operations
d. functional autonomy
e. none of these

2. Children begin to understand and use abstractions during which of the piaget stages of congnitive development:
a. oral 
b. preoperational
c. state of formal operations
d. secondary stage
e. none of these

3. Which theoretical viewpoint emphasizes the importance of learning for understanding development:
a. fruedian 
b. information processing theory
c. ecological theory
d. behavioral theory
e. none of these

4. Behavior is governed by its consequences describe:
a. operant conditioning 
b. psychological crisis
c. supply demand theory
d. the yerkes Dodson law
e. none of these

5. Which of the following statement is incorrect:
a. genetic influences affect children more than adults
b. even if genetic factors underlie a particular behavior, it is subject to change
c. trait suchs as extroversion and introversion are influenced by genes
d. intelligence has a genetic basis
e. none of these

6. If characteristic requires only one gene to show itself the characteristic is considered: 
a. dominant 
b. co-dominant
c. imcompletly dominant
d. recessive
e. none of these

7. A genetic disorder in which the production of mucous affects the respiratory system is: 
a. huntington’s disease
b. down syndrome
c. cystic fibrosis
d. sickle cell anemia
e. none of these

8. Aptitudes are:
a. preferences to perform certain activities
b. high level of achievment in an area endevour
c. the ablities of individual to learn in specific endevour
d. skills one brings to a given task
e. none of these

9. In psychological research, a ……… is defined as an entity that can occur with different values:
a. hypothesis
b. measurement system
c. variable
d. experiement group
e. none of these 

10. Ability to exercise precise control over a variable is what distinguishes the ……. Method from other methods of scientific observation:
a. control group identification
b. randomized selection 
c. hypothesis testing 
d. experimental 
e. none of these

11. Consideration of participants in psychological research as …….. in the research enterprise is a central principle of ethical research today:
a. informed participants
b. full partners
c. willing participants
d. co-investigators
e. none of these

12. Maturation refers to:
a. the attainment of successive stages of cognitive development
b. relatively stable chancges in an individual’s thought or behavior as a result of a biological process of aging.
c. Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought or behaior as a result of accumulating experience
d. The development of an individual’s thought and behavior due to interaction of biological and environmental factors
e. None of these

13. Learning refers to:
a. the attainment of successive stages of cognitive development
b. changes in an individual’s thought or behavior as a result of biological process of aging
c. changes in an individual’s thought and behavior as result of accumulating experience
d. The development of an individual’s thought and behavior due to interaction of biological and environmental factors
e. none of these

14. Psychodynamic determinism refers to: 
a. behavior that is ruled by forces over which we have no control
b. behavior that is preconscious in origin
c. id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
d. the delimiting characteristics of superego
e. none of these

15. According to Freudian dream terminonlogy, condensation refers to:
a. repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
b. the bizarre , irrational quality of dream
c. the process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
d. process where one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
e. none of these

16. According to one definition, behavior is abnormal if:
a. labeled as abnormal by the society in which the individual lives
b. not under conscious control by individual statistically typical
c. statistically typical
d. adaptive to the individual
e. none of these

17. Axis III in DSM-IV address:
a. the major abnormal disorders 
b. primary personality disorders
c. physical disorders
d. the severity of psychological symptoms
e. none of these

18. An individual who is identified as having a borderline personality disorder shows:
a. percectory thoughts
b. exhibitionistic tendencies
c. instability in mood and social relations
d. apathy and indifference to openion of others
e. none of these

19. Clinical interview typically includes:
a. a follow up evaluation and assessment after therapy is terminated
b. the initial diagnosis of a client’s psychological functioning
c. the psycho physiological functioning
d. the client’s inititial and final evaluation
e. none of these

20. Two explicitly directive psychotherapeutic approaches are:
a. behavior therapy and psychodynamic therapy
b. behavior therapy and humanistic therapy
c. humanistic therapy and existential therapy
d. cognitive therapy and behavior therapy
e. none of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2002

Paper I

1) The junction where the axon of a sending neuron communicates with a receiving neuron is called the:
a) Reuptake site
b) Receptor site
c) Synapse
d) Axon terminal
e) None of these

2) The autonomic nervous system differs from the somatic nervous system in that its operation is largely:
a) Involuntary
b) Voluntary
c) Controlled by the brain
d) Controlled by the spinal chord
e) None of these

3) The most fundamental principle of perceptual organization is called the:
a) Figure-ground relationship
b) Volley principle
c) Dark adaptation phenomenon
d) Law of closure
e) None of these

4) Which of the following phenomena was studied by parlor?
a) Maturation
b) Animal cognition
c) Operant conditioning
d) Classical conditioning
e) None of these

5) What can occur if a person believes that a connection exists between an act and its consequences when there is no relationship between the two?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Superstitious behavior
c) Shaping
d) Sequential learning
e) None of these

6) Advertisers place beautiful people or likeable places and objects with the products they are trying to sell because these items:
a) Distract from the disadvantages of the products
b) Cause pleasant feelings to be evoked
c) Are part of the products’ basic qualities
d) Are just elements of scenery
e) None of these

7) The body’s natural tendency to maintain a state of internal balance or equilibrium is called:
a) Arousal
b) Opponent process
c) Homeostasis
d) Instinct
e) None of these

8) Concerns with meeting standards of excellence and accomplishing difficult tasks refer to need for:
a) Affiliation
b) Achievement
c) Power
d) Apperception
e) None of these

9) Which of the following condition is not associated with prolonged sensory deprivation?
a) Inability to concentrate
b) A satisfying-relaxed feeling
c) Hallucinations
d) Confusion
e) None of these

10) Presence of others may interfere with performance due to:
a) Social inhabitation
b) Social loafing
c) Distraction
d) All of these
e) None of these

11) Psychology has been defined by psychologists as:
a) The study of behavior
b) The study of mental activity
c) The science that studies behavior and mental process
d) None of these
e) All of these

12) When we look at a distant object, we usually judge its size by:
a) Object size
b) Perspective size
c) A compromise between object size and perspective size
d) Retinal size
e) None of these

13) The view that we are born with the ability to perceive the way we do it held by:
a) Sensory psychologists
b) Nativists
c) Empiricists
d) Contemporary psychologists
e) None of these

14) The ability to focus on stimuli in which we are interested while resisting distracting stimuli is called:
a) Concentrated attending
b) Stimulus focusing
c) Selective attention
d) Structured perceiving
e) None of these

15) In Freud’s theory of personality:
a) The ego obeys the reality principle
b) The id operates by secondary process thinking
c) The super-ego obeys the pleasure principle
d) The ego operates by primary process thinking
e) None of these

16) Trail theory has been criticized on the ground that:
a) Traits may be highly dependent on the situation
b) Moderator variable are often very influential
c) They often do not specify how traits are organized within the personality
d) All of the (a), (b) and (c)
e) None of the (a), (b) and (c)

17) When we receive mixed information about a person, we tend to base our impression on the information that is:
a) Favorable
b) Unfavorable
c) Received first
d) Received last
e) None of these

18) Most of the social psychological research on attitude change has been generated by theories concerning:
a) Consistency in attitudes and behavior
b) Cognitive dissonance
c) Self-perception
d) Attribution
e) None of these

19) The public opinion survey is:
a) A passive record of opinion
b) Limited to what the public believes at one moment in time
c) Generally ignored by successful politicians
d) Increasingly helping to shape opinion as well as measure it
e) None of these

20) The objectivity of science lies in:
a) The capability of scientists to avoid the prejudices of their society
b) The choice of question studied
c) Its methodology
d) All of these
e) None of these

Paper II

1) What are the problems associated with low birth weight?
a) Susceptibility to infection
b) Difficulty in maintaining body temperature
c) Susceptibility to infection
d) Difficulty with breathing, sucking swallowing and digestion
e) None of the (a) (b) and (c)

2) According to Piaget, the major accomplishment of the sensorimotor stage is:
a) Abstract thinking
b) Egocentrism
c) Centration
d) Object permanence
e) None of these

3) During the stage of concrete operations children:
a) Understand the concept of reversibility
b) Do not yet understand the concept of conversation
c) Are able to solve abstract problems
d) None of these

4) Studies show that an “authoritarian family” tends to produce an adolescent who is:
a) Dependent and obedient
b) Self-reliant
c) Independent but deserved
d) Surface-complaint but rebellious underneath

5) Child-rearing methods in Pakistan:
a) Differ little from those in other countries
b) Differ from one social class to another
c) Have changed very little over the past fifty years
d) Are now pretty much the same from one social class to the next

6) According to Erickson’s theory, the struggle during adolescence is:
a) Intimacy versus isolation
b) Initiative versus role confusion
c) Competence versus inferiority

7) A major defining characteristic of personality disorder is that they:
a) Are psychological, more from society’s view than from that of the person’s who have them
b) Reflect a lack of contrast with reality
c) Are comparatively easy to treat
d) Are frequently relative, i.e. short term responses to stress

8) The behavioral interpretation of depression relates it to “learned happiness.” The most obvious symptom of this condition is:
a) Passivity
b) Increased appetite
c) Excessive-aggressiveness when threatened
d) An increase in random maladaptive behavior

9) Behavior therapists believe that insight is:
a) A worthwhile goal
b) Non sufficient for behavior change
c) Not necessary for behavior change
d) All of these

10) The suggested cause of abnormal behavior from the cognitive perspective is:
a) Faulty learning
b) Early childhood experiences
c) Unconscious unresolved conflicts
d) Faulty thinking

11) The most frequently occurring major psychological disorder is:
a) Phobias
b) Schizophrenia
c) Depression
d) Bipolar disorder

12) Person-centered therapy is best described as:
a) Confrontive
b) Structured
c) Nondirective
d) Objective

13) Systematic desensitization is used in treatment of:
a) Schizophrenia
b) Mood disorders
c) Phobias
d) Somatoform disorders

14) Guilford’s structure of intellect model of intelligence is notable because:
a) It separate operations from content and product
b) It rejects the idea of gender feature
c) It yields 180 unique intellectual factors
d) All of these

15) The most important criterion of whether an individual should be considered retarded is that individual’s:
a) Social competence
b) Mental age
c) IQ
d) Ability to learn to speak

16) Improved job satisfaction result in----in work performance and----- in turnover:
a) Decrease: decrease
b) Increase: no change
c) Increase: increase
d) No change: decrease

17) Some employers allow their employees to create their own sceduals within set parameters. This is called:
a) Job sharing
b) Job enrichment
c) Time sharing
d) Flextime

18) All of the following are some of the major sources of work stress EXCEPT:
a) Little control
b) Shift work
c) High decision latitude
d) Discrimination

19) Bonuses, recognition awards, praise and time off improve motivation through the application of:
a) Performance appraisal
b) Benefits
c) Reinforcement
d) Objective criteria

20) The Binet-Simon scale was adapted for American use by:
a) Thurston
b) Terman
c) Wechsler
d) Binet

Compulsory Question: Year 2003

Paper I

1) The term phenomenology refers to:
a) A science of perception
b) Detailed analysis of our sensations
c) “Native” description of our immediate experience
d) Scientific study of “queer” occurrences
e) None of these

2) The degree of concentration or dilution of color is known as its:
a) Brightness
b) Hue
c) Saturation
d) Volume
e) None of these

3) Differences in perception among species depend upon:
a) Habitat
b) Complexity of nervous system
c) Receptor mechanism
d) All of the above 
e) None of these

4) Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between:
a) Sensory attributes and physical energy
b) Perception and physiological process
c) Psychology and physics
d) None of these

5) The concept of adaptation was introduced by:
a) Brown
b) Helson
c) Wertheimer
d) Kohler
e) None of these

6) Convergence of the eyes in controlled primarily by:
a) Extrinsic muscle of the eye
b) Curvature of lens
c) Ciliary muscle of eye
d) Muscles of iris
e) None of these

7) Factors predisposing an individual toward feeling of jealousy include:
a) Self-hate
b) Insecurity in self-conception
c) Lack of intensity in feeling of love
d) All of the above
e) None of these

8) The so-called primary emotion includes:
a) Pain, fear, hate, love
b) Shame, guilt, anger, grief
c) Joy, fear, anger, grief
d) All of the above 
e) None of these

9) Coping behavior is:
a) Often unconscious
b) A form of habitual behavior
c) Always goal-directed
d) Usually carried out directly
e) None of these

10) Deficiency motivation is to abundance motivation as:
a) Desire is to need
b) Innate is to learned
c) Primary is to secondary
d) Need is to desire
e) None of these

11) The concept of homeostasis most closely associated with the name:
a) Richter
b) Cannon
c) Levin
d) Warden
e) None of these

12) McClelland’s method of measuring the achievement motive made use of:
a) Self-ratings
b) Fantasy
c) Person’s estimates of level of aspiration
d) Activity level
e) None of these

13) Sources of frustration include:
a) Environmental lacks 
b) Environmental obstacles
c) Incompatibles motives
d) All of the above
e) None of these

14) The “local” stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
a) Cannon
b) Beach
c) Ingram
d) Anderson
e) None of these

15) The Cannon-Bard theory of emotions emphasis the role of the:
a) Skeletal muscles
b) Thalamus and hypothalamus
c) Hormonal system
d) All of the above
e) None of these

16) An insufficient supply of thyroid hormone can result in:
a) Increased metabolic rate
b) Cretinism
c) Increased emotionality
d) None of these

17) The so-called “master gland” which helps control the activities of various ductless glands is the:
a) Adrenal medulla
b) Thyroid
c) Anterior pituitary
d) Gonad
e) None of these

18) The term “reinforcement” refers to the pairing of:
a) CS and US
b) CR and UR
c) US and UR
d) CS and CR
e) None of these

19) One of the following is not a method of measuring retention:
a) Recognition
b) Relearning
c) Recall
d) Reminiscence
e) None of these

20) When new acquisitions improve retention of the old, we speak of:
a) Positive transfer
b) Negative transfer
c) Reproductive facilitation
d) Reproductive interference
e) None of these

Paper II

1) The social distance scale is mainly a measure of:
a) Ethnic attitude
b) Cohesiveness of a group
c) Upward social mobility
d) Social class differences
e) None of these

2) A person has attitudes towards:
a) All possible objects 
b) All objects which are perceived by him
c) All objects which exist in his own life-space
d) None of these

3) So-called “functional” and “organic” psychoses are:
a) Really both functional in origin
b) Really both organic in origin
c) Clearly differentiated as to origin
d) Not clearly distinguishable

4) Which one of the following is not listed as a classification of psychoneurosis?
a) Phobic reactions
b) Conversion reactions
c) Neurasthenic reactions
d) Delusional reactions
e) None of these

5) Psychoneurosis tends to be:
a) Severe than the psychoses
b) Milder than neuroses
c) Milder than psychoses
d) About the same severity as the psychoses
e) None of these

6) In essence the defense mechanisms are:
a) Defense against anxiety
b) Ways of convincing others of one’s rightness
c) Escape reactions
d) Conscious self-deception
e) None of these

7) The Thematic Apperception Test is a:
a) Situational test
b) Performance test
c) Projective test
d) Personality inventory
e) None of these

8) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by:
a) Asthma caused by anxiety
b) Neurotic anxiety
c) Insomnia
d) Over-eating
e) None of these

9) Dependence, passivity and greediness are regarded as traits found in the so-called:
a) Anal character
b) Phallic stage
c) Genital stage
d) Oral character
e) None of these

10) Probably the most insidious form of defense mechanism is:
a) Reaction formation
b) Defensive identification
c) Projection
d) Withdrawal
e) None of these

11) Endomorphy is to eetomorphy as:
a) Love of comfort is to social inhabitation
b) Social inhabitation is to love of comfort
c) Love of comfort is to need for action
d) Need for action is to social inhabitation
e) None of these

12) Personality inventories are:
a) Subjectively scored
b) Objectively scored
c) Always scored on a priori basis
d) Always scored on an empirical basis
e) None of these

13) The difficulty with type theories of personality is that they are:
a) Too simple
b) Too contradictory
c) Too arbitrary
d) All of these
e) None of these

14) The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by:
a) Spranger
b) Kretshmer
c) Jaensch
d) Jung
e) None of these

15) The term “germ cell” when used in genetics refers to:
a) Somatic cells 
b) Body cells
c) Ova and sperm cells
d) Both (a) and (b)
e) None of these

16) The overall bodily and mental growth curves for man:
a) Diverge at puberty age
b) Run parallel course
c) Show drop at puberty age
d) Both (a) and (b)
e) None of these

17) As the individual continues his growth after birth, the neural cell in his brain:
a) Change their chemical composition
b) Increase in number
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

18) With the onset of puberty, the rate of growth of:
a) All bodily organs slow down
b) Intellectual development slows down
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) and (b)

19) To mark the onset and termination of adolescence:
a) Physiological measures are usually used for both boys and girls
b) Physiological measures are usually used for girls but not for boys
c) Physiological measures are usually used for the onset but not for the end
d) Physiological measurements are usually used for both boys and girls

20) The prototype of the modern intelligence test for children was first developed by:
a) Stanford
b) Terman
c) Binet
d) Wechsler
e) None of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2004

Paper I

1) The peripheral nervous system is made up of:
a) Axons and dendrites
b) The brain and the spinal cord
c) The autonomic and somatic nervous systems
d) The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
e) None of these

2) The adrenal hormones which also appear to function as neurotransmitters in the brain are:
a) Dopamine and serotonin
b) Progesterone and testosterone
c) Epinephrine and nor epinephrine
d) Insulin and toblerone
e) None of these

3) The detection of physical energy emitted or reflected by physical objects: it occurs when energy in the external environment or the body stimulates receptors in the sense organs:
a) Cognition
b) Sensation
c) Perception
d) Adaptation
e) None of these

4) Which of the following is a dimension of visual experience?
a) Loudness
b) Pitch
c) Timbre
d) Brightness
e) None of these

5) All human senses evolved for the same purpose to:
a) Increase our ability to enjoy the environment
b) Make up more aware our feelings and internal state
c) Provide information that could improve our ability to communicate
d) Help us survive
e) None of these

6) The fovea and blind spot are both features of the:
a) Cornea 
b) Lens 
c) Retina
d) Pupil
e) None of these

7) Which of the following is the best example of a primary reinforcing?
a) Food
b) Money
c) Pay check
d) New clothes 
e) None of these

8) Which of the following could be attributed to Tolman’s research?
a) Discovery of the law of effect
b) The concept of cognitive map
c) The negative effect of punishment
d) The role of classical conditioning in the formation of phobic disorders
e) None of these

9) Which of the following factors influence the impact of interference on learning?
a) The nature of the material being learned
b) The organization and meaningfulness of the information learned
c) The type of activity that flows studying
d) All of the above
e) None of these

10) Which of the following psychologists developed the need/drive theory of emotion?
a) Clark Hull
b) Abraham Maslow
c) Robert Plutchik
d) Water Cannon
e) None of these

11) Which of the following orders of Maslow’s hierarchy of need is correct?
a) Safety, physiological, belongingness, self-actualization, esteem
b) Belongingness, esteem, safety, physiological, self-actualization
c) Physiological, belongingness, safety, esteem, self-actualization
d) Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
e) None of these

12) Central traits:
a) Were suggested by a behaviorist to explain behavior
b) Organize and control behavior across many situations
c) Are more situations specific than they are secondary traits
d) Are seen in growth-oriented individuals
e) None of these

13) Norms are influenced by:
a) The surrounding culture
b) The surrounding sub-culture
c) The context of the situation 
d) All of the above 
e) None of these

14) Discrepancies between attitudes lead to:
a) Prejudice
b) Cognitive dissonance
c) The fundamental attribution error
d) Relative deprivation
e) None of these

15) Many of the neo Freudians have modified Freud’s original theory of personality to give more emphasis to:
a) Childhood sexuality
b) Social and cultural factors
c) Differences between the sexes
d) Unconscious forces
e) None of these

16) Motivation is defined as inferred process within a person that causes organism to move toward:
a) A goal
b) All other organisms
c) A homeostatic state
d) Higher kevels in the hierarchy of needs
e) None of these

17) In which motivational conflicts are must chosen by “the lesser of two evils”
a) Approach-Approach
b) Approach-Avoidance
c) Avoidance-Avoidance
d) Multiple approach-avoidance
e) None of these

18) Which of the following identified universal symbolic images that appear in myths, art, dreams, and other expressions of the collective unconscious?
a) Freud
b) Adler
c) Jung
d) Horney
e) All of these

19) Raymond B Cattel advanced the study of personality traits by using a statistical method called:
a) Locus of control
b) Identification
c) Factor analysis
d) Phrenology
e) None of these

20) Perfection is a problem that is most associated with the:
a) Id
b) Ego
c) Superego
d) Ego and superego
e) None of these

Paper II

1) Which of the following represent correct sequence?
a) Zygote, fetus, embryo, neonate, infant
b) Zygote, embryo, neonate, fetus, infant
c) Embryo, zygote, fetus, neonate, infant
d) Zygote, embryo, fetus, neonate, infant

2) Maturation refers to development that occurs as a result of:
a) Genetically determined signals
b) Instinctive process
c) Homeostatic imbalances
d) An interaction between biology and environment
e) None of these

3) Which of the following is not one of the aspects of development studied by psychologists?
a) Universal aspects of development
b) Individual differences in development
c) Cultural differences in development
d) Immutable laws of development
e) None of these

4) Which of the following is most likely to lead to high job satisfaction?
a) Matching personality with occupation
b) Promotion practices based on seniority
c) Having an out going personality
d) Working alone
e) None of these

5) Which of the following improves worker skills and reduces frustration and stress?
a) Job training
b) Job analysis
c) Access to an employee assistance program
d) An organizational culture
e) None of these

6) The assessment tools upon which clinicians depends gather information about their clients belong in which of the following categories.
a) Interviews 
b) Tests
c) Observations
d) All of these choices
e) None of these

7) Which of the following tests is likely to have the highest reliability?
a) The TAT
b) The Rorschach
c) The MMPI
d) The Draw-a-Person test
e) None of these

8) Clinicians attempting to systematically assess the abnormal behavior of a client will frequently:
a) Rely primarily on personality tests
b) Employ a battery of tests
c) Rely primarily on projective tests
d) Rely primarily on neuropsychological tests
e) None of these

9) The best definition of psychotherapy includes:
a) A sufferer, a healer and a systematic interaction between the two
b) A healer that uncovers unconscious conflicts and heals the personality
c) The removal of symptoms about which the patient complains
d) The use of talking and drugs about which the patient complains
e) None of these

10) Psycho dynamic therapists believe that maladaptive behavior stems from:
a) Disturbed thought patterns
b) Inappropriate learning patterns
c) A failure to live up one’s full potential
d) Emotional trauma experienced in childhood
e) None of these

11) Which of the following therapists make intensive use of role playing?
a) Client-centered therapists
b) Psychoanalytic therapists
c) Existential therapists
d) Gestalt therapists
e) None of these

12) Client-centered therapy is most consistent with the:
a) Behavioral approach
b) Cognitive approach
c) Psychodynamic approach
d) Humanistic approach
e) None of these

13) Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called:
a) Hysterical
b) Psychosomatic
c) Somatic
d) Conversion disorders
e) None of these

14) Chromosomal mapping studies have found that:
a) Schizophrenia does not appear to have genetic components
b) Schizophrenia does appear to have a genetic component
c) Adoption studies do not reveal anything about schizophrenia
d) There is a single cause of schizophrenia
e) None of these

15) The leading cause of mind retardation is believed to be:
a) Fetal alcohol syndrome
b) Organic brain syndrome
c) Environmental factors
d) Inherited traits
e) None of these

16) Therapists who focus on altering faulty thought process are:
a) Cognitive therapists 
b) Humanistic therapists
c) Biological therapists
d) Psychodynamic therapists
e) None of these

17) In general children who score well on IQ tests have parents who:
a) Pay for tutors and special schools
b) Have very high IQs 
c) Punish them if they fail to do it well
d) Spend time with them and actively encourage their development
e) None of these

18) One hallmark of projective tests is that they:
a) Are multiphase
b) Are criterion referenced
c) Require responses to ambiguous stimuli
d) Measure only one trait
e) None of these

19) When psychological tests are used in personal selection, an important concern regarding the tests is:
a) Cost
b) Ease of administration
c) Validity
d) Objectivity
e) None of these

20) A conversion disorder is characterized by:
a) Functional impairment of a limb or sensory ability with no apparent physical cause
b) A constant fear of becoming seriously ill
c) Frequently vague complaints of physical symptoms 
d) None of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2005

Paper I

1) By the perceptual organization of stimuli the person’s span of attention is:
a) Increased
b) Decreased
c) Divided
d) Unaffected
e) None of these

2) Figural after-effects pertain to distortion:
a) In memory of figures
b) Caused by ambiguity of figures
c) Caused by prolonged fixation of figures
d) Caused by oscillation of attention
e) None of these

3) One of the following is not a monocular depth cue:
a) Interposition
b) Relative moment
c) Convergence
d) Accommodation
e) None of these

4) The cerebellum and cerebrum are:
a) Functionally independent
b) Bilaterally symmetrical
c) Found in the mid-brain
d) In front of the central fissure
e) None of these

5) Factors predisposing an individual towards feeling of jealousy include:
a) Lack of intensity of feeling of love
b) Insecurity of self-conception
c) Self-hate
d) All of these
e) None of these

6) Copying behavior is:
a) Often unconscious
b) A form of habitual behavior
c) Always goal-directed
d) Usually carried out with minimum attention
e) None of these

7) Self-assertive behavior is an example primarily of:
a) An abundance motive
b) A stimulation motive
c) A survival motive
d) A security motive
e) None of these

8) The concept of homeostasis most closely associated with the name of:
a) Richter
b) Cannon
c) Levin
d) Warden
e) None of these

9) The approach-approach conflict involves:
a) A stable equilibrium
b) An unstable equilibrium
c) An oscillation of (a) and (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b) (c)
e) None of these

10) The two parts of autonomic nervous system are:
a) Voluntary and involuntary
b) Cerebrospinal and cortical
c) Thalamus and hypothalamus
d) Sympathetic and parasympathetic
e) None of these

11) Which one of the following is not the law of perceptual grouping?
a) Proximity
b) Similarity constancy
c) Constancy
d) Continuation
e) None of these

12) In Pavlovian conditioning the learned response is:
a) CS
b) CR
c) UCS
d) UCR
e) None of these

13) Thorndike’s “Law of Effect” was an early form of the present day principle of:
a) Extinction
b) Contiguity
c) Reinforcement
d) Trial and error
e) None of these

14) When new acquisition improves retention of the old, we speak of:
a) Positive transfer
b) Negative transfer
c) Reproductive facilitation
d) Reproductive interference
e) None of these

15) Of the following one is not a measure of retention:
a) Recognition
b) Recall
c) Relearning
d) Reminiscence
e) None of these

16) Typically the curve obtained in discrimination learning in animals is:
a) Positively accelerated
b) Linearly accelerated
c) Negatively accelerated
d) S-shaped
e) None of these

17) Development of any skill depends intimately on:
a) Muscle facility
b) Feedback
c) Abstractions
d) Kinesthetic stimulation
e) None of these

18) The theory of personality in which “basic anxiety” is the primary concept was associated with the name:
a) Fromm
b) Sullivan
c) Horney
d) Murray
e) None of these

19) In the perception of people, feedback will serve to:
a) Correct an incorrect initial perception
b) Confirm an accurate initial perception
c) Stabilize and inaccurate initial perception
d) Nay of the above would be true
e) None of these

20) The essential feature of client-centered therapy is:
a) The giving of reassurance to the client
b) The facilitating the client to arrive at his own insight about his problem
c) Its directive character
d) It’s emphasis upon searching for deep unconscious aspects of the problem
e) None of these

Paper II

1) Studies on maturation and learning have indicated:
a) That environmental stimulation may effect growth
b) That some factor may affect normal development
c) That the two follow independent course
d) Both (a) and (b) above
e) None of these

2) The over-all bodily and mental curves for man:
a) Diverge at the age of puberty
b) Run parallel course
c) Show a drop at the age of puberty
d) Both (b) and (c)
e) None of these

3) Psychosomatic disorders are best illustrated by:
a) Asthma caused by anxiety
b) Neurotic anxiety
c) Depression caused by tuberculosis
d) Over-eating
e) None of these

4) Which one of the following is not listed as classification of psychoneurosis?
a) Phobic reactions
b) Conversion reactions
c) Delusional reactions
d) Neurasthenic reactions
e) None of these

5) So-called “functional” and “organic” psychoses are:
a) Really both functional in origin
b) Really both organic in origin
c) Clearly differentiated as to the origin
d) Not clearly distinguishable
e) None of these

6) Psychodrama is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques which basically involve situations representing:
a) Ego blocking
b) Superego blocking
c) Primary ego
d) All of the above
e) None of these

7) Psychodynamic therapist believes that maladaptive behavior stems from:
a) Emotional trauma experienced in childhood
b) A failure to live up to one’s full potential
c) Disturbed thought patterns
d) Inappropriate learning patterns
e) None of these

8) The semantic differential scale is used mainly to measure:
a) Values
b) Opinions
c) Attitudes
d) Interests
e) None of these

9) While selecting a psychological test for personnel selection, main concern regarding the test is:
a) Cost
b) Ease of administration
c) Validity
d) Objectively
e) None of these

10) The concept of introversion and extroversion was advanced by:
a) Spranger
b) Jung
c) Kretchmer
d) Jeansch
e) None of these

11) Emergency reactions refer to:
a) Individual’s attempt to cope with an emergency
b) Bodily changes accompanying emotions of anger and fear
c) Feeling of startle when suddenly stimulated
d) Ways that the individual seeks to achieve emotional control
e) None of these

12) Studies show that an “authoritarian” family tends to produce an adolescent who is:
a) Dependent and obedient
b) Independent but reserved
c) Surface-compliant but rebellious underneath
d) Self reliant
e) None of these

13) The non-directive approach characterizes:
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Behavior modification
c) Client-centered therapy
d) Hypnosis
e) None of these

14) Child-rearing practices in Pakistan
a) Differ little from those in other countries
b) Differ from one social class to another
c) Have changed very little over past 50 years
d) Are now pretty much the same from one social class to the next
e) None of the above observation is correct

15) In Maslow’s theory of personality the main concept is that of:
a) Functional autonomy
b) Acquired drives
c) Interpersonal relations
d) Self-actualization
e) None of these

16) According to Erickson’s theory, the struggle during adolescence is:
a) Intimacy vs. isolation
b) Initiative vs. guilt
c) Identity vs. confusion
d) Competence vs. inferiority
e) None of these

17) According to clinical psychologists unconscious is:
a) A construct
b) A place
c) A thing
d) An observation
e) None of these

18) Disagreeing with Freud, Erickson emphasized more on:
a) Conflict
b) Racial memory
c) Adulthood
d) Early habits
e) None of these

19) The prototype of the modern intelligence test for children was developed by:
a) Terman
b) Wechsler
c) Binet
d) Stanford
e) None of these

20) In Thurston’s method of attitude scaling, the key factor is the use of:
a) Numbers
b) Judges
c) Reinforcement
d) Positive and negative items
e) None of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2006

Paper I

(1) The term “Phenomenology” refers to: 
(a) The science of perception 
(b) The scientific study of “queer” occurrences
(c) The “naïve” description of our immediate experiences
(d) A detailed analysis of our sensations
(e) None of the above

(2) The degree of concentration or dilution of a colour is known as its:
(a) Hue 
(b) Saturation
(c) Volume
(d) Brightness
(e) None of these

(3)Difference in perception among species depends upon:
(a) Habitat
(b) Complexity of nervous system
(c) Receptor mechanisms
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the avove

(4) As compared with adult's perception, the child's percepotion tends to be: 
(a) Les suspceptible to illusion 
(b) Longer in time-perspectivce 
(c) More fully characterized by constancy 
(d) More fully affected by physiognomic properties 
(e) None of the avove

(5)As compared with the figure, the ground appears to be;
(a) Better structured 
(b) Continuous and unbroken
(c) Better localized
(d) More salient in attention
(e) None of these

(6) The concept of adaptation level was introduced by:
(a) Brown
(b) Wertheimer
(c) Kohler
(d) Helson
(e) None of these

(7) By the perceptual organization of stimuli the person's span of attention is:
(a) Increased
(b) Decreased
(c) Devided
(d) Unaffected
(e) None of these

(8) The cue of accomodation is especially effective for:
(a) Long distances
(b) Short distances
(c) Moving objects
(d) both (a) and (c)
(e) None of these

(9) The area of the brain where all the fibers from the skin senses get connected before entering cereberal cortes is the:
(a) Cerebellum
(b) Spinal Cord
(c) Thalamus
(d) Reticular formation 
(e) None of these

(10) The so called primary emotions include:
(a) joy, fear, anger, grief
(b) pain, fear, hate, love
(c) shame, guilt, anger, grief
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these

(11) Factors predisposing an individual toeards feeling of jealousy include:
(a) Insecurity in self-conception
(b) Lack of intesnity of feelings of love
(c) Self hate
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

(12) Behaviour episodes are:
(a) Organized sequences of behaviour
(b) Characterized by a constant direction of action
(c) Ofter overlapping
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

(13) Self-assertive behaviour is an example primarily of:
(a) a stimulation motive
(b) a security motive
(c) an abundancy motive
(d) a survival motive
(e) None of these

(14) The emergency-control branch of human nervous system is:
(a) Sympathetic
(b) Parasympathetic
(c) Cerebrospinal
(d) Ventromedial
(e) None of these

(15) The "local" stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
(a) Anderson
(b) Beach
(c) Cannon
(d) Helson
(e) None of these

(16)Examples of ductless glands are:
(a) Gonads, slivary glands, adrenals
(b) tear glands, salivary glands, gonads
(c) Thyroid, pitutary, tear gland
(d) Adrenal, thyroid, gonads
(e) None of these

(17) In conditioning studies CR and UR:
(a) are usually, but no always, identical
(b) are rarely identical
(c) Have not similarity
(d) Are always identical
(e) None of these

(18) A curve which shows an overall negative slope may show:
(a) negative acceleration
(b) positive acceleration 
(c) linear acceleration 
(d) any one of the above
(e) None of these

(19) The development of any kind of skill depends intimately upon;
(a) Muscle facility
(b) Abstract knowledge
(c) Feedback
(d) Kinesthetic stimulation 
(e) None of these

(20) Aphasia seems to be correlated with lesions to the:
(a) Temporal lobes of brain
(b) Motor Cortex of brain
(c) Cerebellar cortex of brain 
(d) Frontal lobes of brain
(e) None of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2007

Paper I

(1) The four main goals of psychological research are:
(a) Description, experimentation, prediction and control
(b) Description, explanation, assessment and manipulation
(c) Description, prediction, assessment and manipulation
(d) Description, explanation, control and validity
(e) None of these

(2) A verifiable scientific finding is one that can be:
(a) Observed in real life
(b) Proven impossible to test
(c) Proven valid, accurate and indisputable
(d) Replicated with the same result
(e) None of these

(3) An independent variable is:
(a) The only variable of interest
(b) A variable that is independently verified
(c) A variable whose value depends on that of the dependent variable
(d) The variable that is manipulated by experiment
(e) None of these

(4) The main regions of brain are the:
(a) Hind brain, forebrain, midbrain
(b) Cerebral cortex, forebrain, hind brain and midbrain
(c) Forebrain, midbrain and anterior region
(d) Central hemisphere, and left hemisphere
(e) None of these

(5) Of the three different types of the neurons, sensory neurons are unique in that day:
(a) Carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to parts of the body that then respond to the impulse.
(b) Receive information from the receptor cells and send this information to the brain or spinal cord.
(c) Reside exclusively in the peripheral nervous system has two functions, to send signals to motor neurons, and to receive signals from receptors.
(d) None of these

(6) The four parts of the neurons are:
(a) Axon, cell body, myelin sheath and dendrites
(b) Axon, dendrites, nucleus and terminal buttons
(c) Axon, cell body, dendrites and terminal buttons
(d) Axon, dendrites, myelin sheath and modes of ranvier
(e) None of these

(7) Effectors and receptor cells are different in:
(a) Their composition and speed of conduction
(b) The direction in which they carry nerve impulses
(c) The corresponding branch of the nervous system to which they belong
(d) The effectors never connect with the brain, while receptors receive information from the brain.
(e) None of these

(8) Three dimensional perception of the world is referred to as:
(a) Stereoposis
(b) Stroboscopy
(c) Multiple perspectives
(d) Normal vision
(e) None of these

(9) Perpetual constancy refers to:
(a) Perception of an object remaining the same even when our immediate sensation of the object changes.
(b) Perceptual tendency to group objects together on the basis of their similarity.
(c) Perception of an object’s changing even though the object stays the same
(d) Tendency to close up, incomplete objects into already existing perceptual shapes
(e) None of these

(10) Gestaltists refer to the fact that we perceive smooth flowing forms more readily than discrete forms as:
(a) Similarity 
(b) Symmetry
(c) Holistic perception
(d) Continuity
(e) None of these

(11) Classical conditioning is a process whereby:
(a) Certain response result from certain stimulus presentations
(b) The CS is always presented before the UCS
(c) Actions that are reward tend to the strengthened
(d) Learning occurs when a stimulus is paired with a certain response
(e) None of these

(12) Edward Tolman’s experiments with rats showed that:
(a) Learning could be achieved without reinforcement 
(b) Rats could learn second order conditioning in the absence of food
(c) All rats behaviour could be analyzed by stimulus – response contingencies 
(d) The law of effect was not valid in all animals
(e) None of these

(13) Albert’s Bandura’s social learning theory holds that:
(a) Learning is best in group settings
(b) Learning can be achieved by observing and modeling another person’s behaviour
(c) Mere exposure to an aggressive scene always later elicits aggressive behaviour
(d) Social learning takes place at an unconscious level
(e) None of these

(14) According to Marlow’s hierarchy of needs, individuals:
(a) May bypass a level in their quest for self actualization
(b) Must satisfy self-esteem needs before achieving belongingness and love needs
(c) Always end their lives self actualized
(d) Must satisfy esteem needs before the process of self-actualization
(e) None of these

(15) Research by Edward Deci has suggested that extrinsic motivators are more effective when they are:
(a) Stated up front so that the individual knows what he or she will be receiving
(b) Tangible and easily identifiable
(c) Received immediately before the task is accomplished
(d) Intangible, such as verbal praise or smile
(e) None of these

(16) Goals can help us motivated by all the following except:
(a) Focusing our attention
(b) Encouraging alternative ways of achieving goals
(c) Allowing us the freedom to be spontaneous in our activities
(d) Mobilizing our resources
(e) None of these

(17) Psychodynamic determinism refers to:
(a) Behaviour that is rules by forces over which we have no control
(b) Behaviour that is preconscious in origin
(c) Id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
(d) The delimiting characteristics of the superego
(e) None of these

(18) According to Freudian, dream terminology, condensation refers to:
(a) Repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
(b) The bizarre, irrational quality of dreams
(c) The process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
(d) The process whereby one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
(e) None of these

(19) Group popularization is an affect whereby:
(a) Extreme opinions in a group becomes moderate with increased group interaction
(b) Group members moderate positions become polarized with increased group interaction
(c) Group decisions represent an exaggeration of the group members initial positions
(d) The group members’ main concern is to maintain unanimity and group cohesion
(e) None of these

(20) Group think is unlikely to occur when which of the following factors is present?
(a) There is a high degree of stress in the decision-making process
(b) There are clear objective in the decision making process
(c) The group is homogeneous in composition
(d) The group is ideologically isolated
(e) None of these

Paper II

(1) The study of the hereditary transmission of attributes is:
(a) Heritability, biological traits
(b) Genetics, genes
(c) Adaptability, dominant and recessive traits
(d) Mutation, differentiation
(e) None of these

(2) A male born with an extra Y chromosome, XYY, shows some evidence of increased aggressiveness and typically scores lower than normal on intelligence tests:
(a) Turner’s syndrome
(b) Supermale Syndrome
(c) XXX syndrome
(d) Kinfefelter’s syndrome
(e) None of these

(3) The material of which chromosomes are composed is called:
(a) Deoxyribonucleic acid
(b) Genes
(c) Atoms
(d) Myelin
(e) None of these

(4) Maturation refers to:
(a) The attainment of successive stages of cognitive development.
(b) Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought and behavior or a result of biological processor of aging.
(c) Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought and behavior as a result of accumulating experience.
(d) The development of an individual thought and behavior due to the interactions of biological and environmental factors
(e) None of these

(5) According to one definition, behavior is abnormal if it is:
(a) Labeled as abnormal by the society in which the individual lives
(b) Not under conscious control by the individual
(c) Statistically typical
(d) Adaptive to the individual
(e) None of these

(6) Anxiety disorders may be characterized by:
(a) Psychotic symptoms
(b) Low affect
(c) Telegraphic thoughts
(d) Somatic symptoms
(e) None of these

(7) Two examples of mood disorders are:
(a) Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder
(b) Obsessive compulsive disorder and manic-depressive disorder
(c) Major depression and dipolar disorder
(d) Major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder
(e) None of these

(8) An individual cannot remember events during an immediately following a serious airplane crash:
(a) Dissociative amnesia
(b) Dissociative fugue
(c) Retrograde amnesia
(d) Fractured amnesia
(e) None of these

(9) A type of schizophrenia characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and diffuse psychological organization is referred to as:
(a) Undifferentiated
(b) Disorganized
(c) Residual 
(d) Fragmented
(e) None of these

(10) An individual who is identified as having a borderline personality disorder shows:
(a) Persecutory thoughts
(b) Exhibitionistic tendencies
(c) Instability in mood and social relations 
(d) Apathy and indifference to the opinions of others
(e) None of these

(11) Which symptoms is not typically characteristic of an autistic child?
(a) Impairment in communication
(b) Hyperactivity
(c) Restricted range of interest
(d) Social isolation
(e) None of these

(12) The Stanford-Binet, WAIS-R and WISC are known to have very high reliability. This means that:
(a) A pretest has been given to a representative
(b) The test yields consistent results, for example-retesting
(c) The test measures what it is supposed to measure
(d) The result of the test will be distributed on a bell shaped curve
(e) None of these

(13) The experience that has the clearest, most profound effect on intellectual development:
(a) Being enrolled in Head Start Program
(b) Growing up in an economically disadvantaged home or neighbourhood
(c) Being raised in a very neglected home
(d) Being exposed to very stimulating toys and lessons in infancy

(14) A therapist who encourages clients to relate their dreams and searches its roots is:
(a) Psychoanalysis
(b) Humanistic therapy
(c) Person-centered therapy
(d) Cognitive therapy
(e) None of these

(15) The most enthusiastic or optimistic view of Psychotherapy comes from: 
(a) Outcome research
(b) Psychologist Hans Eyesenck
(c) Reports of clinicians
(d) An NIMH study of treatment for depression
(e) None of these

(16) An approach that seeks to alleviate poverty and to other stresses that put people at high risk for developing psychological disorders is:
(a) Biomedical therapy
(b) The humanistic approach
(c) Empathy and active listening 
(d) Preventive mental health
(e) None of these

(17) If a person washes his hands 100 times a day, the behavior will be labeled disordered because it is:
(a) Unjustified an maladaptive
(b) An atypical behavior
(c) Not explained by the medical model
(d) Harmful and disturbing to others

(18) The DSM-111-R has improved reliability because it helps mental health workers base their diagnosis on:
(a) A few well-defined categories
(b) In-depth history of the patient
(c) The patient’s observable behaviour
(d) The theories of Pinel, Freud and others
(e) None of these

(19) An episode of intense dread, which is typically accompanied by feelings of terror and dizziness, chest pain etc. is called:
(a) Generalized or chronic anxiety
(b) A social phobia
(c) A panic attack
(d) An obsessive fear
(e) None of these

(20) Amnesia, fugue and multiple personality involve gaps in awareness, for example, sudden loss of memory or change of identity. These Psychological disorders are called:
(a) Anxiety disorders
(b) Dissociative disorders
(c) Mood disorders
(d) Memory disorders
(e) None of these

Compulsory Question: Year 2008

Paper I

i- The three basic components of prejudice are Effective:
(a) Internal and External 
(b) Real and Imagined 
(c) Descriptive and Prescriptive 
(d) Cognitive and Behavioral 
(e) None of these

ii- Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation?
(a) Doing a good job because of the sense of satisfaction when you are finished 
(b) Doing a good job in order to get a pay raise 
(c) Working hard because of the pride you take in your work 
(d) Doing a good job because you enjoy your work 
(e) None of these

iii- Sources of frustration include:
(a) Environmental lacks 
(b) Environmental obstacles 
(c) incompatible motives 
(d) All of these 
(e) None of these 

iv- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of perception?
(a) Perception is an active process 
(b) Perception is a highly selective process 
(c) Perception is unaffected by motivation 
(d) Perception is so automatic that we are not aware of it 
(e) None of these

v- The first task in psychology is to carefully observe and objectively describe:
(a) Animals 
(b) Behaviour 
(c) Social Institution 
(d) Symptoms of abnormality 
(e) None if these

vi- Homeostasis is maintained by the _____ which also plays an important role in emotions:
(a) Hypothalamus 
(b) Thalamus 
(c) Limbic System 
(d) Reticular Activating System 
(e) None of these

vii- Some of the fibers from each eye cross over to the opposite brain hemisphere at the:
(a) Optic Chaisma 
(b) Optic Nerve 
(c) Blind Spot 
(d) Fovea 
(e) None of these

viii-Which one of the following is not a dimension of the auditory experience?
(a) Loudness 
(b) Pitch 
(c) Saturation 
(d) Timbre 
(e) None of these

ix- The best studied perceptual constancies include:
(a) Birghtness, focus, angle 
(b) Shape,location, size 
(c) Colour, texture, content 
(d) Size, age, weight 
(e) None

x- Behaviour according to Operant conditioning theory is controlled by:
(a) Its consequences 
(b) Free will 
(c) Knowledge 
(d) Instinct 
(e) None of these

xi- Experts generally agree that the primary emotions include:
(a) Fear, Anger and Joy 
(b) Disgust, anger and shame 
(c) Love, joy and sadness 
(d) Fear, anger and hatred 
(e) None of these

xii- According to Freud, most of the things, we do, think and feel are caused by:
(a) Conditioned response to our surroudings 
(b) Unconscious forces of which we are not aware 
(c) A strong desire to grow and develop 
(d) The beliefs and ideas we have about the world

xiii- One of the factors Alfred Adler believed to be important in shaping personality is:
(a) Difficulty with toilet training 
(b) Birth order in the family 
(c) Unconditional positive regard 
(d) The collective unconscious 
(e) None of these

xiv- Which of the following orders of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is correct:
(a) Safety, physiological, belongingness, self actualization, esteem 
(b) Belongingness,esteem, physiological,safety, self actualization 
(c) Physiological,belongingness,safety,esteem, self actualization 
(d) Physiological,safety,belongingness,esteem,self actualization 
(e) None of these

xv- The statement that psychology is empirical means:
(a) Psychology is different from other sciences 
(b) The methods of psychology are based on controlled experiments and on observations made with great precision and objectivity 
(c) Scientific psychology originated in greek and roman ages 
(d) Psychological principles are based on consensus of scientists 
(e) None of these
xvi- Many of the Neo-Freudians have modified Freud's original theory of personality to give more emphasis to:
(a) Child sexuality 
(b) Social and cultural factors 
(c) Difference between sexes 
(d) Unconscious forces 
(e) None of these

xvii- Norms can be best defined as:
(a) Standards and expectations shared by members of a society 
(b) rules of law 
(c) Statistically normal behaviour 
(d) Universal rules of conduct 
(e) None of these

xviii- The kind of conflict experienced by a student who simultaneously wants to watch a late night movie on television and get a good night's sleep is best described as:
(a) Approach-avoidance 
(b) Double approach-avoidance 
(c) Approach-Approach 
(d) Avoidance-Avoidance 
(e) None of these

xix- Axon and dendrites are part of a:
(a) Myelin Sheath 
(b) Cell body 
(c) Neuron 
(d) Node 
(e) None of these

xx- Motion pictures are based on:
(a) The gamma phenomenon 
(b) The principle of illusionary circle 
(c) The autokinetic illusion 
(d) Stroboscopic vision 
(e) None of these

Paper II

i- According to Alfred Adler, helplessness of the infant accounts for:
(a) feelings of inferiority 
(b) compensatory strivings 
(c) A need to strive for superiority 
(d) All of these

ii- Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development states:
(a) Children are egocentric during the stage of pre operational thought 
(b) Object permanance is developed during stage of concrete operational thought 
(c) When children proceed from the stage of pre operational thought to the stage of formal operations, they achieve sense of conservation and reversibility 
(d) Child development is largely culturally determined

iii- Autonomous functions of the ego include all of the following except:
(a) Perception 
(b) Repression 
(c) Language 
(d) Intelligence 

iv- Which of the following statement applies to the unconscious?
(a) Its elements are inaccessible to the conscious 
(b) Its closely related to the pleasure principle 
(c) Its closely related to instincts 
(d) All of these

v- A gambler lost 1000 rupees at a racetrack but he was not upset. He said, "I would have spent the money on any other thing any way". Which defense mechanism does his statement involve?
(a) Reaction formation 
(b) Undoing 
(c) Denial 
(d) Rationalization 

vi- Fixed false belief based on incorrect inferences about external reality is called:
(a) Delusion 
(b) Obsession 
(c) Overvalued Idea 
(d) Phobia 

vii- A simple schizophrenia is characterised by:
(a) An insidious loss of drive and ambition 
(b) Persistent Delusions 
(c) Persistent Hallucinations 
(d) All of these

viii- Which of the following instances suggest psychotherapy would be of no use?
(a) A person who compeltely lacks remorse for past doing 
(b) A person with an inability to form emotional attachment 
(c) A person whose life situation cannot be modified 
(d) A person who is a close friend of the analyst 

ix- The most frequently cited characteristic among children with ADHD is:
(a) Perceptual-motor impairment 
(b) Disorder of memory and thinking 
(c) Hyperactivity 
(d) Disorder of speech and learning

x- In operant conditioning:
(a) Continuous reinforcement schedule is least susceptible to extinction 
(b) Negative reinforcement is a type of punishment 
(c) The process is related to trial and error learning 
(d) Shaping occurs when responses are coincidentally paired to a reinforcer

xi- Ashi memorized her shopping list. When she got to the store she found out that she had forgotten many of the items in the middle of the list. This is an example of:
(a) Inappropriate coding 
(b) Retrograde Amnesia 
(c) Proactive Interference 
(d) The serial position effect 

xii- Positive reinforcement _______ the rate of responding; Negative reinforcement ______ the rate of responding:
(a) Increases; decreases 
(b) Decreases;increases 
(c) Increases;increases 
(d) Decreases;decreases

xiii- Hormones are to endocrine system as ________ are to nervous system:
(a) Nerves 
(b) Synapses 
(c) Neurotransmitters 
(d) Action Potential 

xiv- The thalamus can be characterised as:
(a) A regulatory system 
(b) The consciuos switch of the brain 
(c) A relay system 
(d) A bridge between two cerebral hemispheres 

xv- Chomsky proposed that children learn a language:
(a) One's thought determines the nature of one's language 
(b) Language and thought are separate and independent processes 
(c) Language and thought interact, each influencing the other 
(d) Because they possess an innate language acquisiton device 

xvi- According to James-Lange Theory of Emotion:
(a) The experiences of emotions depends upon autonomic arousal and on one's cognitive interpretation of that arousal 
(b) Different patterns of autonomic arousal lead to the experience of different emotions 
(c) Emotions occur when the thalamus sends signals simultaneously to the cortex and to the autonomic nervous system 
(d) Emotions develop becuase of their adaptive value 

xvii- When the development of the same subject is studies over a period of time, the study is called a:
(a) cross sectional study 
(b) longitudinal study 
(c) life history study 
(d) sequential study

xviii- The process of excluding from the consciousness the ideas and feelings which cause guilt and shame is known as:
(a) Projection 
(b) Repression 
(c) Reaction formation 
(d) Regression 

xix- The type of learning associated with skinner is:
(a) Classical Conditioning 
(b) Operant Conditioning 
(c) Respondent Conditioning 
(d) Observation Learning 

xx- The English Scientist who considered measuring intellingence by measuring head size:
(a) Galton 
(b) Binet 
(c) Terman 
(d) Wechsler

Compulsory Question: Year 2009

Paper I

1. In psychology , case studies are used to:
a. draw conclusions , about individual behavior on the basis of group finding
b. draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client
c. assess heretibility of individual
d. show importance of case studies.
e. None of these

2. Psychology is concenered with the study of:
a. how group exchange resources 
b. overt behavior only
c. mind and behavior 
d. how aggregate behavior is specified
e. none of these

3. An independent variable is:
a. the only variable of interest
b. a variable that is independently verified
c. a variable whose value depends on dependent variable
d. the variable that is manipulated by experimenter
e. none of these

4. Introspection is:
a. a scientific method used to study dreams
b. a psychotherapeutic technique where the patient gives a running account of internal dialogues
c. a process used to uncover symbolic representation in dream
d. the analysis of the content of our own thoughts.
e. None of these

5. The law of effect states that:
a. close temporal contiguity is the key characteristic in forming an association between stimulus and response.
b. A response will be strengthened if the organism is rewarded for that response
c. effect is strong if the effect is long lasting.
d. Response generalize across similar surroundings.
e. None of these

6. Structuralism and functionalism are similar in that both:
a. emphasize the analysis of mental structures to explain behavior
b. emphasize the fluid, personal nature of consciousness.
c. Regard psychology as the science of conscious experience.
d. Emphasize the observation of behavior rather than consciousness.
e. None of these.

7. The school of psychology that argues that nearly all behaviour is a result of conditioning and that the environment shapes behavior is labeled: 
a. getalt, wertheimer
b. psychoanalytic, freud
c. behaviorism, tichner
d. behaviorism, Watson
e. none of these

8. Chemical which are produced in the brain, and facilitate communication between nerve cells are called:
a. neurotransmitter
b. plasmas
c. syntactic structures
d. adrenocorticoids
e. none of these

9. Psychologists , who typically apply psychological principles to diagnose and treat emotional problems , including illness and marital and family conflict are in the subfield called:
a. biological
b. clinical and counseling
c. social and personality 
d. school and educational 
e. none of these

10. The first step in any research project is generating a:
a. theory 
b. experiment
c. hypothesis
d. proposition
e. none of these

11. The discipline that deals with sampling data from a population and then drawing inferences about the population from the sample is: 
a. hypothesis testing
b. statistics
c. multivariate experimentation
d. independent sampling
e. none of these

12. When two variables are correlated , variation in one?
a. may possibly cause variation in the other.
b. Can only be inferred with social validation
c. Can be cause of variation in the other only if the correction is positive.
d. Always suggests a causal relationship with the other.
e. None of these.

13. In the early stages of research, the most efficient way of making progress toward explaining phenomenon is to:
a. videotape 
b. precisely measure 
c. survey
d. observe
e. none of these

14. A scholarly summary of a body of research on some topic is called: 
a. case history
b. literature review
c. meta-analysis
d. theory
e. none of these

15. The principle governing the ethical treatment of human participants in research essentially states that the hazards anticipated in the research project should be not grater than those encountered in the daily activities.
a. informed consent
b. right to privacy
c. minimal risk
d. informed participants
e. none of these

16. S-R psychology is an approach associated with the perspective:
a. behavioral 
b. psychoanalytic
c. cognitive
d. subjectivst
e. none of these

17. Psychologists whoa re interests in the perception of motion, part-whole relationship and in how people judge size were identified with what shool of psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. gestalt
c. behavioral
d. structural
e. none of these

18. The center of freud’s theory is the thoughts, attitudes, impulses , wished and motivations of which we are unaware:
a. conditioning concept
b. unconsciousness
c. biological motivation proposition
d. multivariate construct
e. none of these

19. Relating overt behavior to electrical anc chemical events taking place inside the body is characteristic of which contemporary perspective?
a. behavioral
b. subjectivist
c. biological
d. cognitive
e. none of these

20. The subjectivist perspective in psychology:
a. is most like cognitive one
b. is generally not influenced by cultural and emotional variables
c. has been most pervasive
d. all of these
e. none of these

Paper II

1. A child is creating new schemata to account for new information , piaget calls this process:
a. assimilation
b. accommodation
c. operations
d. functional autonomy
e. none of these

2. Children begin to understand and use abstractions during which of the piaget stages of congnitive development:
a. oral 
b. preoperational
c. state of formal operations
d. secondary stage
e. none of these

3. Which theoretical viewpoint emphasizes the importance of learning for understanding development:
a. fruedian 
b. information processing theory
c. ecological theory
d. behavioral theory
e. none of these

4. Behavior is governed by its consequences describe:
a. operant conditioning 
b. psychological crisis
c. supply demand theory
d. the yerkes Dodson law
e. none of these

5. Which of the following statement is incorrect:
a. genetic influences affect children more than adults
b. even if genetic factors underlie a particular behavior, it is subject to change
c. trait suchs as extroversion and introversion are influenced by genes
d. intelligence has a genetic basis
e. none of these

6. If characteristic requires only one gene to show itself the characteristic is considered: 
a. dominant 
b. co-dominant
c. imcompletly dominant
d. recessive
e. none of these

7. A genetic disorder in which the production of mucous affects the respiratory system is: 
a. huntington’s disease
b. down syndrome
c. cystic fibrosis
d. sickle cell anemia
e. none of these

8. Aptitudes are:
a. preferences to perform certain activities
b. high level of achievment in an area endevour
c. the ablities of individual to learn in specific endevour
d. skills one brings to a given task
e. none of these

9. In psychological research, a ……… is defined as an entity that can occur with different values:
a. hypothesis
b. measurement system
c. variable
d. experiement group
e. none of these 

10. Ability to exercise precise control over a variable is what distinguishes the ……. Method from other methods of scientific observation:
a. control group identification
b. randomized selection 
c. hypothesis testing 
d. experimental 
e. none of these

11. Consideration of participants in psychological research as …….. in the research enterprise is a central principle of ethical research today:
a. informed participants
b. full partners
c. willing participants
d. co-investigators
e. none of these

12. Maturation refers to:
a. the attainment of successive stages of cognitive development
b. relatively stable chancges in an individual’s thought or behavior as a result of a biological process of aging.
c. Relatively stable changes in an individual’s thought or behaior as a result of accumulating experience
d. The development of an individual’s thought and behavior due to interaction of biological and environmental factors
e. None of these

13. Learning refers to:
a. the attainment of successive stages of cognitive development
b. changes in an individual’s thought or behavior as a result of biological process of aging
c. changes in an individual’s thought and behavior as result of accumulating experience
d. The development of an individual’s thought and behavior due to interaction of biological and environmental factors
e. none of these

14. Psychodynamic determinism refers to: 
a. behavior that is ruled by forces over which we have no control
b. behavior that is preconscious in origin
c. id impulses that will forever remain unfulfilled
d. the delimiting characteristics of superego
e. none of these

15. According to Freudian dream terminonlogy, condensation refers to:
a. repressed urges that find disguised outlets for expression
b. the bizarre , irrational quality of dream
c. the process whereby unacceptable thoughts or impulses are combined into a single dream image
d. process where one thing may stand for another in dream interpretation
e. none of these

16. According to one definition, behavior is abnormal if:
a. labeled as abnormal by the society in which the individual lives
b. not under conscious control by individual statistically typical
c. statistically typical
d. adaptive to the individual
e. none of these

17. Axis III in DSM-IV address:
a. the major abnormal disorders 
b. primary personality disorders
c. physical disorders
d. the severity of psychological symptoms
e. none of these

18. An individual who is identified as having a borderline personality disorder shows:
a. percectory thoughts
b. exhibitionistic tendencies
c. instability in mood and social relations
d. apathy and indifference to openion of others
e. none of these

19. Clinical interview typically includes:
a. a follow up evaluation and assessment after therapy is terminated
b. the initial diagnosis of a client’s psychological functioning
c. the psycho physiological functioning
d. the client’s inititial and final evaluation
e. none of these

20. Two explicitly directive psychotherapeutic approaches are:
a. behavior therapy and psychodynamic therapy
b. behavior therapy and humanistic therapy
c. humanistic therapy and existential therapy
d. cognitive therapy and behavior therapy
e. none of these.

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