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Islamic History Culture Solved MCQs

i- Arabia is a largest tract of country in the——- of Asia.
a-South East
b-South West
c-North East
d-None of these
ii- is called in Arab tradition “Year of the elephant”
a- 650A.C
b- 560AC
c- 570AC
d- None of these
iii-ANSAR means
a- defender
b- helper
c- rular
d- None of these
iv-The ninth year of the Hijra is known in Muslim history as the
a- Year of elephant
b- year of deputations
c- year of embassies
d- None of these
v-In 14 Hijri/635 AD laid the foundation of Basra
a-Hazrat Umar
b- Khalid bin Walid
c-Uthban bin Ghazwan
d-None of these
vi-Hazrar Usman was assassinated in the month of
d-None of these
vii-Hazrat Khalid bin walid belonged to the tribe of
d-None of these
viii- The city of FUSTAT was founded by
a- Amr bin Al-As
b- Hazrat Umar bin Khattab
c- Hazrat Khalid bin Walid
d- None of these
ix-KHARAJ is
a-poor tax
b-land tax
c-poll tax
d-None of these
x- was the first caliph, who addicated the caliphate
a-Hazrat Ali
b-Hazrat Hassan
c-Hazrat Hussain
d- None of these
xi- The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari is situated at
d-None of these
xii-The first capital of Abbasid Caliphate was
a- Al-Hashmiyah
b- Samrah
c- Baghdad
d- None of these
xiii-Ibne-e-Kahldun was a famous historian of century
d-None of these
xiv- DIWAN AL HISBAH was instituted by
c-Harun (Not sure)
d-None of these
xv- IDRISI was a famous
d- None of these
xvi-SIYASAT NAMA was written by
d- None of these (Nizam al-Mulk)
xvii-Tulunid Dynasty was founded by Ahmad ibn Tulun in
d- None of these (Egypt)
xviii- the capture of Baghdad by Halaku Khan took place in the year
d- None of these
xix- Constantinople fell into the hands of the Muslims in
b- None of these
xx-With the Othman empire reached its zenith of glory and prestige
b-Muhammad II
c-Salim I
d- None of these
i- When Muslims invade the Spain was the ruler of the country?
d- None of these
ii- was the Gothic capital
a- Cordava
b- Toledo
c- Garnada
d- None of these
iii- During muslim rule was the capital of Spain
a- Cordava
b- Toledo
c- Garnada
d- None of these
iv- was the first Muslim governor of Spain
a- Turaif
b- Tariq bin ziyad
c- Abdul Aziz
d- None of these
v-Abdul Rehman al dakhil died in 173 AH after the reign of years
d-None of these( Almost 32 Years)
vi- Hisham bin Abdur Rehman introduce doctrine in spain
a- Hanafi
d-None of these( Maliki)
vii- The beautiful palace of built by al-Nasir
a-Al zuhra
b-Al hambra
c-Al qurtaba
d-None of these
viii- al Mahdi was the first caliph of the fatimids
a- Ubaidullah
b- Abdullah
c- Muhammad
d- None of these
ix- Battale of ZALAQA was fought between Alfanso VI and
a-Hajib Almansur
b-Yousaf bin Tashfeen
c-Tariq bin Ziyad
d-None of these
x- “Moors in Spain” was written by
a- J.J Saunders
c-Lane pole
d- None of these
xi- Abdur Rehman al nasir assumed the title of Ameer ul Mominin
a-713 AH
b-317 AH
c-300 AH
d-None of these
xii-The greatest muslim art in which they have achieved incomparable success is
a- Painting
b- Architeture
c- Calligraphy (interesting one)
d- None of these
xiii- Al KAMIL FIT TARIKH was written by
c-Ibn ul Athir
d-None of these
xiv- GIBRALTER is named after
a-Musa bin Nusair
b-Al Turaif
c-Uqba bin Nafay
d-None of these ( Tariq)
xv- Garnada Fell in
a-1429 AC
b-1492 AC
c-1592 AC
d- None of these
xvi-Ibn e Rushd was a distinguished
d- None of these
xvii-R DOZY is the author of
a-Islam in History
b-The spirit of Islam
c-IThe Spanish islam
d- None of these (Egypt)
xviii- MUWALLEDUN were
a-Spanish neo muslim
b-African slave
c-Arab soldier
d- None of these
xix- Iberian Peninsula is a part of
b- None of these
xx-THE PREACHING OF ISLAM is written by
a-Ameer Ali
b-Arberry A.J
c-Arnold T.W
d- None of these
1.The Holy Quran was first compiled during the caliphate of Hazrat———:
a)Muhammad (PBUH)
b)Abu Bakar Siddique(R.A)
c) Uthman (R.A)
d)none of these
2. Hazrat Umer was Caliph for—————:
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 10 years
d) none of these
3.The orthodox caliphate lasted for———- :
a) 26 years
b) 29 years 
c) 32 years
d)none of these
4.Hazrat Ali was martyred in the year———:
a) 650 AD
b) 656 AD
c) 661 AD 
d)none of these
5.The Umayyad Dynasty was put to an end in the year———-:
a)660 AD
b)750 AD 
c)770 AD
d)None of these
6.The Abbasid Dynasty ruled for just over———:
a)five centuries 
b)two centuries
c)three centuries
d)none of these
7.The Islamic calendar(hijra) started in the year———–:
a)622 AD 
b)620 AD
c)621 AD
d)none of these
8.The famous Al-Muwatta was written by:
a)Imam Malik 
b)Imam Abu Hanifa
c)Imam Muslim
d)Imam Hanbal
9.The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina in————-:
a) 615 AD
b) 622 AD
c) 625 AD
d)none of these
10.The last Umayyad ruler at Damascus was——–:
a)Marwan II 
b)Abdul Aziz
c) Abdul Rahman
d) none of these
11.The founder of Umayyad Dynasty was———:
b)Abd al Malik
c)Muawiyah I
d) none of these
12.Baybars, the Mamluke Sultan of Egypt, took———-to install him as Abbasid caliph in Cairo on the year 1261 AD:
a) Al-Mustansir
b) Al-Hakim
c) Al-Mustakfi-I
d)None of these
13.The founder of Umayyad Dynasty in Spain was——-:
a)Khalid bin Walid
b)Moosa bin Nysair
c)Abdur Rahman I d)None of these
14.The Ottoman Sultan Salim took——from cairo to Istanbul to install him as Caliph:
a) Al-Mutawakkil III
b) Al-Qa’im
c) Al-Mustamsik
d)None of these
15. Under which Caliph, Sindh was invaded by Muhammad bin Qasim in 711 AD?
a) Muawiyah
b) Al-Walid Ic) Abdul Malik
d)None of these
16.When did the Ottomans cross into Europe:
a) 1357 AD
b) 1520 AD
c) 1550 AD
d)None of these
17.When was Hungary brought under Ottoman rule?
a) 1521 AD
b) 1526 AD
c) 1530 AD
d)None of these
18.Kamal Attaturk ended the Ottoman Caliphate and deposed Abdul Majid II in—–
a) 1920
b) 1922
c) 1924
d)none of these
19. Which Ottoman Ruler took the Abbasid Caliphate to Istanbul?
a) Sulaiman I
b) Salim I
c) Al-Mustansar
d)None of these
20. The Ottoman Empire lasted for over———-
a) Five Centuries
b) Six Centuries
c) Seven Centuries
d)None of these
1.Spain was invaded in 711 AD by ———:
a) Tariq bin Ziyad 
b) Abd al Rahman I
c) Khalid bin Walid
d)none of these
2. The al-Qairawan in North Africa was founded in 670 AD by—————:
a) Musa bin Nusayr
b) Suleman I
c) Uqbah
d) none of these
3.The conquests of Hujjaj in the East matched the Western conquests by ———- :
a Musa bin Nusayr 
b) Tariq bin Ziyad
c) al-Mutawakkil
d)none of these
4.Abdul Aziz married Egilona, the widow of king Roderick, and named her ———:
a) Umm-Asim
b) Umm-Kulsum
c) Umm-Hani
d)none of these
5.The Umayyad Dynasty was put to an end in the year———-:
a)661 AD
b)750 AD 
c)770 AD
d)None of these
6.The Abbasid Dynasty ruled for just over———:
a) two centuries
b) three centuries
c) five centuries 
d)none of these
7.Baghdad was put on fire in 1258 AD by ———–
a) The Umayyads
b) The Mongols
c) The Ottomans
d)none of these
8.Musa bin Nusayr was the Governor of———
a) Egypt
b) Spain
c) North Africa 
d) none of these
9.The fugitive Umayyad prince reached Spain in the year ————-:
a) 755 ADb) 750 AD
c) 760 AD
d)none of these
10.The last Umayyad ruler in 750 AD was——–:
a) Hisham
b) Marwan II
c) Yazid III
d) none of these
11.The name of the French King who attacked Spain in 777 AD was ———:
a) Roderick
b) Charlemagne 
c) Alfonso
d) none of these
12.Ibn Khuldun is generally known as a——-
a) Mathematician
b) Astronomer
c) Historiand) None of these
13.The real founder of Umayyad Dynasty in Spain was——-:
a) Tariq bin Ziyad
b) Moosa bin Nysair
c) Abdur Rahman I 
d) None of these
14.The Arabs invaded Spain in the year——-
a) 711 AD
b) 750 AD
c) 756 AD
d) None of these
15.Which Caliph recalled Musa bin Nusayr to Damascus——-?
a) al Walid-I 
b) Abdul Aziz
c) Abdul Malik
d)None of these
16. Who punished Musa bin Nusayr for invading Spain———?
a) Sulaiman
b) Abdul Aziz
c) Amr Thaqafi
d)None of these
17.After ruling over Spain for one year who refused to give turn to the Yamanites?
a) Abdur Rahman-II
b) al-Hakam
c) Abdur Rahman al-Fehri
d) None of these
18.The new capital established by Abbasid in 835 AD is called —–
a) al-Mansurah i think
b) Samarra
c) Kufa/Basra
d) none of these
19. Abdur Rahman-II of Spain went out to receive a minstrel called——–
a) Khalid
b) Ziryab not sure
c) Walid
d) None of these
20.Cordova and Baghdad served to the West as main centres for————
a) Rivalry
b) Treasures
c) Learning
d) None of these

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