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International Law Solved MCQs.

(1) Number of Judges of International Court of Justice is
(a) Nine
(b) Twelve
(c) Fifteen
(d) None of these
(2) Permanent Court of International Justice was established under
(a) League of Nations 
(b) UNO
(c) European Union
(d) None of these
(3) Pacta Sunt Servanda means
(a) Treaties between states are to be respected
(b) An unwanted person 
(c) International Law must be honoured 
(d) None of these
(4):Headquarters of International Court of Justice is in
(a) Hague
(b) Geneva
(c) New York
(d) None of these
(5) Persona Non Gruta means
(a) Impracticable article of international law
(b) A fugitive criminal
(c) A person refused for asylum
(d) None of these
(6) Father of the Law of Nations is 
(a) Grotius
(b) Hegel
(c) Anziloei 
(d) None of these
(7) Principles Jes Soli means
(a) Grant of nationality on the basis of place birth
(b) Grant of nationality on the basis of blood relationship
(c) Grant of nationality through naturalization 
(d) None of these
(8) Much of international law is derived through analogy from
(a) Islamic law
(b) Christian Law 
(c) Roman law
(d) None of these
(9) Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties was signed in 
(a) 1961
(b) 1945
(c) 1927
(d) None of these (1969)
(10) Truce mean
(a) A temporary arrangement between the belligerent parties for cessation of hostilities
(b) Any peace treaty to end a war
(c) No War Pact
(d) None of these
(11) Declaration is a treaty between the contracting parties which
(a) is always subject to ratification
(b) is not needed to be ratified
(c) may or not be subject to be ratification
(d) None of these
(12) Diplomatic Protection means a protection and security granted
(a) to a diplomat by UNO
(b) by a state to its national abroad
(c) by a State to a person seeking asylum
(d) None of these
(13) Kellog Briand Pact or Paris Peace Treaty was signed in
(a) 1945
(b) 1928
(c) 1919
(d) None of these
(14) Recognition of new States is a matter of
(a) International law
(b) Constitutional law
(c) Policy of the State
(d) None of these
(15) Grant of extra-territorial asylum in a legation: 
(a) is a part of customary international law
(b) is a part of Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961
(c) depends on circumstances
(d) None of these
(16) To get asylum in a foreign state by an individual 
(a) is his basic right
(b) is not his right
(c) depends on circumstances
(d) None of these
(17) Diplomatic envoys in the receiving state are given immunity from
(a) Civil jurisdiction
(b) Criminal jurisdiction
(c) Both criminal and civil jurisdiction 
(d) None of these
(18) Territorial sea of a State is under
(a) its total control
(b) its control, but subject to certain international obligations
(c) its control, only for exploration of mineral resources
(d) None of these
(19) Genocide Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly in:
(a) 1945
(b) 1950
(c) 1960
(d) None of these
(20) Bynkershock principle is related to:
(a) Measurement of maritime belt
(b) Contiguous zone
(c) Extradition of criminals
(d) None of these
1. One of the modes of acquiring state territory is:
(a) Jurisdicition 
(b) occupation 
(c) insurjency (d) 
Non of these
2. The name of the present secretary general of the UN is:
(a) Kofi Anaan 
(b) Boutros gali 
(c) Ban ke Mon

Non of these
3. The preamble to the universal declariation on human rights was adopted on:
(a) 12 jan 1949 
(b) 10 Dec 1948 
(c) 6th Aug 1947 
(d) Non of these
4. The right of innocent passage means:
(a) right of a foreign merchant ship to pass un-hindered through the territorial sea of the cost
(b) Not to publicize dangers to navigation in the sea
(c) To over look regulations of marri-time traffic
(d) Non of these
5. The basic frame work for the nature and characteristics of treaties was defined in the:
(a) Vinnea convention on the law of treaties 1969
(b) Geneva connvention on the high seas 1958
(c) Vinnea convention on the law of treaties 1986
(d) Non of these
6. With drawal of recognition is more easily achieved with respect to:
(a) Defact recognition
(b) Collective Recognition
(c) Implied Recognition
(d) Non of these
7. The father of International Law is:
(a) David Dudley field
(b) Hugo Grotius
(c) Geremy bentham
(d) Non of these
8. Internal waters of a state are, such waters which are:
(a) found on the land-ward side of base line from which the territorial sea is measured.
(b) Adjusant to the exculsive fisheries zone.
(c) waters flowing into the high sea’s
(d) Non of these
9. The doctrine of open sea was eloborated by:
(a) Blunt schilli
(b) Pufendorf 
(c) Grotius
(d) Non of these
10. According to article 3 of the 1982 convention on the law of the sea the breadth of the territorial sea is:
(a) 10 miles
(b) 12 miles
(c) 14 miles
(d) Non of these
11. The term Men of War signifies:
(a) Military personal
(b) A warship
(c) An aircraft carrier
(d) Non of these
12. The number of judges constituting the international court of justice are:
(a) 15
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) Non of these
13. Terra Nullius means:
(a) Island in the sea
(b) No territory
(c) Territory belonging to no state
(d) Non of these
14. The Acroniyum WMD stands for:
(a) Western missile defense
(b) Weapons of mass distruction(c) World metrological Department
(d) Non of these
15. Hot persuit is the principle designed to ensure:
(a) Vessiles voilating rules of coastal state cannot escape punishment by fleeing to high sea’s
(b) Capture 
(c) Cancellation of Registration
(d) Non of these
16. Piracy, according to law of sea convention 1982 is:
(a) An illegal act by crew of private ship on the high sea’s.
(b) An act of sabotage
(c) Act permisible in certain cases
(d) Non of these
17. The general assembly of the UN is :
(a) The most powerful organ
(b) A supervisory body
(c) An elected House
(d) Non of these
18. The charter of the UN is a comprehensive document having:
(a) 112 articles
(b) 111 articles
(c) 108 articles
(d) Non of these
19. One of the amicable means of settling state disputes is:
(a) Concillation
(b) Blockade
(c) War
(d) Non of these
20. The bulk of the rules of International law are derived from:
(a) Judicial decisions
(b) work of publicites
(c) Customs
(d) Non of these

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many of the answers are wrong. please make it correct

@Sobia Khan can you please highlight the incorrectly answered questions.



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