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List of Words in CSS 1971 to 2013.

List of Words Appeared in CSS Exam from 1971 to 2013  


Use the following words in at least two senses, either as a verb or as a noun, or as an
adjective or as both:



Distinguish between the meanings of the words in the following pairs, and use them in
illustrative sentences:

1.Consciousness, conscientiousness
2.Ingenious, ingenuous
3.Fantastic, fanatical
4.Honourable, honorary
5.Politician, statesman


Each of the following words has more than one meaning. Choose any five of them and by
using them in at least two sentences each indicates what these different meanings are:




Distinguish between the meanings of the words in the following pairs and use them in
sentences to illustrate:

1.Grateful, gratified
2.Imaginary, imaginative

3.Negligent, negligible
4.Placable, placeable
5.Restive, restless


Distinguish between the meanings of the words in the following pairs and use them in
sentences to indicate what these different meaning are:

1.Amiable, amicable
2.Considerable, considerate
3.Ingenuous, ingenious
4.Momentary, momentous
5.Virtuous, virtual


Use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the
difference in their meaning:
1.  Par, at a par
2.  Compliment, complement
3.  Complacent, complaisant
4.  State, government
5.  Eminent, prominent
6.  Below, beneath
7.  Portly, comely
8.  Setup, set upon
9.  Shall, will
10.  Sink, drown



Use any five of the following pairs of words in sentences to bring out clearly their difference
in meaning:
  Altar, alter
  Apposite, opposite
  Bear, bare
  Complacent, complaisant
  Confident, confidant
  Disease, decease
  Gate, gai
  Judicial, judicious
  Ingenious, ingenuous
  Voke, yolk


Use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Affection, affectation
  Urban, urbane
  Official, officious
  Beside, besides
  Casual, causal
  Pour, pore
  Humiliation, humility
  Wreck, reak
  Bare, bear
  Temporal, temporary

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Cession, session
  Canon, cannon
  Barbarism, barbarity
  Artist, artisan
  Antic, antique
  Illusion, allusion
  Aspire, expire
  Collision, collusion


  Counsel, council
  Expedient, expeditiou


Write brief definitions of the following ten words:
  Munificent
  Rapacious
  Jeopardize
  Fatuous
  Edify
  Esoteric
  Impasse
  Incongruous
  Docile
  Repercussions

Correct the spelling of the following ten words:
  Occurance
  Esctacy
  Drunkeness
  Irrisistible
  Supercede
  Embarrasing
  Dissapoint
  Occasional
  Indespensible
  Preservance

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Canvas, canvass
  Cast, caste
  Appraise, apprise
  Allusion, illusion
  Continual, continuous
  Berth, birth
  Apposite, opposite
  Artist, artiste


  Adapt, adopt

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to bring out their
  Mitigate, alleviate
  Persecute, prosecute
  Popular, populace
  Compliment, complement
  Excite, incite
  Voracity, veracity
  Virtual, virtuous
  Exceptional, exceptionable

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Allusion, illusion
  Ardour, odour
  Conquer, concur
  Cite, site
  Addict, edict
  Proceed, precede
  Right, rite
  Weather, wether
Check and write the word or phrase you believe is nearest to the meaning of any ten of the
following words:
  Moratorium: a) large tomb. b) waiting period. c) security for debt. d) funeral house
  Prolific: a) skilful. b) fruitful. c) wordy. d) spread out.
  Bi-partisan: a) narrow minded. b) progressive. c) representing two parties. d) divided.
  Unequivocal: a) careless. b) unmistakable. c) variable. d) uncomparable.
  Covenant: a) prayer. b) debate. c) garden. d) agreement.
  Tentative: a) expedient. b) nominal. c) provisional.
  Demographic: relating the study of:
o  Government
o  Demons
o  Communications
o  Population

  Sonar: apparatus to:o  Detect something in the air


o  Locate objects under water
o  Measure rain
o  Anticipate earthquake
  Progeny: a) a genius. b) offspring. c) ancestors. d) growth.
  Empirical: a) relay on theory. b) based on experience. c) having vision of power. d)
  Polarize: a) chill. b) to separate into opposing extremes. c) slant. d) cause to be freely
  Apolitical: a) conservative. b) rude. c) non-political. d) radical.
  Plenary: a) timely. b) combined. c) florid. d) full.
  Entourage: a) decorators. b) tourist. c) attendant. d) adversaries.
  Diagnosis: a) identification of an illness. b) prophecy. c) plan. d) likeness
  Nucleus: a) core. b) outer part. c) inedible nut. d) quality.


Examine the following word groups. Explain and use any five of them in sentences to
determine where genuine differences of meaning and function exist within the group:
  Table, brand
  Opinion, judgement
  Uninterested, disinterested
  Revolt, mutiny
  Decay, spoil
  Adjourn, postpone
  Ignore, neglect
  Conspiracy, plot


Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the
difference in meaning clearly:
  Eminent, imminent
  Deference, difference
  Eligible, illegible
  Judicial, judicious
  President, precedent
  Superficial, superfluous
  Immigrant, emigrant
  Rightful, righteous
  Contemptible, contemptuous
  Ingenious, ingenuous


Use any five of the following phrases in your own sentences so as to make their meaning
  Ab initio
  Bona fides
  En bloc
  Ex parte
  Sine die
  Status quo
  Ad valorum
  Alter ego

Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to differentiate them in
their meaning and functions:
  Complement, compliment
  Outbreak, breakout
  Facilitate, felicitate
  Precede, proceed
  Layout, outlay
  Cease, seize
  Career, carrier
  Acculturate, acclimitise
Describe the meaning of any five of the following foreign phrases:
  Prima fac
  Ex post facto
  Fait accompli
  Vis-à-vis
  Modus operandi
  Aide memoire
  Laissez faire
  Au revoir


Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the
differene in meaning clearly:
  Disclosure, exposure
  Rigorous, vigorus
  Custom, habit


  Peculiar, particular
  Prescribe, proscribe
  Accident, incident
  Choice, preference
  Ascent, assent
  Emigrant, immigrant
  Continuous, continual

Complete any five of the following sentences supplying the missing word or phrase in each:
  He wondered ________ he has lost his money.
  Her father knew that she ______ disobey him.
  When Ahmed saw me coming he __________.
  Don’t imagine you can get away __________.
  He puts up _________ almost anything.
  I have applied ________ a new job.
  Her parents strongly object _________ travelling alone.
  As soon as the plane had refueled _________.
  ______ you take this medicine you will feel better.
  A car with a good engine can go _______.


Use any five of the following pairs of words in your sentences to differentiate their
  Custom, habit
  Deface, efface
  Differ, defer
  Conduct, character
  Considerate, considerable
  Complement, compliment
  Feet, feat
  Fair, fare
  Enviable, envious



Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the
difference in meaning clearly:
  Collision, collusion
  Verbal, verbose
  Facilitate, felicitate
  Conscious, conscientious
  Wave, waive
  Wreck, wreak
  Virtual, virtuous
  Flatter, flutter
  Deference, difference
  Humility, humiliation

Given below are a number of key words. Select any five and indicate the word or phrase
you believe is nearest in meaning to the key word:
  Foible: a) witty refort b) petty lie c) personal weakness
  Premise: a) assumption b) outline c) commitment
  Sacrosanct: a) peaceful b) sacred c) mundane d) painful
  Calumny: a) misfortune b) praise c) quietness d) slander
  Viable: a) credible b) questionable c) workable d) vital
  Decorum: a) style of decoration b) innocence c) social conformity d) modesty
  Touchstone: a) goal post b) worry bead c) magic jewel d) standard or criterion
  Sheepish: a) embarrassed b) confirming c) cowardly d) unfortunate


Use any three of the following sets of words in sentences so as to bring out clearly the
difference in their meaning:
  Adept, adopt, adapt
  Alleged, accused, suspected
  Bear, borne, born
  Raise, rise, raze
  Smeel, stink, scent
  Least, less, lest
  Quiet, quite, quite a
  Their, there, they’re


Given below are a number of key words. Select any three and indicate the word or phrase
you believe is nearest in meaning to the key word:
  Domesticate: a) to turn native b) be exclusive c) cut claws d) tame
  Antics: a) expectation b) temper c) string games d) absurd behavior
  Recapitulate: a) to surrender b) be indecisive c) summarise d) retract
  Hypothetical: a) philosophical b) truce c) assumed d) volatile
  Data: a) ideas b) belief c) point of origin d) information
  Era: a) disaster b) cycle c) period of history d) curious event
  Trait: a) a narrow enclosure b) strong point c) distinguishing feature d) footprint


Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences demonstrating difference
in their meaning:
  Access, excess
  Ascent, accent
  Resources, recourse
  Whether, weather
  Premier, premiere
  Ingenious, ingenuous
  Felicitate, facilitate
  Conscious, conscientious
  Disease, decease

For each of the phrases at the left, write in your answer book the word closest in meaning
to the phrase from the four words given on the right
  Clear away: a) clean b) empty c) remove d) finish
  Break down: a) collapse b) enter c) cut off d) begin
  Keep up: a) restrain b) control c) continue d) arrive
  Turn out: a) refuse b) start c) produce d) arrive
  See over: a) examine b) repair c) discover d) enquire



Use any five of the following pairs of words I your own sentences so as to bring out the
difference in their meaning:
  Assent, ascent
  Ballot, ballet
  Corps, corpse
  Due, dew
  Diary, dairy
  Momentary, momentous
  Route, rout
  Veil, vale
Given below are a number of key words. Select any five and indicate the word you believe
is nearest in meaning to the key word:
  Perturb: a) to upset b) to cause doubt c) to burden d) to test
  Wry: a) twisted b) sad c) witty d) suffering
  Ferret: a) to search b) to trap c) to hide d) to flee
  Pallid: a) weak b) pale c) dull d) scared
  Intrepid: a) fearless b) cowardly c) dull d) fool hardy
  Reprisal: a) surprise b) award c) revision d) retaliation
  Viable: a) wavering b) divided c) capable of living d) fading
  Resurgent: a) revolutionary b) fertile c) rising again d) fading


Use any five of the following pairs of words so as to bring out the difference in their
  Queue, cue
  Differ, defer
  Conscious, conscience
  Confidant, confidante
  Atheist, agnostic
  Loose, lose
  Briefing, debriefing
  Dual, duel
  Complement, compliment


Indicate the meaning of any five of the following:
  Brag
  Antiquarian
  Input
  Prodigal
  Bibliophile
  Nostalgia
  Output
  Feedback
  Agrarian


Use any five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to bring out the
difference in their meaning:
  All, awl
  Boy, buoy
  Fallow, fellow
  Jewry, jury
  Functional, dysfunctional
  Yew, eue
  Allusive, elusive
  Ladylike, ladyship


Use five of the following pairs of words or phrases into sentences so that the difference in
the meaning of each pair is made clear:
  Altogether, all together
  Ambiguous, ambivalent
  Apprise, appraise
  Bad, badly
  Compare, contrast
  Deduce, imply
  Differ from, differ with
  Farther, further



Re arrange the following in pairs of synonyms:
  Garrulous
  Selfish
  Near
  Talkative
  Obstruct
  Egoistic
  Wealthy
  Impede
  Affluent filch
  Imminent
  Essess
  Tempting
  Ponder
  Augment
  Enticing
  Modilate
  Increase
  Estimate
  Steal

Use five of the following pairs of words/phrases in sentences of your own to bring out the
  Occulude, occult
  Practical, practicable
  Raze, raise
  Cannon, ???
  Avenge, revenge
  Caret, carat
  Revel, reveal
  Aviary, apiary
  Demense, mean



Use five of the following pairs of words in sentences of your own to bring out the
  Knead, need
  Queue, cue
  Quarts, quartz
  Choral, coral
  Discrete, discreet
  Epoch, epic
  Libel, liable
  Male, mail
  Banned, band
  Barred, bard

Use five of the following pairs of words in sentences:
  Brooch, broach
  Collusion, collision
  Fain, feign
  Hoard, horde
  Illusion, delusion
  Persecute, prosecute
  Prescribe, proscribe
  Respectfully, respectively
  Complacent, complaisant
  Corporal, corporeal


Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters:
  Archipelago: a) reef b) glacier c) cluster of islands d) lagoon
  Piazza: a) cheese dish b) veranda c) public square d) style or dash
  Baklava: a) stringed instrument b) dessert c) whirling dance d) gratuity
  Ionic: a) indian stone monument b) greek architecture c) roman sculpture d)
mediteranean sea
  Cicerone: a) teacher b) literary classic c) chaperone d) guide


Pick the one most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
  Desiccate: a) lengthen b) hallow c) exonerate d) saturate e) anesthetize
2.Apotheosis: a) departure from tradition b) impatience with stupidity c) demotion from glory d)
surrender to impulse e) cause to grief
3.Spunk: a) success b) timidity c) growing awareness d) loss or prestige e) lack of intelligence
4.Cavil: a) discern b) disclose c) introduce d) flatter e) commend
5.Raucous: a) orderly b) absorbent c) buoyant d) mellifluous e) contentious
Use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Auger, augur
  Fain, feign
  Emigrate, immigrate
  Envy, jealousy
  Invade, attack
  Trifling, trivial
  Simulation, dissimulation
  Venal, venial

Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters:
  Anathema: a) curse b) cure c) anemia d) asthma
  Torpor: a) fever b) lethargy c) taciturn d) torrid
  Touchstone: a) criterion b) gold c) character d) characteristics
  Sequester a) eliminate b) finalize c) sedate d) isolate
  Donouement: a) denunciation b) dormancy c) termination d) explanation

Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
  Deleterious: a) nourishing b) injurious c) vital d) fatal
  Valedictory: a) farewell b) final c) hopeful d) parting
  Sedentary: a) afraid b) loyal c) active d) torpid
  Turbid: a) muddy b) clear c) invariable d) improbable
  Phlegmatic: a) dull b) active c) lymphatic d) frigid


Use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Council, counsel
  Distinct, distinctive
  Apposite, opposite
  Deprecate, depreciate
  Punctual, punctilious
  Judicial, judicious
  Salutary, salubrious
  Canvas, canvass

Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters:
  Finicky: a) unstable b) troubled c) fussy d) unpleasant
  Samizdat: a) underground press b) secret police c) twirling jig d) large metal tea urn
  Veld: a) arctic wasteland b) European plains c) southern african grassland d) deep valley
4.Cajun: a) French-canadian descendant b) American Indian c) native of the everglades d) early
inhabitant of the bahama islands
5.Loggia: a) pathway b) marsh c) gallery d) carriage
Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
  Captious: a) tolerant b) capable c) winning d) recollected
  Penchant: a) dislike b) attitude c) imminence d) distance
  Putative: a) powerful b) colonial c) undisputed d) unremarkable
  Facsimile: a) imitation b) model c) mutation d) pattern
  Larceny: a) appropriation b) peculation c) purloining d) indemnification

Use only five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out their
  Veracity, voracity
  Persecute, prosecute
  Moat, mote
  Loath, loathe
  Ingenious, ingenuous
  Fain, feign
  Emigrant, immigrant
  Wreak, wreck



Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters (Do only
five). Extra attempt of any part of the question will not be considered:
  Lacunae: a) tiny marine life b) shallow water c) local dialect d) missing parts
  Paroxysm: a) moral lesson b) sudden outburst c) contradiction d) pallid imitation
  Grotto: a) statue b) cavern c) neighborhood d) type of moth
  Fetter: a) rot b) to restrain c) make better d) enable to fly
  Stoicism: a) indifference b) boldness c) deep affection d) patient endurance
  Succulent: a) edible b) parched c) generous d) mature
  Malediction: a) compliment b) summary c) perfume d) awkwardness
Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
  Twine: a) straighten b) continue c) unravel d) detach
  Frugal: a) prodigal b) intemperate c) extravagant d) profuse
  Gawky: a) neat b) handy c) graceful d) handsome
  Capricious: a) firm b) decided c) inflexible d) constant
  Congeal: a) liquefy b) mollify c) harden d) solidify
Use only five of the following pairs of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning.
Extra attempt of any part of the question will not be considered:
  Affluence, effluence
  Wretch, retch
  Euphemistic, euphuistic
  Amoral, immoral
  Imperial, imperious
  Degrade, denigrate
  Temporal, temporary
  Precipitate, precipitous


Use five of the following pairs of words in your own sentences to bring out their meaning:
  Mitigate, alleviate
  Persecute, prosecute
  Popular, populace
  Compliment, complement
  Excite, incite
  Voracity, veracity
  Virtual, virtuous
  Exceptional, exceptionable


Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word. Do any five:
  Moratorium: a) large tomb b) waiting period c) security for debt d) funeral house
  Prolific: a) skilful b) fruitful c) wordy d) spread out
  Bipartisan: a) narrow minded b) progressive c) representing two parties d) divided
  Unequivocal: a) careless b) unmistakable c) variable d) incomparable
  Covenant: a) prayer b) debate c) garden d) agreement
  Tentative: a) expedient b) national c) provisional d) alternative
7.Demographic: related to the study of: a) government b) demons c) communications d)
8.Sonar: apparatus to: a) detect something in the air b) locate objectives under water c)
measure rain d) anticipate earthquake
Indicate meaning of any five of the following:
  Brag
  Antiquarian
  Input
  Prodigal
  Bibliophile
  Nostalgia
  Burn one’s boats
  Feedback
  Agrarian


Choose the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the word in capital letters. (Do only
five). Extra attempt of any part of the question will not be considered:
  Obscure: a) unclear b) doubtful
  Amiable: a) obnoxious b) affable
  Hoodwink: a) delude b) avoid
  Guileful: a) honourable b) disingenuous
  Obsession: a) fixed ideas b) delusion
  Radical: a) innate b) moderate
  Presumptive: a) credible b) timid
Pick the most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
  Presentable: a) unable b) scruffy c) suitable d) personable
  Salvation: a) escape b) starvation c) doom d) rescue
  Plain: a) clean b) distinct c) ambiguous d) frugal
  Odious: a) porus b) charming c) horrid d) offensive
  Inflame: a) calm b) anger c ) excite d) kindle


Use only five of the following pairs of words in sentences which illustrate their meaning:
  Persecute, prosecute
  Luxuriant, luxurious
  Mean, mien
  Observation, observance
  Naughty, knotty
  Ghostly, ghastly
  Hew, hue
  Hoard, horde

Pick the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word.

1) Acrimonous 
a) Bitter b) Provocative c) Cheap d) Volatile
2) Calligraphy
a) Computers b) Handwriting c) Blood Pressure d) Brain waves
3) Unequivocal
a) Variable b) Plain c) Unmistakable d) Negligent
4) Demise
a) Conclude b) End c) Affection d) Death
5) Incendiary
a) Happy b) Sneer c) Causing fire d) Jolly
6) Touchstone
a) Remind b) A hall c) at rest d) Criterion
7) Void
a) Emptiness b) Lea c) Anger d) Trick
8) Essay 
a) Direct b) Copose c) Attempt d) Suppose

b) Indicate the most nearly opposite in meaning

1) Ignoble
a) Lowly b) Vile c) Good d) Noble
2) Melancholy
a) Sorrowful b) Happy c) Forbidden d) Brisk
3) Obliterate
a) Preserve b) Destroy c) Ravage d) Design
4) Ally
a) Alloy b) Foe c) Partner d) Accessory

5) Vulgar
a) Coarse b) Gross c) Exquisite d) Obscene


6) Pretend
a) Sham b) Substantiate c) Feign d) Fabricate
7) Liberty
a) Permission b) License c) Serfdom d) Bound
8) Consceintious
a) Uncorrupt b) Honorable c) Principled d) Profligate

Five pairs of words in sentences:

1) Adverse, Averse
2) Maize, Maze
3) Medal, Meddle
4) Imperious, Imperial
5) Veracity, Voracity
6) Allusion, Illusion
7) Ordinance, Ordnance
8) willing, Wilful


Pair of Words

1.  Capital:, Capitol:
2.  Assay:Essay:
3.  Envelop:, Envelope:
4.  Decree:, Degree:
5.  Desolate:, Dissolute:
6.  Species:, Specie:
7.  Tortuous, Torturous:
8.  Wet:, Whet:



Q.1 Choose the word that is near most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words. (1
Mark each) (20)

a) Regulate 
b) Flare up 
c) Frail 
d) Exhilarate 
e) None of These

a). Immerse 
b) Rescue 
c) Drown 
d) Overflow 
e) None of These

a) Argument 
b) Procession 
c) Angry Speech 
d) Torture 
e) None of These

a) Secret 
b) Improper 
c) Seeming 
d) Whole 
e) None of These

a) To Prove 
b) Boast 
c) Defraud 
d) Defame 
e) None of These


a) Unnecessary 
b) Disorder 
c) Confused Talk 
d) Game 
e) None of These

a) Condescend 
b) Pretend 
c) Disparage
d) Refuse 
e) None of These

a) Trade Agreement 
b) Government Secretariat
c) Labouring Class 
d) Wealthy Class 
e) None of These

a) Liberal 
b) Fearful 
c) Comic 
d) Praise Worthy 
e) None of These

a) Baleful 
b) Belonging to a male person 
c) Social 
d) Fighting by Nature 
e) None of These

Choose the word that is nearly most opposite in meaning to the Capitalized words.

a) Feeble
b) Dull 
c) Vigorous
d) Weak 
e) None of these


a) Nervous 
b) Tense 
c) Costly
d) Calm
e) None of these

a) Courage  
b) Boldness 
c) Cowardice 
d) Spirit 
e) None of these

a) Epitome
b) Dissect 
c) Abstract 
d) Synopsis
e) None of these

a) Flaunt 
b) Coax
c) Beguile 
d) Flatter
e) None of these

a ) Virginity
c) Chastity
d) Single
e) None of these

a) Rough 
b) Unpleasant 
c) Unfavorable 
d) Genial
e) None of these

a) Ineffective 
b) Without resolution


c) Yielding 
d) Sturdy 
e) None of these

a) Supplement 
b) Augmentation 
c) Appendix 
d) Contraction 
e) None of these

a) Shun 
b) Run 
c) Blamed
d) Meet 
e) None of these

Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FOUR of the following pair of words in sentences which illustrate their
meaning: (Extra attempt shall not be considered). (04)

1.  Adjoin, Adjourn
2.  Allay, Ally
3.  Bases, Basis
4.  Click, Clique
5.  Distract, Detract
6.  Liable, Libel

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