1. Aberration –
straying away from what is normal
2. Abeyance -
suspended action
3. Abhor - to hate,
to detest
4. Abide - be
faithful to; endure
5. Abjure - promise
or swear, to give up
6. Abet -
help/encourage somebody (in doing wrong)
7. Abraded - rubbed
off, worn away by friction
8. Abrasion -
rubbing, scraping, wearing off
9. Abrogate - repeal
or annul by authority
10. Abscond - to go away suddenly (to avoid arrest)
11. Abstruse - difficult to comprehend; obscure
12. Abundant - plentiful
13. Abut - border on
14. Abysmal - bottomless, extreme
15. Acarpous - effete, no longer fertile, worn out
16. Accentuate - give more force or attention to
17. Acclaimed - welcomed with shouts and approval
18. Accolade - praise, approval
19. Accretion - the growing of separate things into one
20. Acquiesce in - agree (without protest)
21. Acquisition - something acquired, acquiring
22. Adamant - kind of stone; inflexible
23. Adhere - remain faithful, stick fast to
24. Adhesion - adhering, support
25. Adjacent - lying near, next
26. Admonitory - containing warning
27. Adorn - add beauty; decorate
28. Adulteration - making unpure, poorer in quality
29. Affable - polite and friendly
30. Affinity - close connection, relationship
31. Aggravate - make worse; irritate
32. Agile - active, quick-moving
33. Agog - eager/excited
34. Ail - trouble; be ill
35. Alacrity - eager and cheerful readiness
36. Alcove - recess/partially enclosed place
37. Alienate - estrange
38. Allegiance - duty, support, loyalty
39. Alleviate - make (pain) easier to bear
40. Alloy - to debase by mixing with something inferior
41. Aloof - reserved, indifferent
42. Amalgamate - mix, combine, unite societies
43. Ambidextrous - able to use the left hand or the right
equally well
44. Ambiguous - doubtful, uncertain
45. Ambivalent - having both of two contrary meanings
46. Ameliorate - improve, make better
47. Amendment - improving
48. Amicable - friendly
49. Amortize - end (a debt) by setting aside money
50. Amplify - make large or fuller, increase the
51. Anguish - severe suffering
52. Animosity - strong dislike
53. Annul - put an end to
54. Anticlimax - sudden fall
55. Antidote - medicine used against a poison or a
56. Antithetical - direct opposing
57. Apartheid - brutal racial discrimination
58. Apathetic - indifference
59. Aplomb - self-confidence
60. Apostate - one who abandons long-held religious or
political convictions
61. Apotheosis - deification, glorification to
62. Appease - make quiet or calm
63. Apprehensive - grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy
feeling about
64. Apprise - give notice to, inform
65. Approbation - approval
66. Appropriate - take for one's own use, acquire, set
67. Apropos - appropriate to the situation; apt
68. Apt - well-suited, quick-witted
69. Arabesque - whimsical
70. Arbitrate - decide by arbitration
71. Arboreal - of connected with trees
72. Ardently - with full of ardor
73. Ardor - enthusiasm
74. Arduous - steep, difficult ascent; laborious
75. Argot - jargon, slang
76. Arrant - in the highest degree
77. Arrogance - proud, superior manner of behaviour
78. Articulate - speak distinctly, connect by joints
79. Ascend - go or come up
80. Ascent - the act of ascending
81. Ascertain - get to know
82. Ascetic - practicing self-denial, austere, stark
83. Ascribe - consider to be the origin of or belonging
84. Aseptic - surgically clean
85. Asperity - roughness, harshness, ill temper,
86. Aspersion - slander
87. Assail with - attack violently
88. Asset - valuable quality, something that has money
89. Assiduous - diligent, hard-working, sedulous
90. Assuage - make something (pain, desire) less
91. Assumption - something supposed but not proved
92. Asterisk - the mark * (e.g.. omitted letters)
93. Astringent - substance that shrinks
94. Astute - clever; quick at seeing to get an
95. Atonement - repayment; death of Jesus
96. Attenuate - make thin. weaken, enervate
97. Attune - bring into harmony
98. Audacious - daring, foolishly bold, impudent
99. Augury - omen, sign
100. August -
majestic, venerable
101. Auspice -
protection or support, patronage
102. Auspicious -
favorable, successful, prosperous
103. Austere - severely moral and strict; simple and
104. Auxiliary -
helping, supporting
105. Aver - affirm,
assert, prove, justify
106. Aversion -
strong dislike
107. Avid - eager,
108. Avow - admit.
Declare openly
109. Babble - talk in
a way that is difficult to understand
110. Baleful -
harmful, ominous, causing evil
111. Balk - obstacle;
purposely to get on the way of
112. Balloon - swell
out like balloon
113. Balm -
sweet-smelling oil; consolation
114. Banal -
115. Band - flat,
thin strip of material; range of frequencies
116. Bane - cause of
injury, poison, source of harm
117. Baneful -
causing harm or ruin, pernicious, destructive
118. Barrage -
artificial obstacle built across a river
119. Barren - not
good enough, unable to have young ones, without
120. Bask in - enjoy
warmth and light
121. Bazaar -
122. Be
irreconcilable - cannot be brought into harmony
123. Beatify - to
bless, make happy, or ascribe a virtue to
124. Bedizen - to
adorn, especially in a cheap, showy manner
125. Belabor - beat
126. Belie -
contradict, give a false impression
127. Belittle - cause
to seem unimportant
128. Bellicose -
belligerent, pugnacious, warlike
129. Belligerent -
(person, nation) waging war
130. Belligerently -
waging war
131. Bend - cause
something to be out of a straight line
132. Benefactor -
person who has given help
133. Benevolence -
wish or activity in doing good
134. Benign - kind
and gentle; mild (climate)
135. Bequest -
arrangement to give something at death
136. Berate - scold
137. Bereft - rob or dispossess
of something (material)
138. Bewilder -
puzzle, confuse
139. Biased -
140. Bigot -
stubborn, narrow-minded person
141. Bilge - bulge,
the protuberance of a cask
142. Blandishment -
flattery, coaxing
143. Blandness - polite
manner, comforting, uninteresting
144. Blatant - noisy
and rough
145. Blithe - gay and
146. Blueprint –
plan, scheme, photographic print
147. Blunt - plain,
not troubling to be polite
148. Boggle - be
alarmed, hesitate, amazed
149. Bogus - sham,
counterfeit, not genuine
150. Boisterous -
loud, noisy, rough, lacking restraint
151. Bolster - give
greatly needed support
152. Boor -
ill-mannered person
153. Boorish - crude,
offensive, rude
154. Braid - strands
of hair woven together, something edging sloth
155. Brash - hasty,
rush; cheeky, saucy
156. Brass - yellow
metal (mixing copper and zinc)
157. Brazen - made of
158. Breach - opening
broken place, breaking
159. Brigant -
brigand, bandit
160. Brisk - active,
161. Brisket - breast
of an animal
162. Brittle - easily
163. Broach - bring
up, announce, begin to talk about
164. Brook - to
tolerate, endure
165. Buoyant - able
to float; light-hearted
166. Burgeon - grow
forth, send out buds
167. Burnish - to
polish, rub to a shine
168. Bust - run out
of money
169. Cabal - a scheme
or plot, a group of plotters
170. Cadge - to beg,
to get by begging
171. Cajolers -
flattery or deceit to persuade
172. Calf - young of
the domestic cow
173. Calipers - metal
supports attached to the legs, measuring
174. Calumniate - to
slander, present false accusal
175. Calumny -
slander, aspersion
176. Candid - frank
177. Cantankerous -
178. Cantin - sincere
179. Canvass -
discuss thoroughly; sort of touting
180. Capricious -
fickle, whimsical, given to change, unpredictable
181. Castigate - to
chastise, correct by punishing
182. Castigation -
severe punishment
183. Casual -
happening by chance, careless
184. Catalyst -
substance that causes speeding up
185. Caustic -
biting, sarcastic
186. Censure -
expression of blame or disapproval; a rebuke
187. Census -
official counting of the population
188. Centurion -
leader of a unit of 100 soldiers
189. Chary -
cautious, wary
190. Chastened -
corrected, punished
191. Chastisement -
192. Chauvinist – a
blindly devoted patriot
193. Chicanery -
legal trickery/false argument
194. Chisel - steel
tool for shaping materials
195. Churl -
bad-tempered person
196. Cite - give as
an example
197. Clamor - shout
complain with a lot of noise
198. Cleanse - make
pure, thoroughly clean
199. Clientele -
200. Clinch - come to
grips/settle conclusively
201. Cling - to
resist separation
202. Clot -
half-solid lump formed from liquid
203. Cloture -
closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting
204. Coalescing -
coming together and uniting into one substance
205. Coax - get
somebody to do something by kindness
206. Coda - passage
that completes a piece of music
207. Coddle - treat
with care and tenderness
208. Coerce - compel
to force to make obedient
209. Coeval - of the
same period, coexisting
210. Cogent – strong
211. Cogitate – think
deeply, mediate
212. Cognition -
knowing, awareness (emotionless)
213. Cognizant –
being fully aware of
214. Coherent –
sticking together
215. Colander -
bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off
216. Collaborate -
work in partnership
217. Collusion -
secret agreement for a deceitful purpose
218. Combustion -
process of burning
219. Commemorate -
keep the memory of
220. Commend -
221. Commendable -
worthy of praise
222. Commingle -
mingle together
223. Commodious -
having plenty of space for what is needed
224. Commuter -
person who travels regularly
225. Complacently –
with self-satisfaction
226. Complaisance -
tending to comply, obliging, willingness to please
227. Comply - act in
228. Compound - mix
or combine
229. Comprise - be composed
230. Compunction -
feeling of regret for one's action
231. Conceal - hide,
keep secret
232. Conceit -
over-high opinion of, too much pride
233. Conciliatory -
reconciling, soothing, comforting, mollifying
234. Concord - agreement or harmony
235. Concur - agree
in opinion, happen together
236. Condense -
increase in density, strength, make laconic
237. Condone -
238. Congeal - make
or become stiff and solid
239. Conjoin – to
join together
240. Connoisseur - a
person with good judgment (e.g.. in art)
241. Connotation -
suggestion in addition to
242. Consent - give
agreement or permission
243. Consequential -
pompous, self important
244. Consolation -
consoling or being consoled
245. Console - give
comfort or sympathy to
246. Conspicuous -
easily seen; remarkable
247. Consternation -
surprise and fear, dismay
248. Constrain -
249. Constrict - make
tight or smaller
250. Consume - get to
the end of
251. Consummate -
perfect/make perfect/complete
252. Contemn - to
scorn or despise
253. Contentious -
argumentative, pugnacious, combative, quarrelsome
254. Contiguous -
touching, neighboring, near
255. Contrite -
filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing
256. Contumacious -
insubordinate, rebellious
257. Conundrum - a
riddle, dilemma, enigma
258. Conviction -
convincing; firm belief
259. Convoke - call
together, summon
260. Convoluted -
complicated; coiled, twisted
261. Cord - twisted
262. Cordial - warm
and sincere
263. Cordon – line of
police acting as a guard
264. Cornucopia -
abundant supply
265. Corporeal -
physical; of or for the body
266. Correlate - have
a mutual relation
267. Corroboration -
additional, strengthening evidence
268. Countenance to -
favor or approve of
269. Counterfeit -
270. Countervail -
271. Covert -
272. Covetous -
eagerly desirous
273. Cower - crouch;
shrink back
274. Coy – shy/modest
(esp of a girl)
275. Crass - very
great (es. stupidity)
276. Cravat - piece
of linen worn as a necktie
277. Craven –
278. Crease - line
made by crushing; white line on the ground in cricket
279. Credulity - too
great a readiness to believe things
280. Credulous -
ready to believe things
281. Crush - press,
lose shape, subdue, overwhelm
282. Cryptic -
secret, with a hidden meaning
283. Cumbersome -
burdensome, heavy and awkward to carry
284. Curmudgeon -
bad-tempered person
285. Curriculum -
course of study
286. Cursory - quick,
287. Curtail - make
shorter then was planned
288. Cynic - person
who see no good in anything
290. Dainty -
pretty/delicate(food)/difficult to please
291. Dart - quick
movement; missile in darts
292. Daunt - intimidate,
make fearful
293. Dawdler - person
who is slow; waste of time
294. Dearth -
295. Debacle - a
breakup, overthrow, sudden disaster
296. Decorous -
polite, decent
297. Decorum -
propriety, properness
298. Decree - order
given by authority
299. Decry -
disapprove of
300. Defer -
postpone; give way (to show respect)
301. Deference -
302. Deferential -
showing respect
303. Defiance - open disobedience or
304. Deflect - turn
305. Defy - resist
306. Degrade - reduce
in rank or status
307. Delineate - to
portray, depict, sketch out
308. Deluge - great
flood, heavy rush of water
309. Delusion - false
310. Demagogue -
person appealing not to reasons
311. Demur - to
hesitate, raise objections
312. Denigrate -
blacken, belittle, sully, defame
313. Denouement - an
outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot
314. Denounce - give
information against
315. Dent - hollow,
depression mad by a blow
316. Deplete - use
until none remains
317. Deposition -
dethronement, depositing
318. Deprave - make
morally bad; corrupt
319. Deprecate -
protest against, express disapproval of
320. Dereliction -
deserting and leaving to fall into ruins
321. Derision -
ridicule, mockery, deriding
322. Derivative -
unoriginal, obtained from another source
323. Derogatory -
insulting; tending to damage
324. Descry - catch
sight of, see something in the distance
325. Desiccant -
substance used to absorb moisture
326. Desiccate - dry
out all the moisture
327. Desuetude -
cessation of use; disuse
328. Desultory -
aimless, haphazard, digressing at random
329. Detach -
330. Deter -
discourage, hinder
331. Detraction -
slandering, verbal attack, aspersion
332. Detumescence -
diminishing or lessening of swelling
333. Deviance - being
different in moral standards (from normal)
334. Dexterity -
skill (esp. in handling)
335. Dexterous -
clever, skillful with hands
336. Diaphanous -
transparent, gauzy
337. Diatribe -
bitter and violent attack in words
338. Dictate -
339. Diffidence - shyness
340. Diffident -
lacking in self-confidence
341. Dilate - speak
comprehensively, become wider, large
342. Dilatory -
causing delay, procrastinating
343. Din - loud noise
that continues
344. Disabuse - to
undeceive, correct a false impression
345. Disallow -
refuse to allow or accept as a correct
346. Discern - see
with an effort but clearly
347. Discomfit - to
defeat, put down
348. Disconcert -
upset the self-possession of
349. Discountenance -
refuse to approve of
350. Discourse -
speech, lecture,
351. Discredit -
refuse to believe
352. Discreet -
353. Discrete -
individually distinct
354. Disdain - look
on with contempt
355. Disencumber -
free from encumbrance
356. Encumbrance -
burden; things that get on the way of
357. Endearing -
making dear or liked
358. Endemic -
359. Endorse - write
one's name on the back of
360. Enduring -
361. Enervate -
weaken, deprive of strength, attenuate
362. Engender -
cause, produce, give rise to
363. Engrave -
impress deeply
364. Engrossing -
taken up all the time or attention; writing in large or
365. Engulf - swallow
366. Enigma -
something that is puzzling
367. Enmity - hatred;
being an enemy
368. Enormity -
excessive wickedness; evilness
369. Enormousness -
great size
370. Ensign -
371. Entangle - put
into difficulties
372. Enthral - please
greatly/enslave (fig)
373. Entice - tempt
or persuade
374. Entreat - ask
375. Enunciate -
pronounce (words)/express a theory
376. Enzyme -
377. Epicure – food
lover, a connoisseur of food
378. Epicurean -
devoted to pleasure (sensuous enjoyment)
379. Epistle – letter
380. Epithet –
381. Epitome - brief
summary; representative example; a typical model
382. Equable -
steady, regular
383. Equanimity -
calmness of temperament
384. Equilibrium -
state of being balanced
385. Equipoise -
equal distribution of weight; equilibrium
386. Equivocal -
having a double or doubtful meaning; suspicious
387. Equivocate - try
to deceive by equivocal language
388. Eradicate - get
rid of; pull up by the roots
389. Erasure –
erasing, removing all traces
390. Erode - wear
away, eat into
391. Erratic -
irregular in behaviour or opinion
392. Erudite -
learned, scholarly
393. Escalate -
increase, develop
394. Eschew -
395. Esoteric -
abstruse; intended only for a small circle of
396. Espouse - marry;
give one's support to
397. Eulogy - formal
praise; panegyric
398. Euphoria -
elation; state of pleasant excitement
399. Euthanasia -
easy and painless death
400. Evaluating -
finding out the value
401. Evaporate -
change into vapor, disappear, die
402. Evasive -
tending to evade
403. Evince - to show
clearly, to indicate
404. Evoke - call up,
bring out
405. Evolve - unfold,
develop naturally and gradually
406. Excoriate - to
flay, stip off the skin; to denounce sharply
407. Excoriation -
severe criticism
408. Exculpate - to
clear from a charge of guilt
409. Exert - thrust
out, push forth
410. Exertion -
instance of exerting
411. Exhaustive -
complete, thorough
412. Exigency -
emergency, an urgent situation
413. Exonerate -
free; clear
414. Exoneration -
set somebody clear, free (e.g.. from blame)
415. Exorbitant -
much too high or great
416. Expatiate - to
roam, wander freely
417. Expedient -
likely to be useful for a purpose
418. Expiation -
ending; expiring
419. Exploit –
brilliant achievement; develop; use selfishly
420. Expostulate -
argue earnestly to dissuade, correct, or protest
421. Expurgate - to
remove obscenity, purify, censor
422. Exscind - to cut
out, cut away
423. Extant - still
in existence
424. Extempore - without
previous thought or preparation
425. Extensive -
426. Extenuate -
reduce the strength of, lessen seriousness, partially
427. Extinct - no
longer active
428. Extinguish - end
the existence of/wipe or put out
429. Extirpate - to
destroy, exterminate, cut out, exscind
430. Extol - praise
431. Extort - obtain
by threats, violence
432. Extralegal -
outside the law
433. Extricable –
that can be freed
434. Extrovert -
cheerful person
435. Exuberance -
state of growing vigorously; being full of life
437. Facetious -
humorous, funny, jocular
438. Facile - easily
439. Facilitate -
make easy (e.g.. a process of smth)
440. Fallacious -
based on error
441. Fallacy - false
or mistaken belief
442. Falter -
waver/move in an uncertain manner
443. Fatuous -
without sense, foolish self-satisfaction
444. Faucet - device
for controlling the outflow of a liquid
445. Fawn - young
deer, try to win somebody's favor
446. Feckless -
lacking purpose or vitality; ineffective; careless
447. Fecund -
448. Feint -
449. Felicitous -
apt; suitably expressed, well chosen, apropos
450. Felon - person
guilty of murder
451. Ferment -
substance; become excited
452. Ferocity -
savage cruelty
453. Ferret -
discover by searching; search
454. Fertile -
producing much, full of ideas
455. Fertilize - make
fertile or productive
456. Fervid - showing
earnest feeling
457. Fervor - warmth
of feelings; earnestness
458. Fetid -
459. Fetter - to
shackle, put in chains
460. Feud - bitter
quarrel over a long period of time
461. Fidelity -
loyalty, accuracy
462. Fidget - move
restlessly, make nervous
463. Figurehead –
carved image on the prow of a ship
464. Finesse -
delicate way of dealing with a situation
465. Finical - too
fussy about food, clothing, etc.
466. Finicky -
467. Finite -
limited, having bounds
468. Fission -
splitting or division (esp. of cells)
469. Fix at - stare
470. Flak -
criticism/anti-aircraft guns
471. Flamboyant -
brightly colored, florid
472. Flammable -
having tendency to burst into flames
473. Flaunting - show
off complacently
474. Flaw - crack,
lessen value
475. Flax - pale
yellow (hair); a plant
476. Fledged - able
to fly, trained, experienced
477. Fleet – number
of ships, quick-moving
478. Fleeting -
passing quickly
479. Flexibility -
easily bent without braking
480. Flinch - draw,
move back, wince
481. Flop -
fail/move/fall clumsily
482. Florid - very
much ornamented; naturally red (e.g.. of face)
483. Floridness -
ruddiness; heavily decorated; ornateness
484. Flout - reject,
mock, to go against (as in going against tradition)
485. Fluke - lucky
486. Fluster – make
nervous or confused
487. Foible - defect
of character (a person is wrongly proud)
488. Foil - prevent
from carrying out; contrast
489. Foment - put
something warm (to lessen the pain)
490. Foolproof -
incapable of failure or error
491. Foppish - like a
man who pays too much attention to his clothes
492. Forage - food
for horses and cattle
493. Forbear -
refrain from, be patient; ancestor
494. Forbearance -
patience, willingness to wait
495. Ford - shallow
place in a river (to cross)
496. Forestall -
prevent by taking action in advance, preempt
497. Forethought -
foresight, planned in advance
498. Forfeit – suffer
the loss of something
499. Forge - workshop
for the shaping of metal; to shape metal; lead
500. Forgery -
501. Forswear -
renounce, disallow, repudiate
502. Fortify -
503. Fortuitous -
happening by chance
504. Foster -
nurture, care for
505. Fracas – noisy
506. Fragile - easily
injured, broken or destroyed
507. Fragrant -
508. Franchise -
special right given by authority
509. Frantic - wildly
excited with joy, pain, anxiety
510. Frenetic -
frantic, frenzied
511. Fret - worry; irritation;
wear away
512. Friction - the
rubbing of one thing against another, difference of
513. Fringe - edge;
ornamental border; part of hair over the forehead
514. Froward -
intractable, not willing to yield or comply, stubborn
515. Frugal -
careful, economical
516. Fulminate -
berate, vituperate, to thunder out, to explode
517. Fulmination -
bitter protest
518. Fulsome -
disgusting, offensive due to excessiveness
519. Gainsay - to
deny, declare false, to oppose
520. Gambol - quick,
playful jumping
521. Garble - make
unfair selection from facts
522. Garment -
article of clothing
523. Garner - to
gather and save; to store up
524. Garrulity -
525. Garrulous – too
526. Gaucherie -
socially awkward, tactless behavior
527. Germane -
relevant; pertinent to
528. Gist - the
point, general sense
529. Glean - gather
facts in small quantities
530. Glib - ready and
smooth but not sincere
531. Glimmer -
weak/unsteady light
532. Gloat - over
look at with selfish delight
533. Glut - supply to
much, fill to excess
534. Gnaw - waste
away; bite steadily
535. Goad - something
urging a person to action
536. Gorge - eat
greedily/narrow opening with a stream
537. Gossamer - soft
light, delicate material
538. Gouge - tool for
cutting grooves in wood
539. Grace – favor
540. Grandiloquent -
using pompous words
541. Grave - serious,
requiring consideration
542. Graze - touch or
scrape lightly in passing
543. Gregarious -
living in societies; liking the company
544. Grievance -
cause for complaint or protest
545. Grievous -
causing grief or pain; serious, dire, grave
546. Grimace -
twisted expression of a face
547. Grind - crush,
548. Grooves - long
channel in the surface, habitual way of living
549. Grovel - crawl,
humble oneself
550. Guile - deceit,
551. Guileless -
straight-forward, candid
552. Gull - cheat,
553. Gullible -
easily gulled
554. Gush - burst out
suddenly/talk ardently
555. Gust - outburst
of feeling; sudden rain, wind, fire, etc.
556. Hack - cut
roughly; hired horse
557. Halcyon - calm
and peaceful
558. Hallow - to make
holy; consecrate
559. Hamper - basket
with a lid, prevent free movement or activity
560. Hapless -
unlucky, unfortunate
561. Harangue - a
long, passionate speech
562. Harbinger -
something or somebody that foretells the coming
563. Harrow - to distress, create stress or torment
564. Harsh - rough,
cruel, stern
565. Haughty -
arrogant; conceited
566. Haven – harbor,
safety place
567. Heed -
attention/give notice to
568. Heinous - odious
(of crime)
569. Heresy - belief
contrary to what is generally accepted
570. Hermetic -
sealed by fusion
571. Heterogeneous -
made up of different kinds
572. Hew - make by
hard work; cut (by striking)
573. Highbrow -
(person) with superior tastes
574. Hirsute - hairy,
575. Hoax -
mischievous trick played on somebody for a joke
576. Hoipolloi - the
masses; the rabble
577. Hollow - not
soled, with hole
578. Holster -
leather case for a pistol
579. Homiletics - act
of preaching
580. Hone - stone
used for sharpening tools
581. Hoodwink -
trick, mislead
582. Hospitable -
liking to give hospitality
583. Hubris -
arrogant pride
584. Hurdle - light
frame, fence to be jumped over
585. Hush - make or
become silent
586. Husk - worthless
outside part of anything
587. Hypocrisy -
falsely making oneself appear to be good
588. Iconoclast -
person who attacks popular beliefs
589. Iconoclastic -
attacking cherished beliefs
590. Idiosyncrasy -
personal mannerism
591. Idolatrous -
worshipping idols \
592. Idolatry -
excessive admiration of
593. Ignoble -
dishonorable, common, undignified
594. Ignominious -
shameful, dishonorable, undignified, disgraceful
595. Illicit -
unlawful, forbidden
596. Illusory - deceptive;
an illusion
597. Imbroglio -
complicated and embarrassing situation
598. Immaculate -
pure, faultless
599. Immerse -
absorb; put under the surface of
600. Imminent -
likely to come or happen soon
601. Immutable - that
cannot be changed
602. Impair - worsen,
diminish in value
603. Impaired -
damaged, weakened
604. Impassive -
unmoved; feeling no sign of passion
605. Impecunious -
having little or no money
606. Impede - hinder;
get in the way of
607. Impediment -
something that hinders (e.g. stammer)
608. Impending -
imminent, being about to happen, expected
609. Imperative -
urgent, essential
610. Imperious -
commanding, haughty, arrogant
611. Impermeable –
that cannot be permeated
612. Imperturbable -
calm; not capable of being excited
613. Impervious - not
allowing to pass through (of materials)
614. Imperviousness -
arrogance, commanding presence, over
615. Impetuous -
having sudden energy, impulsive, thrusting ahead,
616. Impiety - lack
of reverence or dutifulness
617. Implacable -
incapable of being placated, unpleasable
618. Implausibility –
619. Implicate - show
that somebody has a share
620. Implicit -
implied though not plainly expressed
621. Implosion -
collapse; bursting inward
622. Imply - make a
623. Importune - beg
urgently; solicit (of a prostitute)
624. Imprecation - an
invocation of evil; a curse
625. Impromptu -
without preparation
626. Impudence -
being rash, indiscreet
627. Impudent - rash,
628. Impugned -
challenged, to be doubted
629. Impute - to
attribute to a cause or source, ascribe
630. Inadvertent -
done thoughtlessly
631. Inane - silly,
632. Inasmuch -
since, because
633. Incense - make
634. Incessant -
often repeated, continual
635. Inchoate -not
yet fully formed, rudimentary, elementary
636. Incipient -
637. Incise -
engrave, make a cut in
638. Incite – stir
up, rouse
639. Inclined -
directing the mind in a certain direction
640. Incoherently - not
consistently, unclearly
641. Incongruous -
out of place, not in harmony or agreement
642. Incorrigibility
- cannot be cured or corrected
643. Incredulous -
skeptical, unwilling to believe
644. Inculcate - fix
firmly by repetition
645. Incumbents -
official duties
646. Incursion - a
raid, a sudden attack
647. Indefatigability
- not easily exhaustible; tirelessness
648. Indelible - that
cannot be rubbed out
649. Indelicate -
immodest; lacking in refinement
650. Indigence -
651. Indigenous -
652. Indistinct - not
easily heard, seen, clearly marked
653. Indolence -
654. Indomitable -
not easily discouraged or subdued
655. Indulge -
gratify, give way to, satisfy; allow oneself
656. Indulgent -
inclined to indulge
657. Ineffable – to
great to be described in words
658. Ineluctable -
certain, inevitable
659. Inept -
unskillful; said or done at the wrong time
660. Ineptitude -
quality of being unskillful
661. Inferno -
662. Infertile - not
fertile, barren
663. Inflame - become
red, angry
664. Inflammatory -
tending to inflame
665. Infuriate - fill
with fury or rage
666. Infuse - put,
pour, fill
667. Ingenuous -
naive, young, artless, frank, honest, sincere
668. Ingest - take in
by swallowing
669. Inherent -
existing as a natural part
670. Inhibit -
hinder, restrain
671. Inimical -
harmful or friendly
672. Inimitable -
defying imitation, unmatchable
673. Innocuous -
causing no harm
674. Inscrutable -
incapable of being discovered or understood
675. Insensible -
unconscious, unresponsive, unaffected
676. Insinuate -
suggest unpleasantly; make a way for something gently
677. Insipid -without
taste or flavor
678. Insouciant -
unconcerned, carefree
679. Insularity -
narrow-mindedness, isolated
680. Insurrection -
rising of people to open resistance to
681. Interdict -
prohibit, forbid
682. Interim - as an
683. Intersperse -
place here and there
684. Intervene - come
between; interfere to change the result
685. Intractable -
unruly, refractory, stubborn
686. Intransigence -
unwillingness to compromise, stubbornness,
687. Intransigent -
688. Intrepid –
fearless, brave, undaunted
689. Introspection -
examining one's own thoughts and feelings
690. Inundate -
flood; cover by overflowing
691. Inured -
accustomed to, adapted
692. Invective -
abusive language, curses
693. Inveigh - to
attack verbally, denounce, deprecate
694. Inveterate -
deep-rooted. long-established
695. Invincible - too
strong to be defeated
696. Involute -
697. Irascible -
irritable, easily angered
698. Irate -
699. Ire - anger
700. Irksome –
701. Irrelevant - not
relevant, not connected
702. Irresolute -
hesitating; undecided
703. Irrevocable -
final and unalterable
704. Itinerary - plan
for a journey, details or records of a route
705. Itinerate - to
travel from place to place, to peregrinate
706. Jabber -talk
excitedly; utter rapidly
707. Jeopardize - put
in danger
708. Jibe - gibe,
make fun of
709. Jocular - meant
as a joke
710. Judicious -
sound in judgment; wise
711. Knit - draw
together, unite firmly
712. Labyrinthine -
to entangle the state of affairs
713. Lachrymose -
causing tears, tearful
714. Lackluster - (of
eyes) dull, without bright
715. Laconic - brief,
to the point, terse
716. Lag - go too
717. Lament - show,
feel great sorrow
718. Lassitude -
weariness, tiredness
719. Latent - present
but not yet active, developed or visible
720. Laudatory -
expressing or giving praise
721. Lavish - giving
or producing freely, liberally or generously
722. Leakage - the
process of leaking
723. Legacy -
something handed down from ancestors
724. Levee - formal
725. Levity - lack of
726. Libel -
statement that damages reputation
727. Liberality -
free giving; generosity
728. Libertine -
immoral person
729. Lien - legal
claim until a debt on it is repaid
730. Limn - paint,
731. Limp - lacking
strength, walking unevenly
732. Lionize - treat
as a famous person
733. Lithe - bending,
734. Loll - rest, to
sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dog's tongue)
735. Lope - move
along with long strides
736. Loquacious -
talkative, garrulous
737. Lubricant -
substance that makes work easier
738. Lubricate - put
oil to make work easily
739. Lubricious -
lewd, wanton, greasy, slippery
740. Lucubrate -
write in scholarly fashion
741. Luculent -
easily understood, lucid, clear
742. Lugubrious -
mournful, excessively sad
743. Lull - become
quiet or less active
744. Lumber - move in
a clumsy/noisy way
745. Luminary - star,
light-giving body
746. Lurk - be out of
view ready to attack
747. Lustrous - being
bright, polished
748. Macabre -
gruesome, suggesting death
749. Macerate - make
or become soft by soaking in water
750. Machination -
plot, scheme (esp. evil)
751. Maladroit -
tactless, clumsy
752. Malapropism -
misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)
753. Malevolence -
wishing to do evil
754. Malign -
injurious, speak ill of somebody, tell lie
755. Malinger - to
fake illness or injury, in order to shirk a duty
756. Malleable -
yielding; easily shaped; moldable; adapting
757. Manacle - chains
for the hands or feet
758. Martial - brave,
of associated with war
759. Massacre - cruel
killing of a large number of people
760. Matriculation -
be admitted, enter a university as a student
761. Mature - come to
full development, to a state ready for use
762. Maudlin -
sentimental in a silly or tearful way
763. Maul - hurt by
rough handling
764. Maverick –
rebel, nonconformist
765. Mellifluous -
sweetly flowing
766. Mendacious -
767. Mendacity -
768. Mendicant - a
769. Mercurial -
quick, changeable in character, fleeting
770. Meretricious -
attractive on the surface but of little value
771. Mesmerize -
772. Meticulous -
giving great attention to details
773. Mettle - quality
of endurance or courage
774. Mettlesome -
courageous, high-spirited
775. Middling -fairly
good but not very good
776. Minatory -
menacing, threatening
777. Mince -
pronounce or speak affectedly, euphemize
778. Misanthrope -
person who hates mankind
779. Mischievous -
harmful, causing mischief
780. Miser - person
who loves wealth and spends little
781. Misogynist - one
who hates women/females
782. Missile -
something that is thrown or shot
783. Mitigate - make
less severe or painful
784. Moderation -
quality of being limited, not extreme
785. Mollify - make
calmer or quieter
786. Molt - moult,
lose hair, feathers before new growing
787. Morbid -
diseased, unhealthy (e.g.. about ideas)
788. Morose -
ill-tempered, unsociable
789. Mortuary - place
where dead bodies are taken to be kept until burial
790. Muffler - cloth
worn round the neck/silencer
791. Multifarious -
varied, motley, greatly diversified
792. Mundane -
worldly as opposed to spiritual; commonplace, everyday
793. Myriad - very
great number
794. Nadir -lowest,
weakest point
795. Nascent - coming
into existence, emerging
796. Nebulous -
cloud-like; hazy; vague; indistinct
797. Negligent -
taking too little care
798. Neophyte -
person who has been converted to a belief
799. Nexus - a
connection, tie, or link
800. Nibble - show
some inclination to accept (an offer)
801. Nice - precise,
sensitive to subtleness
802. Noisome -
offensive, disgusting (smell)
803. Nonchalant - not
having interest
804. Nonplused -
greatly surprised
805. Nostrum - a
quack remedy, an untested cure
806. Notion -
nominal, token
807. Noxious -
808. Nugatory –
809. Nullify - make
void and null
810. Numb – without
ability to feel or move
811. Numbness -
without ability to move a finger
812. Obdurate -
hardened and unrepenting; stubborn, inflexible
813. Obfuscate - to
darken, make obscure, muddle
814. Oblivious -
unaware, having no memory
815. Obloquy -
abusively detractive language, sharp criticism,
816. Obsequious - too
eager to obey or serve
817. Obsolete - no
longer used
818. Obstreperous -
noisy, loud
819. Obtain - to be
established, accepted, or customary
820. Obtrusive -
projecting, prominent, undesirably noticeable
821. Obtuse -
822. Obviate – to
make unnecessary, get rid of
823. Occluded -
blocked up
824. Occult - hidden,
concealed, beyond comprehension
825. Odious -
repulsive, hateful
826. Odium -
contempt, dislike, aversion
827. Odor - smell;
favor; reputation
828. Officious - too
eager or ready to help, offer advice
829. Ominous - threatening
830. Opaqueness -
dullness/not allowing light to pass through
831. Opprobrious -
showing scorn or reproach
832. Ossify - to turn
to bone; to settle rigidly into an idea
833. Ostensible -
seeming, appearing as such, professed
834. Ostentation -
display to obtain admiration or envy
835. Ostentatious -
fond of showing ostentation
836. Ostracism - shut
out from society, refuse to meet, talk
837. Ostrich -
fast-running bird unable to fly
838. Outset -
839. Overhaul -
examine thoroughly to learn about the condition
840. Overweening -
presumptuously arrogant, overbearing, immoderate,
being a jerk
841. Overwhelm -
weigh down, submerge
842. Paean - song of
praise or triumph
843. Palate - roof of
the mouth; sense of taste
844. Palatial -
845. Palliate - to
make something appear less serious, to alleviate, to
gloss over
846. Palpability -
can be felt, touched, understood
847. Palpitate -
tremble, beat rapidly and irregularly
848. Pan -
849. Panegyric -
formal praise, eulogy
850. Paradigm - a
model, example, or pattern
851. Parenthesis -
sentence within another one, something separated
852. Pariah - an
outcast, a rejected and despised person
853. Parsimonious -
too economical, miserly
854. Partisan -
one-sided, committed to a party, biased or prejudiced
855. Patron - regular
customer; person who gives support
856. Paucity -
scarcity, a lacking of
857. Peccadillo -
small sin; small weakness in one's character
858. Pedantic -
bookish, showing off learning
859. Pedestrian -
commonplace, trite, unremarkable
860. Pellucid -
transparent, easy to understand
861. Penchant -
strong inclination, a liking
862. Penitent -
feeling or showing regret
863. Penurious -
864. Penury - extreme
865. Peregrination -
traveling about, wandering
866. Peremptory -
urgent, imperative, unchallengeable, ending debate
867. Perennial -
lasting for a long time (e.g.. a year)
868. Perfidious -
treacherous, faithless
869. Perfidy -
treachery; breaking of faith
870. Perfunctory -
done as a duty without care
871. Perilous -
872. Peripatetic -
873. Perish - be
destroyed; decay
874. Perjury -
willful false statement, unlawful act
875. Permeate -
spread into every part of
876. Pernicious -
harmful, injurious
877. Perpetrate - be
guilty; commit (a crime)
878. Persevere - keep
on steadily, continue
879. Personable -
pleasing in appearance, attractive
880. Perspicacity -
quick judging and understanding
881. Pertain - belong
as a part, have reference
882. Pest - destructive thing or a person who is nuisance
883. Petrified -
taken away power (to think, feel, act)
884. Petrify - to
make hard, rocklike
885. Petrous - like a
rock, hard, stony
886. Petulant -
unreasonably impatient
887. Philistine - a
smug ignorant person; one who lacks knowledge
888. Phlegmatic -
calm, sluggish temperament; unemotional
889. Picaresque -
involving clever rogues or adventurers
890. Pied - of mixed
891. Pinch - be too
tight, take between the thumb and finger
892. Pine - waste
away through sorrow or illness
893. Pious - dutiful
to parents; devoted to religion
894. Piquant -
agreeably pungent, stimulating
895. Pique - hurt the
pride or self-respect, stir (curiosity)
896. Pitfall -
covered hole as a trap, unsuspected danger
897. Pith - essential
part, force, soft liquid substance
898. Pivotal - of
great importance (others depend on it)
899. Placate -
soothe, pacify, calm
900. Plaintive -
mournful, melancholy, sorrowful
901. Plaque - flat
metal on a wall as a memorial
902. Platitude - a
trite or banal statement; unoriginality
903. Plea -
904. Plead - address
a court of law as an advocate
905. Plethora –
906. Pliant -
pliable, easily bent, shaped or twisted
907. Plod - continue
doing something without resting
908. Pluck - pull the
feathers off, pick (e.g.. flowers)
909. Plumb - get to
the root of
910. Plummet - fall,
plunge, steeply
911. Plunge - move
quickly, suddenly and with force
912. Poignant -
deeply moving; keen
913. Poise - be
ready, be balanced, self-possession
914. Polemical -
controversial, argued
915. Poncho - large
piece of cloth
916. Ponderous -
heavy, bulky, dull
917. Portent - omen;
marvelous; threatening
918. Poseur - someone
taking on airs to impress others; a phony
919. Posture - state,
attitude; adopt a vain
920. Poverty - state
of being poor
921. Pragmatic -
practical, favoring utility
922. Precarious -
uncertain, risky, dangerous
923. Precept - moral
924. Precepts - rules
establishing standards of conduct
925. Precipitate -
throw something violently down from a height
926. Preclude -
prevent, make impossible
927. Precursory -
preliminary, anticipating
928. Predilection -
special liking, mental preference
929. Predominate -
have more power than others
930. Preempt - obtain
by preemption or in advance
931. Preen -
tidy/show self-satisfaction
932. Premature -
doing or happening something before the right time
933. Preponderance -
greatness in number, strength, weight
934. Presage -
warning sign
935. Presumption -
936. Preternatural -
not normal or usual
937. Prevalent -
938. Prevaricate - to
equivocate, to stray from the truth
939. Prim - neat;
940. Pristine -
primitive, unspoiled, pure, as in earlier times
941. Probity -
uprightness, incorruptibility, principle
942. Proclivity -
943. Procrast -
ination keeping on putting off
944. Prodigal -
wasteful, reckless with money
945. Prodigious -
enormous, wonderful
946. Profane -
worldly, having contempt for God
947. Profligacy -
shameless immorality
948. Profligate -
wasteful, prodigal, licentious, extravagant
949. Profundity -
950. Profuse -
951. Proliferate -
grow, reproduce by rapid multiplication
952. Prolix - tiring
because too long
953. Prone -
prostrate; inclined to (undesirable things)
954. Propagation -
increasing the number, spreading, extending
955. Propinquity -
nearness in time or place, affinity of nature
956. Propitiate - do
something to take away the anger of
957. Propitiatory -
conciliatory, appeasing, mitigating
958. Propitious -
auspicious, presenting favorable circumstances
959. Prosaic -
everyday, mundane, commonplace, trite, pedestrian
960. Proscribe -
denounce as dangerous
961. Protracted –
962. Provident -
frugal; looking to the future
963. Provisional - of
the present time only
964. Provoke - make
angry; vax
965. Prudence -
careful forethought
966. Prudish - easily
shocked, excessively modest
967. Prune - dried
plum, silly person
968. Pry - get smth;
inquire too curiously
969. Pucker - wrinkle
970. Pugnacious -
fond of, in the habit of fighting
971. Puissance -
972. Punch - strike
with the fist; tool for cutting holes; alc. drink
973. Punctilious –
precise, paying attention to trivialities
974. Pundit - pedant,
authority on a subject
975. Pungency -
sharpness; stinging quality
976. Purvey -
provide, supply
977. Pusillanimous –
cowardly, craven
978. Putrefaction -
becoming rotten
979. Pyre - large
pile of wood for burning
980. Quack - person
dishonestly claiming to smth
981. Quaff - drink
982. Quail - lose
courage, turn frightened
983. Qualm - feeling
of doubt, temporary feeling of sickness
984. Quandary - state
of doubt or perplexity
985. Quell -
suppress, subdue
986. Quibble - try to
avoid by sophistication
987. Quiescence -
state of being passive/motionless
988. Quiescent - at
rest, dormant, torpid
989. Quirk - habit or
action peculiar to somebody or smth
990. Quixotic -
generous, unselfish
991. Quotidian -
banal; everyday
992. Rabble -mob,
crowd; the lower classes of populace
993. Raconteur -
person who tells anecdotes
994. Radiant -
bright, shining
995. Raffish - low,
vulgar, base, tawdry
996. Rail at - find
fault, utter reproaches
997. Ramify - to be
divided or subdivided; to branch out
998. Rancorous -
feeling bitterness, spitefulness
999. Rant - use
extravagant language
1000. Rapacious -
greedy (especially for money)
1001. Rarefy - to
make thin, to make less dense, to purify or refine
1002. Rave - act with
excessive enthusiasm
1003. Reactionary -
opposing progress
1004. Rebuff -
1005. Recalcitrant -
1006. Recant - take
back as being false; give up
1007. Recast - cast
or fashion anew
1008. Recidivism -
relapse into antisocial or criminal behavior
1009. Reciprocity -
granting of privileges in return for similar
1010. Recital -
performance of music
1011. Recluse -
person who lives alone and avoids people
1012. Recompense - make
payment to; reward, punish
1013. Reconcile -
settle a quarrel; restore peace
1014. Recondite -
little known; abstruse
1015. Recourse -
something turned to for help
1016. Recreancy -
cowardice, a cowardly giving up
1017. Recuperate -
become strong after illness, loss, exhaustion
1018. Redeem - get
back by payment; compensate
1019. Redemptive -
serving to redeem
1020. Redoubtable -
formidable, causing fear
1021. Refine - make
or become pure, cultural
1022. Refractory -
stubborn, unmanageable, intractable
1023. Refulgent -
shining, brilliant
1024. Regale - to
delight or entertain; to feast
1025. Regicide -
crime of killing a king
1026. Reiterate - say
or do again several times
1027. Rejuvenation -
becoming young in nature or appearance
1028. Relapse -fall
back again
1029. Relinquish -
give up
1030. Reluctant -
unwilling or disinclined
1031. Remonstrate -
to protest, object
1032. Render -
deliver, provide, represent
1033. Renovate -
restore something to better condition
1034. Renowned -
celebrated, famous
1035. Rent - regular
payment for the use of smth, division or split
1036. Repast -
1037. Repel - refuse
to accept/cause dislike
1038. Repine at – be
discontented with
1039. Reproach -
scold, upbraid
1040. Reprobate -
person hardened in sin; one devoid of decency
1041. Repudiate -
disown, refuse to accept or pay
1042. Repulsive -
causing a feeling of disgust
1043. Requite -
repay, give in return
1044. Rescind -
1045. Resigned -
unresisting, submissive
1046. Resilience -
quality of quickly recovering the original shape
1047. Resolve -
1048. Resort to -
frequently visit
1049. Restive -
refusing to move; reluctant to be controlled
1050. Resurrect -
bring back into use
1051. Resuscitation -
coming back to consciousness
1052. Retard - check,
1053. Reticent -
reserved, untalkative, silent, taciturn
1054. Revere - have
deep respect for
1055. Reverent -
feeling or showing deep respect
1056. Riddle -
puzzling person or thing
1057. Rift - split,
crack, dissension
1058. Rivet - fix,
take up, secure; metal pin
1059. Roll call -
calling of names
1060. Rope - thick
strong cord made by twisting
1061. Rotund - rich
and deep; plump and round
1062. Rubric -
heading, title, or category
1063. Ruffian -
violent, cruel man
1064. Rumple - make
1065. Sagacious -
having sound judgment; perceptive, wise; like a sage
1066. Salacious -
1067. Salient -
prominent, protruding, conspicuous, highly relevant
1068. Salubrious -
1069. Salutary -
remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
1070. Sanctimony -
Self-righteousness, hypocritical, with false piety
1071. Sanction -
approval (by authority); penalty
1072. Sanguine -
cheerful, confident, optimistic
1073. Sanity - health
of mind; soundness of judgement
1074. Sap -
1075. Sash - long
strip worn round the waist
1076. Sate -
1077. Satiate -
satisfy fully
1078. Saturnine -
gloomy, dark, sullen, morose
1079. Savant - person
of great learning
1080. Savor - taste,
flavor smth
1081. Sawdust - tiny
bits of wood
1082. Scabbards -
heath for the blade
1083. Scent - smell
(especially pleasant)
1084. Scorch - become
discolored/dry up/go at high speed
1085. Scribble -
write hastily
1086. Scurvy - mean,
1087. Seal - piece of
wax, lead, etc stamped on the document
1088. Secular -
material (not spiritual); living outside monasteries
1089. Sedulous -
1090. Seminal - like
a seed; constituting a source, originative
1091. Sententious -
short and pithy, full of maxims/proverbs
1092. Sequence -
succession, connected line of
1093. Sere - make
hard and without feeling/mouldy flower.
1094. Sermon -
reproving a person for his faults
1095. Serrated -
having a toothed edge
1096. Serration -
having a toothed edge
1097. Servile - like
a slave, lacking independence
1098. Sever - break
1099. Severance -
1100. Shaft - arrow
or spear, something long and narrow
1101. Shallow -
little depth; not earnest
1102. Shard - piece
of broken earthenware
1103. Sheath - cover
for the blade of a weapon or a tool
1104. Shove -
1105. Shrewd -
astute; showing sound judgement
1106. Shrill - sharp,
1107. Shun - keep
away from; avoid
1108. Shunt - send
from one track to another; lay aside; evade discussion
1109. Sidestep - step
to one side
1110. Simper - (give
a) silly/self-conscious smile
1111. Sinuous -
winding, undulating, serpentine
1112. Skiff - small
1113. Skit - short
piece of humorous writing
1114. Slack -
sluggish; dull; not tight
1115. Slake - to
assuage, to satisfy, allay
1116. Slate - king of
blue-grey stone; propose; criticize
1117. Sluggard -
lazy, slow-moving person
1118. Slur - join
sounds/words (indistinct)
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