Almost all solved MCQs for you..

March 2022

Universe Information Solved MCQs
1. Which planet takes the largest time to go once around the Sun?
(a) Uranus
(b) Jupiter
(c) Neptune✔
(d) Pluto

2. A ‘black hole’ is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its
(a) Very small size
(b) Very large size
(c) Very high density✔
(d) Very low density

3.Which of the following planets is called evening star?
(a) Mars
(b) Mercury
(c) Venus✔
(d) Jupiter

4.What is the rank of the earth in the solar system in terms of size?
(a) Third
(b) Fourth
(c) Fifth✔
(d) Sixth

5.The planet with the shortest rotation time around its axis is
(a) Mercury
(b) Jupiter✔
(c) Earth
(d) Pluto

6.The planets are kept in motion in their respective orbits by the
(a) Rotation of the sun on its axis
(b) Gravitation and centrifugal forces✔
(c) Great size and spherical shape
(d) Rotation and the density of the planets

7.The theory that refers to an explosion about 10 to 15 billion years ago, which most
astronomers believe to be the origin of the Universe, is called
(a) The Red Shift Theory
(b) Relativity Theory
(c) Big Bang Theory✔
(d) Titanic Theory

8.Operation Path Finder was a mission to
(a) Sun
(b) Moon
(c) Mars✔
(d) Venus

9.Black holes are stellar objects which
(a) Emit black body radiation
(b) Have weak gravitational field
(c) Have intense gravitational field✔
(d) Have intense magnetic field.

10. During a solar eclipse, which of the following represents the relative position of the Sun. Moon and Earth correctly?
(a) The Sun in between the Earth and the Moon
(b) The Earth in between the Sun and the Moon
(c) The Moon in between the Sun and the Earth✔
(d) The Sun, Moon and Earth are not in a straight line

11. Which one of the following planets has the maximum number of satellites? (PMS
(a) Jupiter✔
(b) Uranus
(c) Saturn
(d) Venus

12. The distance of the planets from the sun in the increasing order is
(a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars✔
(b) Venus, Earth, Mars, Mercury
(c) Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus
(d) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth

13. The earth is the third nearest planet to the sun located between the planets
(a) Mars and Jupiter
(b) Venus and Mars✔
(c) Mercury and Venus
(d) Jupiter and Saturn

14. The planet, which is not only the smallest but also nearest to the sun, is
(a) Jupiter
(b) Mercury✔
(c) Mars
(d) Venus

15. How many are Satellites (Moons) of Saturn Planet? (PMS 2006)
(a) 27
(b) 36
(c) 47
(d) 56✔

16. Which of the following planets is farthest from the sun?
(a) Mercury
(b) Mars
(c) Neptune✔
(d) Uranus

17. Name two planets which appear as ‘morning’ star in the eastern sky and evening star in the western sky
(a) Mars and Venus
(6) Jupiter and Mars
(c) Saturn and Uranus
(d) Mercury and Venus✔

18. Name two planets lying between the sun and the earth
(a) Mercury and Mars
(b) Venus and Mars
(c) Mercury and Venus✔
(d) Jupiter and Saturn

19. How many times is the planet Saturn bigger than the earth (in diameter)?
(a) Four times (b) Six times
(c) Eight times (d) Ten times✔

20. Traveling at the speed of light one can travel how many times around the earth in one second?
(a) 3 times
(b) 5 times
(c) 7 times✔
(d) 9 times

21. Which planet is known as watery planet?
(a) Earth✔
(b) Mars
(c) Venus
(d) Mercury

22. In which part of the solar system is the sun
(a) At the top of the system
(6) At the bottom of the system
(c) At the left hand corner of the system
(d) Approximately at the center of the system✔

23. Which planet contains largest quantity of carbon dioxide i.e. 95%?
(a) Earth
(b) Jupiter
(c) Venus✔
(d) Mercury

24. How many times is the sun bigger in size than the earth?
(a) 69 times
(b) 89 times
(c) 99 times
(d) 109 times✔

25. The temperature at the surface of the sun and its center is respectively, about
(a) 6000 K and 20 million K✔
(b) 7000 K and 10 million K
(c) 8000 K and 16 million K
(d) 9000 K and 14 million K

26.The sun consists mostly of
(a) Helium
(b) Hydrogen✔
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Oxygen

27.Which of the following planets reflects back to space the highest percentage of light it receives from the sun than any other planet of the solar system?
(a) Earth
(b) Jupiter
(c) Mars
(d) Venus✔

28. All of the following planets have lesser diameter than the earth, except
(a) Jupiter✔
(b) Mars
(c) Mercury
(d) Venus

29. Which of the following planets takes very nearly the same time for a rotation on its own axis as does the earth?
(a) Jupiter
(b) Mars✔
(C) Neptune
(d) Uranus

30.The only planet in the solar system which rotates on its axis from East to West is
(a) Earth
(b) Jupiter
(c) Neptune
(d) Uranus✔

31.The largest number of natural satellites (moons) that any one of the planets of the solar system has is
(a) 5
(b) 22
(c) 63 (mid 2006)✔
(d) None of the above

32. Which of the following makes the planet Saturn unique in the solar family?
(a) It is the biggest among the planets
(b) There is a well developed system of rings around it✔
(c) It sends out very strong radio signals which sound like the noise of sea-waves
(d) It shows phases like those of the earth’s moon

33.Which of the following planets has almost the same mass, size and density as the earth?
(a) Venus✔
(b) Mars
(c) Saturn
(d) Uranus

34. The biggest star in our galaxy is
(a) Epsilon Aurigae
(b) Proxima Centauri✔
(c) Sirius
(d) Sun

35. Who was the second to observe sun-spots after Ibn Zubir?
(a) Galileo✔
(b) Halley
(c) Newton
(d) None of the above

36. What are sun-spots?
(a) These are great flames of gases which shoot out of the sun
(b) These are areas of the sun where nuclear fission takes place
(c) These are areas of the sun where the heat is most intense which shows up as dark spots
(d) These are cooler areas which move about on the sun’s surface and show up as dark spots✔

37. A light year, as a unit of measurement of distances of heavenly bodies, is equal to
(a) 6 million, million kms
(b) 7% million, million kms
(c) 9% million, million kms✔
(d) 11% million, million kms (speed of light is equal to 3,00,000 km/per sec)

38.The planet Neptune’s orbit around the sun takes about
(a) 247.7 years
(b) 165 years✔
(c) 84 years
(d) 29.5 years

39.The planets of the solar system travel with the sun through millions of stars in our galaxy at a speed of about
(a) 50,000 km/hour (b) 60.000 km/hour
(c) 70,000 km/hour✔ (d) 80.000 kmhour

40.What name is given to the path of the sun amongst the stars in our galaxy?
(a) Celestial sphere (b) Ecliptic
(c) Elliptical path✔ (d) Zodiacal signs

41. The visible part of the sun is called
(a) Ionosphere (b) Hydrosphere
(c) Photosphere✔ (d) Troposphere

42. When and by whom were the rings of Saturn discovered?
(a) Galileo, 1610✔
(b) Edmund Halley, 1882
(c) Newton; 1682
(d) Tycho Brahe, 1590

43. Light takes nearly 4 years to reach us from the nearest star. What is the distance
between that star and the earth?
(a) 2.18 x 1016
(b) 2.58 x 101m
(c) 3.18 x 1016
(d) 3.782 1016✔

44. “Galileo Satellites named after their discoverer, are four large moons of the
(a) Jupiter✔
(b) Neptune
(c) Saturn
(d) Uranus

45. Titan, the largest moon in the solar system, is also the largest moon of
(a) Jupiter
(b) Mars
(c) Saturn✔
(d) Uranus

46. Who was the first to speculate that Venus is completely covered with clouds?
(a) Christian Huygens✔
(b) Giordano Bruno
(c) Copernicus
(d) Descartes

47. Who was the first to determine that the day on the Mars was, like ours, roughly twenty- four hours long?
(a) Isaac Newton (b) Copernicus
(c) Giordano Burno✔ (d) Christians Huygens

48. How long does a sun-ray take to travel from the sun to the earth?
(a) 400 sec
(b) 450 sec
(c) 498 sec✔
(d) 600 sec

49. The comet, named after Edmund Halley, reappears after a time interval of every
(a) 36 years
(b) 76 years✔
(c) 116 years
(d) 156 years

50.The shape of our milky way galaxy is

PPSC Solved MCQs Paper Of Sub Inspector

1. Which city is the capital of Kenya?
(A) Nairobi ✔
(B) Naypyidaw
(C) Kigali
(D) Niamey

2. Rabat is the capital of:
(A) Oman
(B) Turkey
(C) Morocco✔
(D) Libya

3. Among the following prophets, whose nation
was awarded with Mano-Salwa?
(A) Hazrat Isa         (B) Hazrat Daud
(C) Hazrat Musa✔   (D) Hazrat Yunus

4. Who among the cousins of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was Mufasir e Quran?
(A) Abd Allah ibn Abbas✔
(B) Aqeel ibn Abi Talib
(C) Talib ibn Abi Talib
(D) All Ibn Abi Talib

5. WIPO stands for
(A) World Intellectual Persons Organization
(8) World Identification Property Organization
(C) World Intellectual Property Organization✔
(D) None of these

6. Which among the following is second largest
river after Amazon in South America?
(A) Congo      (B) Parana✔
(C) Orinoco (D) Paraguay

7. You should lay_______some money for your future
(A) Of
(B) by✔
(C) from
(D) with

8. Correct the sentence:______ Jeans was not permitted in this college,
(A) Were✔
(B) Was
(C) Had
(D) Will

9. One who cannot be changed or reformed:
(A) Invulnerable  (B) Hardened
(C) Incurable         (D) Incorrigible✔

10. What is the opposite of Indolent.
(A) Torpid
(B) Languid
(C) Inert
(D) Energetic✔

11. Which one is not a Multitasking operating System?
(A) Windows
(B) Linux
(C) Win NT
(D) DOS✔

12. Which one is the disadvantage of a laser printer?
(A) Quieter than an impact printer
(B) Very Slow
(C) Low Quality Output
(D) None of these✔

13. Dot Matrix printer is a type of:
(A) Impact Printer✔  (B) Laser Printer
(C) Ink Jet Printer       (D) None of these

14. Who was the Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army from 1951 to 1958?
(A) Yahya Khan  (B) Ayub Khan✔
(C) Tikka Khan   (D) Zia ul Haq

15. Which Pakistan calligrapher is famous all around the world?
(A) Sadequain✔ (B) Ahmad Khan
(C) Asghar Ali      (D) None of these

16. What is the ratio of unemployment in Pakistan:
(A) 5.79%✔
(B) 4.79%
(C) 6.79%
(D) 3.79%

17. CTRL + D is used in MS WORD for
(A) Delete Dialog Box
(B) Font Dialog Box✔
(C) Layout Dialog Box
(D) None of these

18. Hazrat Umar RA accepted Islam after hearing the recitation of which surah?
(A) Surah Muzammil
(B) Surah Taha✔
(C) Surah Nisa
(D) Surah Namal

19. Surah Momin is present in which Para of the Holy Quran?
(A) 24 Para✔
(B) 26 Para
(C) 28 Para
(D) 20 Para

20. Marathon a long distance foot rare has an official distance of
(A) 22 miles (B) 26 miles✔
(C) 20 miles (D) 30 miles

21. Which navy ship was in action during the war of 1965 and 1971?
(A) PNS Nasr        (B) PNS Ghazi✔
(C) PNS Hangor  (D) PNS Zulfiquar

22. Which is the largest ocean basin on Earth?
(A) Atlantic
(B) Indian
(C) Pacific✔
(D) Arctic

23. Who among the following is the torrent CEO of Google:
(A) Sateya Nadela  (B) Sundar Pichai✔
(C) Sergey Brin         (D) larry Page

24. Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the Moon followed by:
(A) Jeff Bezos   (B) Buzz Aldrin✔
(c) John Glenn  (D) Michael Collins

25. A man spends 35% of his income on food. 25% on children’s education and 80% of the remaining on house rent. What percent of his income he is left with?
(A) 6%
(B) 8%✔
(C) 10%
(D) 12%

26. Five years ago the average of A and B was 15 years. Average age of A, B and C today is 20 years how old will be after 10 years
(A) 10 years
(B) 20 years
(C) 30 years✔
(D) 40 years

27.  22 25 =
(A) 250
(B) 256
(C) 652
(D) 182✔

28. find the value of x
(A) 1
(B) 2

29. What is the meaning of MEANDER
(A) A curve path✔   (B) Circular Path
(C) Straight Path      (D) None of these

30. Sassi Punnu is a story of:
(A) Baluchistan
(B) Punjab
(C) Sindh✔
(D) KP

31. A person who talks too much is called
(A) Sociable
(B) Garrulous✔
(C) Gregarious
(D) None of these

32. Antonym of CONFESS.
(A) Accept
(B) Plead
(C) Guilty
(D) Deny✔

33. Asian Development Bank has its headquarters in Manila, with
countries as its members.
(A) 65
(B) 68✔
(C) 69
(D) 70

(A) 60
(B) 70✔
(C) 50
(D) 40

35. Siachin Glacier is in:
(A) Astor
(B) Baltistan✔
(C) Gilgit
(D) Hunza

36. ITAR-TASS is a news agency of
(A) England
(B) Sweden
(C) France
(D) Russia✔

37. Cathy Pacific is the flag carrier of:
(A) South Korea✔    (B) Hong Kong
(C) Singapore         (D) Indonesia

38. Which mountain range separate Asia from Europe?
(A) Ural Mountains✔
(B) Aral Mountains
(C) Hindukush Mountains
(D) None of these

39. Drama is a word of which language:
(A) Roman
(B) Greek✔
(C) Arabic
(D) French

40. Choose the correct spelling”?
(A) Occassionally
(B) Occassionaly
(C) Occasionally✔
(D) Ocassiomally

41. Ricky Ponting is a two time world cup winning captain from:
(A) Australia✔      (B) South Africa
(c) West Indies (D) New Zealand

42. How many start are there in Chinese flag?
(A) 4
(B) 5✔
(C) 6
(D) 7

43. The population census of 2017 was the census in the row
(A) 5th
(B) 6th
(C) 7th✔
(D) 6th

44. Muhammad Bin Salman has lifted the ban on Woman Driving as he claims to introduce
(A) Orthodox✔       (B) Modern
(C) Western         (D) None of these

45. Condoleezza Rice was
(A) USA Secretary of the State✔
(B) Defense Secretary of USA
(C) Both of these
(D) None of those

46. Which Congress leader thought after Lahore
Resolution that the partition was unavoidable?
(A) Moti Lal Nehru
(B) Raj Gopal Acharia✔
(C) GK Gokhle
(D) Gandhi

47. Muslims of India got right to separate electorate in the Act of:
(A) 1909✔
(B) 1919
(C) 1935
(D) 1946

48. which city was the temporary capital of Pakistan in 1960
(A) Rawalpindi✔
(B) Karachi
(C) Quetta
(D) None of these

49. Who among the following the first president of Congress?
(A) A O Hume✔ (B) WC Bonnerjee
(C) GK Gokhle    (D) None of these

50. Who among the following is credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni for the first time?
(A) Arif Lohar    (B) Amjad Lohar✔
(C) Alam Lohar  (D) None of these

51. Qawali was introduced in the 13th century by
(A) Fateh Ali Khan  (B) Amir Khustu
(C) Qutubudin✔          (D) None of these

52. Who among the following women won Nobel Prize twice?
(A) Irene Curie
(B) Marie Curie✔
(C) Mana Mayer
(D) Donna Strickland

53. Who was the first women head of Muslim Wamen Student’s Federation?
(A) Beghum Jehan ara
(B) Beghum Shaista Ikram Ullah✔
(C) Beghum Nusrat
(D) None of these

54. Currency of Kuwait is.
(A) Dinar✔
(B) Dirham
(C) Riyal
(D) Rupee

55. Nokia is a company based in:
(A) Denmark
(B) Scotland
(C) Finland✔
(D) Norway

56. Who among the following was the first president of Pakistan?
(A) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Iskandar Mirza✔
(C) Ayub Khan
(D) Bhutto

57. According to Legal Framework Order First General Election of Pakistan were held in
(A) 1966
(B) 1970✔
(C) 1977
(D) 1952

58. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar got his education from
(A) Madrassah Rahirmyah
(B) Islamia College Peshawar
(C) Ali Garh College✔
(D) None of these

59. Who was the defence minister of Pakistan in the government of PMLN
(A) Khawaja Asif✔
(B) Asif Kirmani
(C) Sheikh Rasheed
(D) Rashid Ahmad

60. Total number of representatives in senate from the provinces are
(A) 24
(B) 23✔
(C) 22
(D) 21

61. A clock seen in a mirror shows quarter past three. What is the actual time in the clock?
(A) 3:15
(B) 8:45✔
(C) 9:15
(D) 9:45

62. A cell in Excel is activated by:
(A) Pressing the Tab Key
(B) Clicking the cell
(C) Pressing an arrow key
(D) All of these✔

63. Which menu provides you options like Animation Scheme custom Animation Slide Transition?
(A) Insert Menu
(B) Format Menu
(C) Tools Menu
(D) Slide Show Menu✔

64. 1984 is a novel written by
(A) Christian Lamb
(B) Leo Tolstoy
(C) Haruki Murakami
(D) George Orwell✔

65. Which among the following prevents constipation?
(A) Glucose
(B) Fiber✔
(C) Fructose
(D) Proteins

66. Malaria affects which part of the body?
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Spleen✔
(D) None of these

67. What is the length of Pakistan India border?
(A) 1400 km (B) 1600 km✔
(C) 1800 km (D) 2100 km

68. When did Pakistan recognize People’s republic of China?
(A) 1948
(B) 1950✔
(C) 1949
(D) 1951

69. Tomb of Jahangir is in
(A) Sheikhupura  (B) Lahore✔
(C) Multan             (D) Bahwalpur

70. Ch. Rehmat Ali was buried at
(A) Canterbury (B) Cambridge✔
(C) Liverpool      (D) Manchester

71. Pakistan was officially renamed as Islamic Republic of Pakistan in.
(A) 1956
(B) 1962
(C) 1973✔
(D) None of these

72. Which among the following barrages is the oldest barrage of Pakistan?
(A) Sukhur Barrage✔
(B) Kotri Barrage
(C) Guddu Barrage
(D) Sulemanki Barrage

73. CFCs (Chloroflouro Carbons) are present in
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Refrigerators✔
(C) Engines
(D) lonosphere

74. Which Part of the Brain Regulates Body Temperature?
(A) cerebellum             (B) cerebrum
(C) hypothalamus✔  (D) medulla

75. Who among the following was First Chief Minister of Punjab?
(A) Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot✔
(B) Hussain Daultana
(c) Nawab of Kalabagh
(D) None of these

76. The Jury acquitted him murder
(A) For
(B) with
(C) of✔
(D) None of these

77. Art of writing codes and secret language is called?
(A) Cryptography✔   (B) Graphology
(C) Entomology       (D) Etymology

78. Who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations?
(A) U Thant
(B) Dag Hammarskjold
(C) Trygve Lie✔
(D) None of these

79. Year of Sorrow in Islam was
(A) 9th Nabvi
(B) 10 Nabvi✔
(C) 11 Nabvi
(D) 8 Nabvi

80. Babusar Pass connects
(A) Gilgrt and Hunza
(B) Abbotabad and Gilgit✔
(C) Abbotabad and Huza
(D) None of these

81. Who was the leader of Infidels in the battle of Uhud
(A) Abu Jahi     (B) Abu Sufyan✔
(C) Abu Lahb   (D) None of these

82. Who among the following angels stands guarded at the door of Hell?
(A) Maalik✔
(B) Karaman Katibeen
(C) Israfeel
(D) None of these

83. when all colors of the spectrum of sunlight combine which color is produced?
(A) Yellow
(B) White✔
(C) Green
(D) Blue

84. Goa was a colony of UK located in:
(A) Bhutan
(B) India✔
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Nepal

85. Muhammad Ali Clay became heavy weight champion by defeating.
(A) Mike Tyson
(B) Floyd Mayweather
(C) Sonny Liston✔
(D) Floyd Patterson

86. AIDS virus is called
(B) HIV✔
(D) None of these

87. Which SAARC country has Monarchy?
(A) Nepal
(B) Bhutan✔
(C) Maldives
(D) Bangladesh

88. Distance between the Sun and the Earth is smallest in the month of
(A) February      (B) January✔
(C) September  (D) December

89. Paw is to Cat as Hoof is to
(A) Dog
(B) Sheep
(C) Horse✔
(D) Carte

90. Labrador is a breed of
(A) Sheep’s
(B) Dogs✔
(C) Horses
(D) Fox

91. According to Quaid Kashmir is the Jugular vein of Pakistan because
(A) It is rich in mineral resources
(B) Most of the population is Muslim
(C) All major rivers originate from Kashmir✔
(D) None of these

92. “Philately” is a
(A) Science of drugs
(B) Stamp collection✔
(C) The study of written record
(D) The study of animal behavior

93. The world’s largest number of newspapers are published from
(A) America
(B) China
(C) Russia
(D) India✔

94. The most famous book of 2008 “The Way of the World-A story of truth and hope in an age of extremism is written by
(A) Ron Suskind✔
(B) HV Hudson
(C) William Congreve
(D) Ayesha Jalal

95. Green vegetables are good source of
(A) Starch
(B) Fats and Oil
(C) Protein
(D) Minerals and Vitamins✔

96. British East India Company was established during the reign of Mughal Emperor
(A) Akbar✔
(B) Jahangir
(C) Shahjahan
(D) Aurengzeb

97. Light travels from Sun to Earth in
(A) 499 0 seconds✔   (B) 599 0 seconds
(C) 699.0 seconds       (D) 799.0 seconds

98. What do understand by the term ‘Intifada?
(A) Reconciliation   (B) Uprising✔
(c) Offence                  (D) Negotiation

99. Which of the following rivers run through Paris?
(A) The Seine✔    (B) The Thames
(C) The Rhine       (D) The Danube

100. The Largest Section of Kurd population is living in:
(A) Iraq
(B) Iran
(C) Turkey✔
(D) Syria

ppsc cooperative societies past papers

1. Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of
(A) paint
(B) paper✔
(C) ink
(D) gun powder

2. Fathom is the unit of
(A) Sound
(B) Depth✔
(C) Frequency
(D) Distance

3. Which is/are the important raw material(s) required in cement industry?
(A) gypsum and clay
(B) clay
(C) limestone and clay✔
(D) limestone

4.When League of Nations formally came into existence
(A) Jan, 10 1920✔
(B) Oct, 24 1945
(C) Sep, 16 1919
(D) Aug. 9 1947

5. When United Nations came into existence officially?
(A) June 8, 1945
(B) Oct, 24 1945✔
(C) Sep 21 1945
(D) December, 1945

6. How many nations have joined United Nations?
(A) 206
(B) 199
(C) 195
(D) 193✔

7. Who was the founder of Mughal Empire?
(A) Zahir Uddin Babar✔
(B) Nasir Uddin
(C) Akbar the great
(D) Aurang Zaib

8. World’s longest Street is
(A) Wall Street
(B) Downing Street
(C) Yonge Street✔
(D) Ballwing Street

9. Curzon line is the polish Russian Frontier named after
(A) Lord Curzon✔
(B) Lord Curzon II
(C) Lord tally Curzon
(D) none of these

10. Elgin Street is situated in
(A) Canada✔
(B) Argentina
(C) Scotland
(D) UK

11. World’s Deepest Sea port of is
(A) Gwadar✔
(B) Rotterdam
(C) Doha
(D) Naples

12. Tripoli is the seaport of which country?’
(A) UK
(B) Libya✔
(C) Italy
(D) France

13. Amsterdam and Rotterdam are the famous Sea ports of
(A) Italy
(B) France
(D) Netherlands✔

14. The Mughal Empire was founded in
(A) 1512
(B) 1817
(C) 1525✔
(D) 1530

15. When did Yuri Gagarin of Russia, the first man to reach space?
(A) 1960
(B) 1961✔
(C) 1962
(D) 1963

16. Which country is called the Sick Man of Europe?
(A) Turkey✔
(B) Belgium
(C) Bulgaria
(D) Finland

17. Land of South Slaves is the epithet of
(A) France
(B) Finland
(C) Yugoslavia✔
(D) Bolivia

18. Which city is known as the city of graveyards?
(A) Delhi
(B) Multan✔
(C) Mahengo-Daro
(D) Baghdad

19. Thomas cup is associated with
(A) Badminton✔
(B) Billiards
(C) Lawn tennis
(D) Table tennis

20. Biggest Fresh Water Lake of the world is
(A) Tango lake
(B) Superior✔
(C) Victoria
(D) Baikal

21. Term checkmate is used in
(A) Snooker
(B) carom
(C) Tablie tennis
(D) chess✔

22. Wimbledon is a place connected
(A) Lawn Tennis✔
(B) Badminton
(C) Cricket
(D) Table Tennis

23. Fort William College Calcutia was established
(A) 1790
(B) 1800✔
(C) 1802
(D) None of these

24. The term chukar is used in
(A) Polo✔
(B) Horse racing
(C) Wrestling
(D) Rifle shooting

25. Which of the following games is not included in the Olympic Games?
(A) Skiing
(B) Cycling
(C) Cricket✔
(D) Archery

26. Queensberry rules is the name given to the rules in
(A) Boxing✔
(B) Football
(D) Cricket

27. To which sport Ashes term is associated?
(A) Basketball
(B) Cricket✔
(C) Hockey
(D) Volleyball

28. Sumatra Island is under the authority of:
(A) Indonesia✔
(B) Malaysia
(C) Japan
(D) Korea

29. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor General of Pakistan from 15 August 1947 to
(A) 11 Sep 1948✔
(B) 11 Aug 1948
(C) 11 Oct 1948
(D) None of these

30. Who was the 2nd Governor General of Pakistan?
(A) M. Ali Bogra
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Khawaja Nazimuddin✔
(D) Iskandar Mirza

31. The term Butterfly Stroke is associated with
(A) Wrestling
(B) Badminton
(C) Kabaddi
(D) Swimming✔

32. Radium was discovered by
(A) Marie Curie✔
(B) Samuel colt
(C) Thomas Alva
(D) Edison

33. Which news agency belongs to Belgium?
(D) None of these

34. BERNAMA is the news agency
(A) Malaysia✔
(B) Indonesia
(C) Burma
(D) Thailand

35. Airplane Jet Engine was invented by
(A) Franklin
(B) Wright Brothers
(C) Hans von Ohain✔
(D) Marcus

36. Elgin Street is situated in
(B) Australia
(C) Scotland
(D) UK✔

37. World’s shortest street is
(A) Fleet Street
(B) Downing Street
(C) Elgin Street✔
(D) Bond Street

38. Deficiency of chloride causes impaired growth in
(A) Animal
(B) Basic Organ
(C) Young man
(D) Infants✔

39. Airplane with motor was invented by
(A) Pascal
(B) Wright brothers
(C) Charles✔
(D) None of these

40. Charles Babbage is known as
(A) Father of information technology
(B) Bather of chemistry science
(C) Father of computer✔
(D) None of these

41. Which city is called city of popes?
(A) Vatican City
(B) Moscow
(C) Rome✔
(D) None of these

42. Egypt is also known as
(A) Ancient Site
(B) Land of Mountains
(C) Land of Pyramids
(D) Glory of Nile✔

43. Pakietan oldest Airline is
(A) Onent airways✔
(B) Shaheen Airline
(D) Air Blue

44. Lufthansa airline belongs to
(A) Austria
(B) Russia
(C) Switzerland
(D) Germany✔

45. Which continent has maximum number of countries?
(A) Africa✔
(B) Asia
(C) Europe
(D) North America

46. Which of the following is the biggest state of USA?
(A) Chicago
(B) Alaska✔
(C) Los Angeles
(D) Hawaii

47. When President Ghulam shag khan dissolved Assembly?
(A) 1990
(B) 1992
(C) 1993✔
(D) None of these

48. Benazir Bhutto took the oath as prime Minister for her first term in
(A) August 1988
(B) July 1988
(C) November 1988
(D) December 1988✔

49. Taskhkent pact was signed with india in
(A) 1960
(B) 1966✔
(C) 1972
(D) 1988

50. Prince Saud bin Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud is the Foreign Minister of
(A) Qatar
(B) Saudi Arabia✔
(C) Iran
(D) Yemen

51. Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial from on paper?
(A) Mouse
(B) plotter✔
(C) Touch panel
(D) Card punch

52. The list of coded instructions is called
(A) Computer program✔
(B) Algorithm
(C) Flowchart
(D) Utility programs

53. A single packet on a data link is known as
(A) Path
(B) Frame✔
(C) Block
(D) Group

54. The process of communicating with a file from a terminal is
(A) Interactive
(B) Interrogation✔
(C) Heuristic
(D) All of the above

55. Wood is the main raw material for the manufacture of
(A) Paint
(B) Paper✔
(C) Ink
(D) Gun powder

56. Fathom is the unit of
(A) Sound
(B) Depth✔
(C) Frequency
(D) Distance

57. Which is the important raw material (s) required in cement industry
(A) Gypsum and clay
(B) Clay
(C) Limestone and Clay✔
(D) Limestone

58. One kilometer is equal to how many miles?
(A) 0.84
(B) 1.2
(C) 1.6
(D) 0.62✔

59. International Court of Justice consist of how many judges
(A) 10
(B) 11
(C) 15✔
(D) 9

60. Where is the headquarters of International Court of Justice?
(A) London
(B) Hague✔
(C) Bern
(D) Moscow

61. Economic and Social Council consist of how many members
(A) 54✔
(B) 45
(C) 55
(D) 15

62. SAARC was established in the year of
(A) 1981
(B) 1986
(C) 1985✔
(D) 1984

63. In which city the first SAARC summit was held
(A) Colombo✔
(B) Islamabad
(C) Kabul
(D) katmandu

64. In Acronym SAARC “R” stands for
(A) Regional✔
(B) Reprehensive
(C) Rights
(D) reputed

65. House of Commons is the parliament of
(A) Canada
(B) England✔
(C) Mauritania
(D) France

66. Federal Assembly is the name of parliament of
(A) Swaziland
(B) Nigeria
(C) Germany
(D) Switzerland✔

67. 49 parallel line is the boundary line situated between
(A) Canada, USA✔
(B) Pakistan India
(C) China, India
(D) None of these

68. Vicolo della virilita is the world’s narrowest Street its total width is
(A) 175 inches
(B) 16.9 inches✔
(C) 17 9 inches
(D) 16.5 inches

69. Mention the discovery of Hertz
(A) Electric current
(B) Electromagnetism
(C) Electron
(D) Electric waves✔

70. Erythromycin was discovered by
(A) Abelard Aquila✔
(B) Forest
(C) Macleod
(D) Watson

71. Charles Darwin’s Theory of Revolution came:
(A) 1853
(B) 1886✔
(C) 1858
(D) 1885

72. Periodic table was presented by
(A) Kepler
(B) Mathew
(C) Mendeleyev✔
(D) Barnard

73. Quantum Theory was the work of
(A) Max Plank✔
(B) Michael Faraday
(C) Chadwick
(D) Einstein

74. Number of countries in Asia
(A) 54
(B) 46
(C) 39
(D) 44✔

75. Number of countries in Europe
(A) 54
(B) 46✔
(C) 39
(D) 44

76. Gulf of Sidra is located in
(A) Libya✔
(B) Oman
(C) Yemen
(D) Iran

77. Biggest bay of the world is
(A) Hudson bay✔
(B) Bay of san Francisco
(C) Bay of Fonda
(D) Bay of Bengal

78. Gulf of loin is in
(A) Somalia
(B) France✔
(C) Germany
(D) Ethiopia

79. who is the current president of Pakistan Muslim league (N)?
(A) Nawaz Sharif
(B) Shahbaz Sharif
(C) Zafar ul haq✔
(D) Iqbal Zafar Jhagra

80. Who is the chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party?
(A) Asif Ali Zardari
(B) Bilawal Zaredari✔
(C) Ghinwa Bhutto
(D) Asfa Zardari

81. Which of the following city metro bus service will be available soon?
(A) Multan✔
(B) Faisalabad
(C) Hyderabad
(D) All of them

82. What is the height of Minar-i- Pakistan
(A) 196 B feet✔
(B) 190.3 feet
(C) 198 feet
(D) None of these

83. Who built the Shahi fort Lahore?
(A) Alamgir
(B) Aurangzeb
(C) Akbar✔
(D) Jahangir

84. Famous Masjid Wazir Khan is located in Lahore near
(A) Yakki gate
(B) Lohari
(C) Bhati gate
(D) Dehli Gate✔

85. Which of the following is the Pakistan largest university?
(A) Agriculture University, Faisalabad
(B) Punjab university, Lahore✔
(c) Karachi university
(D) University of Sargodha

86. Which of the following city is known as “City of Eagles”?
(A) Sargodha✔
(B) Lahore
(C) Sialkot
(D) Peshawar

87. Citrus capital of Pakistan is
(A) Multan
(B) Sargodha✔
(C) Islamabad
(D) Lahore

88. Famous Islamia College Peshawar was founded in
(A) 1900
(B) 1905
(C) 1913✔
(D) 1915

89. Which mountain range separate Baluchistan from Sindh?
(A) Himalayas
(B) Karakoram
(C) Kirthar✔
(D) Suleiman

90. Which country won Asia cup 2014
(A) Pakistani
(B) India
(C) Bangladesh✔
(D) Sri Lanka

91. Who in the leader of opposition in national assembly?
(A) Syed Khursheed Shah✔
(B) Imran Khan
(C) Sheikh Rasheed
(D) Bilawal Zardari

92. In 2013 General Elections Pakistan Muslim league (N) won seats of National
(A) 172
(B) 186✔
(C) 190
(D) 165

93. Which country won the most medals in Sochi 2014 winter Olympics?
(A) Russia✔
(B) Norway
(C) Canada
(D) United States

94. Dakar is the capital of
(A) Portugal
(B) Poland
(C) Philippines
(D) Senegal✔

95. Ruble is the currency of Russia and its capital is
(A) Warsaw
(B) Moscow✔
(C) Amsterdam
(D) Manila

96. Doha, Lisbon and manila are the respectively capitals of
(A) Qatar. Poland and Portugal
(B) Qatar, Philippines and Nigeria
(C) Qatar, Portugal and Philippines✔
(D) Qatar, Warsaw and Dakar

97. Mascat, Oslo and Niamey belongs to
(A) Oman. Norway and Niger✔
(B) New Zealand, Oman and Norway
(C) Oman, Mongolia and Niger
(D) “None of these

98. Who is the leader of opposition in national Assembly?
(A) Syed Navver Bukhari
(B) Farooq Naik
(C) Khursheed Shah✔
(D) None of these

99. Who is the president of Pakistani Tehrik-e- Insaf?
(A) Imran Khan
(B) Sham Mehmood
(C) Ch Muhammad sarwar✔
(D) Azam khan Swati

100. Who is the Governor of Baluchistan?
(A) Aslam Raisani
(B) Ghous Bakhsh
(C) Abdul Malik Baloch
(D) Mehmud Achakzai✔

Inspector Inland Revenue

1. Appropriate officer” means an ________ authorized by the Board by notification in the official Gazette to perform certain functions under this Act
a) Assistant Commissioner Inland Revenue
b) Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue
c) Commissioner Inland Revenue
d) Officer of Inland Revenue✔

2. A registered person becomes an inactive taxpayer if it satisfies all
the following conditions except:
a) Fails to file tax return by the due date for one month✔
b) Fails to files return by the due date for two consecutive months

c) Fails to files return by the due date far three consecutive months

d) Fails to files return by the due date for four consecutive months

3. The Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue is established under Section
a) 128 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
b) 129 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
c) 130 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001✔
d) 131 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

4. A person will become an Inactive taxpayer if satisfies all the following conditions except:
a) Tax return statement under Sections 114 or 115 under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
b) who fails to file two consecutive monthly or an annual withholding tax statement under Section 165 of the Income Tax Ordinance. 2001?
c) Does not File any tax return✔
d) Files Tax Returns statements, monthly and annual statements

5. Active taxpayer is a person who does not falls in the category of
a) blacklisted
b) whose registration is suspended
c) Fails to file his tax return under Section 114(4) of the ITO 2001
d) Fails to file his tax return u/s 26 for consecutive two months✔
e) All of the above.

6. The Sales tax due and payable by in relation to a person under this Act, which has not yet been paid on that day shall be called as __
a) Default
b) Penalty
C) Arrears✔
d) Surcharge

7. Two persons shall not be associates solely by reason of the fact that
a) one person is an employee of the other or both persons are employees of a third person✔
b) Both are partners in a concern
c) Both hold shares in a partner concern
d) Both are employing same staff for a task

8. Two persons are not associates it.
a) They have no influential relationship. stake or concern or they can’t act in✔ accordance with each other
b) They have a relationship of influence
c) They can be expected to act in accordance to each other
d) both persons may reasonably be expected to act in accordance with the intentions of a third person

9. Following shall be treated as associates According to Section
a) Government and Opposition
b) Government and Contractor
c) Owner and buyer✔
d) An individual and а relative of the individual

10. An AOP i.e. “association of persons can be any of the following except
a) a firm
b) a Hindu undivided family,
c) anybody of persons formed under a foreign law,
d) a company✔

10. An AOP i.e. “association of persons can be any of the following except
a) a firm
b) a Hindu undivided family,
c) anybody of persons formed under a foreign law,
d) a company✔

11. According to Section 2(5A) a Common taxpayer identification
number is only one of the following:
a) Registration number✔
b) NTN number
d) FTN

12. According to Section 2(5AA) a company can be any of the following except:
a) a company as defined in the Ordinance, 1984 (XL VII of 1984)

b) a body corporate formed by or under any law in force in Pakistan
c) a modaraba
d) A joint venture of two companies✔

13. Following Societies shall by fiction of law have their identity as company According to Section2(5AA) except:
a) a simple housing society✔
b) a co-operative society
c) a finance society
d) any other society established or constituted by or under any law for the time being in force

14. Cottage industry is exclusively defined for a
a) Retailer
b) Wholesaler
c) Manufacturer✔
d) Distributor

15. A manufacturer is said to be a “cottage industry if its annual turnover from taxable supplies made in any tax period during the last twelve months ending any
tax period does not exceed:
a) Two million rupees
b) Three million rupees
c) Four million rupees
d) Ten million rupees✔

16. A manufacturer is said to be a “cottage industry if its annual Utility (electricity gas telephone) bills during the last twelve months ending any tax period do not exceed
a) Rs 800,000/-✔
b) Rs 700,000/.
C) Rs 600,000/-
d) Rs. 500,000/-

17. All of the following except one falls in the category of defaulter According to Section 2(6A):
a) Person✔
b) Friend
c) Relative
d) Stranger

18. All of the following fall in the category of defaulter According to Section 2(6A) in case of a company or firm except:
a) Employee✔
b) Guarantors or Successors
c) Director
d) Partner

19. According to Section 217) a Distributor can be appointed by
any one of the following except:
a) manufacturer
b) importer
c) any other person
d) distributor✔

20. According to Section 2(7) a Distributor can be appointed to operate:
a) in area of manufacturer only
b) In a specified area✔
c) In an economic zone
d) In an industrial zone

21. According to Section 2(7) a “Distributor can be any one of the following except:
a) Wholesaler
b) Retailer
C) Manufacturer✔
d) General Order Supplier

22. According to Section 2(9) “due date in relation to the furnishing of a return under Section 26 means
a) the 15th day of the month following the end of the tax period✔
b) the 14th day of the month following the end of the tax period
c) the 13th day of the month following the end of the tax period
d) the 12th day of the month following the end of the tax period

23. According to Section 219A) ‘e-intermediary means a person appointed as e-intermediary under Section 52A for filing of electronic returns and such other documents as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time, on behalf of a
a) registered person✔
b) suspended person
c) blacklisted
d) de-registered person

24. According to Section 2(10) an “establishment” is all of the following except:
a) an undertaking
b) firm or company
c) an association of persons or an individual
d) Relative✔

25. Exempt supply is defined in Section:
a) 11
b) 12
c) 13✔
d) 14

26. According to Section 2(12) only one of the following falls under
the definition of goods
a) Money
b) Moveable property✔
c) Stocks
d) Shares

27. According to Section 2(14) input tax will be allowed to
a) Blacklisted person
b) Registered person✔
c) Suspended person
d) Unregistered person

26. According to Section 2(14) input tax means
a) tax levied under this Act on commission transfer arrangement of goods to the person
b) tax levied under this Act on supply of goods to the person✔
c) tax levied under this Act on destruction of goods to the person
d) tax levied under this Act on no supply of purchase to the person

29. Input tax credit is allowed on all except one of the following only:
a) Provincial Sales Tax levied on services peidered or provided to the person
b) Tax levied under this Act on supply of goods to the person
c) On The Import of goods by the person
d) District Sales Tax levied under this Act on the import of goods by the person✔

30. According to Section 2(14) input tax is allowed on any one of the
following except:
a) Tax levied under this Act on the import of goods by levied under Federal Excise Act, 2005 in Income tax mode
b) tax levied under the Federal Excise Act, 2005 in Provincial Excise tax mode
c) tax levied under the Federal Excise Act, 2005 in sales tax mode✔
d) tax levied under the Federal Excise Act, 2005

31. According to Section 2(20) output tax is valid for all except:
a) tax levied under this Act on a supply of goods, made by the person
b) tax levied under the Federal Excise Act, 2005 in sales tax mode✔
c) Provincial sales tax levied on services rendered or provided by the person
d) tax levied under this Act on the import of goods by the person

32. Open market price” means the consideration in money which that supply or a similar supply would generally fetch in:
a) Stock Exchange
b) an open market✔
c) an open shop
d) an open plaza

33. Following doesn’t fall in the definition of a “person” According
to Section 2(21) of the Sales Tax Act 1990:
a) An individual
b) Provincial Government
c) Federal Government✔

34.Fiscal Policy deals with_____
a Spending
b. Expenditure
c. Revenue Collection
d. Taxes
e. All of above.✔

35. Fiscal Policy is used by the government to _____ in the country?
a. Budget
b. Spending and Revenues
C. Influence the economy
d. All of the above.✔

36. Fiscal Deficit is the gap between:
a. Revenue Expenditures✔
b. Imports and Exports
C. Reserves and Borrowings
d. None of the above

37.Fiscal Deficit is measured in terms of % of
a. Gross Domestic Product country✔
b. Country’s borrowings
c. Country Reserve
d. All Of Above

38. Fiscal Policy Statement is prepared as requirement under
a. Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act 2005✔
b. Public Finance Management Act 2019
c. Finance Act
d. Income Tax ordinance 2001

39. Fiscal Policy Statement is laid before
a.  National Assembly✔
b.  Senate
C. President
d. Prime Minister

40. Fiscal Policy Statement answers:
a. Total Expenditure & Total Net Revenue
b. Total Fiscal Deficit
c. Total Fiscal Deficit Excluding Foreign Grants
d. Total Public Debt & Per Capita Debt
e. All of Above✔

41. Total tax revenue for the year 2021-22 has been estimated to be Rs.
a. 5500 Billion
b. 5.829 Billion
C. 5800 Billion✔
d. 6010 Billion

42. The total revenue receipts for the FY 2021-22 have been estimated
to be Rs.
a. 7.908 Billion
b. 7708 Billion✔
с. 6608 Billion
d. 750B Billion

43. The total budgetary outlay for the FY 2021-22 is Rs
a. 10,262 Billion✔
b. 10, 500 Billion
C. 10363 Billion
d. 10793 Billion

44. The total current expenditure for the FY 2021-22 have been
estimated to be Rs.
a. 9,124 Billion✔
b. 8124 Billion
C. 7124 Billion
d. 6124 Billion

45. The total development expenditure for the FY 2021-22 have been
estimated to be Rs.
a. 1127 Billion
b. 1137 Billion✔
C. 1227 Billion
d. 1237 billion

46. Provincial share in federal taxes is Rs Billion for the FY 2021-22.
a. 3242
b. 3411✔
C. 3324
d. 3900

47. The government has planned to raise Rs
from external sources (Debt) for the FY 2021-22.
a. 2700
b. 2747✔
C. 2827
d. 2847

48. Fiscal Deficit for the last financial year has been
a. 7%-7.5%✔
b. 8%
C. 9%
d. 6%

49. The budget deficit stood at Rs3,375 billion or percent
of GDP for the fiscal year 2019-20
a. 9%
b. 8.1 %✔
с. 7.5 %
d. 6%

50. The total external debt has reached to the tune of Billion USD
a. 110
b. 115
c. 116✔
d. 118


1. Ahmed Khan Kharal of Neeli Bar was a
(A) Freedom Fighter✔  (B) Punjabi Poet
(C) Historian  (D) Mughal Architect

2. The Battle of Plassey was fought in 1787 by Robert Clive against
(A) Sirajuddin✔ (B) Tipu Sultan
(C) Mir Jaffar (D) Mir Qasim

3. The Second World War was fought between the years
(A) 1938 – 1945 (B) 1939 – 1945✔
(C) 1935 – 1942 (D) 1936 – 1946

4. Aden is a port city of
(A) Oman
(B) Eritrea
(C) Yemen✔
(D) Djibouti

5. Ho Chi Minh was the independence leader of
(A) Thailand      (B) Philippines
(C) Vietnam✔ (D) Myanmar

6. The Headquarters of GCC is in
(A) Riyadh✔
(B) Jeddah
(C) Bahrain
(D) Kuwait

7. The old name of Sri Lanka was
(A) Ceylon✔
(B) Lacca deep
(C) Ravan
(D) Maldives

8. The Headquarters of World Trade Organization is in
(A) Lausanne
(B) Geneva✔
(C) Bale
(D) Strasburg

9. Dmitry Medvedev is ________ of Russia
(A) Prime Minister✔
(B) President
(C) Business tycoon
(D) Film Director

10. Area wise the largest country in the world is:
(A) Canada
(B) Indonesia
(C) China
(D) Russia✔

11. Ancient city of Byzantium is today known as:
(A) Ankara
(B) Istanbul✔
(C) Izmir
(D) Antalya

12. Chinese currency is known as:
(A) Yuan✔
(B) Yen
(C) Dong
(D) Ringgit

13. UN General Assembly meets every year for the new session in which month?
(A) October
(B) September✔
(C) August
(D) November

14. The capital city of Cuba is:
(A) Rio de Janeiro (B) Brasilia
(C) Mar del Plata (D) Havana✔

15. ECO Secretariat is located in:
(A) Tabriz
(B) Istanbul
(C) Tehran✔
(D) Ashgabad

16. Astana is the capital city of
(A) Kyrgyzstan (B) Turkmenistan✔
(C) Azerbaijan (D) Kazakhstan

17. “Humayun Nama” was written by:
(A) Altaf Gauhar (B) Gulbadan Begum
(C) Nur Jehan (D) Emperor Akbar✔

18. Agarthala city made famous by 1968 conspiracy case is located in:
(A) Myanmar
(B) Bangladesh
(C) India✔
(D) Nepal

19. Kamran’s Bara-Dari in Lahore is named after
(A) Babur’s father
(B) Humayun’s brother✔
(C) Sher Shah Suri’s father
(D) Akbar’s uncle

20. Allama Inyatallah Mashriqi was the founder of:
(A) Anjuman Himayat-e-Islam
(B) Arafat Magazine
(C) MAO College Lahore
(D) Khaksar Movement✔

21. In 1867 which dispute laid the foundation of “Two Nation Theory” in India?
(A) Share in Federal Government
(B) Attack on each other’s religious beliefs
(c) Urdu-Hindi Controversy✔
(D) Financial disparity

22. In 1886, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded:
(A) MAO College, Aligarh
(B) Muhammadan Educational Conference✔
(C) MAO Aligarh School
(D) “Tehzib-ul-Ikhalq”

23. At the time of Bengal’s partition (1905) who was the Governor Genera of India?
(A) Lord Mayo (B) Lord Curzon✔
(C) Lord Clive (D) Lord Wavell

24. Who lead the Simla Deputation during meeting with Governor Geneal Lord Minto in 1906
(A) Sir Agha Khan✔
(B) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(C) NawabSalim-ullah-Khan
(D) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

25. The year 1916 A.D. is significant due to
(A) Hindu-Muslim riots
(B) Lucknow Pact✔
(C) Annulment of Bengal’s partition
(D) Dismissal of Indian Governor General

26. Gandhi emerged as a top-notch leader in India after:
(A) Jinnah’s joining of Muslim League
(B) Lucknow Pact
(c) Partition of Bengal
(D) Khilafat Movement✔

27. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were announced in,
(A) 1919✔
(B) 1906
(C) 1921
(D) 1930

28. Who presided over Allahabad Session of Muslim League in 1930?
(A) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(B) Sir Agha Khan
(C) Hakim Ajmal Khan
(D) Allama Iqbal✔

29. Who was the Governor General of India before Lord Mountbatten?
(A) Lord Wavell✔  (B) Lord Irwin
(C) Lord Minto   (D) None of them

30. Which of them arrived in India in 1942?
(A) Simon Commission
(B) Cripps Mission✔
(C) Cabinet Mission
(D) None of them

31. Who is considered to be the Chief Architect of 1956 Constitution?
(A) Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Skindar Mirza
(C) Muhammad All Bogra
(D) Ch. Muhammad Ali✔

32. Before elevation as Governor General in 1951. Mr Ghulam Muhammad was.
(A) Finance Minister✔
(B) Governor of East Pakistan
(C) Secretary General of Pakistan Government
(D) Speaker of National Assembly

33. The hierarchical structure of the Basic Democracies (BD) introduced by President Ayub Khan was:
(A) Two-tier
(B) three-tier
(C) four-tier
(D) five-tier✔

34. During the 1965-war, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan was
(A) Muhammad Ali Bagra
(B) Munzur Qadir
(C) Z.A. Bhutto✔
(D) Sir Zafar Ullah

35. “Agartala Conspiracy” Case was launched in:
(A) 1968✔
(B) 1969
(C) 1963
(D) 1951

36. Which political party of Pakistan was established on 30th November 1967?
(A) Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Islam
(B) Jamatislami
(C) National Awami Party
(D) Pakistan Peoples Party✔

37. On 20th December 1971, who became the President of Pakistan?
(A) Nur-ul-Amin
(B) Fazallllahi Ch.
(c) Gen. Yahya Khan
(D) ZA Bhutto✔

38. According to Land Reforms of 1972, the ownership of irrigated land was restricted to:
(A) 150 acres✔ (B) 200 acres
(C) 250 acres (D) 500 acres

39. The title of Stanley Wolpert’s famous book on ZA Bhutto is
(A) “Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan”✔
(B) “A leader called Bhutto”
(C) “Bhutto-the leader”
(D) “A Charismatic leader”

40. During the anti-government movement of 1977, who was the President of PNA?
(A) Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan
(B) Maulana Muffti Mehmud
(C) Air Marshall (Retd) Asghar Khan✔
(D) Khan Abdul Wali Khan

Physical Education solved MCQs

1. Muscle training is not effective on ______
(A) Change in muscle structure
(B) Increase in muscle fibers
(C) Increase in muscle strength
(D) Increase in muscle endurance
Answer .D

2. Which of the following game was developed from ’The English Rounders’ by Abner Daubleday in New York in 1839 ?
(A) Basketball
(B) Volleyball
(C) Netball
(D) Baseball
Answer. D

3. The total number of officials required for a kho-kho match 1S—
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
Answer .C

4. The duration of Russel Launge Volleyball test is——
(A) 15 sec
(B) 30 sec
(C) 45 sec
(D) 60 sec
Answer. C

5. Adrenalin, which is an excitatory hormone is secreted by
(A) Pancreas
(B) Gonads
(C) Thyroid
(D) Suprarenal glands
Answer. A

6. Of the given, which protein filament is 50 to 55% in the muscle ?
(A) Actin
(B) Myosin
(C) Tropo myosin
(D) Act myosin
Answer. B

7. The most important consideration in selecting the Sports equip- mentis—
(A) Price
(B) Source
(C) Utility
(D) Quality
Answer .D

8. In comparison to the Greeks, the Romans were more-
(A) Authoritarian
(B) Utilitarian
(C) Democratic
(D) Aristocratic
Answer. B

9. In the technical terms, muscle pull is known as——
(A) Sprain
(B) Strain
(C) Abrasion
(D) Contusion
Answer .B

10. Supination and Pronation are the movements of-—
(A) Tibia — Febula Ioint
(B) Carpal ~ Metacarpal Ioints
(C) Radio – Ulnar ]oint
(D) Tarcel — Metatarcel ]oint
Answer. B

11. Trypsin helps in the digestion of-
(A) Vitamins
(B) Fats
(C) Protein
(D) Carbohydrates
Answer. C

12. A test is considered to be reliable if it has-
(A) Comparability
(B) Continuity
(C) Commonality
(D) Consistency
Answer. D

13. Which of the following conditions is not a cause for the occurrence of plateau in learning ?
(A) Fatigue
(B) Monotony
(C) Distraction
(D) Physiological limit
Answer. D

14. How many major Salivary glands are there in the human body ?
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Six
(D) Eight
Answer. C

15. Physical activity is basically a-
(A) Social attribute
(B) Psychological tendency
(C) Biological necessity ~
(D) Philosophical concept
Answer. C

16. Which of the following terms denotes the “Toughening of body’ as its major objectives ?
(A) Physical culture
(B) Play
(C) Drill
(D) Physical training
Answer. D

17. Which one of the following is not connected with the concept of motivation
(A) Drive
(B) Sympathy
(C) Need
(D) Motive
Answer. A

18. Which deficiency in the blood causes inflammation in body parts ?
(A) White Blood Cells
(B) Red Blood Cells
(C) Platelets
(D) Antibodies
Answer. B

19. The functional efficiency of a muscle depends upon its-
(A) Nerve stimulation
(B) Girth
(C) Fibre quality
(D) Tonus
Answer. C

20. Which of the following are considered as the Social Inheritance of Man
(A) Traditions
(B) Habits
(C) Conditional reflexes
(D) Religious practices
Answer. C

21. The literal meaning of the word Philosophy is—
(A) Love of criticism
(B) Love of wisdom
(C) Love of knowledge
(D) Love of God
Answer. B

22. Who is said to be the Father of Philosophy of Idealism 7
(A) Plato
(B) Socrates
(C) Aristotle
(D) Galan
Answer. B

23. Which one of the following is not considered as an organisation ?
(A) Clubs
(B) Schools
(C) Associations
(D) Society
Answer. A

24. Organization means ’Planning the work’ and administration means-—
(A) Controlling
(B) Processing information
(C) Decision making
(D) Working the plan
Answer. A

25. In the school setting the major channel of publicity for the physical education programmes 15
(A) Teachers
(B) Students
(C) Advertisement
(D) Intramurals
Answer. D

26. Who amongst the following are found to be most agile ?
(A) High jumper Athlete
(B) Gymnasts
(C) Swimmers
(D) Divers
Answer. B

27. Which of the following activities measures dynamic strength ?
(A) Vertical ]ump
(B) Short distance run
(C) Forward Roll
(D) Rope climbing
Answer. D

28. The most important factor in the organization of recreations-
(A) Materials
(B) Leadership
(C) Facilities
(D) Planning
Answer. C

29. White muscle fibers are better adopted to perform-
(A) Slow contraction
(B) Fast contraction
(C) Medium contraction
(D) No contraction
Answer. A

30. ’Bhartiyam’ was conducted to promote-
(A) Indigenous games
(B) Dands and Baithaks
(C) Free hand exercises
(D) Mass rhythmic activities
Answer. D

31. Pre-school children learn things by-
(A) Imitation
(B) Practice
(C) Watching T.V
(D) Repetition
Answer. A

32. Increase in muscle mass due to heavy weight training is called-
(A) Muscular Hypotrophy
(B) Muscular Hypertrophy
(C) Muscular Atrophy
(D) Hematoma
Answer. B

33. The back thigh muscles are also known as-
(A) Hamstring
(B) Gluteal
(C) Gastro enemies
(D) Quadricep
Answer. A

34. The longest muscle in my body is-
(A) Deltoid
(B) Iliopsoas
(C) Pectorals Major
(D) Sartorius
Answer.  D

35. Up to the age of Puberty the sex hormones are secreted by-
(A) Pituitary gland
(B) Adrenal gland
(C) Testes
(D) Ovaries
Answer.  A

36. In which Olympic did women participate for the first time ?
(A) 1896 Athens
(B) 1900 Paris
(C) 1920 Antwerp
(D) 1928 Amsterdam
Answer. B

37. Ball and Socket types of joint is-
(A) Fixed joint
(B) Uniaxial joint
(C) Bi—axial joint
(D) Tri-axial joint
Answer.  D

38. Which of the following is a two joint muscle ?

(A) Bicep brachia
(B) Deltoid
(C) Iliopsoas
(D) Sartorius
Answer. D

39. In the Childhood, individuals behavior is mostly influenced by-
(A) Community
(B) School
(C) Peer Group
(D) Family
Answer. D

40. Which is not a Primary Motive ?
(A) Affection
(B) Hunger
(C) Sex
(D) Love
Answer. C

41. Ultra Microscopic viruses are the main cause of-
(A) Malaria
(B) Measles
(C) Mumps
(D) Cholera
Answer. C

42. Sigmund Freud is known to be the Father of the—
(A) Theory of Motivation
(B) Theory of Psychoanalysis
(C) Theory of connectionism
(D) Theory of parallelism
Answer. B

43. The most suitable class formation for teaching shot-put is a—
(A) Circle
(B) Triangle
(C) Semicircle
(D) Square
Answer. C

44. Posture is an index of—
(A) Personality
(B) Health
(C) Character
(D) Fitness
Answer. A

45. From the viewpoint of Psycho- logy, ’Sympathy’ is—
(A) An instinct
(B) An emotion
(C) A general innate tendency
(D) A reflex action
Answer. A

46. Which of the following factors is considered to be most important in the construction of an indoor gymnasium ?
(A) Direction
(B) Light
(C) Ventilation
(D) Floor
Answer. C

47. One of the following is an excel~ lent example of Condyloid joint—
(A) Shoulder joint
(B) Hip joint
(C) Wrist Joint
(D) Neck Joint
Answer. C

48. The name of valve between left atrium and left ventricle is-
(A) Tricuspid valve
(B) Aortic valve
(C) Pulmonary valve
(D) Mitral valve
Answer. D

49. All reflex activities are controlled by-
(A) Pons
(B) Spinal cord
(C) Cerebellum
(D) Cerebrum
Answer. B

50. Which of the following concepts of health is the earliest concept?
(A) The Bio-medical concept
(B) The Psycho-social concept
(C) The Religious concept
(D) The Ecological concept
Answer. A


Countries of the world Solved MCQs

1. The ‘Contra rebels” belong to:
(a) Paraguay
(b) Brazil
(c) Argentina
(d) Nicaragua✔
(e) None of these

2. Croatia gained independence In June 1991 from:
(a) Yugoslavia✔
(b) Romania
(c) Hungary
(d) South Africa

3. Which of the following has merged with Tanganyika to form the present Tanzania?
(a) Zambia
(b) Zanzibar✔
(c) Zimbabwe
(d) Zaire

4. The currency of the Netherlands is:
(a) Dinar
(b) Taka
(c) Guilder✔
(d) Kroner

5. Which of the following is not a political party in Germany?
(a) Social Democratic Party
(b) The Greens
(c) Party of Democratic Socialism
(d) None of these
(e) All of the above✔

6. Inkatha Freedom Party is a political party in:
(a) Israel
(b) Lebanon
(c) Zimbabwe
(d) None of these✔

7. “White Lily’ Is the emblem of:
(a) Italy✔
(b) Greece
(c) Cyprus
(d) Guinea
(e) None of these

8. Which country is known as “Pearl of the East’?
(a) Nepal
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Bhutan
(d) Sri Lanka✔

9. Ninety per cent of the Malaria cases occur in:
(a) Africa✔
(b) South Asia
(e) West Asia
(d) South America

10. The country where death rate is lowest in the world is:
(a) U.S.A
(b) Canada
(c) Japan
(d) Kuwait✔

11. Which Central Asian Republic of former Soviet Union has maximum nuclear arms?
(a) Tajikistan
(b) Kyrgyzstan
(c) Kazakhstan✔
(d) Uzbekistan

12. The Parliament of which country is known as “National Panchayat’?
(a) Maldives
(b) Myanmar
(c) Bhutan
(d) Nepal✔
(e) None of these

Countries Of The World Solved mcqs

13. U.S.A. Placed some countries on Its Special 301′ trade hit-list. Which of the following countries is not included in the list?
(a) India
(b) Pakistan✔
(c) China
(d) Thailand

14. Which of the following countries does not have a democratically elected government?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) India
(d) None of these✔

15. C.I.S. consists of the republics of former:
(a) Czechoslovakia (b) Yugoslavia
(c) Indo-China (d) Soviet Union✔

16. Which of the following newspapers has the largest circulation in USA?
(a) Morning News (b) Newsday
(c) USA Today (d) Wall Street Journal✔

17. The currency of Sweden is:
(a) Mark
(b) Franc
(c) Lira
(d) Dinar
(e) Krona✔

18. House of Commons and Senate exist in the parliament of:
(a) Malaysia
(b) Canada✔
(c) China
(d) Switzerland

19. Argentina is situated in the continent of:
(a) Asia
(b) Europe
(c) Africa
(d) South America✔

20. ISI an intelligence agency of:
(a) Iraq
(b) Israel
(c) Pakistan✔
(d) Sri Lanka

21. Bangladesh came into existence in:
(a) 1969
(b) 1971✔
(c) 1973
(d) 1975

22. Which of the following countries has highest population density per squar kilometer?
(a) Vatican City
(b) Monaco✔
(c) Malta
(d) Maldives

23. The country with the lowest population density (per sq. km) is:
(a) Namibia
(b) Western Sahara✔
(c) Canada
(d) Mongolia

24. Which of the following is a name of U.S. Parliament?
(a) Diet
(b) Senate
(c) Congress✔
(d) House of Commons

25. Sejm is the Parliament of:
(a) Poland✔
(b) Norway
(c) Sweden
(d) Spain

Countries Of The World Solved mcqs

26. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched?
Country National Emblem
(a) Pakistan Crescent
(b) Canada White Lilly
(c) Australia Kangaroo
(d) USA Golden Rod
(e) None these✔

27. Which of the following is the currency of Japan?
(a) Yen✔
(b) Baht
(c) Yuan
(d) Wan

28. Which of the following ideologies is associated with the state of Israel?
(a) Existentialism
(b) Zionism✔
(c) Terrorism
(d) Pan-Arabism

29. Ikebana is the Japanese art of:
(a) Modern
(b) Plant farming painting
(c) Freestyle
(d) Flower wrestling arrangement✔

30. Which country has the highest GDP per capita income in the world?
(a) United States (b) Japan
(c) Luxembourg✔ (d) Canada

31. Which of the following countries has only a two party government?
(a) Australia
(b) France
(c) India
(d) Great Britain✔

32. Which of the following is the currency of Sri Lanka?
(a) Dinar
(b) Rupee✔
(c) Taka
(d) Yen
(e) Yuan

33. The Parliament of Iran is known as:
(a) Congress
(b) Quami Assembly
(c) ‘Majlis✔
(d) Darul Awam

34. Peso is the currency of:
(a) Morocco
(b) Norway
(c) Kenya
(d) Mexico✔

35. Which country, besides India, celebrates its Independence day on 15th August every year?
(a) Bangladesh  (b) Yemen
(c) North Korea (d) South Korea✔

36. Which country among the following has the lowest GDP per capita Income?
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Somalia✔
(d) Eritrea

Countries Of The World Solved mcqs

37. The first women Prime Minister of Bangladesh is:
(a) Begum Nasrat    (b) Begum Benazir Zardari
(c) Begum Khaleda✔ (d) Sheikh Hasina

38. Which of the following former Soviet Central Asian Republic is a nuclear power state?
(a) Uzbekistan     (b) Kazakistan✔
(c) Turkmenistan (d) Tajikistan

39. Parliament of Japan is known as:
(a) Congress
(b) Senate
(c) Diet✔
(d) Majlis

40. Which two countries are connected by under water tunnel recently constructed?
(a) England and Spain (b) England and Italy
(c) England and Belgium(d) France and England✔

41. ‘Tatars tan” which figured in the news is:
(a) An oil rich enclave in the territory of Turkey
(b) An area in Pakistan for which a group of people are seeking more autonomy
(c) A place in Bangladesh where Muslims of Myanmar are seeking shelter from alleged torture by Burmese army
(d) One of the 16 self-contained autonomous republics within Russia✔

42. The currency of Bangladesh is:
(a) Rupee
(b) Rupiah
(c) Taka✔
(d) Dollar
(e) Pound

43. The currency used in Italy is:
(a) Yen
(b) Ruble
(c) Dinar
(d) Lira✔
(e) Yuan

44. Chakma Refugees are the natives of:
(a) Nepal
(b) Bhutan
(c) Myanmar
(d) Bangladesh✔

45. The space shuttle ‘Discovery’ was launched from which of the following places In U.S.A.?
(a) Alaska
(b) Georgia
(c) California
(d) Florida✔


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