Almost all solved MCQs for you..

February 2021

1. Most common pattern fingerprint is
a. Whorls
b. Loops
c. Composite
d. Arches

2. pH of seminal fluid is
a. 6
b. 7
c. 7.4
d. 8.2

3. Poroscopy is
a. Counting pores of sweat glands only
b. Counting pores of both sweat and sebaceous glands
c. Counting number of ridges
d. Counting number of ridges and sweat glands

4. Tattoo marks destroyed, their presence can be inferred from presence of pigment in
a. Deep dermis
b. Subcutaneous tissue
c. Lymph nodes Regional
d. Underlying Muscle

5. Bluish discolouration of neck of tooth due to
a. Cyanosis
b. Bismuth
c. Copper
d. Nicotine

6. Suspected air embolism, body cavity to be opened first is
a. Brain
b. Thorax
c. Abdomen
d. Pelvis

7. “Under taker’s fracture” due to falling of head (Backward) occurs at
a. L5-S1
b. T12-L1
c. C6-C7
d. C1-C2

8. Most fixed part of intestine is
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Colon
d. Ileum

9. After death blood usually remains fluid except in
a. Pneumonia
b. Septicemia
c. CO poisoning
d. Hypofibrinogenemia

10. “Nutmeg liver” refers to
a. Amoebic hepatitis
b. Pyogenic abscess
c. Chronic venous congestion
d. Portal cirrhosis

11. Child brain attains mature size and weight at about
a. 3 yrs
b. 5 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. 9 yrs

12. Radiological signs of fetal death includes all except ?
a. Overlapping of skull bones (Spalding’s sign)
b. Hyperextension of spine
c. Collapse of spinal column
d. Gas in aorta

13. For transplantation cornea can be removed from dead upto
a. 6 hrs
b. 12 hrs
c. 18 hrs
d. 24 hrs

14. Exhumation done under order by
a. Police officer
b. Superintendent police
c. First class magistrate

15. Diagnosis of brain death dependent upon all except
a. Dilated/fixed pupil
b. No spontaneous breathing
c. Flat EEG
d. Cessation of cardiac contraction.

16. After stoppage of circulation muscles can live up to
a. 10 mts
b. 30 mts
c. 3 hrs
d. 6 hrs

17. Anoxic anoxia produced by all except
a. Drowning
b. Fire accidents
c. Cyanide poisoning
d. Strangulation

18. Tardieu spots in hanging are common at all the following sites except
a. Scalp
b. Eyebrow
c. Chest wall
d. Face

19. Tardieu’s spot
a. Septicemia
b. Endocarditis
c. Meningococcemia
d. All of the above

20. Earliest sign of death is
a. loss of skin elasticity
b. Corneal clouding
c. Cooling of body
d. Postmortem lividity

21. Tache noire refers to
a. Postmortem staining
b. Flaccidity of eyeball
c. Wrinkled dusty sclera
d. Maggot growth

22. Rectal temperature does not appreciably fall till what time after death
a. 15-30 mts
b. 30-60 mts
c. 60-90 mts
d. none of the above

23. Postmortem caloricity seen in poisoning from
a. Arsenic
b. Strychnine
c. Cyanide
d. Organophosphorus

24. Postmortem lividity well developed with in
a. 2 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs

25. Fixation of postmortem staining occurs in
a. 2 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs

26. Rigor mortis starts when muscle ATP is reduced below
a. 50%
b. 5%
c. 15%
d. 5%

27. Rigor mortis first evident in
a. Intestine
b. Myocardium
c. Interstitial muscle
d. Eyelids

28. Cutis anserina of rigor mortis due to stiffness of
a. Erector pilorum
b. Biceps
c. Cremaster
d. Diaphragm

29. Rigor mortis does not occur in fetus less than
a. 9 mth
b. 7 mth
c. 6 mth
d. 8 mth

30. Commonest cause of impotence in male is
a. Adrenal dysfunction
b. Testicular failure
c. Mal developed penis
d. Psychogenic

31. Cadaveric spasm commonly seen in
a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Neck muscles
d. Involuntary muscles

32. Heat stiffening occurs when body exposed to temperature
a. 450C
b. 550C
c. 650C
d. 750C

33. Chief agent for bacterial putrefaction is
a. E.coli
b. B. fragilis
c. C.welchii
d. Staph aureus

34. Postmortem hemolysis due to bacterial enzyme
a. Lecithinase
b. Phospholipase
c. Streptokinase
d. Hyaluronidase

35. First external sign of putrefaction of body lying in air is around
a. Umbilicus
b. Rt iliac fossa
c. Lt iliac fossa
d. Chest wall

36. Greenish colour earliest sign of putrefaction due to
a. Hb
b. Meta Hb
c. SulphmetHb
d. CarboxyHb

37. Combustible gas of autolysis is
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulphide
c. Methane
d. Carbon dioxide

38. Postmortem luminescence due to
a. Photobacterium fischeri
b. Armillaria mellea

39. First internal organ to putrefy is
a. Heart
b. Brain
c. Larynx / trachea
d. Kidney

40. Last organ to putrefy
a. Uterus / prostate
b. Testes
c. Ovary
d. Adrenals

41. Putrefaction occurs more rapidly in
a. Water
b. Air
c. Soil
d. Cold-salt water

42. Adipocere starts early in all of following except
a. Face
b. Breast
c. Buttock
d. Chest wall

43. Dehydration / Shriveling of cadaver is called
a. Putrefaction
b. Mummification
c. Saponification

44. Formaldehyde injected for embalming is
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%

45. Odour of mummified body is
a. Pungent
b. Putrid
c. Offensive
d. Odorless

46. For embalming chemicals are injected into
a. Femoral artery
b. Abdominal cavity
c. Chest cavity

47. Maggots appear in natural orifices of dead in summer in about
a. 2 – 4 hrs
b. 6 – 8 hrs
c. 8 – 12 hrs
d. 12 – 24 hrs

48. After death all of following show rise in CSF except
a. Lactic acid
b. Amino acid
c. Urea
d. Uric acid

49. After death blood level of following decrease
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Magnesium
d. None

50. Brush burn refers to
a. Electric burn
b. Lightening burn
c. Sliding abrasion
d. Pressure abrasion

51. Wound cause by sickle is
a. Stab wound
b. Incised wound
c. Both

52. Beveling cut refers to
a. Flap wound
b. Overhang margins
c. One margin under mined
d. Irregular margins

53. Cut-throat wound cause death by
a. Air embolism
b. Haemorrhage
c. Tracheobronchial aspiration
d. All of above.

54. Blunt trauma more likely to produce incised like wounds
a. Hand
b. Neck
c. Chest
d. Scalp

55. Fabricated wounds are mostly
a. Abrasions
b. Incised wounds
c. Contusions
d. Lacerations

56. Diastatic fracture refers to fracture through
a. Outer table
b. Inner table
c. Sutural line
d. None

57. In Contrecoup impact lesion is present
a. At site of impact
b. At a site opposite to impact
c. At a site tangential to impact

58. Extradural haemorrhage commonly occurs from rupture of
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Middle meningeal artery
c. Dural sinus
d. None of above.

59. Common cause of death in Extradural haemmorhage is
a. Haemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock

60. Rupture of berry aneurysm commonly produces
a. Subarachnoid bleed
b. Intracerebral sued
c. Subdural bleed

61. Most common cause of aneurysm formation
a. Trauma
b. Septic emboli
c. Congenital
d. Syphilitic endarteritis

62. Whiplash is which form of injury
a. Hyper flexion
b. Hyperextension
c. Lateral flexion
d. Atlanto-axial dislocation

63. Blunt abdominal trauma commonest site of GI ruptures is
a. Stomach
b. Duodenum
c. Jejunum
d. Transverse colon

64. In drowning, the epidermis of the hands and feet is separated in the form of gloves and stocking after:
a. 2 minutes
b. 2 hours
c. 2 weeks
d. 2 months

65. Chadwick’s sign is
a. Softening of cervix
b. Increased vaginal mucous secretion
c. Blue colouration of vagina

66. Amount of air necessary to produce fatal air embolism is
a. 20 ml
b. 50 ml
c. 100 ml
d. 250 ml

67. Malignant hyperthermia is a danger with
a. Atropine
b. Succinylcholine
c. Pancuronium

68. Hypothermia is said to exist when Rectal / oral temp less than
a. 35° C
b. 30° C
c. 25° C
d. 20° C

69. Frostbite occurs when continuous exposure to temp. range of
a. – 10° C and below
b. – 2.5° C and below
c. 2 – 4° C
d. 5 – 10° C

70. Frost bite is very common in
a. Lips
b. Nose
c. Cheeks
d. Hair

71. Burn type relatively painless
a. 1st degree
b. 2nd degree
c. 3rd degree

72. Minimum temp to produce burn is
a. 40° C
b. 44° C
c. 50° C
d. 60° C

73. Haemoglobinuria occurs when burnt skin surface exceeds
a. 20 %
b. 30 %
c. 50 %
d. 70 %

74. Scalding is caused when liquid in contact has temperature above
a. 44° C
b. 50° C
c. 60° C
d. 80° C

75. Satyriasis is
a. Excessive inclination for sex
b. Dislike for sex
c. Sexual perversion

76. The most reliable method for personal identification is:
a. Photography
b. Handwriting
c. Anthropometry
d. Dactylography

77. The age of full criminal responsibility is:
a. 7 years
b. 18 years
c. 21 years
d. 30 years

78. A person died from a stab wound in the aorta, in winter. His rectal temperature was 31 °C. The post-mortem interval is:
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 8 hours

79. The presence of tache noire is suggestive that the time since death is:
a. One hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 8 hours

80. The last organ to putrefy in the young girls is:
a. Uterus
b. Bladder
c. Ovary
d. Heart

81. Exhumation is:
a. Artificial preservation of a dead body
b. Burning of a dead body
c. Getting the dead body from the grave
d. Aseptic autolysis of a dead body

82. flattening remains until:
a. Hypostasis is complete
b. Rigor mortis is complete
c. Putrefaction begins
d. Cadaveric spasm occurs

83. A person died in a hospital 2 weeks after burning of his abdominal and chest walls and upparemities, the most probable cause of death is:
a. Traumatic asphyxia
b. Pulmonary fat embolism
c. Perforation of an acute duodenal ulcer (curling’s ulcer)
d. Suprarenal haemorrhage

84. Polar fracture is a:
a. Comminuted fracture
b. Fissure fracture
c. Depressed fracture
d. Cut fracture

85. The most resistant body tissue to electrical injury is:
a. Dry skin
b. Muscles
c. Bones
d. Blood and body fluid

86. The commonest cause of death in extradural hemorrhage is:
a. Hemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock

87. A 32 year-old farmer received abdominal trauma, after 2 hours the pulse reached 136/min, blood pressure 70/40. The cause is:
a. Shock
b. Sympathetic shock
c. Internal haemorrhage
d. Air embolism

88. The most important sign for identification of contact firearm inlet is:
a. Loss of substance
b. Presence of two wounds
c. Muzzle imprint around the wound margin
d. Abraded inlet

89. A person with a head injury can talk normally and tell about the circumstantial evidence in case of:
a. Lucid interval
b. Concussion
c. Retrograde amnesia
d. Automatism

90. Tear in the intima of the carotid artery with bleeding into its wall is seen in cases of:
a. Smothering
b. Antemortem hanging
c. Postmortem hanging
d. Traumatic asphyxia

91. One of the following is a sure external sign of drowning that can be found in postmortem examination:
a. Goose skin
b. Washer woman’s hands
c. Peeling of the skin
d. Fine froth at the mouth and nostrils

92. One of the following is not the immediate cause of death in criminal abortion:
a. Hemorrhage
b. Septic instrumentation
c. Reflex vagal inhibition of the heart
d. Air embolism

93. Choose the wrong statement regarding child abuse:
a. Injuries arc deliberate
b. Inconsistent history for injuries
c. Step-parents are rarely involved
d. Slight tendency towards male child 

94. Adipocere of the whole body occurs in about:
a. One month
b. 2 months
c. 6 months
d. 12 months

95. Dry burn is caused by:
a. Hot liquid or steam
b. Flame or hot metals
c. Deep x-ray or UV-rays
d. Strong acids or alkalies

96. One of the following is not a manifestation of shaken baby syndrome:
a. Burns
b. Retinal haemorrhage
c. Rib fracture
d. Subdural haematoma

97. One of the followings produce toxic hypothermia:
a. Salicylates
b. Anticholinergics
c. Antidepressants
d. Opioids

98. The best method to avoid aspiration of fluids during gastric lavage in a comatose patient is by : 
a. Putting the head of the patient at a lower level than his feet
b. Putting the patient in the left lateral position
c. Introduction of a cuffed endotracheal tube before lavage
d. Continuous suction of the fluid from the trachea

99. Surgical interference may be needed especially in children after poisoning by:
a. Hydrocyanic acid
b. Caustic potash
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Carbolic acid

100. One of the following solvents is not metabolized in the body to cyanide:
a. Isopropanol

b. Nitroprusside
c. Acetonitrile
d. Acrylonitrile

101. In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:
a. Reduce cyanide
b. Induce vasodilatation
c. Produce methaemoglobin
d. Oxidise cyanide

102. After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute nephritis, the poison is:
a. Oxalic acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrocyanic acid
d. Carbolic acid

103. The dose of Na thiosulphate for treatment of cyanide poisoning in children is:
a. 112.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min.
b. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min
c. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 2 min
d. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 5 min

104. An old traffic policeman in a busy street of Cairo is liable to suffer from:
a.  Spastic gait
b. Tremors
c. Masked face
d. Wrist and ankle drop

105. Blue line in the gingival margin in case of lead poisoning is due to deposition of:
a. Lead chromate
b. Lead sulphide
c. Lead subacetate
d. Lead iodide

106. In iron poisoning, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, massive fluid loss in GIT, renal failure and death occur in:
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4

107. The specific antidote in case of iron poisoning is:
a. DMSA.
b. Deferoxamine
c. EDTA.
d. Penicillamine

108. Acute toxicity of organophosphates causes:
a. Urine retention
b. Oliguria
c. Urine incontinence
d. Anuria

109. Prolonged prothrombin time occurs in cases of poisoning with:
a. Parathion
b. Warfarin
c. Paraquat
d. Zinc sulphide

110. The second stage of acute acetaminophen toxicity is characterized by:
a. Abnormalities of liver function tests
b. Bleeding tendencies due to coagulation defect
c. Nausea and malaise
d. Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness

111. Which of the following is specific antidote for acute acetaminophen toxicity:
a. BAL
b. Mucomyst

112. Benzodiazepines act on the CNS through the following mechanism:
a. Increasing catecholamines
b. Increasing serotonin
c. Increasing the activity of GABA
d. Decreasing the activity of GABA

113. In case of foodborne botulism, the toxin is:
a. Formed in the duodenum
b. Formed in the colon
c. Formed in the intestine
d. Formed in the canned food before consumption

114. A 4 year old boy accidentally ingested a clear fluid, vomited twice then started to cough with tachypnea, 24 hours later he developed fever of 39 °C due to bronchopneumonia. The possible diagnosis is:
a. Phenol toxicity
b. Kerosene toxicity
c. Ethanol toxicity
d. Methanol toxicity

115. MAcEwen’s sign is a manifestation of massive intake of:
a. Atropine
b. Opium
c. Methanol
d. Ethanol

116. One of the following manifestations is an indication of severe ethanol intoxication:
a. Euphoria and sense of well-being
b. Marked muscular incoordination
c. Increased confidence
d. Aggressive behaviour

117. In case of acute CO poisoning, coma and death with lively red colour occur at a carboxy haemoglobin level of:
a. 10-20%
b. 20-30%
c. 30-40%
d. 50- 60 %

118. Pathological jealousy is diagnostic of:
a. Cocaine intoxication
b. Cannabis intoxication
c. Alcoholic intoxication
d. Tobacco intoxication



1. “Oxford” is also called _______ ?
A. City of Palaces 
B. City of Empires
C. City of Dreaming Spire
D. City of Gardens
2. Christopher Columbus who 
discovered America 
A. Spanish 
B. Dutch
C. Italian
D. French
3. Boshphours strait connects the 
Black Sea with ?
A. Aegean Sea
B. Red Sea 
C. Rose Sea
D. Marmara Sea
4. Napoleon was died at_______?
A. WaterLoo
B. St. Helena
C. Paris
D. Cologne
5. Which of the following is the 
world’s loudest bird ?
A. White bellbird 
B. Peacock 
C. Piha 
D. None of the above
6. Kagali is capital of_________?
A. Chad
B. Guyana 
C. Rwanda
D. Spain
7. The World’s oldest space station 
A. Kennedy 
B. Baikonur 
C. Moscow
8. The river “The Yangtze King ” in 
China is known as _______ ?
A. Blue River
B. Red River
C. Yellow River 
D. Black River
9. Myanmar city also called _______ ?
A. Land of Milk and Honey
B. Land of Thunderbolt
C. Land of Pagoda
D. None of these
10. . Which city is known as “Quaker 
City” ?
A. Manila 
B. Dublin 
D. New York
11. . Sui Northern Gas Pipelines 
Limited (SNGPL) was 
incorporated as a private limited 
Company was converted into a 
public limited company in 
January ______?
A. 1964 
B. 1965
C. 1967
D. 1999
12. Sui Northern Gas Pipelines 
Limited (SNGPL) was 
incorporated as a Private limited
Company in_______?
A. 1963 
B. 1965
C. 1967
D. 1969
13. “New Orleans” is the seaport of 
_________ ?
A. USA B. Nepal
C. Iran
D. Libya
14. Which among the following have a 
‘mixed heart’ __________ ?
A. Birds 
B. Fishs
C. Reptiles
D. None of these
15. Which animal has the highest 
blood pressure?
A. Giraffe 
B. Camel
C. Lion
D. None of these
16. The continent of __________ is 
called dark Continent.
A. Asia
B. Australia 
C. Africa
D. Europe
17. What is the maximum running 
land speed of Crocodile ?
A. 17 KMPL
B. 20 LMPL
C. 25 LMPL
D. None of these
18. How much water can be used by a 
camel in drinking in a single time ?
A. Up to 70 ltr. 
B. Up to 80 ltr.
C. Up to 100 ltr. 
D. Up to 150 ltr.
19. Name the bird that migrates from 
the North Pole to the South Pole 
and back?
A. Sparrow 
B. Pigeon 
C. Crow
D. Arctic tern
20. Pashmina shawl is made from the 
hair of ________ ?
A. Cow
B. Camel
C. Goat
D. Sheep
21. Where is Lena River located?
A. Russia 
B. Turkey 
C. Afghanistan
D. Italy
22. The major crops found in Sudan 
A. maize, cotton, bananas, 
B. wine, cocoa
C. oats, tobacco
D. wool, wine
23. Which among the following 
animal don’t have vocal cords?
A. Dog
B. Horse
C. Giraffe
D. Donkey
24. How long can a “beaver” hold its 
A. 15 min 
B. 25 min 
C. 35 min
D. 55 min
25. Asian Development bank (ADB) 
was founded in _________?
A. 1964 
B. 1966
C. 1968
D. 1970
26. Headquarter of Amnesty 
International is in London. it is 
founded by __________ ?
A. Peter Benson B. Peter Edbon
C. Peter Jhonas
D. Peter 
27. Who is Emmanuel Macron?
A. German chancellor 
B. Canadian President 
C. French President
D. President of Iran
28. What animal has longest gestation 
period of about 640 to 660 days or 
95 weeks of any land animal ?
A. Blue Whale 
B. Elephant
C. Opossum
D. None of these
29. What animal has the shortest 
gestation period known is 12 to 13 
A. Opossum
B. Cat
C. Elephant
D. Mouse
30. East London is a city 
A. England
B. Australia
C. South Africa 
D. Asia
31. Which country is known as “Horn 
of Africa” ?
A. Sudan 
B. Zambia 
C. Mali
D. Somalia
32. Which is the largest country in 
Africa by land area?
A. Sudan 
B. Nigeria 
C. Algeria
33. Which is the national bird of Italy 
A. Chukar Partridge
B. Hoopoe
C. Sparrow 
D. Northern lapwing
34. ” Chukar Partridge ” is a national 
bird of which country ?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
D. China
35. The “Zambezi river ” is located in 
_______ ?
A. Asia
B. Africa 
C. North America 
D. South America
36. The “Saint Lawrence river” is a 
lager river in the middle latitudes 
of ________ ?
A. South Africa 
B. South America
C. North America
D. South Asia
37. “Common Nightingale” is a 
National Bird of which country ?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Turkey
D. None of these
38. First Woman University of 
Pakistan is located in?
A. Rawalpindi 
B. Karachi 
C. Quetta
D. Sindh
39. Who is the Author of the Book 
“As u Like it”?
A. Coleridge
B. Karl Marx
C. Thomas Hardy 
D. William Shakespear
40. What was the old name of 
A. Gold Coast 
B. Siam
C. Belize
D. Belarus
41. Which is the national game of 
United States of America ?
A. Volleyball
B. Football 
C. Baseball 
D. Rugby Union
42. In Which year America joined the 
Second World War ?
A. 1939 
B. 1940
C. 1941
D. 1942
43. Ibn Battuta Visited India in the 
reign of:?
A. Allaudin Khilji
B. Sultan 
Muhammad Tughlaq 
C. Ghiasuddin Balban
D. None Of These
44. Dal Lake is located in area 
A. Sri Nagar
B. Gilgit Baltistan
45. Which is the national game of 
A. Volleyball
B. Baseball 
C. Golf
D. Bandy
46. Which is the national game of 
A. Sumo wrestling
B. Sepak 
C. Field Hockey 
D. Golf
47. Which is the national game of 
A. Baseball
B. Volleyball
C. Wrestling
D. Handball
48. Which is the national game of 
A. Volleyball
B. Football 
C. Basketball 
D. Cricket
49. Which is the national flower of 
Australia ?
A. Tulips 
B. Shapla (Water Lily)
C. Golden Wattle 
D. Golden Trumpet
50. Which of the following Country 
has Tulips its National Flower ?
A. Holland
B. Hungary 
C. Turkey
D. Afghanistan
E. All of the 
51. Zawar (Rajhastan) is famous 
A. Ship manufacturing 
B. Zinc mines
C. Salt
D. Major port
52. Agra city was founded by _______ 
A. Bahlul Khan Lodhi 
B. Ibrahim Lodhi
C. Malik Sultan Shah Lodi
D. Sikandar Lodhi
53. Bahlul Khan Lodi ascended the 
chair of the Delhi sultanate on 
_________ ?
A. 19th April 1451
B. 20th May 1451
C. 21st July 1453 
D. 22nd October 1455
54. Who was the ruler of the kingdom 
between the rivers Jhelum and 
A. King Porus 
B. Darius III
C. Darius ll 
D. Alexander the Great
55. What was Alexander the Great 
most known for________?
A. Being a great poet and 
B. Being a military 
genius and commander
C. Being a mathematician and 
D. Being an excellent musician and 
56. How old was Alexander the Great 
when he died in Babylon ?
A. 32
B. 37 
C. 42 
D. 45
57. What famous philosopher was 
Alexander`s teacher as a child?
A. Plato 
B. Socrates 
C. Aristotle
D. Zeno
E. Plutarch
58. When did Genghis Khan captures 
the capital of the Jin Dynasty 
(China) ?
A. 1214 
B. 1215
C. 1216
D. None of these
59. When did Mongolian leader 
Temujin defeats his rivals and 
receives the title Genghis Khan, 
Universal Ruler of the Mongols 
(Mongolia) ?
A. 1205 
B. 1206
C. 1207
D. None of these
60. Dow Jones is stock exchange 
market of__________?
A. Tokyo 
B. London 
C. New York
D. None of these
61. The study of the structure of the 
body is called _______ ?
A. Anthropobiology
B. Anatomy
C. Aphnology
D. Apiology
62. The study of angels is called 
_______ ?
A. Angelology 
B. Angiology
C. Angalology
D. Engelology
63. Who among the following is called 
the Darvesh king?
A. Ghias-ud-din Balban
B. Qutub￾ud-din Aibak
C. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
D. Shams-ud-din Altamash
64. When did Nasir-ud-din Mahmud 
die ?
A. 1266 
B. 1286
C. 1290
D. 1296
65. When did Ghias-ud-din Balban 
A. 1266 
B. 1287
C. 1290
D. 1296
66. Who became the king of Delhi in 
1414 AD?
A. Bahlul Khan Lodi 
B. Khizar Khan
C. Sikandar Lodhi 
D. Ibrahim Lodhi
67. What was the Old Name of Saudi 
A. Jabal-e-Tariq 
B. Burundi Majd And Hejaz 
C. Najd And Hejaz
D. None Of These
68. Who is the Author Of the Book 
“The Frontier Tragedy”?
A. Shakesspeare 
B. Karl Marx
C. Allah Bux Yousufi 
D. M.A.H Isphani
69. Which of the following Countries 
are members of CACM (Central 
American Common Market)?
A. Costa rica , Bahrain 
B. Washington , Bogota , El Salvador
C. Costa Rica, El Salvador, 
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
D. All of the above
70. Who wrote the book ” A Nation is 
A. Isphahani
B. Syed Mahmud Hassan 
C. Abdul Waheed
D. Ayub Khan
71. Name of the Germany parliament 
A. Diet
B. Bundestag
C. Congress 
D. None of these
72. The Sepahsalar Mosque is located 
A. Dhaka, Bangladesh 
B. Istanbul, Turkey 
C. Toronto, Canada 
D. Tehran, Iran
73. Who established the Mughal 
A. King Akbar 
B. King Humayun
C. Bābur 
D. Qutub uddin Aibek
74. The Russian Revolution took 
place in__________?
A. 1917 
B. 1918
C. 1919
D. 1922
75. Who is called the father of 
A. Rudolf diesel 
B. Galileo Galilee
C. James Coo
D. Edward 
76. Which President of the United 
States was assassinated?
A. Jimmy Carter 
B. Richard Nixon
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Senior Bush
77. The Mongols defeat the 
Khwarezmid Empire and take 
over Persia (Iran, Afghanistan) in 
________ ?
A. 1220 
B. 1221
C. 1225
D. None of these
78. Which is the national flower of 
China ________ ?
A. Wild Banana Orchid
B. Plum Blossom 
C. Tahitian Gardenia 
D. White Mariposa
79. Agrology is the study of 
A. Study of agricultural soils
B. Study of productivity of land 
C. Science of pleasure and pain
D. Study of anaesthetics
80. Alethiology is the study of 
________ ?
A. Science of pleasure and pain
B. Study of algae 
C. Study of truth
D. Study of angels
81. The painted Desert lies in which 
US state?
A. Florida 
B. Hawaii 
C. Arizona
D. New York
82. Who was the second wife of king 
Henry VIII of England?
A. Queen Elizabeth
B. Anne Boleyn
C. Lady Diana
D. None of these
83. In which year did the Titanic sank 
on its maiden voyage?
A. 1911 
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1914
84. Who was founder of Bahmani 
dynasty _______?
A. Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah
B. Aladdin Mujahid Shah 
C. Da’ud Shah
D. Muhammed Shah I
85. Aladdin Hassan Bahman Shah 
became the king of Bahman (City 
of Iran) in _______?
A. 1347 
B. 1348
C. 1357
D. 1366
86. Empire state building is 
A. San Fransico 
B. New York
C. Callifornia
D. Rome
87. The currency of Croatia 
A. Dollar 
B. Kuna
C. Peso
D. Rial
88. Interfax is the news agency 
A. Russia 
B. Pakistan 
C. Australia
D. None of these
89. What was the first country to 
leave the United Nations?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Indonesia 
D. Greece
90. Name of the Iceland parliament 
A. Alpingi (Assembley of all)
B. Congress 
C. Shora
D. Folketing
91. When did Bahadur Shah Zafar 
die ________ ?
A. 5 October 1860
B. 6 September 1861 
C. 7 November 1862
D. 8 December 1863
92. On 13 February 1739, Nadir Shah 
crushed the Mughal army in less 
than three hours at the huge 
______ ?
A. Battle of Karnal 
B. Battle of Chausa 
C. Battle of Tarain 
D. Battle of Plassey
93. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the 
founder of the Sikh Empire. He 
was born in _______ ?
A. 1780 
B. 1875
C. 1880
D. 1885
94. Which is the national flower of 
A. Egyptian Lotus
B. Calla Lily 
C. Marsh Marigold
D. Egyptian Lily of the valley
95. Which is the national flower of 
A. Calla Lily
B. Cornflower
C. Marsh Marigold
D. Tudor Rose
96. The Great Bear Lake is located in 
_______ ?
A. South Africa B. USA
C. Canada 
D. Russia
97. “PTI”is the news agency 
A. China 
B. Russia 
C. India
D. Syria
98. The ” Al-Aqaba ” is the seaport of 
_______ ?
A. Thailand
B. Jordan C. 
99. “JANA” is the news agency 
A. Japan
B. Russia
C. China
D. Libya
100. What type of creature is a 
A. A Reptile
B. A Bird
C. A Cat
D. A Dog
1. Pompeii is the town 
A. Italy 
B. Pakistan 
C. Brazil
D. Greece
2. Soviet Union tested its first 
nuclear bomb on_________?
A. 22 August 1949 B. 29 August 
1949 C. 25 August 1950 D. 16 
August 1944
3. What is Ivy Mike ?
A. First test of hydrogen bomb of 
United States
B. First test of hydrogen bomb of 
United Kingdom
C. First test of hydrogen bomb of 
Soviet Union
D. First test of hydrogen bomb of 
4. Muhammad Bin Qasim Al￾Thaqafi was born in_________?
A. Iraq
B. Afghanistan
Taif D. Palestine
5. “Beni Saf ” is the seaport of 
_______ ?
A. AlbaniaB. Algeria C. 
Argentina D. Aruba
6. The Vanern lake is located in 
_______ ?
A. Sudan B. Suriname
Sweden D. Syria
7. Which is the national flower of 
A. Izote B. Mahogany
Marguerite DaisyD. Carib wood
8. ” ANSA ” is the news agency of 
_________ ?
A. Algeria B. Afghanistan
D. Russia
9. BERNAMA is the news agency of 
__________ ?
A. Indonesia
B. South 
C. Malaysia
10. During rainy season Wooden 
doors are difficult to open or 
closure because of ________ ?
A. Plasmolysis B. Imbibition
C. Osmosis D. Diffusion
11. How many years did Elizabeth I 
reign England _________ ?
A. 44 Years
B. 45 Years C. 48 
D. 41 Years
12. Chapel Bridge is located in 
__________ ?
A. SwedenB. Switzerland
D. Spain
13. Chengyang Bridge (also known as 
Wind and Rain Bridge) is located 
in _______ ?
A. Chili B. Canada C. China
D. Colombia
14. In which year Vatican City was 
established as an independent 
state ________ ?
A. 1929
B. 1930
C. 1931
D. 1932
15. Which is the national flower of 
A. Melati Putih
B. Lily
Shamrock D. Tulip
16. Charles Bridge is located in 
_________ ?
A. Cyprus B. Croatia C. Canada
D. Czech Republic
17. Chhogori and Savage mountain 
are other names of__________?
A. Nanga parbat B. Kangchenjunga.
C. K-2
D. Mount Everest
18. “Baku ” is the seaport of ________ 
A. Azerbaijan
B. Kazakhstan
C. Uzbekistan
19. “Zeebrugge ” is the seaport of 
________ ?
A. Bahrain B. Bangladesh
D. Belgium
20. The study of X-rays and their 
medical applications is called 
_________ ?
A. Radiology
B. Raciology
C. Rheumatology D. Rheology
21. Which is the national flower of 
A. Melati Putih B. Shamrock
C. Rose
D. Lotus
22. The Greek War of Independence 
against the Ottoman Empire 
started in the year _________ ?
A. 1820
B. 1821
C. 1832
D. 1833
23. Which Roman Emperor is also 
known as ‘little boot’ _________ ?
A. Caligula B. Nero
C. Julius 
D. Augustus
24. The historical monument Al 
Khazneh or The Treasury is 
located in the city of _______ ?
A. Baghdad B. Tehran C. Giza
D. Petra
25. What is the capital of Latvia?
A. Minsk
B. Riga
C. Lithonia
D. Estonia
26. What was the real name of Tipu 
Sultan or Tiger of Mysore ?
A. Fateh Ali
B. Nisar Ali C. 
Farid Khn D. Nadir Ali
27. The study of “Coin” and 
“Medals” is called?
A. Toxicology
B. Numismatics
C. Nephology
28. The book “Shanama-e-Islam” is 
written by_________?
A. Z.A Bhutto B. Abdul Sattar C. 
Sharif-Ud-Din Pirzada D. Hafeez 
29. Sir William Wallace is known as 
the independence fighter of 
_________ ?
A. Somalia B. Sweden
C. Switzerland
D. Scotland
30. “Csepel ” is the seaport of 
_______ ?
A. HondurasB. Hong Kong
D. Haiti
31. Which is the national flower of 
Iran ________ ?
A. Red Rose
B. Lily
Mountain Avens D. Jasmine
32. Which is the national flower of
Iraq ________ ?
A. Red Rose
B. Lily
Mountain Avens D. Jasmine
33. “Itaipu Dam ” is the second 
largest Hydro-electric dam in the 
world after the Three Gorges 
Dam. It is located in _________ ?
A. China
B. Canada C. USA
D. Brazil
34. The ” Xiluodu Dam ” is located in 
_______ ?
A. Hong Kong
B. South Korea
C. Russia D. China
35. The term Back4good (B4G) is 
used for____________?
A. visa processing B. International 
trade permit C. Amnesty Scheme to 
facilitate voluntary repatriation to 
countries of origin
D. Term used in metrogical process
36. The “Mount Olympus” is located 
in ________ ?
A. Nepal
B. Egypt
C. Greece
D. Germany
37. “Vancouver” is the largest seaport 
of _________ ?
A. U.K
B. Italy
C. Japan
D. Canada
38. ” The World Until Yesterday” 
book is written by _______ ?
A. Susan Wise Bauer
B. James 
McPherson C. Barbara Tuchman.
D. Jared Mason Diamond
39. “Guns, Germs, and Steel book” is 
written by ________ ?
A. William Manchester B. James 
McPherson C. Barbara Tuchman.
D. Jared Mason Diamond
40. The scientific study of dogs is 
called _______ ?
A. Cynology
B. Cytology C. 
D. Dendrology
41. Which is the Largest seaport of 
A. Port Kamsar
B. Port Conakry
C. Port-au-Prince D. Port 
42. ” Port Kamsar ” is the seaport of 
________ ?
A. Canada B. Belgium C. Greece
D. Guinea
43. ” Cross to the Heroic Valour in 
Combat ” is the highest military 
award of _______ ?
A. Argentina
B. Russia C. 
BrazilD. Denmark
44. Which of the following river 
crosses the equator twice?
A. Congo river B. Nile riverC. 
Amazon river
D. Mississippi 
45. The Araguaia River is one of the 
major rivers of Brazil. It has a 
total length of approximately 
________ ?
A. 2,627 kmB. 3,500 km
4,400 km
D. 5,310 km
46. The medical branch of science 
that deals with the study of skin, 
its functions, diseases, & 
treatment is ________ ?
A. Dermatology B. Dormatology
C. Deontology
47. The scientific study of fingerprints 
is called _________ ?
A. DactylographyB. Dactylology
C. Dactyliology D. 
48. ” Military Merit Decoration ” is 
the highest military award of 
________ ?
A. Australia B. Austria C. Germany
D. Greece
49. Which is the national flower of 
Japan _______ ?
A. Red Rose
Chrysanthemum C. Black Iris
D. Lily
50. The philosophical study of the 
nature, origin, and limits of 
human knowledge is called 
________ ?
A. Epistemology B. Grammatology
C. Hamartiology D. 
51. ” DIA ” is the intelligence agency 
of ________ ?
A. U.K
B. Turkey C. U.S
D. Australia
52. The Novel ” Great Expectations ” 
was written by ________ ?
A. Charles Dickens
B. Thomas 
HardyC. Jane Austen
D. Henry 
53. The Novel ” Madame Bovary ” 
was written by ________ ?
A. Leo Tolstoy
B. James Joyce
C. E.M. Forster
D. Gustave 
54. ” Bir Shrestho ” is the highest 
military award of ________ ?
A. South Africa B. South Korea
C. Sri LankaD. Bangladesh
55. ” Rafina” is one of the famous 
seaport of ________ ?
A. ItalyB. Turkey C. Argentina
D. Greece
56. ” Alexandroupolis ” is the seaport 
of _________ ?
A. Egypt
B. U.K
C. Greece
D. Denmark
57. Adolf Hitler committed suicide by 
gunshot on _______ ?
A. 27 April 1945 B. 28 April 1945
C. 29 April 1945 D. 30 April 
58. Suva is the capital of_________?
A. Peru
B. Italy
C. Fiji
D. Palau
59. ” Great Salt ” lake is located in 
_______ ?
A. Australia B. U.S.A
C. U.K
D. Canada
60. ” Great Slave ” lake is located in 
_______ ?
A. Finland B. Malaysia C. Indonesia
D. Canada
61. “Military Intelligence and 
Security Service (MUST)” is the 
intelligence agency of _______ ?
A. Spain
B. Austria C. Swedish
D. Switzerland
62. Which city was recaptured at the 
end of the first war of Crusade?
A. Rome
B. Venice C. 
Jerusalem D. Vienna
63. Which king of England was forced 
to signed the ‘Magna Carta’?
A. King Richard I B. King Louis
C. Henry III
D. King 
64. Queen Elizabeth I of England 
belongs to _________ dynasty?
A. Stuart
B. York
C. Tudor
D. Normandy
65. The Battle of Waterloo was fought 
in ______ ?
A. 1815
B. 1817
C. 1821
D. 1818
66. The “Kitab-fi-Tahqiq” was 
written by ________ ?
A. Firoz Shah
B. Al-beruni
C. Firozbadi
D. Isami
67. How many white stars have on 
Flag of Tennessee the state of US?
A One Star B. Two Stars
Three StarsD. Four Stars
68. How many white stars have on 
Flag of Mississippi the state of 
A. 12 Stars B
. 13 Stars C. 15 
Stars D. 17 Stars
69. Which is the national flower of 
South Korea?
A. King Protea
B. Rose Of 
C. Water Lily
70. Which is the national flower of 
A. Rose
B. Lily
C. Carnation
D. Golden 
71. Which is the currency of 
A. Euro
B. Peso
C. Dollar
D. Krona
72. How old was Malala when she was 
A. 10 Years B. 12 Years C. 15 Years
D. None of these
When was Malala Yousafzai born?
A. June 24, 1995 B. January 11, 
1996 C. July 12, 1997 D. None of 
73. When United Kingdom joind EU 
which previously called EEC?
A. 1967
B. 1973
C. 1981
D. 1993
74. “Keemya-e-Saadat” is authored 
by __________?
A. Imam Ghazali B. Imam Muslim
C. Sir Syeed Ahmad khan
D. None Of These
75. Port of Reykjavik is the famous 
seaport of _______ ?
A. England B. Indonesia
D. Ireland
76. Ghautam Buddha was born in 
Kapila Vastu in __________?
A. 523 BC B. 553 BC C. 563 BC
D. 593 BC
77. The most Rainiest place in the 
world is ___________?
A. Mawsynram India B. 
Cherrapunji India C. Tutendo, 
Colombia, South America
Emei Shan, Sichuan Province, China
78. “CSIS” is the intelligence agency 
of _________ ?
A. U.S A
B. U.K
C. Australia
D. Canada
79. ‘Leaves of Grass’ was written by 
___________ ?
A. Shelley B. Long Lellow C. 
Frost D. Walt Whitman
80. Which one of the following is the 
intelligence agency of Canada 
________ ?
A. Security Intelligence Review 
B. Royal Canadian Mounted Police 
C. Criminal Intelligence Service 
Canada (CSIC)
D. Canadian Security Intelligence 
Service (CSIS)
E. All of these
81. ” Center for Research on National 
Security (CISEN) ” is intelligence 
agency of ________ ?
A. Argentina
B. Brazil
Peru D. Mexico
82. Which is the national flower of 
A. Bougainvillea B. Cornflower
C. Candytuft
D. Victoria 
Regia Lily
83. “Port of Tanjung Priok” is the 
famous seaport of ________ ?
A. Bangladesh
B. Myanmar
C. Indonesia
D. Turkey
84. Martinique is a island of which 
 Education Street chungi no 6 
gulgashat colony Bosan road Multan. Phone No: 03004253270
A. Germany
85. Kirana mountains are present 
A. India
B. Pakistan
Nepal D. China
86. Which is the highest military 
award of france?
A. Legion of Honor B. Medal of 
Honor C. Rising of Valour D. Cross 
of Sowrd
87. A group of mostly female lions is 
A. Envy
B. Avarice C. Pride
D. Sloth
88. Slavery was abolished in America 
A. 1851
B. 1865
C. 1871
D. 1883
89. “Public Security Intelligence 
Agency (PSIA)” is the intelligence 
agency of __________ ?
A. Nepal
B. Japan
C. South 
KoreaD. Hong Kong
90. Constantinople, the capital of 
Roman Empire was captured by 
Turks in ___________ ?
A. 29th May 1453 B. 28th April 
1453 C. 27th March 1453 D. 26th 
January 1453
91. Treaty of Versailles was signed on 
________ ?
A. 27 may 1919 B. 28 June 1919
C. 29 July 1919
D. 30 
August 1919
92. The last country of Axis power to 
surrender during the end of the 
World War II was ________ ?
A. Germany B. England C. France
D. Japan
93. Benito Mussolini was a leader of 
_________ ?
A. Portugal B. Germany C. Indonesia
D. Italy
94. In which country the revolution of 
1848 first begins that lead to a 
series of revolutions?
A. Italy
B. Germany C. French
D. Austria
95. Who started the construction of 
Colosseum in Rome?
A. Nero
B. Vespasian
Titus D. Domitian
96. ” Gila river ” is located in 
A. Canada B. South Africa
Iraq D. US
97. When did the New York Stock 
Exchange opens its first 
permanent headquarters near 
Wall Street in New York City.
A. 3 January 1865 B. 4 January 
1865 C. 5 January 1877 D. 6 January 
98. When did Great Britain enters the 
Seven Years War against Spain 
and Naples?
A. 3 January 1761 B. 4 January
1762 C. 7 April 1763
D. None of 
99. Rome’s first code of laws; 
_____________ adopted in 450 
A. Twelve TablesB. Ten Table C. 
Eleven Table
D. None of these
100. Which country is the largest 
producer of fruits in the world?
A. Japan
B. China
C. India
D. Bangladesh
1. Temporary Capital of Pakistan 
A. Rawalpindi
B. Multan C. 
Peshawar D. Lahore
2. 1 nibble equals to___________?
A. 12 bits B. 16 bits C. 4 bits
D. 2 bits
3. “Mediafax” is the news agency of 
_____________ ?
A. U.K
B. Australia C. South 
AfricaD. Romania
4. Which is the national flower of 
A. Lily
B. Lignum Vitae
C. Tulip
D. Arfaj
5. Which is the national flower of 
A. Lily
B. Lignum Vitae C. 
Tulip D. Arfaj
6. Google was founded 
A. Sept 4, 1998 B. Mar 6, 1998
C. Jan 14, 1998
D. Aug 20, 
7. “Ratoons” is associated 
A. Sugarcane
B. Wheat
Rice D. Desert
8. “The War Cross with Sword” is 
the highest military award of 
A. Poland B. Spain
C. Israel
D. Norway
9. “Colorado river” is located in 
________ ?
A. Canada B. U.K
C. Australia
10. “Port of Bima” is the seaport of 
__________ ?
A. Malaysia B. Indonesia
D. Portugal
11. Chemical formula for Water is 
_______ ?
A. NaAlO2
B. H2O
D. CaSiO3
12. In which year Japan attacked 
Manchuria _________ ?
A. 1930
B. 1931
C. 1936
D. 1937
13. From which city, the Russian 
revolution of 1917 begin?
A. WarsawB. Moscow C. 
Petrograd D. Ukraine
14. Who become the Chancellor of 
Germany for One Day after the 
death of Hitler during Second 
World War?
A. Hermann Goering
B. Heinrich 
C. Rudolf HessD. 
Joseph Goebbels
15. Which civilization is known as the 
birthplace of democracy?
A. China
B. Indian
C. Persian
D. Greeks
16. The Bloodless Revolution of 1688 
was started in which country 
__________ ?
A. England B. Italy
C. Portugal
D. France
17. “Asiana” Airline is belongs to 
_________ ?
A. Afghanistan
B. South Korea
C. Syria
D. Iraq
18. Which of the following is name of 
the Mongol dynasty that ruled 
China ?
A. Yuan
B. Ming
C. Qin
D. Shun
19. world’s oldest human rights 
organisation is_____________?
A. Imnesty International B. 
Transperency International
D. Anti-Slavery International
20. Which is the national flower of 
Syria ?
A. Linnaea Borealis
Edelweiss C. Jasmine D. Plum 
21. Which is the national flower of 
Switzerland ?
A. Linnaea Borealis
Edelweiss C. Jasmine D. Plum 
22. Which is india’s first artificial 
A. Aryabhata
D. Rohini
23. World Braille day celebrated 
every year on_____________?
A. January 2
B. January 3C. 
January 4 D. January 5
24. Study of “Aging” is called 
A. Gerontology B. Hstologyh
C. Pysiology
25. “Maghreb Arab Presse” is the 
news agency of _________ ?
A. Saudi Arabia B. Qatar
Iraq D. Moroccan
26. “TASS” is the largest Russian 
news agency. it was founded in 
________ ?
A. 1904
B. 1905
C. 1906
D. 1907
27. The period from 1649-1660 is 
known as _________ ?
A. Commonwealth period
Jacobean period C. Caroline period
D. Restoration period
28. The Road not Taken’ is a famous 
poem of _________ ?
A. Robert Frost B. Walt Whitman
C. Emily Dickinson
None of these
29. Valentia Island is off the coast of 
which country?
A. Ireland B. Finland C. New 
D. Poland
30. What do you call the offspring of 
an elephant, walrus and a whale?
A. Cub
B. Calf
C. Pup
D. Fawn
31. Russia observed its independence 
day every year on__________?
A. June 5 B. June 12 C. June 20
D. June 25
32. Archery is a national game 
A. Bhutan B. Pakistan C. IndiaD. 
33. Where is headquarter of 
European Union?
A. Vienna B. Brussels C. Tirana
D. Yerevan
34. Which is the national Flower of 
Liberia ________ ?
A. Pomegranate BlossomB. Oxeye 
Daisy C. Yellow Lily
D. Pepper
35. Who is the author of ‘The Old 
Man and the Sea’?
A. Ernest Hemingway B. Churchill
C. Wilson D. Hardy
36. Who is the writer of ‘The End of 
History and The Last Man’?
A. Samuel Huntington B. Francis 
Fukuyama C. Robert Frost
David Lynn
37. Who punished Musa bin Nusayr 
for invading Spain __________?
A. Hajj Bin Yousuf
B. Walid 
Bin Abdul-Malik C. Umar bin 
Abdul Aziz
D. Sulaiman
38. Jamrud is called the Gateway 
A. Bolan Pass
B. Khyber Pass
C. Malakand Pass D. Lowari 
39. Belligerents of Battle of Salamis 
were____________ ?
A. Romans and Mithradate
Phoenicians and Romans C. Greeks 
and Persians
D. Spartans and 
40. Who abolished slavery in 
A. George WashingtonB. Abraham 
LincolnC. John TylerD. None of 
41. Indus valley civilization was 
destroyed by_________?
A. Mongols B. Aryans C. Mamluks
D. None of these
42. A.S Hornsby is famous for 
________ ?
A. Writing poems B. Writing songs
C. Writing text books
Writing dictionaries
43. Of the following who is the most 
translated author of the World?
A. Leo Tolstoy
B. Agatha Cristie
C. V.I. LeninD. Mao Tse Tung
44. Who is called the Master Builder?
A. AkbarB. Shah Jehan C. 
AurangzebD. None
45. Which is the national flower of 
Malaysia ?
A. Poinciana DelonixB. Bunga 
Raya(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)C. Pink 
Rose D. Opium Poppy
46. Which is the national flower of 
Macedonia ?
A. Poinciana Delonix
B. Bunga 
RayaC. Pink RoseD. Opium Poppy
47. Juba is the capital of ___________ 
A. SpainB. SurinameC. South 
SudanD. Somalia
48. All powers to the Soviets” is the 
slogan given by ___________?
A. Vladimir Putin B. Adolf HitlerC. 
Vladimir LeninD. None of these
49. Which is the national flower of 
Mexico ?
A. Pink RoseB. Opium 
PoppyC. Maltese CentauryD. Dahlia
50. Pir Ilahi Bux Tower (Literacy 
tower) is located in which city of 
A. Hyderabad B. Sukkur C. Karachi
D. Shikarpur
51. Separation of United Kingdoms 
from European union is 
A. Bexit B. Brexit C. Withdrawal D. 
52. When Cambodia got its 
independence from France?
A. 1951 B. 1953 C. 1952 D. 1955
53. Cambodia was a former ________ 
Colony just before its 
A. Japanese B. Britain C. French D. 
54. Which Country occupied 
Cambodia during World War II?
A. France B. Japan C. Italy D. USA
55. Who was the only Laureate to 
refuse the Nobel Prize?
Leo TolstoyB. Jea- Paul 
SartreC. Aldous HuxleyD. Boris 
56. Which is the National Flower of 
Bunga RayaB. Red 
RoseC. Maltese CentauryD. Pink 
57. Napoleon Bonaparte was a 
__________ military and political 
AustrianB. GermanC. 
FrenchD. American
58. Which of the following is 
considered the first great work in 
world literature ___________?
A. Divine ComedyB. Epic of 
GilgameshC. Brother Karamazov D. 
Anna Karenina
59. United Nations Conference on 
Trade & Development is based 
A. Bonn
B. Paris
Stockholm D. Geneva
60. Headquarter of Asian 
Infrastructure Investment Bank is 
located in____________?
A. Shanghai
B. Doha
D. Beijing
61. In the marathon race athletes 
have to cover a distance of how 
many miles ?
A. 15 B. 19 C. 26 D. 28
62. The code name for Abbottabad 
Operation (2011) 
A. Operation Anaconda B. 
Operation Neptune Spear
Operation Desert Storm
Operation Entebbe
63. Which is the national flower of 
Myanmar (Burma)?
A. Pink Rose
B. Lily
D. Padauk
64. Which is the national flower 
A. Padauk B. Lily
Red Rhododendron
D. Kowhai
65. Which is the national flower of 
New Zealand?
A. Padauk B. Lily
C. Red 
D. Kowhai
66. First Digital Camera Invented 
A. Steve Jobs
B. Aristotle C. 
Bill Gates D. Steven Sasson
67. Which Company introduced first 
handheld Digital Camera?
A. Nikon
B. Fuji
C. Kodak
D. Canon
68. When First Photograph was 
A. 1816
B. 1826
C. 1836
D. 1846
69. Vientiane is capital and largest 
city of_________?
A. Laos
B. Cambodia
D. Myanmar
70. India’s financial capital Mumbai 
is located in it’s which state ?
A. Bihar
B. Gujrat
C. Indhra 
D. Maharashtra
71. “Jiji Press” is the news agency of 
which country?
A. Japan B. Jamaica C. Jordan
D. Nepal
72. “RIA Novosti ” was the news 
agency of which country?
A. Romania B. Russia C. Iran
D. Iraq
73. First Pakistani who has conquered 
Mount Aconcagua in Argentina?
A. Samina Baig B. Mirza AliC. 
Saleem BaigD. Mirza Baig
74. Battle of Hastings was fought in 
__________ ?
A. 1065
B. 1066
C. 1067
D. 1068
75. Arabs divested the provinces of 
_______ & _______ from Roman 
Empire ?
A. Lebanon & Jordan B. Algeria & 
Libya C. Syria & Egypt D. Iraq & 
76. Who were the people known as 
A. Muslims B. Christians
NestoriansD. Canaanites
77. The world’s first nuclear power 
plant was built by__________?
A. United States B. Russia C. 
FranceD. Germany
78. Which of the following UN 
agencies has received Noble Peace 
Prize ?
C. UN High 
commission for RefugeesD. All of 
79. What do you mean by Syntax?
A. Study of speech sounds
Study of meaning of words
Study of constructing sentence
D. Constructing passage
80. What do you mean by Phonetics?
A. Study of speech sounds
Study of language and rules
Study of insects D. Study of meaning 
and syntax
81. which is the national flower of 
A. Rose
B. Flor De Maga
C. Corn Poppy
82. The Battle of Hattin was fight in 
_________ ?
A. 1178
B. 1187
C 1189
D. 1200
83. Saladin took back Jerusalem after 
the Battle of________ ?
A. Ajnadin B. Zama
C. Ain u 
D. Hittin
84. Which of the following Country 
has not been recognized by 
A. Georgia B. Kiribati C. Armenia
D. Albania E. None of the 
85. Who was the First Norman king 
of England?
A. William B. Bjorn
C. Harold 
Godwin son D. Henry
86. Which is the national flower of 
A. Lily
B. Corn Poppy
C. Lavender D. Flor De Maga.

87. Which is the national flower of 
A. Cantata B. Rose
SampaguitaD. Corn Poppy
88. Which is the national flower of 
A. Lily
B. Red Rose
C. Sampaguita
D. Cantuta
89. Leonardo Da Vinci was an 
inventor, scientist and engineer of 
________ ?
A. Florence B. Geneva C. Genoa
D. Turin
90. Council of Trent was held from 
_________ ?
A. 1545 to 1563 B. 1550 to 1556
C. 1560 to 1563 D. 1540 to 
91. Reformation started in which 
country _________ ?
A. France B. England C. 
Germany D. Spain
92. Who first discovered Machu 
A. Hiram Bingham
B. Joseph 
lister C. John marshal D. John 
93. Gatun Lake is located 
A. Azerbijan
D. Chili
94. SNAS Aviation is a air line of 
which country?
A. Saudi Arabia B. Slovenia C. 
D. South Africa
95. Which country is the third biggest 
producer of uranium?
A. Kazakhstan
B. Canad
D. Australia
96. The first European to reach India 
by sea was__________?
A. John Cabot
B. Marco Polo
C. Christopher ColumbusD. 
Vasco da Gama
97. What is the name of Capital of 
A. Helsinki B. Niamey C. Abuja
D. ulaanbator
98. Which country has their currency 
in rupee?
A. Croatia B. Iran
Seychelles D. None
99. The Second longest river in Africa 
A. The Nile B. The Congo
The ZambeziD. The Yukon
100. Battle of Actium was a decisive 
war fought between __________ ?
A. Roman Republic and Octavian
B. Mark Antony and Octavian
C. Caesar and Pompey D. 
Saprtacus and Pompey
1. The Third Battle of Panipat was 
fought between ?
A. Ahmad Shah Abdali and 
Marathas B. Babur and Ibrahim
Lodi C. Akbar and Lal Singh D. 
Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
2. The Second battle of Panipat was 
fought between ?
A. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya 
and Akbar B. Akbar and Lal 
SinghC. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji 
Rao D. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi
3. The First battle of panipat was 
fought between __________ ?
A. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi B. 
Akbar and Lal Singh
C. Ahmed 
Shah and Balaji Baji Rao D. 
Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi
4. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent 
ruled from ___________ ?
A. 1520 to 1566 B. 1525 to 1570
C. 1630 to 1665 D. 1640 to 
5. “Port of Khor Al Zubair ” is the 
seaport of which country?
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Oman
D. Qatar
6. Which one of the following 
seaport is the largest seaport of 
Iran ?
A. Port of Bandar Abbas
B. Port of AmirabadC. Port of 
BushehrD. Port of Khorramshahr
E. None of these
7. ” Port of Bushehr ” is the seaport 
of ________ ?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Italy
D. Ireland
8. Which is the national flower of 
Romania ?
A. Dog Rose
B. Lavender
C. PoincianaD. Marguerite
9. “Tadawal” is the stock Exchange 
Market of which country?
A. Jordan B. Qatar
C. Saudi 
D. Bahrain
10. The headquarter of World 
Economic forum is situated in 
which city?
A. Davos
B. Zurich C. Cologny
D. None of these
11. World Economic Forum was 
founded in which year?
A. January 1971 B. December 1981
C. February 1991 D. None of 
12. Transparency International was 
founded in which year?
A. 1987
B. 1990
C. 1993
D. None of these
13. A kind of war such is “Guerrilla” 
a word of Spanish its meaning 
A. Little war
B. Hidden war
C. Regular war
D. none
14. Alma Atta was the Capital of 
__________upto 1997?
A. Tajikistan
B. Turkmenistan
C. Kazakhstan D. None of 
15. During colonial era British 
policies towards colonies were 
A. Harsh
B. Flexible C. soft
D. moderate
16. Amazon rain-forest spans over 
how many countries?
A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. none
17. _______ has won the 2020 Tyler 
Prize for Environmental 
Achievement ?
A. Pavan Sukhdev
B. Sunil 
Arora C. Anil Khanna
D. Sanjana 
18. CNBC is a_________?
A. UAE Channel B. British Channel
C. Russian 
ChannelD. American Channel
19. England fought second world war 
under the leadership of 
A. Winston Churchill B. Roosevel
C. MountbattenD. Clement 
20. From which country Indonesia got 
independence in August 17, 1945?
A. Purtugal B. Spain
C. Holland
D. Britain
21. Who laid the foundation of British 
Colonialism in India 
____________ ?
A. Warren Hastings
B. Robert 
Clive C. George Barlow D. Lord 
22. Napoleon invaded Egypt in 
_________ ?
A. 1798
B. 1800
C. 1805
D. 1810
23. What does PUBG stands for 
A. Player Unknown Battle Grand
B. PlayerUnknown’s 
C. Player 
Unknown Battle GlobalD. None of 
24. Council of Westphalia was by 
nature a _________ ?
A. Strategic alliance
International treatyC. Peace treaty
D. Defence treaty
25. Peace treaty of Council of 
Westphalia was signed in 
_________ ?
A. 1647
B. 1648
C. 1650
D. None of these
26. Good Friday agreement which is 
related to Northern Ireland was 
signed in________?
A. 1998
B. 1973
C. 1992
D. none
27. Name of World’s Largest Twin 
Engine Jet?
A. Boeing 777X B. Boeing 737 
max C. Boeing 999X D. None of 
28. The Arctic Council is a high-level 
intergovernmental forum that 
addresses issues faced by theArctic governments consists 
of_______ members?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. none
29. According to ICC rules, In 4-day 
test matches how many overs are 
there in a single day?
A. 90 B. 98 C. 108
D. 114
30. Which country has NO capital in 
the world?
A. Papua New Guinea B. Nauru
C. Vatican City
D. None of 
31. The Pyramids of Sun and Moon 
are in which country?
A. Japan
B. Egypt
C. Mexico
D. Brazil
32. Which Indian Leader was shot by 
Nathuram Vinayak Godse on 30 
January 1948 ?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawharlal 
NehruC. Indira Gandi
D. Rahul 
33. Russo-Japanese war was fought 
during _________ ?
A. 1903-1905
B. 1902-1903
C. 1901-1902
D. 1904-
34. In which year Bolshevik 
Revolution came ____________ ?
A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1917
35. Ottoman Caliphate was abolished 
in ___________ ?
A. 1924
B. 1923
C. 1921
D. 1920
36. League of Nations was founded in 
which year ____________ ?
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1933
D. 1939
37. Battle of Gallipoli resulted in the 
victory of __________ ?
A. Turkey B. Allied Powers C. 
Ottomans D. England
38. Who was the emperor of Japan 
during second World War 
A. Chiang Kai Shek
B. Taisho
C. Sin Ke Qiang D. Hirohito
39. What is “Shinkansen” in Japan?
A. Shopping Mall B. Bullet Train
C. Temple D. A mountain
40. What is “Sorbonne” in Paris?
A. Presidential Palace
University C. Art Gallery
Drama Theater
41. Mostly bank notes in the world 
are made of what?
A. Cotton B. Paper
C. Cellulose
D. Wood
42. Which gulf is NOT located at the 
Northern end of the Red Sea?
A. Suez
B. Gulf of Alaska C. 
Aden D. Aqaba
43. Which of these terms means 
“Common People”?
A. Bok Choy
B. Hoi Polloi
C. Convoy D. Perth Amboy
44. What is the official language of 
the tiny nation between France 
and Spain?
A. French B. Spanish C. 
Portuguese D. Catalan
45. Which country officially left the 
European Union on 31st January, 
2020 ?
A. Ireland B. Scotland C. Germany
46. “Maritime” is a security agency of 
which country?
A. China
B. France C. Germany
D. Pakistan
47. Which country is called the “Land 
of Rabbits”?
A. China
B. Spain C. 
Philippines D. Australia
48. Which of them is the most 
common Human Phobia?
A. Fear of spiders
B. Fear of 
getting old C. Fear of death D. 
Fear of ghosts
49. ” Port of Montevideo” is the 
seaport of _________ ?
A. Vietnam B. Portugal C. 
Uruguay D. UK
50. How many countries are members 
of European Union?
A. 30 B. 27 C. 29 C. 28
51. “Hai Phong port” is the seaport of 
_________ ?
A. China
B. Japan
C. South 
KoreaD. Vietnam
52. “Port of Hodeidah” is the seaport 
of _______ ?
A. Iraq
B. QatarC. Yemen
D. Turkey
53. Which Country has been Ranked 
as the World’s Second Largest 
Weapons Manufacturer?
B. Russia C. China
D. Pakistan
54. “Islam at the Crossroads” was 
originally written in__________?
A. 1934
B. 1944
C. 1954
D. 1964
55. Which is the national flower of 
A. Plum Blossom B. Comet Orchid
C. Rose
D. Lily of the 
56. Which is the national flower of 
Scotland ?
A. TeuilaB. Cyclamen C. Thistle
D. Plum Blossom
57. Which is the national flower of 
San Marino ?
A. Teuila
B. CyclamenC. Thistle
D. Plum Blossom
58. Which is the national flower of
Samoa ?
A. Teuila B. Cyclamen
C. Thistle D. Plum Blossom
59. “Port of Mobile” is the seaport of 
_______ ?
A. U.S.A
B. IndonesiaC. China
D. Canad
treet chungi no 6 
gulgashat colony Bosan road Multan. Phone No: 03004253270
60. “Port of Long Beach” is the 
seaport of __________ ?
A. U.K
B. RussiaC. Australia
D. U.S.A
61. Which Country is second largest 
Contributor to UN after USA?
A. Russia B. Saudi Arabia C. 
D. France
62. The national tree of which 
country is the Banyan tree?
A. Germany B. Italy
C. India
D. Canada
63. Which one is the capital of Malta?
A. Vatican City
B. Sydney C. 
Bern D. Valletta
64. How many time has Queen 
Elizabeth visited Pakistan?
A. One time B. Two time
Three time D. Four time
65. Britain remained member of EU 
for how many years?
A. 54 Years b. 47 Years C. 35 Years
D. 60 Years
66. Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNA) is 
the army intelligence agency of 
___________ ?
A. Poland B. Azerbaijan
Afghanistan D. Austria
67. Which of the following is the 
intelligence agency of Australia ?
A. Australian Security Intelligence 
Organisation (ASIO)
Australian Secret Intelligence 
Service (ASIS)
C. Defence 
Intelligence Organisation (DIO)
D. Office of National Assessments 
E. All of the above
68. State Intelligence Service (SHISH) 
is the intelligence agency of which 
country ?
A. Algeria B. Albania C. 
Argentina D. Afghanistan
69. What is the Theme of “World 
Cancer Day 2020”?
A. “I Can We Can” B. “Myths The 
Debunk” C. “No Ahead Of Us” D. “I 
am and I will”
The World Cancer Day (WCD) is 
observed every year on_________?
A. 1st February
B. 2nd February
C. 3rd February D. 4th 
70. Who was Pakistan’s first female 
commercial pilot?
A. Aysha Farooq B. Shukriya 
C. Maryam Mukhtar
D. Sana Aziz
71. Microsoft was founded 
A. 1970
B. 1972
C. 1975
D. 1981
72. How many white stars have on 
European Union flag?
A. 11 Stars B. 12 Stars C. 14 Stars
D. 15 Stars
73. How many white stars have on 
Singapore flag?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
74. Which is the national flower of 
South Africa?
A. King Protea B. Rose Of Sharon
C. Water Lily
75. Which is the national flower of 
A. King Protea
B. Golden Lily
C. Golden Trumpet
76. Which is the national flower of 
Singapore ?
A. Comet Orchid B. King Protea
C. Rose
D. Vanda Miss 
77. “Port of Felixstowe ” is the 
seaport of __________ ?
A. U.S.A
B. U.K
C. Turkey
D. Israel
78. Google is 
technology company?
A. American
B. Indian
ItalianD. German
79. Google was founded by how many 
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
80. Electric motor was invented by 
__________ ?
A. Michael Faraday
B. Oliver 
EvansC. Thomas Edison D. Horace 
81. Who was ‘Father Of Chemical 
Warfare’ _________?
A. Fritz Haber
B Ernest 
Rutherford C. William Ramsay
D. Louis Pasteur
82. Shakespeare is known mostly for 
his _________ ?
A. Poetry B. An autobiography
C. A diary D. Plays
83. Which is the national flower of Sri 
Lanka ?
A. Edelweiss
B. Water Lily
C. Rose
D. Golden Rose
84. Which kind of alcohol is russia 
notoriously known for?
A. Brandi B. Whisky C. Vodka
D. Rum
85. What is the national dish of 
A. Pot au feu
B. Pad Thai C. 
D. French cuisine
86. The first English Dictionary was 
compiled by _________ ?
A. Isaac Walton B. Samuel 
C. Samuel Butler D. Sir 
Thomas Browne
87. Which is the world’s largest solar 
telescope that recently captures its 
first image of the Sun in January 
A. Gran Telescopio Canarias B. 
Hobby-Eberly Telescope C. 
GREGOR, Teide Observatory D. 
Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope
88. Capital of Bulgaria is__________?
A. Sofia
B. Norway C. Ottawa
D. Yaonde
89. Capital of Bangladesh 
A. Minsk
B. Manama C. Dhaka
D. Karachi
90. Capital of Pakistan is_________?
A. Lahore B. Islamabad
KabulD. Karachi
91. Capital of Algeria is__________?
A. Vienna B. Algiers C. Annaba
D. Oran
92. The Capital of Albania 
A. Luanda B. Tirana C. Vienna
D. Baku
93. Som is the currency of what 
country ?
A. IndonesiaB. Malaysia C. 
Uzbekistan D. Azerbaijan
94. Bakhtar is the news agency of 
what country ?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
Uzbekistan D. Afghanistan
95. Atom was a name given by 
____________ ?
A. Democritus
B. Bohr
Rutherford D. Archimedes
96. About how many taste buds does 
the average human tongue have?
A. 5000
B. 10000
C. 12000
D. 3000
97. The first mobile phone was 
created In___________?
A. 1970
B. 1973
C. 1980
D. 1983
98. Which is the national flower of 
Sweden ?
A. Linnaea Borealis
B. Edelweiss
C. Jasmine
D. Plum Blossom
99. The Russian Revolution Took 
Place In The Year________?
A. 1917
B. 1914
C. 1912
D. 1910
100. Which country in the world has 
large population of Vegetarians?
A. Bangladesh
B. India
C. Sri 
LankaD. Indonesia.


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