Almost all solved MCQs for you..


The shape of the camber, best suited for cement concrete pavements, is_______________?

A. straight line
B. elliptical
C. parabolic
D. combination of straight and parabolic

The stopping sight distance depends upon_______________?

A. speed of vehicle
B. total reaction time of driver
C. efficiency of brakes
D. all of the above

Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is________________?

A. dry
B. rough
C. smooth and dry
D. smooth and wet

Camber in the road is provided for_______________?

A. effective drainage
B. having proper sight distance
C. counteracting the centrifugal force
D. none of the above

On a single lane road with two way traffic, the minimum stopping sight distance is equal to______________?

A. half the stopping distance
B. two times the stopping distance
C. stopping distance
D. three times the stopping distance

The shoulder provided along the road edge should be_______________?

A. rougher than the traffic lanes
B. of very low load bearing capacity
C. of same colour as that of the pavement
D. smoother than the traffic lanes

When the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels due to rotation, then it results in______________?

A. turning
B. skidding
C. slipping
D. revolving

For water bound macadam roads in localities of heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is_______________?

A. 1 in 48
B. 1 in 36
C. 1 in 30
D. 1 in 60

The sequence of four stages of survey in a highway alignment is______________?

A. map study, preliminary survey, reconnaissance and detailed survey
B. reconnaissance, map study, preliminary survey and detailed survey
C. map study, reconnaissance, preliminary survey and detailed survey
D. preliminary survey, map study, reconnaissance and detailed survey

Nagpur road plan formula were prepared by assuming______________?

A. radial or star and block road pattern
B. rectangular or block road pattern
C. radial or star and circular road pattern
D. radial or star and grid road pattern

Compared to a level surface, on a descending gradient the stopping sight distance is_______________?

A. same
B. more
C. less
D. dependent on the speed

The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to________________?

A. two times the overtaking sight distance
B. overtaking sight distance
C. three times the overtaking sight distance
D. five times the overtaking sight distance

Select the correct statement______________?

A. Second 20-year plan allowed deduction of length of railway track in the area while calculating the length of roads
B. Nagpur road plan has a target road length of 32 km per 100 square km
C. Second 20-year plan has provided 1600 km of expressways out of the proposed National highway
D. Nagpur road plan formula take into account the towns with very large population

Reaction time of a driver_______________?

A. is same for all speeds
B. decreases with increase in speed
C. increases with increase in speed
D. none of the above

If the stopping distance is 60 meters, then the minimum stopping sight distance for two lane, two way traffic is_________________?

A. 120m
B. 60m
C. 30m
D. 180m

If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface, then to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be________________?

A. greater than b/2h and less than co-efficient of lateral friction
B. less than b/2h and also less than co-efficient of lateral friction
C. less than b/2h and greater than co-efficient of lateral friction
D. greater than b/2h and also greater than coefficient of lateral friction

The ruling design speed on a National Highway in plain terrain as per IRC recommendations is_____________?

A. 80 kmph
B. 60 kmph
C. 100 kmph
D. 120 kmph

The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight distance is_______________?

A. to decrease it on descending grades and to increase it on ascending grades
B. to increase it on descending grades and to decrease it on ascending grades
C. to increase it on both descending and ascending grades
D. to decrease it on both descending and ascending grades

Stopping sight distance is always_______________?

A. less than overtaking sight distance
B. more than overtaking sight distance
C. equal to overtaking sight distance
D. none of the above

The terrain may be classified as rolling terrain if the cross slope of land is______________?

A. between 25% and 60%
B. between 10% and 25%
C. upto 10%
D. more than 60%

For the design of super elevation for mixed traffic conditions, the speed is reduced by_____________?

A. 20%
B. 15%
C. 25%
D. 75%

For a constant value of coefficient of lateral friction, the value of required super-elevation increases with_______________?

A. decrease in both speed and radius of curve
B. increase in both speed and radius of curve
C. increase in speed and with decrease in radius of curve
D. decrease in speed and with increase in radius of curve

As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of super elevation for mixed traffic in plain terrain is_______________?

A. 1 in 15
B. 1 in 10
C. 1 in 12.5
D. equal to camber

On a horizontal curve if the pavement is kept horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on the outer wheels will be_________________?

A. more than the pressure on inner wheels
B. equal to the pressure on inner wheels
C. less than the pressure on inner wheels

The attainment of super elevation by rotation of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement_______________?

A. results in balancing the earthwork
B. is preferable in steep terrain
C. avoids the drainage problem in flat terrain
D. does not change the vertical alignment of road

To calculate the minimum value of ruling radius of horizontal curves in plains, the design speed is given by_________________?

A. 12 kmph
B. 8 kmph
C. 16 kmph
D. 20 kmph

In case of hill roads, the extra widening is generally provided______________?

A. fully on the outer side of the curve
B. fully on the inner side of the curve
C. equally on inner and outer sides of the curve
D. one-fourth on inner side and three-fourth on outer side of the curve

The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is______________?

A. ruling gradient
B. exceptional gradient
C. limiting gradient
D. minimum gradient

The transition curve used in the horizontal alignment of highways as per IRC recommendations is_______________?

A. spiral
B. cubic parabola
C. lemniscate
D. any of the above

The absolute minimum radius of curve for safe operation for a speed of 110 kmph is______________?

A. 220 m
B. 110 m
C. 440 m
D. 577 m

Select the correct statement_________________?

A. Psychological extra widening depends on the number of traffic lanes.
B. Psychological extra widening depends on the length of wheel base.
C. Mechanical extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle.
D. Psychological extra widening depends on the speed of vehicle

For design, that length of transition curve should be taken which is_____________?

A. based on rate of change of super elevation
B. based on allowable rate of change of centrifugal acceleration
C. higher of (A) and (B)
D. smaller of (A) and (B)

If ruling gradient is I in 20 and there is also a horizontal curve of radius 76 m, then the compensated grade should be_________________?

A. 5%
B. 4%
C. 3%
D. 6%

Which of the following shapes is preferred in a valley curve ?

A. spiral
B. cubic parabola
C. simple parabola
D. lemniscate

The percentage compensation in gradient for ruling gradient of 4% and horizontal curve of radius 760 m is____________________?

A. 1%
B. 0.1%
C. 10%
D. no compensation

The camber of road should be approximately equal to___________________?

A. two times the longitudinal gradient
B. longitudinal gradient
C. three times the longitudinal gradient
D. half the longitudinal gradient

In case of summit curves, the deviation angle will be maximum when_______________?

A. an ascending gradient meets with a level surface
B. an ascending gradient meets with a descending gradient
C. a descending gradient meets with another descending gradient
D. an ascending gradient meets with another ascending gradient

Enoscope is used to find______________?

A. space-mean speed
B. spot speed
C. average speed
D. time-mean speed

If an ascending gradient of 1 in 50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50, the length of summit curve for a stopping sight distance of 80 m will be_______________?

A. 64m
B. zero
C. 80m
D. 60m

The value of ruling gradient in plains as per IRC recommendation is______________?

A. 1 m 15
B. 1 in 12
C. 1 in 20
D. 1 in 30

If the design speed is V kmph and deviation angle is N radians, then the total length of a valley curve in meters is given by the expression_________________?

A. 3.8 NV”2
B. 0.38 (NV3)”2
C. 0.38 N V3/2
D. 3.8 (NV3)”2

Highway facilities are designed for_________________?

A. annual average daily traffic
B. annual average hourly volume
C. thirtieth highest hourly volume
D. peak hourly volume of the year

For highway geometric design purposes the speed used is________________?

A. 50 “”percentile
B. 15th percentile
C. 85th percentile
D. 98 “”percentile

The maximum width of a vehicle as recommended by IRC is________________?

A. 3.81 m
B. 2.44 m
C. 1.85 m
D. 4.72 m

Select the correct statement__________________?

A. 85th percentile speed is more than 98th percentile speed
B. Traffic capacity should always be more than traffic volume
C. Spot speed is the average speed of a vehicle at a specified section
D. Traffic volume should always be more than traffic capacity

Which of the following methods is preferred for collecting origin and destination data for a small area like a mass business center or a large intersection ?

A. return postcard method
B. license plate method
C. road side interview method
D. home interview method

Length of a vehicle affects________________?

A. width of shoulders and parking facilities
B. extra width of pavement and minimum turning radius
C. width of traffic lanes
D. clearance to be provided under structures such as overbridges, under-bridges etc

Desire lines are plotted in_________________?

A. speed studies
B. traffic volume studies
C. accident studies
D. origin and destination studies

The diagram which shows the approximate path of vehicles and pedestrians involved in accidents is known as___________________?

A. pie charts
B. spot maps
C. condition diagram
D. collision diagram

Which of the following is known as design capacity ?

A. basic capacity
B. possible capacity
C. theoretical capacity
D. practical capacity

Equivalent factor of passenger car unit (PCU) for a passenger car as per IRC is_____________?

A. 1.0
B. 0.5
C. 2.0
D. 10

With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the minimum spacing of vehicles________________?

A. increases
B. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed
C. decreases
D. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed

With increase in speed of the traffic stream, the maximum capacity of the lane________________?

A. decreases
B. increases
C. first increases and then decreases after reaching a maximum value at optimum speed
D. first decreases and then increases after reaching a minimum value at optimum speed

If the stopping distance and average length of a vehicle are 18 m and 6 m respectively, then the theoretical maxi¬mum capacity of a traffic lane at a speed of 10 m/sec is________________?

A. 1500 vehicles per hour
B. 2500 vehicles per hour
C. 2000 vehicles per hour
D. 3000 vehicles per hour

The diagram which shows all important physical conditions of an accident location like roadway limits, bridges, trees and all details of roadway conditions is known as_____________?

A. spot maps
B. pie chart
C. condition diagram
D. collision diagram

The background colour of the informatory sign board is______________?

A. green
B. yellow
C. red
D. white

When the speed of traffic flow becomes zero,then_______________?

A. traffic density attains maximum value whereas traffic volume becomes zero
B. traffic density and traffic volume both become zero
C. traffic density and traffic volume both attain maximum value
D. traffic density becomes zero whereas traffic volume attains maximum value

Scientific planning of transportation system and mass transit facilities in cities should be based on_____________?

A. traffic volume data
B. origin and destination data
C. spot speed data
D. accident data

On a right angled road intersection with two way traffic, the total number of conflict points is______________?

A. 11
B. 6
C. 18
D. 24

Which of the following is indicated by a warning sign ?

A. level crossing
B. end of speed limit
C. no parking
D. overtaking prohibited

The most efficient traffic signal system is________________?

A. alternate system
B. simultaneous system
C. flexible progressive system
D. simple progressive system

Select the incorrect statement?

A. Clearance time is generally 3 to 5 seconds
B. Go or green time of a signal is the sum of stop and clearance intervals for the cross flow
C. Stop or red time of a signal is the sum of go and clearance intervals for the cross flow
D. The cycle length is normally 40 to 60 seconds for two phase signals

“Dead Slow” is a______________?

A. regulatory sign
B. informatory sign
C. warning sign
D. none of the above

The provision of traffic signals at intersections______________?

A. increases right angled and rear end collisions
B. reduces right angled and rear end collisions
C. reduces right angled collisions but may increase rear end collisions
D. reduces rear end collisions but may increase right angled collisions

The particular places where pedestrians are to cross the pavement are properly marked by the pavement marking known as________________?

A. turn markings
B. stop lines
C. crosswalk lines
D. lane lines

When two equally important roads cross roughly at right angles, the suitable shape of central island is________________?

A. circular
B. tangent
C. elliptical
D. turbine

Centre line markings are used_____________?

A. to indicate that overtaking is not permitted
B. in roadways meant for two way traffic
C. to designate traffic lanes
D. to designate proper lateral placement of vehicles before turning to different directions

The entrance and exit curves of a rotary have_______________?

A. equal radii but pavement width is more at entrance than at exit curve
B. equal radii and equal widths of pavement
C. equal pavement widths but radius is more at entrance curve than at exit curve
D. different radii and different widths of pavement

The maximum number of vehicles beyond which the rotary may not function efficiently is______________?

A. 500 vehicles per day
B. 500 vehicles per hour
C. 5000 vehicles per hour
D. 5000 vehicles per day

As per IRC recommendations, the average level of illumination on important roads carrying fast traffic is______________?

A. 15 lux
B. 10 lux
C. 20 lux
D. 30 lux

Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with_______________?

A. 30° angle parking
B. parallel parking
C. 45° angle parking
D. 90° angle parking

A traffic rotary is justified where______________?

A. number of intersecting roads is between 4 and 7
B. when traffic volume is less than 500 vehicles per hour
C. space is limited and costly
D. when traffic volume is more than 5000 vehicles per hour

When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important, then the suitable shape of rotary is________________?

A. elliptical
B. tangent
C. circular
D. turbine

When the width of kerb parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking system is________________?

A. parallel parking
B. 45° angle parking
C. 90° angle parking
D. 65° angle parking

The most economical lighting layout which is suitable for narrow roads is_______________?

A. single side lighting
B. central lighting system
C. staggered system
D. none of the above

In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit is increased, then_____________?

A. compressibility and permeability decrease and dry strength increases
B. compressibility, permeability and dry strength increase
C. compressibility, permeability and dry strength decrease
D. compressibility and permeability increase and dry strength decreases

Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct______________?

A. abrasion test
B. attrition test
C. impact test
D. crushing strength test

The direct interchange ramp involves____________?

A. diverging to the left side and merging from right
B. diverging to the right side and merging from left
C. diverging to the right side and merging from right
D. diverging to the left side and merging from left

Which of the following tests measures the toughness of road aggregates ?

A. abrasion test
B. crushing strength test
C. impact test
D. shape test

If aggregate impact value is 20 to 30 percent, then it is classified as_______________?

A. strong
B. exceptionally strong
C. satisfactory for road surfacing
D. unsuitable for road surfacing

Percentage of free carbon in bitumen is______________?

A. equal to that in tar
B. less than that in tar
C. more than that in tar
D. none of the above

In CBR test the value of CBR is calculated at_______________?

A. 5.0 mm penetration only
B. 2.5 mm penetration only
C. 7.5 mm penetration only
D. both 2.5mm and 5.0 mm penetrations

The maximum allowable Los Angeles abrasion value for high quality surface course is_______________?

A. 20 %
B. 10 %
C. 30 %
D. 45 %

The ductility value of bitumen for suitability in road construction should not be less than____________?

A. 40 cm
B. 30 cm
C. 50 cm
D. 60 cm

Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen ?

A. 30/40
B. 80/100
C. 60/70
D. 100/120

Bitumen of grade 80/100 means______________?

A. its penetration value is 10 mm
B. its penetration value is 8 mm
C. its penetration value is 8 to 10 mm
D. its penetration value is 8 to 10 cm

Softening point of bitumen to be used for read construction at a place where maximum temperature is 40° C should be______________?

A. equal to 40°C
B. greater than 40°C
C. less-than 40°C
D. none of the above

The group index for a soil, whose liquid limit is 40 percent, plasticity index is 10 percent and percentage passing 75 micron IS sieve is 35, is______________?

A. 0
B. 5
C. 3
D. 7

Group index method of design of flexible pavement is_______________?

A. a semi empirical method
B. an empirical method based on physical properties of subgrade soil
C. an empirical method based on strength characteristics of subgrade soil
D. a theoretical method

Flexible pavement distribute the wheel load_____________?

A. through structural action
B. directly to subgrade
C. through a set of layers to the subgrade
D. none of the above

The method of design of flexible pavement as recommended by IRC is____________?

A. Westergaard method
B. CBR method
C. group index method
D. Benkelman beam method

Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its_____________?

A. grade
B. ductility
C. viscosity
D. temperature susceptibility

The recommended grade of tar for grouting purpose is_______________?

A. RT-2
B. RT-1
C. RT.3
D. RT-5

The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for road construction is____________?

A. 0.8 %
B. 0.6%
C. 0.4 %
D. 1.0 %

RC-2, MC-2 and SC-2 correspond to_______________?

A. same viscosity
B. viscosity in decreasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
C. viscosity in increasing order from RC-2 to SC-2
D. none of the above

For rapid curing cutbacks, the oil used is______________?

A. gasoline
B. light diesel
C. kerosene oil
D. heavy diesel

Bottom most layer of pavement is known as_____________?

A. base course
B. wearing course
C. sub-base course
D. subgrade

The number of repetitions, which the pavement thickness designed for a given wheel load should be able to support during the life of pavement is______________?

A. 1000
B. 100000
C. 10000
D. 1000000

Tyre pressure influences the______________?

A. total depth of pavement
B. quality of surface course
C. both of the above
D. none of the above

Select the correct statement______________?

A. More the value of CBR, greater thickness of pavement will be required
B. More the value of group index, less thickness of pavement will be required
C. Minimum and maximum values of group index can be 0 and 20 respectively
D. all of the above

Rigidity factor for a tyre pressure greater than 7 kg/cm2 is_______________?

A. greater than 1
B. less than 1
C. equal to 1
D. zero

Tie bars in cement concrete pavements are at______________?

A. contraction joints
B. expansion joints
C. warping joints
D. longitudinal joints

The function of an expansion joint in rigid pavements is to______________?

A. relieve shrinkage stresses
B. relieve warping stresses
C. resist stresses due to expansion
D. allow free expansion

The maximum spacing of contraction joints in rigid pavements is_____________?

A. 3.5 m
B. 2.5 m
C. 4.5 m
D. 5.5 m

The critical combination of stresses for corner region in cement concrete roads is____________?

A. load stress + frictional stress
B. load stress + warping stress + frictional stress
C. load stress + warping stress
D. load stress + warping stress frictional stress

If the group index value of subgrade is between 5 and 9, then the subgrade is treated as_____________?

A. good
B. very poor
C. poor
D. fair

The maximum thickness of expansion joint in rigid pavements is______________?

A. 0
B. 25 mm
C. 100 mm
D. 50 mm

The fundamental factor in the selection of pavement type is_____________?

A. subgrade soil and drainage conditions
B. type and intensity of traffic
C. climatic condition
D. availability of funds for the construction project

Maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavements is______________?

A. 1000 tonnes per day
B. 500 tonnes per day
C. 1500 tonnes per day
D. 2000 tonnes per day

The aggregates required for one kilometer length of water bound macadam road per meter width and for 10 mm thickness is________________?

A. 10 cubic meter
B. 8 cubic meter
C. 12 cubic meter
D. 15 cubic meter

The binder normally used in flexible pavement construction is________________?

A. lime
B. cement
C. bitumen
D. none of the above

For the construction of water bound macadam roads, the correct sequence of operations after spreading coarse aggregates is________________?

A. dry rolling, application of filler, wet rolling and application of screening
B. dry rolling, wet rolling, application of screening and application of filler
C. dry rolling, application of screening, wet rolling and application of filler
D. dry rolling, application of screening, application of filler and wet rolling

When the bituminous surfacing is done on already existing black top road or over existing cement concrete road, the type of treatment to be given is________________?

A. prime coat
B. tack coat
C. seal coat
D. spray of emulsion

The most suitable equipment for compacting clayey soils is a_______________?

A. pneumatic tyred roller
B. smooth wheeled roller
C. sheep foot roller
D. vibrator

Most suitable material for highway embankments is______________?

A. granular soil
B. silts
C. organic soil
D. clays

The camber of shoulders in water bound macadam roads is________________?

A. equal to the cross slope of pavement
B. greater than the cross slope of pavement
C. less than the cross slope of pavement
D. zero

In highway construction, rolling starts from________________?

A. sides and proceed to centre
B. one side and proceed to other side
C. centre and proceed to sides
D. any of the above

In the penetration macadam construction, the bitumen is__________________?

A. sprayed after the aggregates are spread and compacted
B. sprayed before the aggregates are spread and compacted
C. premixed with aggregates and then spread
D. none of the above

Which of the following premix methods is used for base course ?

A. mastic asphalt
B. bituminous carpet
C. sheet asphalt
D. bituminous bound macadam

The suitable surfacing material for a bridge deck slab is________________?

A. bituminous carpet
B. sheet asphalt
C. mastic asphalt
D. rolled asphalt

The thickness of bituminous carpet varies from__________________?

A. 20 to 25 mm
B. 75 to 100 mm
C. 50 to 75 mm
D. 100 to 120 mm

Select the correct statement________________?

A. Prime coat treatment is given for plugging the voids in water bound macadam during bituminous road construction
B. Quantity of binder required for tack coat is less than that required for prime coat
C. Seal coat is the final coat over certain previous bituminous pavements
D. A bitumen primer is a high viscosity cutback

Which of the following is considered to be the highest quality construction in the group of black top pavements ?

A. mastic asphalt
B. bituminous carpet
C. sheet asphalt
D. bituminous concrete

Which of the following represents a carpet of sand-bitumen mix without coarse aggregates ?

A. bituminous carpet
B. sheet asphalt
C. mastic asphalt
D. bituminous concrete

The drain which is provided parallel to roadway to intercept and divert the water from hill slopes is known as_______________?

A. side drain
B. catchwater drain
C. sloping drain
D. cross drain

In hill roads the side drains arc provided________________?

A. only on the hill side of road
B. on both sides of road
C. only on the opposite side of hill
D. none of the above

The minimum design speed for hairpin bends in hill roads is taken as_______________?

A. 20 kmph
B. 40 kmph
C. 30 kmph
D. 50 kmph

In highway construction on super elevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from_________________?

A. centre towards the sides
B. sides towards the centre
C. lower edge towards the upper edge
D. upper edge towards the lower edge

The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as________________?

A. 3%
B. 2.5%
C. 2%
D. 4%


Following is the list of the awards and the would-be recipients along with the fields they served in.


  • Sadeqain Naqvi Arts (Painting/Sculpture)
  • Prof. Shakir Ali Arts (Painting)
  • Zahoor ul Haq (Late) Arts (Painting/ Sculpture)
  • Ms. Abida Parveen Arts (Singing)
  • Dr. Jameel Jalibi
  • Muhammad Jameel Khan (Late) (Sindh) Literature (Critic/Historian)
  • Ahmad Faraz (Late) (KP) Literature (Poetry)


  • Prof. Dr. Anwar ul Hassan Gillani (Sindh) Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  • Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah (Punjab) Public Service


  • Jack Ma (China) Services to Pakistan


  • Kyu Jeong Lee (Korea) Services to Pakistan
    Salma Ataullahjan (Canada) Services to Pakistan


  • Jawwad Qamar (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Safia (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Hayatullah (KP) Gallantry
  • Malik Sardar Khan (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Mumtaz Khan Dawar (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Hayat Ullah Khan Dawar Hurmaz (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Malik Muhammad Niaz Khan (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Sepoy Akhtar Khan (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Muhammad Naveed Sadiq (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Mahar Muhammad Yasir Manzoor (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Shafqat Ullah Malik (KP) Gallantry
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kamal Pasha (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Prof. Hafiz Maqsood Ahmad (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Dr. Bashir Ahmad (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Dr. Khalid Masood Qaisrani (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Dr. Muhammad Asif (Shaheed) (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Dr. Shafqatullah (Shaheed) (Sindh) Gallantry
  • Dr. Younas Channa (Shaheed) (Sindh) Gallantry
  • Dr. Wilayat Ali Gopang (Shaheed) (Sindh) Gallantry
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Javed (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Dr. Munir Khan (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Dr. Usama Riaz (Shaheed) (Gilgit-Baltistan) Gallantry
  • Malik Ashder (Shaheed) (Gilgit-Baltistan) Gallantry
  • Dr. Muhammad Ikhlaq (Shaheed) (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) Gallantry


  • Abdul Hamid (Punjab) Science (Physics)
  • Raja Shahid Nazir (Punjab) Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Abdul Majeed Tilokar (Punjab) Engineering (Metallurgy)
  • Dr. Sajid Baloch (Punjab) Engineering (Electronics)
  • Naeem Ullah Dar (Punjab) Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Haider Ali Bhatty (Punjab) Engineering (Aerospace)
  • Muhammad Saleem (Punjab) Engineering (Chemical)
  • Amin Bahadur (KP) Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Faizan Mansoor (Islamabad) Engineering (Nuclear Safety Regulation)
  • Muhammad Aniq (Sindh) Engineering (Civil)
  • Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui (Late) (Sindh) Education
  • Prof. Dr. Farhan Saif (Punjab) Education
  • Bushra Ansari (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Talat Hussain (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Muhammad Imran Qureshi (Punjab) Arts (Miniature/ Painting)
  • Sultana Siddiqui (Sindh) Arts (Drama Writer/Director/Producer)
  • Syed Farooq Qaiser (Punjab) Arts (Puppeteer/Writer)
  • Naeem Altaf Bukhari (Punjab) Arts (Anchorperson)
  • Abdul Qadir (Late) Sports (Cricket)
  • Sr. Ruth Lewis (Late) Public Service
  • Brig. Rana Arfan Shakeel Ramay (Punjab) Public Service
  • Lt. Col. Farooq Shahbaz (Punjab) Public Service
  • Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmood (Sindh) Public Service
  • Sabina Khatri Public Service
  • Ahmed Irfan Aslam Public Service
  • Adnan Asdar Ali (Sindh) Philanthropy
  • Pir Syed Lakht e Hassanain (Punjab) Philanthropy


  • Ms. Ruth Wenny Lekardal (Sweden) Services to Pakistan
  • Liaqat Ali (Punjab) Science (Laser & Optics)
  • Dr. Muhammad Fuzail (KP) Science (Chemistry)
  • Dr. Kiran Iqbal (Sindh) Science (Chemistry)
  • Dr. Qurrat-ul-Ain (KP) Science (Plasma Physics)
  • Inam Ur Rehman (Punjab) Engineering (Nuclear)
  • Munir Ahmed (Punjab) Engineering (Process Control & Aging Management)
  • Dr. Shakeel Abbas Rofi (Sindh) Engineering (Nuclear)
  • Umar Asghar (Punjab) Engineering (Electrical)
  • Dr. Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal (Punjab) Engineering (Chemical)
  • Dr. Amir Shahzad (Punjab) Engineering
  • Zahid Noor Peracha (Sindh) Engineering (Electronics)
  • Saleem Akhtar (Punjab) Engineering (Mechanical)
  • Prof. Dr. Khalid Masud Gondal (Punjab) Education
  • Prof. Dr. Raisa Begum Gul (KP) Education (Nursing)
  • Naimatullah alias Naimat Sarhadi (KP) Arts (Film Acting)
  • Ms. Saima Shah alias Resham (Punjab) Arts (Film Acting)
  • Humayun Saeed (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Ms. Sakina Samo (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Muhammad Ali Shyhaki (Sindh) Arts (Singing)
  • Ms. Soraiya Khan (Mahjabeen Qazalbash) (KP) Arts (Singing)
  • Krishan Gee (Late) (Punjab) Arts (Singing)
  • Ali Zafar (Punjab) Arts (Singing)
  • Ms. Hina Nasrullah (Punjab) Arts (Sufi Singer/ Naat Khuwan)
  • Daryan Khan (Balochistan) Arts (Musical Instruments Maker)
  • Zulfiqar Ali Lund (Sindh) Arts (Instrumentalist)
  • Dr. Abdul Qudoos Arif (Dr. A.Q. Arif) (Sindh) Arts (Painting)
  • Muhammad Baqir (Punjab) Arts (Fresco Painting)
  • Shafique Farooqi (Punjab) Arts (Painting/Calligraphy)
  • Muhammad Faheem (KP) Arts (Wood Lacque)
  • Sarmad Sehbai (Islamabad) Arts (Play Writer/ Director/Poet)
  • Asif Ali Khan (Santoo) (Punjab) Arts (Qawwali)
  • Ms. Indu Mariam Mitha (Punjab) Arts (Choreography)
  • Muhammad Yousuf (Yousuf Gichki) (Balochistan) Literature (Writer)
  • Ms. Mahtab Mahboob (Sindh) Literature (Writer)
  • Mirza Athar Baig (Punjab) Literature (Writer)
  • Abaseen Yousufzai (KP) Literature (Writer)
  • Taj Muhammad Joyo (Taj Joyo) (Sindh) Literature (Poetry/Writer)
  • Dr. Muhammad Aslam Ansari (Punjab) Literature (Poetry/Writer)
  • Farhan Mehboob (KP) Sports (Squash)
  • Muhammad Irfan (Punjab) Sports (Kabaddi)
  • Haider Ali (Punjab) Sports (Paralympic Athlete)
  • Maulana Tariq Jamil (Punjab) Religious Scholar
  • Abdul Majid Qureshi (KP) Social Work


  • Ying Yong (China) Services to Pakistan
  • Li Fangron (China) Services to Pakistan
  • Lei Mingshan (China) Services to Pakistan
  • Prof. Dr. Celal Soydan (Turkey) Services to Pakistan
  • Dr. Tariq Shafi (Late) (UK) Services to Pakistan
  • Mian Faisal Rashid (UK) Services to Pakistan


  • Richard Geary Horwitz (USA) Services to Pakistan


  • Ms. Jane Teller (Denmark) Services to Pakistan


  • Muhammad Rafiq (Pakistan) Gallantry
  • Fida Hussain (Gilgit-Baltistan) Gallantry
  • Ali Aftab Tarar (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Syed Shahzad Hassan (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Haroon Rashid Khan (KP) Gallantry
  • Fakhr u Din (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Mian Khan (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Muhammad Faheem Raza Khan(Sindh) Gallantry
  • Malik Wasid Khan (KP) Gallantry
  • Molvi Gul Dad Khan (KP) Gallantry
  • Malik Aslam Noor Khan (KP) Gallantry
  • Muhammad Rafi (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Daud Khan (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Alam Zeb (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Allah Rakha (Late) (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) Gallantry
  • Ms. Shakeela Naz (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Guncha Sartaj (Shaheed) (KP) Gallantry
  • Atezaz Ahmed Goraya (Balochistan) Gallantry
  • Sajid Khan Mahmond (KP) Gallantry
  • SIP. Shahid Ali (Shaheed) Gallantry
  • Muhammad Iftikhar (Shaheed) Gallantry
  • Khuda Yar (Shaheed) Gallantry
  • Hassan Ali (Shaheed) Gallantry


  • Muhammad Suleman Mahsud (Pakistani) Services to Pakistan
  • Muhammad Junaid (Pakistani) Services to Pakistan
  • Muhammad Tahir Javed (USA) Services to Pakistan
  • Dr. Navida Nasir (Punjab) Science (Chemistry)
  • Zafar Iqbal Baig (Punjab) Science (Chemistry)
  • Dr. Manzoor Hussain (Punjab) Agriculture Science
  • Prof. Dr. Asif Ali (Punjab) Agriculture/Plant Breeding & Genetics
  • Dr. Faisal Shahzad (Punjab) Material Sciences
  • Dr. Syed Shabbar Abbas Rizvi (Islamabad) Engineering (Material Sciences)
  • Muhammad Iqbal Qureshi (Punjab) Engineering (Mining)
  • Muhammad Rizwan Ul Haq (Punjab) Engineering (Chemical)
  • Muhammad Ajmal (Punjab) Engineering (Electronics)
  • Dr. Ali Kamran (KP) Engineering (Aerospace)
  • Dr. Nasir Majid Mirza (Punjab) Education
  • Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi (Punjab) Education
  • Prof. Dr. Nouman Ahmed (Sindh) Education
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saeed Quraishy (Sindh) Education & Health Sciences
  • Dr. Yasar Mehmood Yousafzai (KP) Medicine
  • Ms. Zeba Shahnaz (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Abdul Majid Jahangir (Sindh) Arts (Acting)
  • Javed Mansoor Babar (KP) Arts (Drama Acting)
  • Habib-ur-Rehman Panezai (Balochistan) Arts (Drama Acting)
  • Fayaz Khan Khweshgi (KP) Arts (Singing)
  • Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Khan (KP) Arts (Archeology)
  • Hameed Ullah Shah Hashmi (Punjab) Literature (Writer)
  • Dr. Yar Mohammad Maghmoom Khattak (KP) Literature (Writer)
  • Shah Mirza (Gilgit-Baltistan) Literature (Translation of Holy Qur’an in Shina Language)
  • Prof. Rehmatullah Dard (Late) (KP) Literature (Poetry)
  • Dr. Syed Faisal Mahmood (Sindh) Public Service
  • Muhammad Ilyas Ayub (AJ&K) Public Service
  • Syed Aamir Mahmood (Punjab) Public Service
  • Zubair Ali (KP) Public Service
  • Dr. Shahzad Akbar (KP) Public Service
  • Dr. Muhammad Farooq Uyghur (Balochistan) Public Service
  • Manzoor Ahmad (Gilgit-Baltistan) Public Service
  • Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) Public Service
  • Faisal Edhi (Sindh) Social Welfare
  • Prof. Dr. Shereen Khan (Balochistan) Social Welfare
  • Ms. Ghazala Juma Khan (Balochistan) Social Welfare
  • Suleman Khan Mehtarzai (Balochistan) Social Work/ Philanthropy
  • Capt (R) Muhammad Ilyas (Islamabad) Gallantry
  • Javaid Iqbal (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Zahid Latif Malik (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Farid Ahmed Khan (Punjab) Gallantry
  • Omar Saeed (Islamabad) Gallantry
  • Muhammad Aslam (Sindh) Gallantry


  • Anumat Amat (Thailand) Services to Pakistan

Pakistan announces civilian award for Turkish professor

Pakistan on August 14, 2020 announced its one of the highest civil awards for a Turkish scholar for his work to promote Urdu — Pakistan’s national language — in Turkey.

President Arif Alvi announced Sitara-i-Quaid-i-Azam or Star of Excellence — the country’s third highest civil award — for Prof. Celal Soydan, who teaches at the Department of Urdu Language and Literature at Istanbul University, state-run Pakistan Television reported.

National Museum of Pakistan Karachi:

The National Museum of Pakistan is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The National Museum of Pakistan was established in Frere Hall on 17 April 1950, replacing the defunct Victoria Museum. Frere Hall itself was built in 1865 as a tribute to Sir Bartle Frere, a Commissioner of Sindh. The Museum was shifted to the present premises (located in Burns Garden, Dr. Zia-ud-din Ahmed Road) in 1970.

Lahore Museum:

The Lahore Museum (Lahore Wonder House) is a museum located in Lahore, Pakistan. It was founded in 1865 during the British colonial period in Lahore, later shifted to present site in 1894. The museum, along with the Zamzama Gun located directly in front of the building, were made famous in the celebrated British novel Kim, written by Rudyard Kipling – whose father was one of the museum’s earliest curators.

Archaeological Museum, Harappa:

Archaeological Museum is an archaeology museum based in Harappa, Punjab, Pakistan. It was established in 1926 and then in 1966 its building was constructed by the Government of Pakistan.

National Museum of Science and Technology, Lahore:

The National Museum of Science & Technology (NMST) is a museum in Lahore, Pakistan. (NMST) National museum of science & Technology is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and it was establishment in 1965

Peshawar Museum:

The Peshawar Museum (Former name: Victoria Memorial Hall) is a museum located in Peshawar, capital of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The Peshawar Museum is notable for its collection of Buddhist artwork dating from the ancient Gandhara Empire. In 1907, the Victoria Memorial Hall in Peshawar was turned into a museum by Lord Curzon. The Peshawar Museum was originally built as “Victoria Memorial Hall”, in memory of Queen Victoria.

Archaeological Museum Banbhore:

Archaeological Museum Banbhore or Banbhore Museum is an archaeological museum located in Banbhore, Sindh, Pakistan. The museum was established by the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Government of Pakistan on 21 August 1960. The museum was inaugurated on 14 May 1967. Banbhore is an ancient archaeological site, and the city is more than 2100 years old city. It is located 64 km (40 mi) from Karachi in Hyderabad District. Preliminary excavation was started by Majumdar in 1928 and in 1951 by Alcock.

Taxila Museum:

Taxila Museum is situated in Taxila a tehsil of Rawalpindi. This is a site museum and its collection mainly focuses on Gandharan art. These sites at Taxila date back to 600 or 700 BC. Construction of Taxila museum started in 1918, its foundation stone laid by Lord Chelmsford, Viceroy of India in 1918. Construction was concluded in 1928 and the museum was opened for public by Sir Muhammad Habibullah then the Minister for Education. The government of Pakistan constructed the northern gallery in 1998.

Wazir Mansion:

Wazir Mansion (built in 1866) known officially as Quaid-i-Azam Birthplace was formally inaugurated as Jinnah’s birthplace museum on 14 August 1953. A project of strengthening, preservation, and rehabilitation was completed by the government in 2010.

Pakistan Maritime Museum:

Pakistan Maritime Museum is a naval museum and park situated near PNS Karsaz on Habib Ebrahim Rehmatoola Road (Karsaz Road) in Karachi, Pakistan. The main museum building is located inside the park of 28 acres. It comprises six galleries and an auditorium. It was established in 1954.

Pakistan Museum of Natural History:

Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH), established in 1976, is a public natural history museum situated in Islamabad, the federal capital of Pakistan.

Lok Virsa Museum:

Lok Virsa Museum also known as the National Institute of Folk & Traditional Heritage is a museum of history, art and culture located on the Shakarparian Hills Islamabad. The museum opened in 1974 and became an autonomous institute in 2002. The museum covers an area of 60,000 sq. ft., making it the largest museum in Pakistan. Lok Virsa is commonly called the “Museum for the people of Pakistan”.

Pakistan National Museum of Ethnology:

The Pakistan National Museum of Ethnology (or Folk Heritage Museum) was originally established in 1982 as the “Folk Art Museum”.

Sufis and Shrines Hall:

In 2013, a Sufis and Shrines Hall was established within the Pakistan National Museum of Ethnology, popularly known as the Heritage Museum.

Pakistan Monument Museum:

The Pakistan Monument Museum was established in 2010 to pay tribute to all those who worked and sacrificed everything for the Independence of Pakistan.

Lok Virsa Library:

The Lok Virsa Library (or Heritage Library) consists of over 32,000 books, journals, manuscripts and field reports pertaining to Pakistani folklore, ethnology, cultural anthropology, art history and craft as well as over 200 books published by Lok Virsa.

Sindh Museum:

The Sindh Museum is a museum located in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan. The Museum was established to collect, preserve, study, and exhibit the records of the cultural history of Sindh. The Sindh Museum Hyderabad was established in 1971.


Sindhology is a field of study and academic research that covers the history, society, culture, and literature of Sindh, a province of Pakistan. The subject was first brought into the academic circles with the establishment of the Institute of Sindhology at Sindh University in 1964.

Lyallpur Museum:

Lyallpur Museum is a heritage museum in Faisalabad (Lyallpur), Pakistan. It has 10 galleries which show the ancient and modern history and culture of Lyallpur/Faisalabad. It was established on July 30, 2011 by the government of Punjab.

Hund Museum:

Hund Museum located in Hund of Swabi district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The project of Hund archaeological and tourist site was approved in 1994. Excavation in Hund start in June 1996. The Hund Museum was inaugurated by archaeologist late Dr. Ahmad Hasan Dani and then provincial culture secretary Arshad Sami Khan in 2009.

Bahawalpur Museum:

The Bahawalpur Museum established in 1976, is a museum of archaeology, art, heritage, modern history and religion located in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. It comes under the control of Bahawalpur District Government.

First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan
Dwight D. Eisenhower

The first elections held in the country after independence
provincial Assembly of Punjab between 10–20 March 1951 for 197 seats

First President of All India Muslim league
Air Agha Khan

First President of Pakistan Muslim league
Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman

First Pakistani Prime Minister who visited China first
Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy

World’s First University
Taxila University at Taxila, Pakistan (established in 700 B.C)

First secretary general of Pakistan
Ch. Muhammad Ali

First Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan
Justice Salahuddin Ahmad

First capital of Pakistan

First Federal Minister for Defence of Pakistan
Liaquat Ali Khan

First Chief Scout Commissioner of Pakistan

First Gazette of Pakistan was issued on August 15, 1947 for
appointment of Governor General of Pakistan

First indigenously designed car in Pakistan

First State that joined Pakistan

First radio station established After Independence
Karachi radio station

First DNA Test laboratory was inaugurated in March, 2006

First Geo Scientific Laboratory

First emergency was declared in Pakistan on August 27, 1948 for
rehabilitation of refugees

First Hindu Chief Justice of Pakistani Supreme Court
Justice Rana Bhagwan Das

First Non Muslim Chief Justice of Pakistani Supreme Court
A.R. Cornelius from 13 May 1960 to 29 February 1968

Pakistan’s first cabinet sworn on
August 15, 1947

First hockey gold medal in Asian Games
Asian Games 1958 Tokyo

First gold medal in Olympic Games
Olympic Games 1960 Rome (in hockey)

First medal in Olympic Games
Melbourne 1956 (Silver Medal in hockey)

First country visited by Liaquat Ali Khan
USA in 1950

First Five-Year Plan started in

First Pakistani winner of Peace Nobel Prize
Malala Yousaf Zai

First country to recognize Pakistan’s independence, in 1947

First country’s head who visited Pakistan

First Chief election commissioner of Pakistan
Fateh Muhammad Khan (F.M Khan)

First administrator of Karachi
Syed Hasham Raza

First State bank which was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam
State Bank of Pakistan (1st July 1948)

First governor of state bank of Pakistan
Zahid Hussein

First captain of Pakistani cricket team
Hafeez Kardar

First five year plan implemented in Pakistan

First Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan
Syed Mehdi Shah

First Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan
Dr. Shama Khalid

First Governor of Balochistan
Riaz Hussain

First Chairman of the Senate
Habib Ullah Khan

First agriculture reforms were introduced in Pakistan
January 24, 1959

First poet of Pushto
Amir Krore

First speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Molvi Muhammad Tamizuddin Khan

First Deputy Speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Mr. C. E. Gibbon

First Muslim Deputy Speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Ch. Mohammad Afzal Cheema

First President of Constitution Assembly of Pakistan

First Deputy President of Constitution Assembly of Pakistan
Molvi Muhammad Tamizuddin Khan

First Pakistani who received noble prize
Dr. Abdus Salam (1979 in Physics)

First Pakistani who received Lenin prize
Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1962)

First Communications Minister
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

First constructed Barrage of Pakistan
Sukkur Barrage (1932)

First Finance Minister of Pakistan
Ghulam Muhammad

First Interior Minister of Pakistan
Fazlur Rehman

First Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Sir George Cunningham

First Muslim Governor of KPK
Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid

First Chief Minister of KPK
Abdul Qayyum Khan

First governor general of Pakistan

First president of Pakistan
Iskandar Mirza

First elected president of Pakistan
Field Marshal Ayub Khan

First Vice president of Pakistan

First Prime Minister of Pakistan
Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan

First nuclear reactor of Pakistan
Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 1972

First Chief Justice of Pakistan
Justice Sardar Abdur. Rashid

First Chief Justice of Federal Court of Pakistan
Justice Sardar Abdur. Rashid

First Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan
Justice Muhammad Munir

First commander-in-chief of army
Gen. Frank meservy

First Muslim commander-in-chief of army
G.M. Ayub Khan

First commander-in-chief of air force
Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry Keene

First Muslim commander-in-chief of air force
Air Marshal Asghar Khan

First commander-in-chief navy
Rear Admiral James Wilfred Jeffords

First Muslim commander-in-chief of navy
Haji Muhammad Sadique Chaudhry

First joint chief of staff committee
General Muhammad Sharif

First Foreign Minister of Pakistan
Sir Zafarullah Khan

First Pakistani Judge of the International Court of Justice
Sir Zafarullah Khan

First governor of Punjab
Sir Francis Mudie

First Muslim governor of Punjab
Abdur Rab Nishtar

First Chief Minister of Punjab
Iftikhar Hussain Khan

First Governor of Sindh
Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah

First Motorway of Pakistan which was constructed in 1997
Islamabad-Lahore motorway

First Chief Minister of Sindh
Muhammad Ayub Khuhro

First Chief Election Commissioner of Gilgit-Baltistan
Mr. Rahim Nawaz Khan Durrani

First Chief Minister of Balochistan
Ataullah Mengal

First President of Azad Kashmir
Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan

First Pakistani postal stamp issued
July 1948

First Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir
Abdul Hamid Khan

First person who received Nishan-e-Haider
Captain Raja Sarwar

First Pakistani Bank
Habib Bank Limited (August 17, 1947)

First Pakistani who climbed Mount Everest
Nazir Sabir

Pakistan’s first tea processing plant

First natural gas reserves was discovered in 1952

First sports channel of Pakistan
Super Geo

Pakistan launched first Cruise missile on August 11, 2005
Hatf VII (Babur)

First children complex in Pakistan
Lahore children complex

First military truck

First guided missile of Pakistan
Hatf 1-1989

First racket was launched by Pakistan

First Tank of Pakistan was

First satellite of Pakistan
Badr (launched 16th July 1990)

Ordinance factory
Wah (28th December 1951)

First uranium mining and processing project
Lacky Marwat 20th October 1995

First university of Pakistan
Punjab University

First university of Pakistan after creation
Sindh University

First telephone factory
Haripur (2nd October 1952)

First Cancer Hospital
Shaukat Khanum cancer hospital, Lahore

First Pakistani who reached South Pole (17th January 1996)
Surgeon Dr. Arif Ali Ch

First Textile Mill of Pakistan
Voleeka textile mills

First open university of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal Open University

First water canal agreement on 4th May 1948
Between Pakistan & India

First boundary agreement on 6th January 1960
Between Pakistan & India

First constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 23rd March 1956

Second constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 8th June 1962

Third constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 14th August 1973

First Pakistani to win Pulitzer Prize
Adrees Latif

First SOS village of Pakistan
Lahore (1977)

Pakistan first private channel
STN (1990)

First martial law was imposed in Pakistan
7 October 1958

First general elections held in Pakistan

First Cinema House in Subcontinent
It was built by J.F. Madan in 1907 in Calcutta.

First English Newspaper in Subcontinent
Bengal Gazette printed in 1790 by James Augustus in Calcutta

First Urdu Newspaper in Subcontinent
Jam-i-Jahan Numa 1822 from Calcutta

First Postage Stamp in Subcontinent
It was issued in India in 1852 at Karachi.

First Printing Press in Subcontinent
It was set up in Goa in 1556 by the Portuguese.

First Railway Line in Subcontinent
It was opened on April 16, 1853 between Bombay and Thane.

First Rupee in Subcontinent
It was minted during the reign of Sher Shah Suri in 1542.

First silent feature film in Subcontinent
Pundalik made in 1912 by N.G. Chitre and R.G. Torney. It was half British in its make.

First Talkie Film in Subcontinent
Alam Ara (1931)

First Telegraph Line in Subcontinent
It was laid between Calcutta and Agra in 1854. This line was 1280 km long. It was extended up to Lahore in 1857.

First Telephone system in Subcontinent
It was started in 1881 from Calcutta.

The first radio programme was broadcast in Subcontinent
In 1923 by the Radio Club of Bombay

First Pakistani Urdu film
Teri Yaad

First Pakistani Panjabi film

First census in subcontinent

First census in Pakistan

First zoological garden of Pakistan
Jallo National Park

First Pakistani Station in Antarctica
Jinnah station (January 15, 1991)


First President of America who made an official visit to Pakistan
Dwight D. Eisenhower

The first elections held in the country after independence
Provincial Assembly of Punjab between 10–20 March 1951 for 197 seats

First President of All India Muslim league
Air Agha Khan

First President of Pakistan Muslim league
Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman

First Pakistani Prime Minister who visited China first
Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy

World’s First University
Taxila University at Taxila, Pakistan (established in 700 B.C)

First secretary general of Pakistan
Ch. Muhammad Ali

First Chief Justice of the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan
Justice Salahuddin Ahmad

First capital of Pakistan

First Federal Minister for Defence of Pakistan
Liaquat Ali Khan

First Chief Scout Commissioner of Pakistan

First Gazette of Pakistan was issued on August 15, 1947 for
appointment of Governor General of Pakistan

First indigenously designed car in Pakistan

First State that joined Pakistan

First radio station established After Independence
Karachi radio station

First DNA Test laboratory was inaugurated in March, 2006

First Geo Scientific Laboratory

First emergency was declared in Pakistan on August 27, 1948 for
rehabilitation of refugees

First Hindu Chief Justice of Pakistani Supreme Court
Justice Rana Bhagwan Das

First Non Muslim Chief Justice of Pakistani Supreme Court
A.R. Cornelius from 13 May 1960 to 29 February 1968

Pakistan’s first cabinet sworn on
August 15, 1947

First hockey gold medal in Asian Games
Asian Games 1958 Tokyo

First gold medal in Olympic Games
Olympic Games 1960 Rome (in hockey)

First medal in Olympic Games
Melbourne 1956 (Silver Medal in hockey)

First country visited by Liaquat Ali Khan
USA in 1950

First Five-Year Plan started in

First Pakistani winner of Peace Nobel Prize
Malala Yousaf Zai

First country to recognize Pakistan’s independence, in 1947

First country’s head who visited Pakistan

First Chief election commissioner of Pakistan
Fateh Muhammad Khan (F.M Khan)

First administrator of Karachi
Syed Hasham Raza

First State bank which was inaugurated by Quaid-e-Azam
State Bank of Pakistan (1st July 1948)

First governor of state bank of Pakistan
Zahid Hussein

First captain of Pakistani cricket team
Hafeez Kardar

First five year plan implemented in Pakistan

First Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan
Syed Mehdi Shah

First Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan
Dr. Shama Khalid

First Governor of Balochistan
Riaz Hussain

First Chairman of the Senate
Habib Ullah Khan Marwat

First agriculture reforms were introduced in Pakistan
January 24, 1959

First poet of Pushto
Amir Krore Sori

First speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Molvi Muhammad Tamizuddin Khan

First Deputy Speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Mr. C. E. Gibbon

First Muslim Deputy Speaker of constitution assembly of Pakistan
Ch. Mohammad Afzal Cheema

First President of Constitution Assembly of Pakistan

First Deputy President of Constitution Assembly of Pakistan
Molvi Muhammad Tamizuddin Khan

First Pakistani who received noble prize
Dr. Abdus Salam (1979 in Physics)

First Pakistani who received Lenin prize
Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1962)

First Communications Minister
Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

First constructed Barrage of Pakistan
Sukkur Barrage (1932)

First Finance Minister of Pakistan
Ghulam Muhammad

First Interior Minister of Pakistan
Fazlur Rehman

First Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Sir George Cunningham

First Muslim Governor of KPK
Sahibzada Mohammad Khurshid

First Chief Minister of KPK
Abdul Qayyum Khan

First governor general of Pakistan

First president of Pakistan
Iskandar Mirza

First elected president of Pakistan
Field Marshal Ayub Khan

First Vice president of Pakistan

First Prime Minister of Pakistan
Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan

First nuclear reactor of Pakistan
Karachi Nuclear Power Plant 1972

First Chief Justice of Pakistan
Justice Sardar Abdur. Rashid

First Chief Justice of Federal Court of Pakistan
Justice Sardar Abdur. Rashid

First Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan
Justice Muhammad Munir

First commander-in-chief of army
Gen. Frank meservy

First Muslim commander-in-chief of army
G.M. Ayub Khan

First commander-in-chief of air force
Air Vice Marshal Allan Perry Keene

First Muslim commander-in-chief of air force
Air Marshal Asghar Khan

First commander-in-chief navy
Rear Admiral James Wilfred Jeffords

First Muslim commander-in-chief of navy
Haji Muhammad Sadique Chaudhry

First joint chief of staff committee
General Muhammad Sharif

First Foreign Minister of Pakistan
Sir Zafarullah Khan

First Pakistani Judge of the International Court of Justice
Sir Zafarullah Khan

First governor of Punjab
Sir Francis Mudie

First Muslim governor of Punjab
Abdur Rab Nishtar

First Chief Minister of Punjab
Iftikhar Hussain Khan

First Governor of Sindh
Ghulam Hussain Hidayat Ullah

First Motorway of Pakistan which was constructed in 1997
Islamabad-Lahore motorway

First Chief Minister of Sindh
Muhammad Ayub Khuhro

First Chief Election Commissioner of Gilgit-Baltistan
Mr. Rahim Nawaz Khan Durrani

First Chief Minister of Balochistan
Ataullah Mengal

First President of Azad Kashmir
Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan

First Pakistani postal stamp issued
July 1948

First Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir
Abdul Hamid Khan

First person who received Nishan-e-Haider
Captain Raja Sarwar

First Pakistani Bank
Habib Bank Limited (August 17, 1947)

First Pakistani who climbed Mount Everest
Nazir Sabir

Pakistan’s first tea processing plant

First natural gas reserves was discovered in 1952

First sports channel of Pakistan
Super Geo

Pakistan launched first Cruise missile on August 11, 2005
Hatf VII (Babur)

First children complex in Pakistan
Lahore children complex

First military truck

First guided missile of Pakistan
Hatf 1-1989

First racket was launched by Pakistan

First Tank of Pakistan was

First satellite of Pakistan
Badr (launched 16th July 1990)

Ordinance factory
Wah (28th December 1951)

First uranium mining and processing project
Lacky Marwat 20th October 1995

First university of Pakistan
Punjab University

First university of Pakistan after creation
Sindh University

First telephone factory
Haripur (2nd October 1952)

First Cancer Hospital
Shaukat Khanum cancer hospital, Lahore

First Pakistani who reached South Pole (17th January 1996)
Surgeon Dr. Arif Ali Ch

First Textile Mill of Pakistan
Voleeka textile mills

First open university of Pakistan
Allama Iqbal Open University

First water canal agreement on 4th May 1948
Between Pakistan & India

First boundary agreement on 6th January 1960
Between Pakistan & India

First constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 23rd March 1956

Second constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 8th June 1962

Third constitution of Pakistan
Enforced on 14th August 1973

First Pakistani to win Pulitzer Prize
Adrees Latif

First SOS village of Pakistan
Lahore (1977)

Pakistan first private channel
STN (1990)

First martial law was imposed in Pakistan
7 October 1958

First general elections held in Pakistan

First Cinema House in Subcontinent
It was built by J.F. Madan in 1907 in Calcutta.

First English Newspaper in Subcontinent
Bengal Gazette printed in 1790 by James Augustus in Calcutta

First Urdu Newspaper in Subcontinent
Jam-i-Jahan Numa 1822 from Calcutta

First Postage Stamp in Subcontinent
It was issued in India in 1852 at Karachi.

First Printing Press in Subcontinent
It was set up in Goa in 1556 by the Portuguese.

First Railway Line in Subcontinent
It was opened on April 16, 1853 between Bombay and Thane.

First Rupee in Subcontinent
It was minted during the reign of Sher Shah Suri in 1542.

First silent feature film in Subcontinent
Pundalik made in 1912 by N.G. Chitre and R.G. Torney. It was half British in its make.

First Talkie Film in Subcontinent
Alam Ara (1931)

First Telegraph Line in Subcontinent
It was laid between Calcutta and Agra in 1854. This line was 1280 km long. It was extended up to Lahore in 1857.

First Telephone system in Subcontinent
It was started in 1881 from Calcutta.

The first radio programme was broadcast in Subcontinent
In 1923 by the Radio Club of Bombay

First Pakistani Urdu film
Teri Yaad

First Pakistani Panjabi film

First census in subcontinent

First census in Pakistan

First zoological garden of Pakistan
Jallo National Park

First Pakistani Station in Antarctica
Jinnah station (January 15, 1991)

1. Most common pattern fingerprint is
a. Whorls
b. Loops
c. Composite
d. Arches

2. pH of seminal fluid is
a. 6
b. 7
c. 7.4
d. 8.2

3. Poroscopy is
a. Counting pores of sweat glands only
b. Counting pores of both sweat and sebaceous glands
c. Counting number of ridges
d. Counting number of ridges and sweat glands

4. Tattoo marks destroyed, their presence can be inferred from presence of pigment in
a. Deep dermis
b. Subcutaneous tissue
c. Lymph nodes Regional
d. Underlying Muscle

5. Bluish discolouration of neck of tooth due to
a. Cyanosis
b. Bismuth
c. Copper
d. Nicotine

6. Suspected air embolism, body cavity to be opened first is
a. Brain
b. Thorax
c. Abdomen
d. Pelvis

7. “Under taker’s fracture” due to falling of head (Backward) occurs at
a. L5-S1
b. T12-L1
c. C6-C7
d. C1-C2

8. Most fixed part of intestine is
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Colon
d. Ileum

9. After death blood usually remains fluid except in
a. Pneumonia
b. Septicemia
c. CO poisoning
d. Hypofibrinogenemia

10. “Nutmeg liver” refers to
a. Amoebic hepatitis
b. Pyogenic abscess
c. Chronic venous congestion
d. Portal cirrhosis

11. Child brain attains mature size and weight at about
a. 3 yrs
b. 5 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. 9 yrs

12. Radiological signs of fetal death includes all except ?
a. Overlapping of skull bones (Spalding’s sign)
b. Hyperextension of spine
c. Collapse of spinal column
d. Gas in aorta

13. For transplantation cornea can be removed from dead upto
a. 6 hrs
b. 12 hrs
c. 18 hrs
d. 24 hrs

14. Exhumation done under order by
a. Police officer
b. Superintendent police
c. First class magistrate

15. Diagnosis of brain death dependent upon all except
a. Dilated/fixed pupil
b. No spontaneous breathing
c. Flat EEG
d. Cessation of cardiac contraction.

16. After stoppage of circulation muscles can live up to
a. 10 mts
b. 30 mts
c. 3 hrs
d. 6 hrs

17. Anoxic anoxia produced by all except
a. Drowning
b. Fire accidents
c. Cyanide poisoning
d. Strangulation

18. Tardieu spots in hanging are common at all the following sites except
a. Scalp
b. Eyebrow
c. Chest wall
d. Face

19. Tardieu’s spot
a. Septicemia
b. Endocarditis
c. Meningococcemia
d. All of the above

20. Earliest sign of death is
a. loss of skin elasticity
b. Corneal clouding
c. Cooling of body
d. Postmortem lividity

21. Tache noire refers to
a. Postmortem staining
b. Flaccidity of eyeball
c. Wrinkled dusty sclera
d. Maggot growth

22. Rectal temperature does not appreciably fall till what time after death
a. 15-30 mts
b. 30-60 mts
c. 60-90 mts
d. none of the above

23. Postmortem caloricity seen in poisoning from
a. Arsenic
b. Strychnine
c. Cyanide
d. Organophosphorus

24. Postmortem lividity well developed with in
a. 2 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs

25. Fixation of postmortem staining occurs in
a. 2 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs

26. Rigor mortis starts when muscle ATP is reduced below
a. 50%
b. 5%
c. 15%
d. 5%

27. Rigor mortis first evident in
a. Intestine
b. Myocardium
c. Interstitial muscle
d. Eyelids

28. Cutis anserina of rigor mortis due to stiffness of
a. Erector pilorum
b. Biceps
c. Cremaster
d. Diaphragm

29. Rigor mortis does not occur in fetus less than
a. 9 mth
b. 7 mth
c. 6 mth
d. 8 mth

30. Commonest cause of impotence in male is
a. Adrenal dysfunction
b. Testicular failure
c. Mal developed penis
d. Psychogenic

31. Cadaveric spasm commonly seen in
a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Neck muscles
d. Involuntary muscles

32. Heat stiffening occurs when body exposed to temperature
a. 450C
b. 550C
c. 650C
d. 750C

33. Chief agent for bacterial putrefaction is
a. E.coli
b. B. fragilis
c. C.welchii
d. Staph aureus

34. Postmortem hemolysis due to bacterial enzyme
a. Lecithinase
b. Phospholipase
c. Streptokinase
d. Hyaluronidase

35. First external sign of putrefaction of body lying in air is around
a. Umbilicus
b. Rt iliac fossa
c. Lt iliac fossa
d. Chest wall

36. Greenish colour earliest sign of putrefaction due to
a. Hb
b. Meta Hb
c. SulphmetHb
d. CarboxyHb

37. Combustible gas of autolysis is
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulphide
c. Methane
d. Carbon dioxide

38. Postmortem luminescence due to
a. Photobacterium fischeri
b. Armillaria mellea

39. First internal organ to putrefy is
a. Heart
b. Brain
c. Larynx / trachea
d. Kidney

40. Last organ to putrefy
a. Uterus / prostate
b. Testes
c. Ovary
d. Adrenals

41. Putrefaction occurs more rapidly in
a. Water
b. Air
c. Soil
d. Cold-salt water

42. Adipocere starts early in all of following except
a. Face
b. Breast
c. Buttock
d. Chest wall

43. Dehydration / Shriveling of cadaver is called
a. Putrefaction
b. Mummification
c. Saponification

44. Formaldehyde injected for embalming is
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%

45. Odour of mummified body is
a. Pungent
b. Putrid
c. Offensive
d. Odorless

46. For embalming chemicals are injected into
a. Femoral artery
b. Abdominal cavity
c. Chest cavity

47. Maggots appear in natural orifices of dead in summer in about
a. 2 – 4 hrs
b. 6 – 8 hrs
c. 8 – 12 hrs
d. 12 – 24 hrs

48. After death all of following show rise in CSF except
a. Lactic acid
b. Amino acid
c. Urea
d. Uric acid

49. After death blood level of following decrease
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Magnesium
d. None

50. Brush burn refers to
a. Electric burn
b. Lightening burn
c. Sliding abrasion
d. Pressure abrasion

51. Wound cause by sickle is
a. Stab wound
b. Incised wound
c. Both

52. Beveling cut refers to
a. Flap wound
b. Overhang margins
c. One margin under mined
d. Irregular margins

53. Cut-throat wound cause death by
a. Air embolism
b. Haemorrhage
c. Tracheobronchial aspiration
d. All of above.

54. Blunt trauma more likely to produce incised like wounds
a. Hand
b. Neck
c. Chest
d. Scalp

55. Fabricated wounds are mostly
a. Abrasions
b. Incised wounds
c. Contusions
d. Lacerations

56. Diastatic fracture refers to fracture through
a. Outer table
b. Inner table
c. Sutural line
d. None

57. In Contrecoup impact lesion is present
a. At site of impact
b. At a site opposite to impact
c. At a site tangential to impact

58. Extradural haemorrhage commonly occurs from rupture of
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Middle meningeal artery
c. Dural sinus
d. None of above.

59. Common cause of death in Extradural haemmorhage is
a. Haemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock

60. Rupture of berry aneurysm commonly produces
a. Subarachnoid bleed
b. Intracerebral sued
c. Subdural bleed

61. Most common cause of aneurysm formation
a. Trauma
b. Septic emboli
c. Congenital
d. Syphilitic endarteritis

62. Whiplash is which form of injury
a. Hyper flexion
b. Hyperextension
c. Lateral flexion
d. Atlanto-axial dislocation

63. Blunt abdominal trauma commonest site of GI ruptures is
a. Stomach
b. Duodenum
c. Jejunum
d. Transverse colon

64. In drowning, the epidermis of the hands and feet is separated in the form of gloves and stocking after:
a. 2 minutes
b. 2 hours
c. 2 weeks
d. 2 months

65. Chadwick’s sign is
a. Softening of cervix
b. Increased vaginal mucous secretion
c. Blue colouration of vagina

66. Amount of air necessary to produce fatal air embolism is
a. 20 ml
b. 50 ml
c. 100 ml
d. 250 ml

67. Malignant hyperthermia is a danger with
a. Atropine
b. Succinylcholine
c. Pancuronium

68. Hypothermia is said to exist when Rectal / oral temp less than
a. 35° C
b. 30° C
c. 25° C
d. 20° C

69. Frostbite occurs when continuous exposure to temp. range of
a. – 10° C and below
b. – 2.5° C and below
c. 2 – 4° C
d. 5 – 10° C

70. Frost bite is very common in
a. Lips
b. Nose
c. Cheeks
d. Hair

71. Burn type relatively painless
a. 1st degree
b. 2nd degree
c. 3rd degree

72. Minimum temp to produce burn is
a. 40° C
b. 44° C
c. 50° C
d. 60° C

73. Haemoglobinuria occurs when burnt skin surface exceeds
a. 20 %
b. 30 %
c. 50 %
d. 70 %

74. Scalding is caused when liquid in contact has temperature above
a. 44° C
b. 50° C
c. 60° C
d. 80° C

75. Satyriasis is
a. Excessive inclination for sex
b. Dislike for sex
c. Sexual perversion

76. The most reliable method for personal identification is:
a. Photography
b. Handwriting
c. Anthropometry
d. Dactylography

77. The age of full criminal responsibility is:
a. 7 years
b. 18 years
c. 21 years
d. 30 years

78. A person died from a stab wound in the aorta, in winter. His rectal temperature was 31 °C. The post-mortem interval is:
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 8 hours

79. The presence of tache noire is suggestive that the time since death is:
a. One hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 8 hours

80. The last organ to putrefy in the young girls is:
a. Uterus
b. Bladder
c. Ovary
d. Heart

81. Exhumation is:
a. Artificial preservation of a dead body
b. Burning of a dead body
c. Getting the dead body from the grave
d. Aseptic autolysis of a dead body

82. flattening remains until:
a. Hypostasis is complete
b. Rigor mortis is complete
c. Putrefaction begins
d. Cadaveric spasm occurs

83. A person died in a hospital 2 weeks after burning of his abdominal and chest walls and upparemities, the most probable cause of death is:
a. Traumatic asphyxia
b. Pulmonary fat embolism
c. Perforation of an acute duodenal ulcer (curling’s ulcer)
d. Suprarenal haemorrhage

84. Polar fracture is a:
a. Comminuted fracture
b. Fissure fracture
c. Depressed fracture
d. Cut fracture

85. The most resistant body tissue to electrical injury is:
a. Dry skin
b. Muscles
c. Bones
d. Blood and body fluid

86. The commonest cause of death in extradural hemorrhage is:
a. Hemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock

87. A 32 year-old farmer received abdominal trauma, after 2 hours the pulse reached 136/min, blood pressure 70/40. The cause is:
a. Shock
b. Sympathetic shock
c. Internal haemorrhage
d. Air embolism

88. The most important sign for identification of contact firearm inlet is:
a. Loss of substance
b. Presence of two wounds
c. Muzzle imprint around the wound margin
d. Abraded inlet

89. A person with a head injury can talk normally and tell about the circumstantial evidence in case of:
a. Lucid interval
b. Concussion
c. Retrograde amnesia
d. Automatism

90. Tear in the intima of the carotid artery with bleeding into its wall is seen in cases of:
a. Smothering
b. Antemortem hanging
c. Postmortem hanging
d. Traumatic asphyxia

91. One of the following is a sure external sign of drowning that can be found in postmortem examination:
a. Goose skin
b. Washer woman’s hands
c. Peeling of the skin
d. Fine froth at the mouth and nostrils

92. One of the following is not the immediate cause of death in criminal abortion:
a. Hemorrhage
b. Septic instrumentation
c. Reflex vagal inhibition of the heart
d. Air embolism

93. Choose the wrong statement regarding child abuse:
a. Injuries arc deliberate
b. Inconsistent history for injuries
c. Step-parents are rarely involved
d. Slight tendency towards male child 

94. Adipocere of the whole body occurs in about:
a. One month
b. 2 months
c. 6 months
d. 12 months

95. Dry burn is caused by:
a. Hot liquid or steam
b. Flame or hot metals
c. Deep x-ray or UV-rays
d. Strong acids or alkalies

96. One of the following is not a manifestation of shaken baby syndrome:
a. Burns
b. Retinal haemorrhage
c. Rib fracture
d. Subdural haematoma

97. One of the followings produce toxic hypothermia:
a. Salicylates
b. Anticholinergics
c. Antidepressants
d. Opioids

98. The best method to avoid aspiration of fluids during gastric lavage in a comatose patient is by : 
a. Putting the head of the patient at a lower level than his feet
b. Putting the patient in the left lateral position
c. Introduction of a cuffed endotracheal tube before lavage
d. Continuous suction of the fluid from the trachea

99. Surgical interference may be needed especially in children after poisoning by:
a. Hydrocyanic acid
b. Caustic potash
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Carbolic acid

100. One of the following solvents is not metabolized in the body to cyanide:
a. Isopropanol

b. Nitroprusside
c. Acetonitrile
d. Acrylonitrile

101. In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:
a. Reduce cyanide
b. Induce vasodilatation
c. Produce methaemoglobin
d. Oxidise cyanide

102. After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute nephritis, the poison is:
a. Oxalic acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrocyanic acid
d. Carbolic acid

103. The dose of Na thiosulphate for treatment of cyanide poisoning in children is:
a. 112.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min.
b. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min
c. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 2 min
d. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 5 min

104. An old traffic policeman in a busy street of Cairo is liable to suffer from:
a.  Spastic gait
b. Tremors
c. Masked face
d. Wrist and ankle drop

105. Blue line in the gingival margin in case of lead poisoning is due to deposition of:
a. Lead chromate
b. Lead sulphide
c. Lead subacetate
d. Lead iodide

106. In iron poisoning, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, massive fluid loss in GIT, renal failure and death occur in:
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4

107. The specific antidote in case of iron poisoning is:
a. DMSA.
b. Deferoxamine
c. EDTA.
d. Penicillamine

108. Acute toxicity of organophosphates causes:
a. Urine retention
b. Oliguria
c. Urine incontinence
d. Anuria

109. Prolonged prothrombin time occurs in cases of poisoning with:
a. Parathion
b. Warfarin
c. Paraquat
d. Zinc sulphide

110. The second stage of acute acetaminophen toxicity is characterized by:
a. Abnormalities of liver function tests
b. Bleeding tendencies due to coagulation defect
c. Nausea and malaise
d. Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness

111. Which of the following is specific antidote for acute acetaminophen toxicity:
a. BAL
b. Mucomyst

112. Benzodiazepines act on the CNS through the following mechanism:
a. Increasing catecholamines
b. Increasing serotonin
c. Increasing the activity of GABA
d. Decreasing the activity of GABA

113. In case of foodborne botulism, the toxin is:
a. Formed in the duodenum
b. Formed in the colon
c. Formed in the intestine
d. Formed in the canned food before consumption

114. A 4 year old boy accidentally ingested a clear fluid, vomited twice then started to cough with tachypnea, 24 hours later he developed fever of 39 °C due to bronchopneumonia. The possible diagnosis is:
a. Phenol toxicity
b. Kerosene toxicity
c. Ethanol toxicity
d. Methanol toxicity

115. MAcEwen’s sign is a manifestation of massive intake of:
a. Atropine
b. Opium
c. Methanol
d. Ethanol

116. One of the following manifestations is an indication of severe ethanol intoxication:
a. Euphoria and sense of well-being
b. Marked muscular incoordination
c. Increased confidence
d. Aggressive behaviour

117. In case of acute CO poisoning, coma and death with lively red colour occur at a carboxy haemoglobin level of:
a. 10-20%
b. 20-30%
c. 30-40%
d. 50- 60 %

118. Pathological jealousy is diagnostic of:
a. Cocaine intoxication
b. Cannabis intoxication
c. Alcoholic intoxication
d. Tobacco intoxication




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