Almost all solved MCQs for you..

November 2018

1. An assessment is ------------ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same students.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable
2. A/An ------------ assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable
3. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ------------ in education.
C. Information technology
D. Communication technology
4. An assessment that measures a student's current knowledge for the purpose of assigning a suitable course is called?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment
5. An assessment that is generally carried out throughout a course is called?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment
6. An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment
7. Which from the following is NOT a formal assessment?
A. Assignment
B. Paper
C. Quiz
D. Discussion
8. Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment?
A. Assignment
B. Observation
C. Rating scales
D. Discussion
9. According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a ------------ in learning process.
A. facilitator
B. guider
C. philosopher
D. partner
10. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was?
A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Martin Wagenschein
D. Lev Vygotsky
All Answers
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C


11. Which philosopher gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development?
A. Dewey
B. Watson
C. Rousseau
D. Thorndike
12. Who introduced the theory of empiricism?
A. D.J. O'Connor
B. John Dewey
C. William James
D. John Locke
13. Who gave the Totality Conscious Ideas?
A. Jean Piaget
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Hill Gard
D. Woodworth
14. Who wrote the book "Emile"?
A. William Stern
B. John Locke
C. Rousseau
D. Thorndike
15. Which philosopher compiled Kindergarten education system?
A. Friedrich Frobel
B. Herbert Spencer
C. John Locke
D. D.J. O'Connor
16. When was the book a Child Development for early childhood studies published for the first time?
A. 1893
B. 1895
C. 1897
D. 1899
17. Which educator gave the idea of Behaviorism in education system?
A. John Locke
B. Thorndike
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Watson
18. At the beginning of the nineteenth century whose focus was the study of the development of the mind?
A. Jean Piaget
B. William James
C. Hill Gard
D. William Stern
19. Who had devised the term IQ (Intelligence Quotient)?
A. William James
B. William Stern
C. John Locke
D. John Dewey
20. Bert called the intelligence to .........
A. Nature
B. Jeans
C. Innate
D. Health

11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. C

21. Which educator presents ''Law of Reediness, Law of Exercise and Law of Effect''?
A. Hill Gard
B. Thorndike
C. Spencer
D. Rousseau

22. Who said that "These situations are mental evolutions that are aspects of conflict and anxiety."?
A. Hill Gard
B. Watson
C. Jean Piaget
D. Ralph Tyler

23. Formal education or school training represent .........
A. Learner programs of study
B. Planned programs of study
C. Collective programs of study
D. Basic programs of study

24. In childhood which conditions are favorable for improving of skills and knowledge begun in ...........?
A. Home
B. Library
C. Mosque
D. Park

25. From the given below which is most suitable for the study of human behaviour?
A. Humanism
B. Naturalism
C. Psychology
D. Sociality

26. Education ......... explains the gaining experience from birth through old age.
A. Training
B. Philosophy
C. Programmer
D. Psychology

27. Who are usually responsible for conducting classroom and laboratory learning studies which are carefully planned?
A. Schools Principal
B. District Education Officer
C. Psychologists of Education
D. School Teachers
28. Psychologists are agreed that education implies can be regarded as .......?
A. Process
B. Product
C. Both Process & Product
D. None of these
29. Inv19th century European psychologists devoted best attention to studies dealing with ...... Imagery.
A. Mental
B. Physical
C. Individual
D. Social
30. Which psychologists introduced the application of scientifically evolved principles and theories of learning in education system?
A. Chinese
B. American
C. Germen
D. British
All Answers

21. B
22. D
23. B
24. A
25. C
26. D
27. C
28. C
29. A
30. B

31. At the end of 19th century, which philosopher formulated laws of learning as a result of his experiments with animals?
A. Hill Gard
B. Watson
C. Edward Thorndike
D. John Dewey
32. Successful educational practices evolve from the application of ........ Methods.
A. Analog
B. Scientific
C. Virtual
D. Technical
33. By Genetic method of studying human development can be utilized .........
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Both Horizontal and vertical
D. None of these
34. The ........ method is very useful in some areas of investigation.
A. Critical
B. Observation
C. Dialogue
D. Questionnaire
35. Skilled interviewer can discover many ....... about the person interviewed.
A. Feature
B. Values
C. Facts
D. Background
36. ........... includes data concerning family background and educational development.
A. Case study
B. General behavior
C. Genetic approach
D. Adequacy
37. Psychological experiment is used to test concerning human .......
A. Nature
B. Behavior
C. Education
D. Problems
38. Method of research is ........ method of conducted experimentation probably.
A. Exact
B. Refined
C. Both Exact and Refined
D. None of these
39. According to human factor, individuals may vary from ....... to day in their performance.
A. Day
B. Week
C. Year
D. Month
40. For study purposes, the members of a group of young people can be differ among themselves in habits ........
A. Abilities
B. Interests
C. Both Abilities and Interests
D. None of these
All Answers Are Here:
31. C
32. B
33. C
34. D
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. C
39. A
40. C

41. Teacher are closely associated with the ...... process.
A. Study
B. Learning
C. Evaluation
D. Observing
42. The teacher can provide the kind of stimulation to enable the child to become ...... learner.
A. Quality
B. Social
C. Interesting
D. Active
43. Children should be given an opportunity to ...... the democratic way of life in school.
A. Learn
B. Experience
C. Understand
D. Knowing
44. The value of satisfaction in ...... is emphasizes by the psychologist now a days.
A. Learning
B. Education
C. Management
D. Environment
45. For growth of children some parents and teachers were over concerned about providing ........ conditions.
A. Certain
B. Fundamentally
C. Powerful
D. Healthful
46. A teacher should have an intelligence quotient of ......
A. 120
B. 125
C. 130
D. 135
47. When a teacher is certified to teach it doesn̢۪t mean his ....... is completed.
A. Learning
B. Education
C. Training
D. Planning
48. Who said that "a single shelf of a good European library was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia"?
A. Sir John Shore
B. Sir Alured Clarke
C. Lord Macaulary
D. Sir George Barlow
49. Which is the medium of instruction at primary level in Pakistan?
A. Provincial language / Urdu
B. Urdu
C. English
D. Provincial language / English
50. Approximately 35 working weeks in a year at .......
A. Primary Level
B. Secondary Level
C. Both Primary and Secondary Levels
D. None of these
All Answers are:
41. B
42. D
43. B
44. A
45. D
46. A
47. B
48. C
49. A
50. C

51. In 1974 University Grants Commission was established in ------------
A. Peshawar
B. Karachi
C. Lahore
D. Islamabad
52. The University Grants Commission has started training programme for teachers of ------------
A. Degree Colleges
B. Universities
C. Both Degree Colleges and universities
D. Schools
53. In the organization of the school the basic determining factor is the ------------ of the school.
A. Curriculum
B. Management
C. Social life
D. Trainers
54. The curriculum should be ------------ on cooperative basis.
A. Planned
B. Formulated
C. Managed
D. Contributed
55. The staff should examine the programme continuously with the ------------ of the principal.
A. Administration
B. Supporting
C. Helping
D. Leadership
56. Pakistan Studies was made a ------------ subject for Classes X, XII and XIV.
A. Optional
B. Elective
C. Basic
D. Compulsory
57. The ------------ Universities and Colleges were organized a number of programmes for teacher training for the teaching of ------------
A. Science
B. Education
C. Agriculture
D. Geology
58. The scientific development in various fields is brought forward for advising the government by the National ------------
A. Committees
B. Institutions
C. Organizations
D. Academies
59. Technical Education was ------------ from the Universities and Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education were established.
A. Separated
B. Joined
C. Merge
D. None of these
60. Education Bureaus were attached to the education departments in the ------------
A. Cities
B. Town
C. Countries
D. Provinces

Answers are Here:
51. D
52. C
53. A
54. B
55. D
56. D
57. C
58. A
59. A
60. D

61. At the time of partition in 1947, there were ------------ colleges in working.
A. 40
B. 45
C. 50
D. 55
62. At the time of partition in 1947, there were ------------ universities in working.
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
63. President of Pakistan is the ------------ in case of Federal Universities.
A. Administrator
B. Chancellor
C. Rector
D. Incharge
64. Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the ------------ of the university in the absence of the Chancellor.
A. Result
B. Annual day
C. Meeting
D. Convocation
65. A quantitative description of experienced data is ------------ a measurement.
A. Simply
B. Particularly
C. Individually
D. None of these
66. Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the ------------ aspect of education.
A. Learning
B. Physical
C. Virtual
D. Healthy
67. In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a common ------------
A. Problem
B. Procedure
C. Practice
D. Agenda
68. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his ------------ experiences.
A. Personal
B. Learning
C. Social
D. None of these
69. Learning to read is a complex ------------
A. Procedure
B. Phenomenon
C. Activity
D. Behavior
70. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent ------------
A. Reading
B. Planning
C. Practice
D. Learning

All Answers are Here:
61. A
62. D
63. B
64. D
65. A
66. B
67. C
68. B
69. C
70. A

Pedagogy MCQs Past Papers With Answers for Entry Test

1. How funds in a given period will be obtained and spetn is.?
A. Expediter
B. Allocation
C. Budget
D. Receipt

2. The Hypothesis Underlying Team Teaching Is?
A. Teacher Feel Bore While Working Aline
B. Teacher Are Not Competent
C. The Beast Teacher In Schools Are Shared By More Student
D. The Single Teacher Cannot Control The Class

3. Which Is Not The Advantage Of Team Teaching?
A Better Utilizaiton Of Resources
B. Better Planning
C. Better Use Of Teaching Techniques
D. Better Financial Benefits Of Teacher

4. A good drama does not include?
A. interesting story
B. Alive dialogues
C. Very long play
D. Subject full of feelings

5. To make arrangemnets is the part of.?
A. Planning
B. Commanding
C. Organizing
D. Coordinating

6. Which is not the types of teleconferencing?
A. Audio teleconferencing
B. Video teleconferencing
C. T.V teleconferencing
D. Computer teleconferencing

7. The least distance for which traveling allowance can be availed is.?
A. 10km
B. 12km
C. 14km
D. 16km

8. Who is called father of scientific management theory.?
A. Henry Fayal
B. Elton Moe
C. Fredrick Taylor
D. None of above

9. Leadership is the ability.?
A. To Influence
B. To Motivate
C. To achieve organizational goals
D. All of above

10. The meaning of teaching method is?
A. Style Of Teaching
B. Way Of Teaching
C. Art Of Teaching
D. Substitution Of The Knowledge From Outer World Outer World Into Child's Intellect

11. What term has been used when the external knowledge of the environment is fused with a child's brain?
A. Teaching method
B. Teaching tactics
C. Teaching skill
D. Teaching process

12. Symposium is a type of?
A. Discovery method
B. Discussion method
C. Lecture method
D. Demonstration method

13. American approach emphasizes?
A. Teacher
B. Content Presentation
C. Learning objectives
D. Methods

14. Black-board in which group/category of teaching-aids?
A. Audio-aids
B. Visual-aids
C. Audio-visual aids
D. None of the above

15. Interration Is Developed Between Two Or More Aspects In?
A. Unistructureal Level
B. Multistructural Level
C. Relational Level
D. Extended Abstract Level

16. The Essential Characteristic Of Cooperative Learning  Is?
A. Effective Larning
B.  Positve Interdependence
C. Cooperation
D. Division Of Labour

17. Practice is made in?
A. Inductive method
B. Deductive method
C. Drill method
D. Discussion method

18. Who is the father of operational management theory.?
A. Henry Fayal
B. Fredrick Taylor
C. Elton Meo
D. None of above

19. The main objective of child-centered teaching method is?
A. To develop the learning abilities in children in free way
B. To develop the skills in children
C. To develop independence in students
D. All of the above

20. Which of the following is not a level of teaching learning?
A. Differentiation level
B. Memory level
C. Reflective level
D. Understanding level

Solved MCQs of Entry Test Past Papers

1. Teachers should not have such expectations from their students as are beyond the Development stage of the latter. If the former do so they
A. Generate motivation among students to learn more
B. Generate inferiority
C. Generate inferiority, high levels of tension and perplexity among students
D. None of these

2. Selecting one course of action among various alternatives is.?
A. Decision Making
B. Planning
C. Organizing
D. Coordinating

3. The Rules Of Presenting The Contents To Make Them Easy Are Called?
A. Methods Of Teaching
B. Techniques Of Teaching
C. Teaching Strategies
D. Maxims Of Teaching

4. The proponent of the Cognitive Theory of teaching is?
      A. N. L. Gage
B.Shiv Kumar
C. Mitra B. F.
D. Skiner McDonald

5. Teaching will be effective if the teacher
A. Starts from what students know already
B. Is a master of the subject?
C. Uses many instructional aids
D. Has much experience in teaching the subject
In a lecture a teacher should present the students with examples of

6. SOLO taxonomy was presented by?
A. Bloom
B. Kath who
C. Simpson
D. Biggs & Cllis

7. In British approach of lesson planning, more emphasis in on?
A. Activity
B. Teacher and content prostration
C. Teacher
D. Content Presentation

8. What a teaching method is?
A. An art
B. A science
C. Both art and science
D. Can't say

9. Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?A. Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?B. To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
C. To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
D. To assists the students

10. The main aim of classroom teaching is
A. To give information
B. To develop inquiring mind
C. To develop personality of students
D. To help students pass examinations

11. Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the --------- of the university in the absence of the Chancellor.?
A. Result
B. Convocation
C. Annual day
D. Meeting

12. Which of the following is die brain of the computer>
A. Programmed
B. Central processing unit
D. Hard Disc

13. The Students Like To Spend The Most Of The Time With?
A. Teachers
B. Parents
C. Relatives
D. Peers

14. Which is note the characteristic of authoritative administration.?
A. Rudeness
B. Suppressing the subordinates
C. Strict discipline
D. Sharing

15. Which test represents the tests of abstract intelligence.?
A. Language
B. Percentage
C. Leadership
D. Measurement

16. Whose statement was "Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust with society."?
A. Machdonial
B. John Locke
C. Rousseau
D. Thorndike

17. CAI Stand For?
A. Computer Analyzed Instruction
B. Computer Assisted  Instruction
C. Computer Assisted Interview
D. Computer Analyzed Interview

 18. An assessment is ------------ if it consistently achieves the same results with the same students.?
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable

19. President of Pakistan is the ----------- in case of Federal Universities.?
A. Administrator
B. Rector
C. Incharge
D. Chancellor

20. A teaching method completes with the help of?
A. Various Techniques
B. Many Tactics
C. Many Postures
D. Many Approaches

Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. One will have more chances of being successful as a teacher, if
A. He has ethical values and a good character
B. He belongs to the family of teachers
C. He is trained in teaching
D. He can organize his teaching material systematically and conveys the same effectively.

2. Majority of students in a large class are found dozing. There may be something
wrong with

A. The students concerned
B. The teaching process
C. The content taught
D. The time of instant

3. An attitude of fair-minded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental ---------------
A. Evaluation
B. Behavior
C. Measurement
D. Consideration

4. The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to the
maximum possible extent. This indicates that

A. The teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable they are
B. They should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are helpful in their development to the maximum extent.
C. It is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
D. All of these

5. In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began in ----------------
A. Experience
B. As a whole
C. Combinations
D. Groups

6. Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main -------------- of informal education.?
A. Centre
B. Source
C. Material
D. None of these

7. An attitude of fair-minded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental.?
A. Evaluation
B. Behavior
C. Measurement
D. Consideration

8. A/An ------------- assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.?
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable

9. Which is not the objective of Drama/role play?
A. Recreation and enjoyment
B. Development of social skills
C. Development of Skills of conversation
D. Do make rehearsals

10. Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the -------------- aspect of education.?
A. Learning
B. Virtual
C. Physical
D. Healthy

11. School management is concerned with.?
A. Efficient use of resources
B. Effective educational environment
C. Achievement of educational objective
D. All of above

12. New Libraries, labor atones etc are constructed under.?
A. None-Development Budget
B. Development Budget
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above

13. To bring harmony among all the elements of pregame is.?
A. Planning
B. Coordinating
C. Organizing
D. Commanding

14. Indication of democratic attitude is.?
A. Equal Rights
B. Participation
C. Cooperation
D. All of Above

15. The elementary school teacher are directly responsible to the.?
A. Headmaster
C. Parents
D. Student

16. Supervision should be primarily.?
A. Preventive and critical
B. Preventive and corrective
C. Constructive and creative
D. None of these

17. Provision of good educational environment is.?
A. Instructional task
B. Non-instructional task
C. Both a & b
D. None of a & B

18. The history of administration goes back to.?
A. 3000 BC
B. 5000 BC
C. 6000 BC
D. None of Them

19. Who said supervision is the set Of services and processes for Teacher development to attain Goals of school ?
A. Galtthorn
B. Hoy and Forsyth
C. Harris
D. Brickman

 152. Which Is Not The Focal Point Of Triangular Process Of Teaching?
A. Teacher
B. Pupil
C. Teaching Method
D. Contents

Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. Non-development budget induces.?
A. Salaries
B. Running Expenditures
C. Maintenance of Building
D. All of above

2. The name of Yashpal Committee Report (1993) is?
A. l.C.T. in Teacher education
B. Learning without Burden
C. Learning through Broad-casting
D. None of the above

3. As a teacher, what will you do if students do not attend your class?
A. Blame students for their absence from the class
B. Ponder over the present attitude of students in a calm manner
C. Think about using some interesting techniques of teaching
D. Try to understand the reasons (for this behavior) and try to eliminate them

4. At authoritarian level teaching?
A. Teacher centered
B. Child-centered
C. Headmaster centered
D. Experience based

5. A college teacher will really help the students when she
A. Covers the syllabus completely in the class
B. Is objective in her evaluation?
C. Encourages students to ask questions
D. Dictates notes in the class

6. Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in?
A. Personality formation
B. Class-teaching
C. Discipline
D. All of the above

7. Spare the rod ------------- spoil the child. This assumption is related to that type of discipline which has been advocated?
A. By naturalist philosophy
B. By pragmatist philosophy
C. In Victorian Era
D. In Democratic Era

8. Which of the following steps would you consider first for an effective

A. Select the channel of communication
B. Plan the evaluation procedure
C. Specify the objectives of communication
D. Identify various media for communication

9. Which of the following is related with teaching skill?
A. Black-board writing
B. Solving questions
C. Asking questions
D. All the above

10. The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to theMaximum possible extent. This indicates that
A. they should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are helpful in their development to the maximum extent.
B. it is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
C. the teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable they are
D. All of these

11. The lecture will be communicated more effectively if teachers read the prepared notes
A. prepares good notes in advance and use them as their guides
B. engage students in immediate discussions
C. quote examples from other teaching sessions/lectures and engage students in
D. immediate discussions

12. The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was/?
A. Jean Piaget
B. John Dewey
C. Martin Wagenschein
D. Lev Vygotsky

13. Good teaching is best reflected by
A. Attendance of students
B. Number of distinctions
C. Meaningful questions asked by students
D. Pin-drop silence in the class

14. Who developed the interaction analysis category system in  education for increasing the teacher effectiveness?
A. Flander
B. Rayon
C. Amidon and Simon
D. Richard Over

15. In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics.?
A. D.J. O'Connor
B. John Dewey
C. Galton
D. Woodworth

16. The first Binet-Simon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and.?
A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1914

17. At the time of partition in 1947, there were -------------- universities in working.?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3

18. Instruction medium affects the absence and escape from class teaching?
A. Agreed
B. Indefinite
C. Disagreed
D. None of the above

19. Which is the most sensible idea about teaching and research?
A. They cannot go together
B. They are two sides of the same coin
C. They interfere with each other
D. They are two entirely different kinds of activities

20. Which Is Not The Mode Of CAI?
A. Tutorial Mode
B. Drill Mode
C. Simulation Mode
D. Question Mode

Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. One of the important theory of moral  envelopment has been proposed by?
A. Laurence Kohlberg
B. Erik Fromm
C. Daniel Coleman
D. Benjamin Bloom

2. Effective teaching is a function of
A. Perfect classroom discipline
B. Students self-learning
C. Clear and precise communication
D. Regular teaching

3. In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began in.?
A. Experience
B. As a whole
C. Combinations
D. Groups

4. In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a common.?
A. Practice
B. Problem
C. Procedure
D. Agenda

5. According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a ------------------ in learning process.?
A. facilitator
B. guider
C. philosopher
D. partner

6. To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should
discuss with colleagues

A. Analyze responses of students
B. Keep him/herself abreast of development in the area in his/her subject
C. Publish his/her writings
D. None of theme

7. If a teacher has to prove his credibility in the evaluation of answer booklets, then he should beA. Dutiful
B. Very much regular
C. Impartial
D. High-handed

8. Realistic Education system supports the ----------------- progress.
A. Natural
B. Social
C. Scientific
D. Technical

9. The Function of educational administration and management is.?
A. Instructional task
B. Non-Instructional task
C. Both A & B
D. None of above

10. Two Of More Aspects Are Understood In?
A. Unstructural Level
B. Multistructural Level
C. Relational Level
D. Extended Abstract Level

11. All govt. Grants and expenditures are maintained in.?
A. Acquaintance Roll
B. Contingent Register
C. Cash Register
D. Stock Register

12. Money received and disbursed is entered in.?
A. Log book
B. Cash book
C. Order book
D. Acquaintance roll

13. In teaching learning process supervision in usually carried out by.?
A. Principle
B. Teacher
C. Parents
D. Society

14. Arrangement of Physical resources is.?
A. Instructional tasks
B. None instructional tasks
C. Both a & b
D. None of a & b

15. Those students, who frequently ask questions in the class
A. Should be advised to meet the teacher outside the classroom
B. Should be encouraged to take part in debates in the class
C. Should be encouraged to find out the answers on their own
D. Should be encouraged to ask questions on a continuous basis

16. Mother is the --------------- academy of a child.?
A. Social
B. Natural
C. Optional
D. First

17. A quantitative description of experienced data is ----------- a measurement.?
A. Particularly
B. Simply
C. Individually
D. None of these

18. Students who ask questions in the class should be?
A. Advised to meet the teacher after the class
B. Encouraged to participate in the discussion in the class
C. Encouraged to continue asking questions
D. Encouraged to search  answers independently

19. ln pedagogy computer is used?
A. To motivate the learner
B. To provide feedback
C. To interact with the learner
D. For all the above

20. Which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives?
A. Micro lesson plan
B. Cognitive lesson plan
C. Affective lesson plan
D. Psychomotor lesson plan

Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. Character is developed by?
A. Will-power
B. Conduct and behavior
C. Morality
D. All of the above

2. NUEPA is mainly concerned with?
A. Educational Supervision
B. Educational Unity
C. Educational Planning
D. Educational Evaluation

3. The Father of Psychoanalysis?
A. Erik H. Erikson
B. Jean Piaget
C. Jerorne S. Bruner
D. Sigmund Freud

4. The concept of school complex was first executed in?
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Rajasthan

5. The determinant of teaching skill training is?
A. Components
B. Pupil-teacher
C. Supervisor
D. Headmaster

6. For a good communication ------------ is required.?
A. Clarity of thought
B. Dramatic Presentation
C. Speaking in a mild tone
D. Speaking without pause

7. Communication will be effective
A. If it is delivered in a calm situation
B. If it is delivered slowly and clearly
C. If it reaches the receiver completely
D. If it reaches the receiver as intended by the sender

8. Which one of the following statements is not suitable for teachers.
A. They really take interest in students
B. They are capable of guiding students and maintaining discipline
C. They are not interested in moulding themselves according to the new situation
D. They are very much enthusiastic about such tasks as are done by teachers

9. A good teacher is one who
A. is highly intelligent
B. Has mastery over his teaching subject
C. Lives simple life
D. Has genuine interest in his students

10. The aim of a teacher is A. To help students get through in the examination
 B. To make students disciplined
 C. To develop the abilities of students
 D. To develop the social behaviours among students

11. A teacher with sober thoughts, in accordance with the rules
A. Allows students to, make mistakes but instructs them to reduce the number of such
B. Instructs his students not to commit any mistake at any point of time
C. Takes so many. precautions so that students never make mistakes
D. give right punishment to those students who make mistakes

12. Teachers should not have such expectations from their students as are beyond the development stage of the latter. If the former do so they
A. Generate inferiority
B. Generate inferiority, high levels of tension and perplexity among students
C. Generate motivation among students to learn more
D. None of these

13. Which is “feedback” in the newspaper’s communication?
A. Articles
B. Editorials
C. Letters to the Editor
D. News

14. Books can be powerful source of communication, provided
Ctent is abstract

A. Cntent is illustrative
B. Medium is Hindi
C. Content is presented through good print
D. None of theme

15. A teacher is effective if he/she
A. Explains everything in the class
B. Repeats explanations for each student
C. Provides a variety of learning experiences
D. Answers all questions raised by students

16. Generalizability of a new teaching method can be tested through research across
A. Different teachers
B. Different subjects
C. Different levels/grades
D. All the above

17. Mother is the ----------- academy of a child.
A. Social
B. Natural
C. Optional
D. First

18. Which test represents the tests of abstract intelligence?
A. Language
B. Percentage
C. Leadership
D. Measurement

19. In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics?
A. D.J. O'Connor
B. John Dewey
C. Galton
D. Woodworth

20. Meaningful learning takes place when
A. Students are interested in the topics taught
B. Explanations are given within the reach of the students
C. The new content being taught is related to the previous knowledge of the students
D. Students raise questions and get them clarified

Pedagogy MCQs With Answers For Entry Tests

1. To read the lesson before teaching it is called __________
A. Measurement
B. Teaching practice
C. Preparation
D. Lesson plan

2. The first Binet-Simon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and __________

3. Which from the following is NOT an informal assessment.?
A. Assignment
B. Observation
C. Rating scales
D. Discussion

4. The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through silent.?
A. Planning
B. Practice
C. Reading
D. Learning

5. The use of technology to enhance learning process is called __________ in education.?
C. Information technology
D. Communication technology

6. An assessment that measures a student's current knowledge for the purpose of assigning a suitable course is called.?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment

7. An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called.?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment

8. Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main __________ of informal education.
A. Centre
B. Source
C. Material
D. None of these

9. Realistic Education system supports the __________ progress.?
A. Natural
B. Social
C. Scientific
D. Technical

10. The effective supervision is indicated by.?
A. Good relations between teacher and supervisors
B. Helping teachers in their teaching
C. Helping teacher becoming more self sufficient
D. Criticizing teacher's lessons

11. Whose statement was "Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust with society.?
A. Machdonial
B. John Locke
C. Rousseau
D. Thorndike

12. At the time of partition in 1947, there were __________ colleges in working.?
A. 40
B. 45
C. 50
D. 55

13. A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his __________ experiences.?
A. Personal
B. Social
C. Learning
D. None of these

14. To read the lesson before teaching it is called.?
A. Measurement
B. Teaching practice
C. Preparation
D. Lesson plan

15. Learning to read is a complex.?
A. Activity
B. Procedure
C. Phenomenon
D. Behavior

16. The basic purpose of supervision is help.?
A. Teachers in improving methods
B. Teacher in understanding pupil
C. Teacher inb dealing puplis
D. Children learn more effectively

17. Which from the following is NOT a formal assessment.?
A. Assignment
B. Paper
C. Quiz
D. Discussion

18. Laissez Faire administration is based on.?
A. Dictatorship
B. Mutual sharing
B. Non-interference
C. None of above

19. The school policy should be determined by.?
A. The professional educators
B. Citizens and educators
C. Headmasters
D. Citizens

20. According to Gulick, and Urwick, elements of administration are.?
A. 4
B. 5
B. 6
C. 7

Solved MCQs of Entry Test Past Papers

1. The criticism most frequently leveled at school administrators is that.?
A. They like praise
B. They are lazy
C. They fail to proved leadership
D. None of these
2. The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be the.?
A. Advancement of pupil welfare
B. Proper utilization of school facilities
C. Carrying out of the curriculum
D. None of these

3. The chief Responsibility of the Principal is.?
A. Organize and administer the guidance programmed
B. Provide leadership in instructional plan
C. Maintain school records
D. Handle discipline problem

4. Sense of responsibility is not cared in.?
A. Authoritative administration
B. Democratic administration
C. Lasses faire administration
D. None of them

5. The school headmaster are expected to.?
A. Hold daily meetings
B. Prepare budget
C. Put into operation the course of study
D. All of the above

6. A supervisor is one who.?
A. Inspects classrooms
B. Gives directions
C. Criticizes the teaching method
D. Provides friendly help

7. Authoritative administrating is base on.?
A. Dictatorship
B. Mutual sharing
C. None-interference
D. None of above

8. Administration means.?
A. To look after
B. To protect
C. To run
D. To establish

9. The main types of administration are.?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

10. Which is not the type of administration.?
A. Instructional administration
B. Authoritarian administration
C. Democratic administration
D. None of above

11. Respect of opinion is the feature of.?
A. Authoritative administration
B. Democratic administration
C. Laissez faire administration
D. All of above

12. An assessment that is generally carried out throughout a course is called.?
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Contemporary assessment

 13. "Assessment of how a school is performing" is.?
A. Administration
B. Supervision
C. Inspection
D. All of above

14. Literal meaning of supervision is.?
A. Superior knowledge and power
B. Superior knowledge and service
C. Superiorly efforts and service
D. None of them

15. "Boos is right;" is the feature of.?
A. Authoritative administration
B. Democratic administration
C. Laissez faire administration
D. All of above

16. "Supervision is not control the teacher but to work cooperatively" is the slaying of.?
A. Galatthom
B. Hoy and Forsyth
C. Harris
D. Glickman

17. According to Fayol, elements of administration are.?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

18. School Budget includes.?
A. Development expenditure
B. None-Developmnet expenditure
C. Both A & B
D. None of above

19. In "POSDCORB" Co stands for.?
A. Coordinating
B. Cooperation
C. Collection
D. Correlation

20. The source of income of school is.?
A. Govt. Grants
B. Funds
C. Donations
D. All of above

Solved MCQs of Entry Test Past Papers

1. BM stands for.?
A. Budget Money
B. Budget Manual
C. Budget Monitoring
D. Budget Materials

2. Funds of schools are received from.?
A. Govt.
B. Teachers
C. Students
D. Donations

3. The use of funds received for students is.?
A. Deposited in govt. Treasure
B. Spent on student only
C. Spent on institution only
D. Spent on students and institution

4. Tuition fee is received from.?
A. Primary school students
B. Elementary school students
C. High school students
D. None of above

5. The share of science fund in union fund at elementary level is.?
A. 10%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. None of above

6. Which one is not the basic element of management of management.?
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Counseling

7. The characteristic of community is.?
A. A group of interactive people
B. Same goal
C. Same culture, tradition and territory
D. All of above

8. Execution of plans and divisions is the part of.?
A. Commanding
B. Planning
C. Organizing
D. Coordinating

9. ACR means.?
A. Annual Confidential Report
B. Annual Confidential
C. All Correct responses
D. Annual Correct report

10. Developing alternatives is a step of.?
A. Direction
B. Organization
C. Planning
D. Control

11. In Teaching Experienced Member Guide The Immature One's For?
A. Quality Of Life
B. Adjustment Of Life
C. Speeding Time
D. Qualification

12. The Goal Of Teaching Is?
A. Desirable Change In Behave
B. To Give Information
C. To Involve Pupils In Acuities
D. To Impart Knowledge

13. SOLO Taxonomy Consists Of Leaves?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

14. Type of Supervision encoring variety, originality and Independent  experimentation is.?
A. Constructive
B. Preventive
C. Creative
D. Corrective

15. In case of GPF advance, the no. Of installments fro including is.?
A. 24
B. 36
C. 46
D. 50

16. With Reference To Solo Taxonomy One Aspet Of A Task Is Understood In
A. Relativanal Level
B. Extended Abstract Level
C. Unstructured Level
D. None of above

17. To Go Beyond The Given In Formation Is?
A. Extended Abstract Level
B. Unstructured Level
C. Multistructural Level
D. Relational Level

18. Students are passive in?
A. Project method
B. Discovery method
C. Lecture method
D. Inquiry method

19. Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
A. To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
B. Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
C. To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
D. To assists the students

20. Staff development means.?
A. Recruiting staff
B. Increasing staff
C. Training staff
D. None of above

1. The human cell contains
A. 44 chromosomes
B. 48 chromosomes
C. 46 chromosomes (Answer)
D. 23 chromosomes
2. Enzymes help in
A. Respiration
B. Digestion of food (Answer)
C. Immune system
D. Reproduction
3. Food is normally digested in the
A. Liver
B. Stomach
C. Small intestines (Answer)
D. Large intestines
4. Shareef report about Bihar came in -----------
5. Muslims observed “Day of Deliverance” on 22nd Dec:--------
6. A committee under the chairmanship of --------- : Mehdi was appointed to inquire into congress ministries.
Raja Mohd
7. How many Sahifay were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (A.S)?
8. Prophet ----------- was sent to people of Jordan.
Yahya A.S
9. Hazrat Idrees (A.S) set up -------- cities.
10. had impediment in his tongue?
Hazarat Moosa (A.S)

1. Badshahi Mosque is located in:
Lahore (Answer)

2. Shalimar Garden was built in:
1642 (Answer)

3. Changa Manga Forest is located near:
Lahore (Answer)

4. Khawaja Ghulam Farid's is located in:
Mithan Kot (Answer)

5. Badshahi Mosque located in Lahore was built by:
Shah Jahan
Aurangzeb Alamgir (Answer)

6. Manora famous for tourism is the name of:
Hill area
Island (Answer)

7. Baba Bulleh Shah's tomb is located in:
Kasur (Answer)

8. Lahore was a properly walled city surrounded by ------- gates.
12 (Answer)

9. Badshahi Mosque was built in:
1674 (Answer)

10. Lahore Fort is also known as:
Babar Fort
Shahi Fort (Answer)
Meran Fort
Akbar Fort

11. Bahau-Din Zakaria's tomb is located in:
Multan (Answer)

12. Baba Farid Ganj Shakar's tomb is located in:
Pakpatan (Answer)
Uch Sharif

13. Taxila University was established by the king:
Ashoka (Answer)

14. Which city is called "Heart of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" province?
Mardan (Answer)

15. Jahangir's tomb is located in:
Lahore (Answer)


1. The Nishan-e-Haider recipient Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed died in ---------- ?
1999 Indo-Pak Kargil Conflict
1958 Indo-Pak Border Skirmish
1971 Indo-Pak War (Answer)
1965 Indo-Pak War

2. The last recipient of Nishan-e-Haider is ---------.
Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed
Muhammad Akram Shaheed
Lalak Jan Shaheed (Answer)
Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed

3. How many members of Pakistan Navy have received Nishan-e-Haider?
0 (Answer)

4. The Government of Pakistan declared Nishan-e-Haider equivalent to ---------- ?
Hilal-e-Kashmir (Answer)

5. The Nishan-e-Haider is awarded to members of the -------- ?
Punjab Police
Traffic Police
Pakistan Armed Forces (Answer)

6. How many members of Pakistan Air Force have received Nishan-e-Haider?
1 (Answer)
7. The Nishan-e-Haider is forged from captured enemy equipment and consists of --------- ?
Copper, Tin, Zinc (Answer)
Silver, Tin, Zinc
Copper, Gold, Zinc
Copper, Tin, Aluminum
8. The first recipient of Nishan-e-Haider was ------- ?
Tufail Mohammad Shaheed
Raja Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed (Answer)
Rashid Minhas Shaheed
Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed

9. The highest Pakistan Military Award is -------- ?
Nishan-e-Haider (Answer)

10. The Nishan-e-Haider recipient Rashid Minhas Shaheed died on -------- ?
25 December 1971
18 May 1971
20 August 1971 (Answer)
3 February 1971

11. How many members of Pakistan Army have received Nishan-e-Haider?
9 (Answer)

12. There have been only -------- recipients of Nishan-e-Haider.
10 (Answer)

13. The military Rank of Nishan-e-Haider recipient Rana Shabbir Sharif Shaheed at the time of death was ---------- ?
Lance Naik
Major (Answer)

14. The Nishan-e-Haider recipient Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed died on -------- ?
10 September 1965 (Answer)
15 September 1965
3 September 1965
7 September 1965

15. The only member of Pakistan Air Force to receive Nishan-e-Haider is -------- ?
Rashid Minhas Shaheed (Answer)
Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed
Tufail Mohammad Shaheed
Rana Shabbir Sharif Shaheed

16. What is the current Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)?
Asifa Bhutto Zardari
Latif Khosa
Asif Ali Zardari
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (Answer)
17. Who is the current President of Awami National Party (ANP)?
Asfandyar Wali Khan (Answer)
Afrasiab Khattak
Tajuddin Khan
Bushra Gohar
18. Who is the current Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami?
Hafiz Muhammad Idress
Liaqat Baloch
Siraj ul Haq (Answer)
Khurshid Ahmed
19. Who is the current President of Pakistan Muslim League (N)?
Mian Muhammad Humza Sharif
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (Answer)
Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif
Mariam Nawaz
20. What is the Election symbol of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F)?
Book (Answer)
21. What is the Election symbol of Jamaat-e-Islami?
Balance (Answer)
22. Who is the party leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)?
Farooq Sattar
Altaf Hussain (Answer)
Dr. Nusrat Shaukat
Babar Khan Ghauri
23. Pakistan Muslim League (N) was founded in -------- ?
1985 (Answer)
24. Who is the current President of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F)?
Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman (Answer)
Maulana Asmatullah Khan
25. What is the party symbol of Pakistan Muslim League (N)?
Tiger (Answer)
26. Who is the current Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)?
Imran Khan (Answer)
Jehangir Tareen
Shah Mehmood Qureshi
Parvez Khattak
27. What is the Party symbol of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)?
Bat (Answer)
28. What is the Party symbol of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)?
Kite (Answer)
29. Who is the current President of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)?
Latif Khosa
Asifa Bhutto Zardari
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari
Asif Ali Zardari (Answer)
30. What is the Party symbol of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)?
Arrow (Answer)

1. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25, --------- ?
1876 (Answer)

2. The Pakistani player who holds the record of second fastest One Day Internationals century in cricket history is ----------- ?
Javed Miandad
Saeed Anwar
Shahid Afridi (Answer)

3. The Pakistani player who holds the record of winning squash tournament "British Open" ten times is ---------- ?
Jahangir Khan (Answer)
Jansher Khan
Roshan Khan
Hashim Khan

4. Pakistani player who holds the record for most international goals scored by a player in the history of international field hockey is ----------- ?
Shakeel Abbasi
Rehan Butt
Sohail Abbas (Answer)
Abdul Haseem Khan

5. The book Bang-i-Dara was written by ------------ ?
Habib Jalib
Muhammad Iqbal (Answer)
Anwar Masood
Ahmad Faraz

6. Which of the following is also known as Mohsin-e-Pakistan due to his services for the country?
Abdul Sattar Edhi
Zulfiqar Ali Butto
Abdul Qadeer Khan (Answer)
Imran Khan

7. The only person to be elected the Prime Minister of Pakistan more than twice is --------- ?
Shaukat Aziz
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (Answer)
Benazir Bhutto
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

8. General Raheel Sharif was elected the ----------- Chief of Army Staff in 2013.
15th (Answer)

9. The Pakistani snooker player who won the 2012 IBSF World Snooker Championship was ----------- ?
Muhammad Asif (Answer)
Saleh Mohammad
Imran Shahzad
Muhammad Sajjad

10. The youngest Noble Prize laureate of Pakistan is --------- ?
Abdus Salam
Malala Yousafzai (Answer)
Ahmed Hafeez
Yasser Arafat

11. Which one of the following is also known as "Shahenshah-e-Qawwali"?
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan (Answer)
Qawwal Bahauddin Khan
Aziz Mian
Mubarak Ali Khan

12. The current Chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is --------- ?
Asif Ali Zardari
Yousaf Raza Gillani
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari (Answer)
Rehman Malik

13. The only person to serve as both elected President and Prime Minister of Pakistan was -------- ?
Nawaz Sharif
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Ahmed Shaja Khan
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Answer)

14. Pakistan won its first and only ICC Cricket World Cup in 1992 under the captaincy of --------- ?
Imran Khan (Answer)
Javed Miandad
Wasim Akram
Younus Khan

15. Benazir Bhutto was elected the first ever female Prime Minister of Pakistan in --------- ?
1. President of Iran: has sanrohani
2. Pakistan and China connect with ? Khunjrab Pass
3. Indus Bas in Treaty ? 1960
4. USA foreign Secretary: John Kerry 68th Secretary of State of the United States.
5. First C-n-C: General mersery
6. Capital of USA is: Washington DC
7. Capital of morocco: Rabat
8. Egypt is situated in Africa
9. Suez Chanel: Connects red sea to Mediterranean
10.Iraqi President: Fuad Masum

1. Russia attack on afganistan: 1979
2. Fall of dhaka took place: 1971
3. Founding member ECO: Pakistan,Iran,Turkey
4. Who won FIFA cup final in 2014 ? GERMANY
5. The last series that Pakistan cricket team played with ? SRI LANKA
6. 2015 ICC cricket world cup was hosted by ? Aus and New Zealand
7. Land locked country ? Mongolia
8. Arecent conference that took place in Sri lanka ? Common wealth Conference 2013
9. Prisedent of France............ francios Holand
10. Mangla dam ............ Punjab
11. China joined WTO in ? Dec 2001
12. Atom has charge: Neutral
13. Capital of Nepal is: katmando
14. Babri masjid accident was happend in: 1992
15. Australia Capital ? Canbera
16. Which is land locked country ? Nepal
17. Montague Chelms for dreforms ? 1919
18. P.M of Iraq ? Haider alabidi
19. Evolution means ? Continuous
20 Hormuzlies between ? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
1. Largest exports are Made by Pakistan to ?
America (Answer)
Saudi Arabia
2. Which is the largest district of Pakistan ?
Chaggi (Answer)
3. Which is the largest Hospital of Pakistan ?
PIMS Hospital
Jinnah Hospital
None of them
Nishtar Hospital (Answer)
4. Which is the largest forest of Pakistan ?
Changa Manga (Answer)
Chich Wattni
5. Which is the largest division of Pakistan ?
Kalat (Answer)
6. Where the largest agriculture museum ?
Faisalabad (Answer)
7. Largest imports are Made by Pakistan from ?
America (Answer)
8. Pakistan largest export item is ?
Sports goods
Surgical products
Textile products (Answer)
9. Which is the largest oil field found in Pakistan ?
Balkassar (Answer)
10. Which is the largest desert of Pakistan ?
None of them
Thar (Answer)
11. Which is the largest city of Pakistan ?
Karachi (Answer)
12. Which is the largest mine excavated in Pakistan ?
Lakhra Coal Mines
Ghasa China Clay Mines
Salt Mines Kalabagh
Salt mines Khewra (Answer)
13. Name the largest mobile company of Pakistan ?
Mobilink (Answer)
14. Which is the largest province of Pakistan ( population wise) ?
Khyber Pakhtunkwa
Punjab (Answer)
15. Which is the largest River of Pakistan ?
Indus (Answer)
16. Pakistan lies between the latitudes ?
23°N to 36°N
25°N to 36°N
24°N to 37°N (Answer)
25°N to 36°N
17. In which year line of control came into exist-tense ?
1972 (Answer)
18. Which is the length of Pakistan and China border ?
605 km
805 km
595 km (Answer)
708 km
19. What is the length of Pak-Iran border ?
595 km
805 km (Answer)
695 km
795 km
20. What is the total area of Pakistan is sq miles ?
None of these
303124 sq miles
304103 sq miles
307174 sq miles (Answer)
21. In which year boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan China ?
1963 (Answer)
22. Pakistan lies between the longitudes ?
61°E to 74.1°E
None of these
63°E to 75.5°E
61°E to 75.5°E (Answer)
1. The height of Himalaya range increases as it move from ------.
North to South
West to East
South to North (Answer)
East to West
2. The world's highest passes such as Khunjrab, Lawari and Shandoor are situated in -------.
Western mountain range (Answer)
Himalaya range
Hindu Kush range
Karakoram range
3. Which is the highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid range?
Broad Peak
Nanga Parbat (Answer)
4. The Hindu Kush range starts at the -------.
Pamir Plateau (Answer)
Afghan border
China border
5. Which is the highest peak of Pakistan?
Broad Peak
K-2 (Answer)
Kilik Peak
Sia Kingri Peak
6. K-2 peak is the ------- peak of the world.
Second (Answer)
7. Nanga Parbat is the part of:
Himalayas (Answer)
Hindu Kush
8. Name the range which separates China from Pakistan?
Hindu Kush
Karakoram (Answer)
9. K-2 is present in which mountains rage?
Karakoram (Answer)
Hindu Kush
10. The salt range is situated between rivers soan and --------.
Jhelum (Answer)
11. The height of Nanga Parbat peak is ---------.
8126 meters (Answer)
8016 meters
9901 meters
8086 meters
12. Which of the following mountain peaks is called killer mountain?
Broad peak
Godwin Austin
Raka Poshi
Nanga Parbat (Answer)
13. Which range is called roof of the world?
Hindu Kush range
Pamir Pateau
Himalayas range (Answer)
14. Oldest mountains of the world present in India and the youngest mountains are present in -------.
Pakistan (Answer)
15. Name the range which separates Pakistan from Afghanistan?
Hidu Kush (Answer)
16. What is the total height of K-2 peak?
8611 meter
8210 meter (Answer)
8410 meter
8591 meter
17. The direction of Hindu Kush is from:
South-West (Answer)
18. Which is the youngest mountain range on the earth?
Himalayas (Answer)
Hindu Kush
19. K-2 is also known as -------.
Roshan Peak
Sia Kingri
Broad Peak
Goodwin Austin (Answer)
20. What is the highest of Tirchmir peak?
7870 meters
7140 meters
7350 meters
7690 meters (Answer)
21. The highest Civil-Military Award of Pakistan is ------- ?
Nishan-i-Imtiaz (Answer)
22. Which of the following Chief of Army Staff has received Nishan-i-Imtiaz?
Asif Nawaz
Pervez Musharraf (Answer)
Abdul Waheed
Muhammad Yahya Khan
23. The first Nishan-e-Haider was awarded to ------- ?
Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed
Tufail Mohammad Shaheed
Raja Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed (Answer)
Rashid Minhas Shaheed
24. The last person to be awarded Nishan-e-Haider is ----------- ?
Muhammad Akram Shaheed
Lalak Jan Shaheed (Answer)
Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed
Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed
25. Which one of the following was awarded Hilal-e-Kashmir?
Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed
Naik Saif Ali Janjua (Answer)
Rana Shabbir Sharif Shaheed
Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed
26. The meaning of Nishan-i-Haider name is --------- ?
Mark of Sacrifice
Mark of the Lion (Answer)
Mark of Courage
Star of Courage
27. The highest Military Award of Pakistan is-------- ?
Nishan-e-Haider (Answer)
28. Which one of the following was awarded Hilal-i-Jur'at?
Munir-ud-Din Ahmed
Naik Saif Ali Janjua
Sarfaraz Ahmad Rafiqui (Answer)
Alauddin Ahmed
29. The Military Award declared to be equal to Nishan-e-Haider is ---------- ?
Hilal-e-Kashmir (Answer)
30. What is the total number of individuals who have received Nishan-e-Haider?
10 (Answer)
1. Pakistan current envoy to USA is ?
Jahangir Karamat
Farahnaz Isphani
Begum Abida Hussain
Jalil Abbas Jilani (Answer)

2. On Feb 22 was appointed Punjab Ombudswoman becoming the first woman given this slot in Pakistan ?
Sharmila Farooqi
Musarrat Hilali
Dr Mira Phailbus (Answer)
Amna Ulfat

3. A Pakistan born student Shayan Ahmad launched a new social networking site namely ?
My World (Answer)
She World
My Facebook
She Facebook

4. On feb 18, Mirza Omair Baig was appointed as Justice Peace for District ------ Karachi ?
South (Answer)

5. According the final electoral rolls 2012 the number of voters over 100 years of age is ?
4756 (Answer)

6. According to the Global terrorism index Pakistan is the second most affected country in the world by terrorism after ?
Iraq (Answer)

7. The total number of approved election symbols in Pakistan is ?
197 (Answer)

8. On Feb 17, Pakistan and ------- agreed to form a joint commission comprising foreign ministers of the two states ?
Palestine (Answer)

9. Saleem H Mandviwalla, the incumbent federal Minister for Finance and Revenue has been of the same ministry ?
Minister of State (Answer)
Director General
Chief Executive

10. All Parties Conference hosted by the JUI-F was held in ?
Islamabad (Answer)

11. On Feb 21 Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy was appointed as a SAARC good will Ambassador for ?
HIV & AIDS (Answer)
Women empowerment

12. Kishanganga is another name of ?
Neelum River (Answer)
Doda River
Dras River
Nubra River

13. Justice Muhammad Anwar Khan Kasi is the new Chief Justice of ?
Peshawar High Court
Sindh High Court
Islamabad High Court (Answer)
Lahore High Court

14. On March 1 signed a package of $227 million with Pakistan to fund polio eradication activities in Pakistan ?
World Bank
Asian Development Bank (Answer)
Islamic Development Bank

15. An updated electoral roll issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan contains million entries ?
75.42 (Answer)

16. Pakistan became a member of the international Renewable energy agency on ?
Feb 23, 2013
Feb 22, 2013
Feb 28, 2013
Feb 18, 2013 (Answer)

17. The repealed SPLGO 2012 has revived the Sindh Local Government Ordinance ?
1979 (Answer)

18. On Feb 26 Maj Gen Muhammad Javed was appointed as CEO of ?
Pakistan Steel (Answer)

19. On Feb 21 Sindh repealed the Sindh People Local Government Act ?
2012 (Answer)

20. China Overseas Port Holding Company the state-run Chinese firm, is going to operate the ------- Port in Pakistan ?
Gwadar (Answer)
Bin Qasim

21. The height of Tarbela Dam is:
165.14 m
133.75 m
141.53 m
143.83 m (Answer)
22. Which one of these is a River of Balochistan Province?
Arl Nadi
Bolan (Answer)

23. Which one of these is a River of Sindh Province?
Hub (Answer)

24. What is the Discharge capacity in cusics of Kotri Barrage?
24214 (Answer)

25. What is the Discharge capacity in cusics of Chashma Barrage?
1083.87 (Answer)

26. The Marala Headworks is located on:
Jhelum River
Chenab River (Answer)
Indus River
Ravi River

27. What is the length of Balloki Headworks is:
550 m
595 m
602 m
502 m (Answer)

28. What is the length of Mangla Dam?
1120 m
1010 m
1070 m (Answer)
950 m

29. Sukkur Barrage is located on:
Ravi River
Indus River (Answer)
Sutlej River
Chenab River

30. Which one of these is a River of Punjab Province other than Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum and Sutlej?
Beas (Answer)
1. Pakistan current envoy to USA is ?
Jahangir Karamat
Farahnaz Isphani
Begum Abida Hussain
Jalil Abbas Jilani (Answer)

2. On Feb 22 was appointed Punjab Ombudswoman becoming the first woman given this slot in Pakistan ?
Sharmila Farooqi
Musarrat Hilali
Dr Mira Phailbus (Answer)
Amna Ulfat

3. A Pakistan born student Shayan Ahmad launched a new social networking site namely ?
My World (Answer)
She World
My Facebook
She Facebook

4. On feb 18, Mirza Omair Baig was appointed as Justice Peace for District ------ Karachi ?
South (Answer)

5. According the final electoral rolls 2012 the number of voters over 100 years of age is ?
4756 (Answer)

6. According to the Global terrorism index Pakistan is the second most affected country in the world by terrorism after ?
Iraq (Answer)

7. The total number of approved election symbols in Pakistan is ?
197 (Answer)

8. On Feb 17, Pakistan and ------- agreed to form a joint commission comprising foreign ministers of the two states ?
Palestine (Answer)

9. Saleem H Mandviwalla, the incumbent federal Minister for Finance and Revenue has been of the same ministry ?
Minister of State (Answer)
Director General
Chief Executive

10. All Parties Conference hosted by the JUI-F was held in ?
Islamabad (Answer)

11. On Feb 21 Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy was appointed as a SAARC good will Ambassador for ?
HIV & AIDS (Answer)
Women empowerment

12. Kishanganga is another name of ?
Neelum River (Answer)
Doda River
Dras River
Nubra River

13. Justice Muhammad Anwar Khan Kasi is the new Chief Justice of ?
Peshawar High Court
Sindh High Court
Islamabad High Court (Answer)
Lahore High Court

14. On March 1 signed a package of $227 million with Pakistan to fund polio eradication activities in Pakistan ?
World Bank
Asian Development Bank (Answer)
Islamic Development Bank

15. An updated electoral roll issued by the Election Commission of Pakistan contains million entries ?
75.42 (Answer)

16. Pakistan became a member of the international Renewable energy agency on ?
Feb 23, 2013
Feb 22, 2013
Feb 28, 2013
Feb 18, 2013 (Answer)

17. The repealed SPLGO 2012 has revived the Sindh Local Government Ordinance ?
1979 (Answer)

18. On Feb 26 Maj Gen Muhammad Javed was appointed as CEO of ?
Pakistan Steel (Answer)

19. On Feb 21 Sindh repealed the Sindh People Local Government Act ?
2012 (Answer)

20. China Overseas Port Holding Company the state-run Chinese firm, is going to operate the ------- Port in Pakistan ?
Gwadar (Answer)
Bin Qasim

21. The height of Tarbela Dam is:
165.14 m
133.75 m
141.53 m
143.83 m (Answer)
22. Which one of these is a River of Balochistan Province?
Arl Nadi
Bolan (Answer)

23. Which one of these is a River of Sindh Province?
Hub (Answer)

24. What is the Discharge capacity in cusics of Kotri Barrage?
24214 (Answer)

25. What is the Discharge capacity in cusics of Chashma Barrage?
1083.87 (Answer)

26. The Marala Headworks is located on:
Jhelum River
Chenab River (Answer)
Indus River
Ravi River

27. What is the length of Balloki Headworks is:
550 m
595 m
602 m
502 m (Answer)

28. What is the length of Mangla Dam?
1120 m
1010 m
1070 m (Answer)
950 m

29. Sukkur Barrage is located on:
Ravi River
Indus River (Answer)
Sutlej River
Chenab River

30. Which one of these is a River of Punjab Province other than Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum and Sutlej?
Beas (Answer)

1. The National Assembly of Pakistan consists of total -------- members.
342 (Answer)

2. The total women members from KPK province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
8 (Answer)
3. The total women members from Balochistan province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
3 (Answer)
4. The total elected members from KPK province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
43 (Answer)
5. Total reserved seats for Non-Muslims in National Assembly of Pakistan are ---------- .
10 (Answer)
6. The total elected members from Punjab province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
183 (Answer)
7. The total elected members from Balochistan province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
17 (Answer)
8. The total elected members from FATA in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
12 (Answer)
9. The authority to dissolve the National Assembly of Pakistan at any time is in the hands of ---------- .
Prime Minister
President (Answer)
National Assembly Speaker
10. The total number of general elected members seats in National Assembly of Pakistan is ---------.
272 (Answer)
11. The total women members from Punjab province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
35 (Answer)

12. Total reserved seats for women in National Assembly of Pakistan are ---------- .
60 (Answer)
13. The total elected members from Sindh province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
75 (Answer)

14. The total women members from Sindh province in the National Assembly of Pakistan are --------- .
14 (Answer)

15. The largest library in Pakistan is:
Allama Iqbal Library
The Ewing Memorial Library
The Punjab Public Library (Answer)
Quaid-e-Azam Library

16. Which one of these is the largest River in Pakistan?
Jhelum River
Astore River
Indus River (Answer)
Chenab River

17. Which one of these is the largest University by area in Pakistan?
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Punjab University, Lahore (Answer)
University of Karachi
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
18. The largest desert in Pakistan is:
Thar Desert (Answer)
Cholistan Desert
Thal Desert
Kharan Desert
19. The largest Province by population in Pakistan is:
Punjab (Answer)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
20. Which one of these is the largest Commercial Bank in Pakistan?
National Bank of Pakistan
Habib Bank Ltd (Answer)
Allied Bank Ltd
Standard Chartered Bank
21. The largest Hospital in Pakistan is:
Quad-i-Azam International Hospital, Rawalpindi
Nishtar Hospital, Multan (Answer)
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Lahore
Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad
22. Which one of the following is the largest Province by area in Pakistan?
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Balochistan (Answer)
23. The largest Railway Station in Pakistan is:
Karachi City Railway Station
Quetta Railway Station
Lahore Railway Station (Answer)
Faisalabad Railway Station
24. The largest Mosque in Pakistan is:
Shah Faisal Mosque, Islamabad (Answer)
Bhong Mosque, Rahim Yar Khan
Badshahi Mosque, Lahore
Lal Masjid, Islamabad

25. Which one of the following is the largest Cricket Stadium in Pakistan?
Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore (Answer)
Multan Cricket Stadium
Karachi National Stadium
Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium

26. The largest natural lake in Pakistan is:
Manchar Lake (Answer)
Attabad Lake
Karambar Lake
Keenjhar Lake
27. Which one of the following is the largest airport in Pakistan?
Quaid-e-Azam International Airport (Answer)
Benazir Bhutto International Airport
Lahore Allama Iqbal International Airport
Bacha Khan International Airport

28. The largest Airlines in Pakistan is:
Pakistan International Airlines (Answer)
Shaheen Air International
Airblue Airlines

29. The largest Dam in Pakistan is:
Dara Dam
Chashma Dam
Aza Khel Dam
Terbela Dam (Answer)

30. The largest City in Pakistan is:
Karachi (Answer)

1. When the period of Kharif crop starts and when ends ?
June-September (Answer)

2. Animals Husbandry University is working at ?
Lahore (Answer)

3. How much of the total area is cultivated in Pakistan ?
45% (Answer)

4. Which crops are sown in Rabi season ?
Wheat, grain
All of them (Answer)
Tobacco, oil seed
Barley and mustard

5. Which one is the dominant source of foreign exchange earning ?
Agriculture (Answer)

6. How much of the total area cultivated is under irrigation system ?
70% (Answer)

7. How many reclamation schemes has been completed by the government ?
80 (Answer)

8. Kharif crop includes ?
Ricwe and Sugarcane
Cotton and maize
All of them (Answer)
Bajra and Jawar

9. The period of Rabi season is ?
October-May (Answer)

10. Which one of the following is the largest sector of Pakistan's economy ?
Agriculture (Answer)


1. Red Fort is located in ---------- ?
Muzaffarabad - (Answer)
2. The Minar-e-Pakistan is located in ---------- of Lahore.
Nashter Park
Iqbal Park - (Answer)
Pakistan National Park
Jinnah Park
3. Head Marala is located in the ----------- city.
Sialkot - (Answer)
4. Darbar Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar is located in ---------- ?
Pakpattan - (Answer)
5. Hiran Minar is located in the city of ----------- .
Sheikhupura - (Answer)
6. One of the oldest Muslim shrines in South Asia, Data Durbar is located in ----------- ?
Lahore - (Answer)
7. The Tomb of Jahangir is located in --------- in Lahore.
Shahdara Bagh - (Answer)
Iqbal Park
National Park
Jinnah Bagh
8. The Pakistan Monument is located in --------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
9. The fifth largest mosque of in the world, Badshahi Mosque is located in the ----------- city.
Lahore - (Answer)
10. The Noor Mahal palace in located in ---------- city of Punjab.
Bahawalpur - (Answer)
11. The Lal Masjid is located in ---------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
12. The Faisal Mosque is located in ----------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
13. The Mazar-e-Quaid is located in ----------- city.
Karachi - (Answer)

1. Red Fort is located in ---------- ?
Muzaffarabad - (Answer)
2. The Minar-e-Pakistan is located in ---------- of Lahore.
Nashter Park
Iqbal Park - (Answer)
Pakistan National Park
Jinnah Park
3. Head Marala is located in the ----------- city.
Sialkot - (Answer)
4. Darbar Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar is located in ---------- ?
Pakpattan - (Answer)
5. Hiran Minar is located in the city of ----------- .
Sheikhupura - (Answer)
6. One of the oldest Muslim shrines in South Asia, Data Durbar is located in ----------- ?
Lahore - (Answer)
7. The Tomb of Jahangir is located in --------- in Lahore.
Shahdara Bagh - (Answer)
Iqbal Park
National Park
Jinnah Bagh
8. The Pakistan Monument is located in --------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
9. The fifth largest mosque of in the world, Badshahi Mosque is located in the ----------- city.
Lahore - (Answer)
10. The Noor Mahal palace in located in ---------- city of Punjab.
Bahawalpur - (Answer)
11. The Lal Masjid is located in ---------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
12. The Faisal Mosque is located in ----------- ?
Islamabad - (Answer)
13. The Mazar-e-Quaid is located in ----------- city.
Karachi - (Answer)

1. Which sector is the largest consumer of oil and oil products ?
Transport (Answer)

2. Which sector is the largest consumer of Gas ?
Power (Answer)

3. Chashma hydroelectricity projects generates ?
138 MW (Answer)
125 MW
130 MW
140 MW

4. What is the total thermal power installed capacity in Pakistan ?
14359 MW (Answer)
5008 MW
4724 MW
5108 MW

5. How many public sector thermal power stations are working in Pakistan ?
13 (Answer)

6. The biggest thermal power plant is installed in ?
Karachi (Answer)

7. How many thermal power stations use coal for their power generation ?
1 (Answer)

8. Where the second biggest thermal plant is installed ?
Multan (Answer)

9. What is the total power production in Pakistan by independent power production IPPs ?
5987 MW (Answer)
5850 MW
6180 MW
969 MW

10. Which is the cheapest source of energy ?
Solar (Answer)

11. What will be the installed power generation capacity of Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project which is located in the vicinity Muzaffarabad and will be completed in November 2016 ?
176 MW (Answer)
1400 MW
543 MW
969 MW

12. What will be the installed power generation capacity of Trabela 4th Extension ?
1410 MW (Answer)
876 MW
1534 MW
1234 MW

13. Bunji Hydropower project would be the largest Hydopower project of Pakistan with an istalled capacity of ----- MW ?
7100 MW (Answer)
6100 MW
5100 MW
4100 MW

14. The 4320 MW Dasu Hydropower project is one of the cascade of water resources development projects conceived on ----- river ?
Indus (Answer)

15. Munda Dam is an under construction dam located on the ------River which will generate 740 MW of hydroelectricity in 2017 ?
Swat (Answer)

1. Which sector is the largest consumer of oil and oil products ?
Transport (Answer)

2. Which sector is the largest consumer of Gas ?
Power (Answer)

3. Chashma hydroelectricity projects generates ?
138 MW (Answer)
125 MW
130 MW
140 MW

4. What is the total thermal power installed capacity in Pakistan ?
14359 MW (Answer)
5008 MW
4724 MW
5108 MW

5. How many public sector thermal power stations are working in Pakistan ?
13 (Answer)

6. The biggest thermal power plant is installed in ?
Karachi (Answer)

7. How many thermal power stations use coal for their power generation ?
1 (Answer)

8. Where the second biggest thermal plant is installed ?
Multan (Answer)

9. What is the total power production in Pakistan by independent power production IPPs ?
5987 MW (Answer)
5850 MW
6180 MW
969 MW

10. Which is the cheapest source of energy ?
Solar (Answer)

11. What will be the installed power generation capacity of Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project which is located in the vicinity Muzaffarabad and will be completed in November 2016 ?
176 MW (Answer)
1400 MW
543 MW
969 MW

12. What will be the installed power generation capacity of Trabela 4th Extension ?
1410 MW (Answer)
876 MW
1534 MW
1234 MW

13. Bunji Hydropower project would be the largest Hydopower project of Pakistan with an istalled capacity of ----- MW ?
7100 MW (Answer)
6100 MW
5100 MW
4100 MW

14. The 4320 MW Dasu Hydropower project is one of the cascade of water resources development projects conceived on ----- river ?
Indus (Answer)

15. Munda Dam is an under construction dam located on the ------River which will generate 740 MW of hydroelectricity in 2017 ?
Swat (Answer)

1. Nuclear device was exploded at Chaghi
28th May 1997
28th May 2000
28th May 1998 (Answer)
28th May 1999

2. Which amendments relates to the establishment of special courts for trial of heinous offences?
12th (Answer)

3. Through 13th amendment Articles 58(2b) and 112(2)(b) were deleted from the constitution
1st April 2000
1st April 1999
1st April 1998
1st April 1997 (Answer)

4. Pakistan took the charge of chairmanship of group of Twenty (G.20)
2008 (Answer)

5. The State Bank of Pakistan unveils Rs. 33 billion bail out plan for the stock market
October 20, 2008 (Answer)
19th September 2008
25th September 2008
29th September 2008

6. General Pervaz Musharraf launched Devolution of Power Plan 2000
14th August 1999
14th August 2000 (Answer)
14th August 2002
14th August 2001

7. Parvez Musharraf became the Chief of Army Staff
7th October 1999
7th October 1997
7th October 1998 (Answer)
7th October 2000

8. The UN Human Rights Award is given posthumously to Benazir Bhutto, the award is received by her son Bilawal?
10th December 2008 (Answer)
29th December 2009
September 2009
29th December 2008

9. Muhammad Rafique Tarar elected as President of Pakistan
1998 (Answer)

10. Saleem Raza is announced as the new governor of the State Bank of Pakistan
29th December 2007
9th February 2009
September 2009
29th December 2008 (Answer)

11. Nawab Aslam Raissani became the Chief Minister of Balochistan
18th April 2008
12th April 2008 (Answer)
16th April 2008
11th April 2008

12. General Pervaz Musharraf resigned as the President of Pakistan
29th September 2008
9th September 2008
19th September 2008
18th August 2008 (Answer)

13. Rana Muhammad Iqbal became the speaker of Punjab Provincial Assembly
10th April 2008 (Answer)
16th April 2008
18th April 2008
12th April 2008

14. Nawaz Sharif took oath of office as Prime Minister of Pakistan for the second time
13th February 1998
13th February 1999
13th February 2000
13th February 1997 (Answer)

15. Third August 40B type Henze Submarine was inducted to Navel fleet
29th September 2008
26th September 2008 (Answer)
29th December 2008
9th February 2009

16. Fifth census was held in Pakistan
1998 (Answer)

17. Asif Ali Zardari took oath as 12th President of Pakistan
19th September 2008
1st September 2008
9th September 2008 (Answer)
29th September 2008

18. Qaim Ali Shah elected as a Chief Minister of Sindh
16th April 2008
11th April 2008
12th April 2008
6th April 2008 (Answer)

19. The government of Nawaz Sharif dissolved by General Pervaz Musharraf
12th October 1998
12th October 1997
12th October 1999 (Answer)
12th October 2000

20. General elections for the 11th Constituent Assembly were held
2nd February 2000
2nd February 1999
2nd February 1998
2nd February 1997 (Answer)


1. Which city is known as "Gateway of Pakistan"?
Karachi (Answer)

2. Which city of Pakistan is known as "City of Saints"?
Multan (Answer)

3. Which city of Pakistan is called "Manchester of Pakistan"?
Faisalabad (Answer)

4. Which city of the world is known as "Little Pakistan"?
Bradford (Answer)

5. Which City of Pakistan is called "city of lightnings"?
Karachi (Answer)

6. Which city is called "City of Textiles"?
Faisalabad (Answer)

7. About which place it is said that "there cooking is forbidden"?
The Himalaya
Hunza (Answer)

8. Which province of Pakistan is called "Land of Five Rivers"?
Punjab (Answer)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

9. Which city of Pakistan is known as "Switzerland of Pakistan"?
Swat (Answer)

10. 'Which place of Pakistan is called "Replica of the Sahara"?
Skardu (Answer)

11. Which province of Pakistan is known as "Bab-ul-Islam"?
Sindh (Answer)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

12. Which city is called "City of colleges"?
Lahore (Answer)

13. Which province of Pakistan is called "Land of Brave People"?
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan (Answer)

14. Which city of Pakistan is known as "Valley of Flowers"?
Peshawar (Answer)

15. Which Valley is called "Pearl of Himalaya"?
Kaghan (Answer)



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