Multiple Choice Questions MCQs
1. Adaptive radiation in fishes started about number of million years ago:
(a) 1200                  (b) 500                   (c) 1000             (d) 1500
2. Bony armor fishes are:
Placoderms       (b) Ostracoderms      (c) Elasmobranchs      (d) None
3. The fish remained buried in the mud and sand is:
(a) Ostracoderms    (b) Lamprey         (c) Hag Fishes             (d) Sharks
4. Sucking mouth and rasping tongue is present in :
a) Ostracoderms      (b) Hag fishes       (c) Lampreys               (d) Sharks
5. The larva of Lamprey is:
(a) Trochophore        (b) Tadpole          (c) Ammocoete            (d) Tonaria
6. The number of semicircular canals in Gnathostomes are:
(a) 2                             (b) 3                              (c) 4                                (d) 5
7. The armored fishes are:
(a) Chondrichthyes   (b) Osteichtliyes       (c) Placoderms     (d) Acanthodians
8. The extinct body fishes are:
(a) Chondrichthyes     (b) Osteichthyes      (c) Placoderms  (d) Acanthodians
9. Cartilaginous fishes are:
(a) Placoderms    (b) Acanthodians     (c) Chindrichythyes   (d) Osteichthyes
10. Placoid scales are present in:
(a) Salmons           (b) Lamprey                (c) Sharks           (d) Hag Fishes
11. Rat fishes are:
(a) Salmons              (b) Lamprey             (c) Sharks           (d) Chimeras
12. Number of species of  Osteichthyes are:
( a) 10, 000            (b) 15, 000                 (c) 20, 000             (d) 25,000
13. The lung fish found in tropical Africa is:
(a) Neoceratodus          (b) Protopterus         (c) Lepidosiren           (d) None
14. The fish live in stagnant water is:
(a) Lepidosiren            (b) Protopterus           (c) Neoceratodus        (d) None
15. Which fish of the following aestivate?
( a) Neoceratodus         (b) Protopterus           (c) Lepidosiren           (d) None
16. Which fish is important for caviar?
(a) Lepidosiren        (b) Protopterus           (c) Neoceratodus        (d) Sturecons
17. The number of species of teleosts fishes are:
(a) 10.000                    (b) 15.000                  (c ) 20.000                 (d) 25.000
18. Large rostrum is found in:
(a) Paddle fishes           (b) Lamprey               (e) Sharks                 (d) Chimeras
19. The number of chambers in the heart of fishes are:
(a) 1                            (b) 2                          (c) 3                          (d) 4
20. Number of afferent vessels are:
(a)1                             (b) 2                          (c) 4                          (d) 5
21. Which of the followings aortic arches form pulmonary artery in lung fishes?
(a)                              (b) IV                        (c) V                         (d) VI
22. The major osmoregulatory organ in fishes is:
(a) Gills                        (b) Kidney                  (c) Liver                     (d) Stomach
23. Elasmobranchs remove sodium chloride through:
(a) Gills                        (b) Kidney                  (c) Liver                     (d) Rectal glands
24. Some elasmobranchs have modified pelvic fin for copulation called:
(a) Penis                      (c) Cloaca                  (c) Clasper                 (d) None
25. Which of the following fishes is viviparous?
(a) Salmons                 (b) Lamprey               (c) Sharks                  (d) Chimeras


1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (h) 20. (d) 21. (d) 22. (bl 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (c)
Fill in the blanks
1. Cladistic analysis indicates that _____________ are the most primitive vertebrates.
2. The fossils of the group of ancient animal __________ were discovered. Conodonts were eel-like animals.
3. The mouth of__________ has four pairs of tentacles.
4. Members of the genus 1,ampetra are called brook _____________
5. Eggs are hatched in three weeks and ____________ larvae are thrmed in lamprey.
6. ______ of teeth are adapted for tearing prey or for crushing the shells of molluscs.
7.  …………………..lives in fresh waters of Queensland. Australia.
8. ________ is a dormant state that helps an animal to withstand hot, dry periods.
9. Most stureeons live in the sea. The migrate into rivers  to_______________
10. Sharks and other elasmobranchs have avalve in their intestine.
11. Oxygenation takes place and blood is collected by_______ vessels.
12. The ________ flow is called countercurrent mechanism.
13. …………………..  is a blood vascular network.
14. …………………… the detection of electrical fields that the fish or another generates in the environment.
15. The elasmobranchs possess a _______ gland. It removes excess sodium chloride from the blood into the cloaca.
1. Hag Fishes                    2. Conodonts                  3. Myxini             4. Lampreys
5. Ammocoete                 6. Crowns                    7. Neoceratodus     8.Aestivation
9. Breed                         10. Spiral                        11. efferent                12. Opposite
13. Rete mirable        14. Electroreception   15. Rectal
True/ False
1. Cladistic analysis indicates that body fishes are the most primitive vertebrates.
2. The fossils of the group of ancient animal conodonts were discovered. Conodonts were eel-like animals.
3. The mouth of myxini has 7 pairs of tentacles.
4. Members of the genus Lampetra are called book lampreys.
5. Egg are hatched in three weeks and ammocoete larvae are formed in lamprey.
6. Root of teeth are adapted for tearing prey or for crushing the shells of molluscs.
7. Neoceratodus lives in fresh waters of Queensland. Australia.
8. Hiberrnation is a dormant state that helps an animal to withstand hot. dry periods.
9. Most sturgeons live in the sea. They migrate into rivers to breed.
10. Sharks and other elasmobranchs have a spiral valve in their intestine.
11. Oxygenation takes place and blood is collected by afferent vessels.
12. This opposite flow is called countercurrent mechanism.
13. Rete mirabile is a blood vascular network.
14. Electroreception is the detection of electrical fields that the fish or another organism generates in the environment.
15. The elasmobranchs possess a rectal gland. It removes excess sodium chloride from the blood into the cloaca.
1. F: Hag                     2. T                3. F :4                  4. F: brook                      5. T         
6. F:Crowns                7. T             8. F: Aestivation        9. T                       10. T       
11. F: efferent             12. T                13. T                          14. T                        15. T