Almost all solved MCQs for you..

July 2016

1. The largest source of tax revenue for the federal government is:
a. the personal income tax
b. the social security tax
c. the property tax
d. the sales tax

2. When my income was $100,000, I paid $10,000 in taxes. When my income became $200,000, I paid $40,000 in taxes. My marginal tax rate is:
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 30%
d. 40%

3. The tax is question #2 is:
a. progressive
b. regressive
c. proportional

4. Which of the following taxes is regressive?
a. the federal income tax
b. the state income tax
c. the sales tax
d. the Medicare tax

5. Assume that there are two goods, A and B. In 1996, Americans produced 10 units of A at a price of $10 and 20 units of B at a price of $20. In 2002, Americans produced 20 units of A at a price of $20 and 30 units of B at a price of $30. The Nominal GDP for 2002 is:
a. $100
b. $400
c. $500
d. $900
e. $1300

6. Using the numbers in question 5, the Real GDP for 2002 is:
a. $400 b. $500 c. $800 d. $900 e. $1,300

7. Which of the following statements is/are true?
a. Business Investment Spending occurs when individuals buy stock in the stock market
b. Productivity is the United States grew very slowly between 1973 and 1996
c. Because of discouraged workers, the official unemployment rate is too high
d. “Full employment” occurs when there is no frictional unemployment

8. Immediately after a trough, we would expect to have a/an
a. peak
b. recession
c. recovery
d. another trough

9. Last week, Martha spent one day cleaning a house. For this, she was paid $50. The rest of the week, she spent looking for a job. Martha would be classified as
a. employed
b. unemployed
c. not in the labor force

10. John lost his accounting job when Montgomery Wards closed its stores in San Diego. He looked for a similar job for ten months before finding an accounting job at Sears. During the month John was unemployed, he was
a. frictionally unemployed
b. seasonally unemployed
c. cyclically unemployed
d. structurally unemployed

Answers: A C A C E C B C A D

11. Which of the following IS a function of money?
a. medium of exchange
b. store of value
c. unit of accounting
d. all of the above

12. Which of the following is a component of M-1?
a. savings deposits
b. credit card
c. checkable deposits
d. gold

13. Which of the following is a NOT component of M-2?
a. small time deposits
b. money market mutual funds
c. stocks
d. checkable deposits

14. Which of the following is true about the Federal Reserve System (Fed)?
a. it is a system of 12 central banks
b. its Board of Governors is elected by a vote of the people
c. its main policy-making body is the FDIC
d. it accepts deposits from the public and makes loans to businesses
e. all of the above

15. An IOU of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to Bank of America is called:
a. discounts
b. federal funds
c. reserves
d. collateral

16. Which of the following is the most liquid?
a. a savings account
b. a 6 month CD
c. a home
d. water

17. The monetary base is composed of:
a. gold and silver
b. currency only
c. currency and reserves
d. currency and checkable deposits

18. If the monetary base is increased by $1,000 and the reserve requirement is 10% (1/10), by how much will the money supply be increased?
a. $100
b. $1,000
c. $5,000
d. $10,000

19. If the Federal Reserve wishes to increase the money supply, it should:
a. raise the reserve requirement
b. raise the discount rate
c. buy Treasury securities in the open market
d. all of the above

20. An increase in the money supply will cause interest rates to
a. rise
b. fall
c. remain unchanged

Answers: D C C A C A C D C B

1- Lyrical Ballads opens with;
a- Tintern Abbey
b- Michael
c- Dejection: an Ode
d- Rime of Ancient Mariner e- Immortality Ode.

2- Besides the French Revolution the effect on Romantic Revolution:
a- American Revolution
b- Napoleonic wars
c- Industrial Revolution
d- Peasant’s Revolt
e- The defeat of the Spanish armada.

3- William Blake’s /Song’s of ----------‘ counterbalance his ‘Songs of Experience’.
A- Love
b- childhood
c- past
d- Inexperience
e- Innocence

4- Geraldine is a character of the poem;
a- Lucy Grey
b- The Thorn
c- Christabel
d- Frost at midnight
e- the last of the flock

5- ‘kubla khan’ is a poem which reflects a---------strain in Choleridge’s poetry.
A- Intellectual
b- magical
c- melancholic
d- pessimistic
e- philosophical

6- Keats’ poem Endymion is based on ------ mythology.
A- Greek
b- Roman
c- celtic
d- Scandanavian
e- Indian

7- Byrob’s journey to Spain, Malta, Albania and Greece resulted in the production of the first two cantos of his poem:
a- cain
b- childe Herald’s Pilgrimage
c- Don Juan
d- the prisoner of Chillon
e- The Seige of Corinth

8- In Don Juan Byron used:
a- blank verse
b- couplets
c- ottava rima
d- refrain
e- terza rima

9- Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University on the charge of being a(n):
a- anarchist
c- commonist
d- nazi
e- traitor

10- Adonais was an elegy Shelley wrote in 1821 on the death of:
a- Keats
b- Byron
c- Arthur Hugh Clough
d- Thomas Love Peacock
e- William Hazlit

11- Confessions of an English Opium Eater was written by:
a- Charles Lamb
b- John Ruskin
c- Maria Edgeworth
d- Thomas Carlyle
e- Thomas
e Quencey

12- Elia was the pseudonym used by Charles Lamb for getting his works published in:
a- London magazine
b- The New York Times
c- The Mirror
d- The spectator
e- the Sun

13- Tennyson created a medieval world in his poem:
a- in memoriam
b- the lady of Shalott
c- the lotus eaters
d- tithonus
e- Ulyssess

14- Arthur Hugh Clough became an inspiration for Mathew Arnold’s work:
a- the buried life
b- dover beach
c- culture and anarchy
d- the scholor gypsy
e- essays on criticism

15- ------------- is an attack by Ruskin on the Philistines.
A- modern painters
b- stones of Venice
c- seven lamps of architecture
e- praeterita

16- Dickens’ first novel which focused on the specific social ills was:
a- the Christmas carol
b- david copperfield
c- great expectatios
d-oliver twist
e- a tale of two cities

17- G Eliot’s novels show her concern for the character’s----------- problems.
A- economic
b- moral
d- spiritual e social

18- Dickens’ novels combine--------- and melodrama.
A- journalism
c- satire
d- science
e- religion

19- The first which Charlotte Bronte wrote was:
a- Emily
b- jane eyre
c- Shirley
d- the professor
e- villette

20- Oscar Wilde’s novel published in 1891 was entitled as:
a- the picture of dorian grey
b- the importance of being earnest
c- lady windermere’s fan
d- a woman of no importance
e- salome

Paper 2

1- Which novel is not written by Jane Austen? 
A- Emma b- the chimes c- Persuation d- Mansfield Park e- none these
2- Shaw wrote more than: 
a- 30 plays b- 40 plays c- 50 plays d- 60 plays e- none of these
3- Shaw died at the age of: 
a- 75 b- 85 c- 95 d- 105 e- none of these
4- Jack Worthing is a character created by: 
a- Shaw b- Dickens c- Browning d- Hardy e- none of these
5- Adam Bede is a: 
a- Play b- Novel c- short storey d- Poem e- none of these
6- Dickens sprang to fame with a publication of: 
a- Hard Times b- David Copperfield c- pickwick papers d- Great Expectations e- none of these
7- Who served as an Irish senator for two terms? 
A- Wilde b- Shaw c- Ibsen d- Yeats e- none of these
8- John Bull’s Other Island is written by: 
a- Shaw b- Wilde c- Hemingway d- Beckett e- none of these
9- Lilliputians symbolize excessive human: 
a- Jealousy b- confidence c- pride d- Ego e- none of these
10- Houyhnhnms represent life governed by sense and: 
a- moderation b- patience c- understanding d- compromise e-none of these
11- Cordelia’s chief characteristic is her: 
a- beauty b- devotion c- sympathy d- kindness e- none of these
12- Henry Higgins is a character in: 
a- Pygmalian b- saint joan c- major Barbara d- candida e-none of these
13- Eliot worked for Faber and Faber as a/an: 
a- assistant b- director c- writer d- editor e- none of these
14- Wordsworth was appointed as poet Laureate in: 
a- 1843 b-1844 c-1845 d-1846 e- none of these
15- Hemingway was a great fan of: 
a- Cricket b- baseball c- softball d- football e- none of these
16- Jude the Obscure is a: 
a- comedy b- tragedy c- tragic-comedy d- black comedy e- none of these
17- Eliot was influenced by: 
a- Ezra Pound b- shaw c- Hardy d- Wilde e- none of these
18- Who became the poet Laureate of England and Ireland during the reign of Queen Victoria? 
A- Tennyson b- Browning c- Hardy d- Lawrence e- none of these
19- Hemingway also worked as a: 
a- Carpenter b- Painter c- surgeon d- Driver e- none of these
20- “Tales from Shakespeare” is written by: 
a- Shakespeare b- Lamb c- Lawrence d- Mary anne evans e- none of these


1. Sylvia Plath married which English poet?
a. Masefield
b. Causley
c. Hughes
d. Larkin

2. Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery?
a. Sea scenes
b. Rural Idyll
c. War
d. Innocent childhood

3. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?
a. Emily Dickinson
b. Paul Dunbar
c. John Greenleaf Whittier
d. Walt Whitman

4. In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess?
a. Elizabeth Bishop
b. Sylvia Plath
c. Marianne Moore
d. Laura Jackson

5. In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?
a. Glory
b. Ruin
c. Disaster
d. victory

6. Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry?
a. Assonance
b. Onomatopaea
c. Rhyme
d. Grammar

7. True or false: Writing predates poetry.
a. True
b. False

8. What is the earliest surviving European poem?
a. The Homeric epic
b. The Gilgamesh epic
c. The Deluge epic
d. The Hesiodic ode

9. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?
a. The Epic
b. The Comic
c. The Occult
d. The Tragic

10. What is the study of poetry's meter and form called?
a. Prosody
b. Potology
c. Rheumatology
d. Scansion

Paper-1 Answers
1-a 2-c 3-e 4-c 5-a 6-a 7-b 8-c 9-b 10-a 11-e 12-a 13-e 14-d 15-a 16-c 17-b 18-c 19-b 20-e

Paper 2 Answers

1-b 2-d 3-c 4-b(not confirmed) 5-b 6-c 7-d 8-a 9-a(not confirmed) 10-a 11-b 12-a 13-d 14-a 15-b 16-b 17-a 18-a 19-d 20-b

Paper 3 Answers
  1. Hughes
  2. War
  3. Walt Whitman
  4. Sylvia Plath
  5. Disaster
  6. Grammar
  7. False
  8. The Homeric epic
  9. The Occult
  10. Prosody


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