Almost all solved MCQs for you..

June 2013

• Reshimi Roomal movement of 1915 started by Maulana Mehmood-ul-Hassan.
• Lord Rippon is associated with the Hunter Commission.
• Lord Dalhousie is associated with Wood’s Dispatch.
• Lord Cornwalls is associated with permanent settlement of Bengal.
• Delhi proposals presented by Quaid-e-Azam in March 1927.
• Nehru Report was produced by Motilal Nehru in 1928.
• Shoaib Qureshi was one muslim member who took part in writing the Nehru Report.
• Fourteen-Points-of-MA Jinnah  came in March 1929 from Delhi.
• Simon-Commission-1927 visited India in 1928 and consisted of 7 members.
• British cabinet minister Cripps came to India in March 1942.
• Civil Disobedience Movement started by Gandhi on 12th March, 1930.
• Simon Commission submitted its report in 1930.
• Ist Session of Round-Table-Conferences from 12Nov1930 to 19Jan1931. (Mohd: Ali Johar participated in it, Congress was absent.)
• Congress absent in 1st RTC, leaders were in jail due to civil disobedience.
• Leader in the 1st RTC was Agha Khan III.
• Quaid attended RTC 1, not attended RTC 2&3. After RTC 1, he renounced politics and persued lawyership.
• The PM of England during 1st Roundtable was Ramshy Macdonald.
• 2nd Session of RTC from 7Sep1931 to 31stSep1931. Gandhi represented Congress.
• Gandhi-Irwin pact was made on March 5, 1931.
• 3rd Session of RTC from 17Nov:1932 to 24Dec: 1932.
• British opposition did not participate in RTC III.
• Communal award published in 1932.
• White Paper of RTC published in Marchi 1933.
• Begum Shahnawaz attended one RTC.
• Mohd: Ali Johar Started Comrade & Hamdard (1912) from Calcutta.
• Name of Bi-Aman was Abidi Begum. (chk afridi begum)
• Mohd: Ali Johar borin in1878 at Rampur and died at the age of 54 on 4ht Jan: 1931 at London and was buried in Bait-ul-Mukadas (Jerusalem).
• Wife of Mohd: Ali Johar was Amjadi Begum.
• Moulana Shoukat Ali, the elder brother of Mohd: Ali was born in 1872 and died on 28th Nov: 1938 and buried at Jamia Mosque Delhi.
• Zamidar (1903) started by Zafar Ali Khan from Lahore.
• Daily Dawn (1942) by Quaid.
• Daily Jang (1940) by Mir Khalilur Rehman.
• Daily al-Halal by Abdeul Kalam.
• Ch: Rehmat Ali is associated with Delhi Darbar.
• IN 1908, Iqbal was awarded Ph.D from Munich University for Persian Philosophy.
• Allama Iqbal born on 9th Nov: 1877 at Sialkot and died on 21st April, 1938
• Allama Iqbal was tutored by Moulvi Syed Mir Hassan.
• Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1926 and chosen president of ML in 1930.
• Jinnah means Lion.
• Jinnah means Thiner. He was 5 feet, 11 ½ inches in height.
• Quaid got education of law from Lincolin’s Inn.
• “Quaid” used by Molvi Mazharul Haq in newspaper Al-Aman.
• Wife of Quaid was Ratan Bai.
• Quid’s father was Jinnah Poonja.
• Jinnah Poonja was born in 1850 and married with Mithi Bai.
• Poonja was grand father of Quaid.
• Jinnah joined Congress in 1906& in 1913 ML in London.
• Quaid born on 25th Dec: 1876 and died on 11 Sep: 1948.
• Jinnah joined ML on the insistence of Mohd: Ali Johar and Syed Wazir Hassan.
• Jinnah got admission in at Gokal Das Teg primary school Bombay at the age of 10 he studied for 5 ½ months.
• Jinnah went to London and got law degree at the age of 18 form LINCONINN.
• Sir Dinsha was the father of Ratna (the wife of Jinnah).
• Ratna embrassed Islam on 18th April 1918 and married Jinnah on 19th April 1918. before that she was Parsi. She died on 20th Feb: 1929 and was buried in Aram Bagh Bombay.
• Islamia High School Peshawar was founded in 1890.
• Muslim Aligargh University was established in 1920.
• Treaty of Amritsar took place in 1876.
• Kashmir was sold to Gulab Singh in 1845.
• NWFP was given status of province in 1901.
• Shakespeare (not William Shakespeare) was the governor of Banarus.
• Mohammadan Political Association was formed in 1903.
• Partition of Bengal announced on 1st Sept: 1905 & implemented on 16 Oct: 1905 by Lord Curzon.
• Partition of Bengal annulled: 10th Dec: 1911 by Lord Hardinge.
• Swadeshi movement was started against Partition of Bengal.
• Bengal divided in East Bengal (Muslim Bengal) & West Bengal (Hindu Bengal) in July 1905 by Lord Curzon. Capital of Muslim Bengal was Dacca and that of Hindu Bengal was Calcutta.
• The partition of Bengal was annulled on 12th Dec: 1911 by King George-V and Queen Marry.
• The president of Simla Deputation (1st Oct: 1906) was Agha Khan III and secretary was Mohsanul Mulk.
• Muslim League founded on 30 Dec: 1906 at Decca.
• ML was formed in the annual session of Muslim Educational Conference in Decca with the proposal of Nawab Salimullah.
• The HQ of ML was established at Lucknnow.
• Initial membership of ML was 400.
• Mohd: Ali Johr wrote the constitution of ML: The Green Book.
• Inagural session of ML was presided by Nawab Samiullah.
• Inagural address was delivered by Nawab Vikarul Mulk.
• First session of ML was held on 30th Dec: 1907 at Karachi.
• First session of ML held in Karachi 31st Dec: 1907 was presided over by Adamjee Pri Bhai of Bombay.
• The original name of Mohsanu-ul-Mulk was Mehdi Ali Khan.
• Original name of Waqaul Mulk was Molvi Mohd: Shah.
• 1st President of ML was Agha Khan III. (upto 1913).
• Sir Agha Khan remained permanent president of ML till 1913.
• First VC of Aligarh University was Agha Khan 3.
• Agha Khan III was born in Karachi and was buried in Egypt.
• Real name of Agha Khan III was Sultan Mohd: Shah.
• First secretary general of ML was Hussain Bilgrami.
• 2nd President of ML was Sir Ali Mohd: Khan when Agha Khan III resigned in 1913.
• Sir Mohammad Shafik was the second general secretary of Muslim League.
• Syyed Amir Ali established ML London in 1908.
• Quaid attended 1st time Muslim League session in 1912. (chk)
• Quaid resigned from Imerial Legislative Council as a protest against Rowlatt Act in 1919.
• Quaid became ML president 1919-1924 (chk it).
• Quaid joined ML 10 Oct 1913.
• Syed Amir Ali resigned from ML in 1913.
• Quaid resigned from Congress and Home Rule League in Dec: 1920 (Nagpur Session) became ML president in 1916. (chk it)
• Quaid held joint membership of ML & Congress for 7 years i.e from 1913-1920
• He presided the ML Lucknow session of 1916 and Delhi session of 1924, became permanent president of ML in 1934.
• Lord Minto came to India as viceroy in 1915.
• Minto Morley reforms 1909: introduced separate electorates.
• Minto Morley reforms: Minto was Indian Viceroy and Morley was state secretary for India.
• Montague Chemsford Reforms came in 1919.
• ML demanded principle of self rule for India in 1913.
• Kanpur mosque incident took place in 1913.
• Jillanwalla Bagh is in Amritsar. It was place where a number of Indian killed by the English on 13th April, 1919.
• General Dair was the army commander of Amritsar during Jullianwala bagh slaughter (1919).
• Lucknow Pact came in Nov: 1916.
• Home Rule Movement was founded by Mrs. Annie Basent an English Parsi lady in 1916 after Lucknew pact.
• Rowalt Act was passed in 1919.
• Khilafat Movement started in 1919 and ended in March 1921.
• All Indai Khilafat committee was founded in Bombay on 5th Juley 1919 and Seth Chuttani became its first president.
• First meeting of All Indai Khilafat Movement was held on 23rd Nov: 1919 and was presided over by Molvi Fazal Haq of Bengl. Its headquarter was at Bombay.
• Khilafat day was observed on 27th October, 1919.
• Indian Khilafat Delegation met with Lloyd George.
• Mopala uuprising in Malabar 1921.
• Chauri Chuara incident tookplace in 1922.
• Non-cooperation movement was called off by Gandhi because of Chauri-Chaura incident 1922.
• Shuddi and Sangathan movement was started at the end of Tahreek Khilafat.
• Sangathan movement was started by Pandit Malavia.
• Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923.
• Mustafa Kamal: first president of Turkey on 23rd Oct: 1923.
• Atta Turk means the father of Turks.
• Khilafat was abolished in 1924.
• Last caliph of Turkish State was Abdul Majeed Afandi.
• Hijrat Movement took place in 1924
• Haji Shariat Ullah was born in 1781( Faraizi Movement 1830-57)
• The main aim of Brahma Samaj was Reform in Hinduism.
• Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded Brahma Samaj.
• Ani- Muslim Arya Samaj (1877) was founded by Dayanand Sirasoti. Arya Samaj was founded in 1875 (chk)
• In 1805, British made Sri Lanka a colony.
• British annexed NWFP in 1849.
• Wardha scheme written by Zakir Hussain.
• Sati was abolished by Lord William Bantink.
• First census in India made during the period of Lord Mayo.
• Moen-jo-DAro & Herapa discovered in 1922.
• Sir John Marshal ordered digging of Moen jo Daro in 1922.
• East India Company was formed in 1600 in London.
• In India French East India company was established in 1664.
• Raishmi Romal campaign started by Ubaidullah Sindhi before war of Independence.
• War of Independence started on 7th May, 1857 from Delhi.
• Lord Canning was the Governor General of India during Sepoy Mutiny.
• In India the first gate of enterance of Europeans was Bengal.
• At Meerath firstly the war of independence was fought.
• War of independence started on 9th May, 1857.
• The first Viceroy of the subcontinent was Lord Canning.
• Queen’s Proclamation was made in 1858.
• Indian National Congress made by Allan O. Hume in 1885.
• First president of Congress was W.C. Benerjee.
• 72 members attended the first meeting of Congress at Bombay out of them only 2 were Muslims.
• Warren Hastings was the first Governor General of Bengal.
• Hindi-Urdu controversy started in 1867.
• Mohsin-ul-Mulk founded Urdu Defence Association.
• Syed Ahmed Khan born on 17th Oct: 1817 in Delhi & died March 241898 at Ali Gargh.
• Sir Syed is buried in Ali Garh Muslim University.
• Tahzibul Ikhelaque was published in 1870. (1867 chk)
• Asrar-us-Sanadeed was compiled by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
• Sir Syed wrote Loyal Mohammandan’s of India & Causes of Indian Revolt.
• Hayate-e-Javed is written by Maulana Hali about Sir Syed.
• In Indai English education was first initiated in Bengal in 1835.
• Shah Waliullah was born in Delhi.
• Madressah Rahimiya was established by Shah Abdul Rahim.
• Scientific society was established in 1863.
• Albert Bill was presented in 1883
• NWFP was separated from Punjab by the British in 1901, Lord Curzon was then the viceroy and GG of British India.
• Mohammadan Educational Conference was formed on 27 Dec: 1886 by Sir Syed.
• Muhammadan Literacy Society of Calcutta founded in 1860.
• “Indian Patriotic Association” was founded in 1861.
• Nidwatul Ulema (1884) was founded by Molvi Abdul Ghafoor Qasim Nativi. Nadvat-ul-Ulema was founded in 1894 and Maulvi Abdul Ghafoor was its founder.(chk)
• Darul-ul Deoband (1867) was founded by Mohd: Qasim Nanavatavi.
• MAO College founded on Jan: 8, 1877 and inaugurated by Governor General Lord Lyton.
• Present Sindhi alphabets made by Sir Barter Frere in 1883.
• Anjuman-e-himayat-Islam was founded in 1884.
• Sindh Madrasa built by Hassan Ali Afandi on 1st Sep: 1885.
• DJ (Diwan Dayaram Jethmal) Science College was opened by Governor of Bombay Lord Reay on 17th Jan: 1887.
• Who amongst the following were the first to invade India? Arabs
• Real name of Mohammad-bin-qasims was Amadudin Mohammad (Pillar of Deen).
• Mohd: Bin Qasim was nephew and son-in-law of Hajjaj bin Yousuf the Governor of Iraq (Omayad Period). He came to Sindh with 12 thousand men.
• Mohd: bin Qasim conquered Sindh during Ummayads.
• Siskar was Waziir of Dahir.
• Mohd: bin Qasim tortured to death in Iraq by Sulaiman.
• The Abbasid governor Hisham came to Sindh in 757 A.D.
• Shabudding Ghori was the founder of Islamic State in India.
• Qutubudin Aibk was the founder of slave dynasty after Ghoris.
• Ghiyasuddin Tughluq was the first sultan of Tughluq dynasty.
• Aurangzeb reimposed ‘Jaziya’?
• Ibn Batutah visited India in reign of Muhammad-bin Tughluq
• Babur used artillery in warfare.
• Emperor Shahjahan= Khurram Shihab-ud-din
• Akbar prohibited the practice of Sati?
• Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya’s Dargah is located at Delhi.
• Baba Farid Gang Shakar was the first Punjabi poet.
• Waris shah is called the ‘Shakespeare of Punjabi literature’.
• Tomb named Khawaja Moin ud Din Chisti is in Ajmer.
• Hazrat Bullay Shah was a famous Sufi poet of Punjabi language. His tomb is in the city of Kasur.
• Thatta was the capital city of Sindh during Argons and Turkans
• Mohd: bin Tughlaq introduced tokens currency firstly.
• Akbar the Great was born in Umar Kot.
• Shalamar Bagh was built by Shah Jahan (Shahabuddin Mohd: Shah Jahan) (also called Shahzada Khuram)
• Jahan Ara begum was the daughter of Shah Jahan
• Mehmood set out on Somnath on17 Oct: 1024 A.D.
• 1st battle of Tarrin was fought b/w Mohd: Ghouri & Rajput (1191), Ghori was defeated. In 1192 A.D, the 2nd battle of Tarrin, Ghori wins.
• Ahmed Shah Abdali was the King of Kabul.
• Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Marhatas in 1761.
• Pan Islamism introduced by Jamaludding Afghani.
• Nadir Shah of Iran invaded Delhi during the period of Mohd: Shah Rangila (The Moughal Emperor).
• Original name of Tippu Sultan was Nawab Fateh Ali.
• 4th May 1799 was the day of Shahadat of Tippu Sultan.
• The original name of Sultan Siraj Doullah (the Nawab of Bengal) was Mirza Mohd:
• Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757 b/w Clive and Siraj-ud-Daula which established British rule in Bengal.
• Sindh was annexed by Birtish in 1847 and was separated from Bombay in 1935 vide India Act 1935.
• First war of freedom was fought in 1757 b/w Siraju Doullah and Rober Clive.
•Sheikh Ahmad Sarhindi is known as Majaddid Alf Sani.
• Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi was born in 1564.
• Mausm Khan, soldier of Titu Mir was sentenced to death.
• Hajatullah al-Balaghah written by Shah Waliullah.
• Shah waliullah born in 1703. Shah Waliullah died in 1763.
• Shah Alam II was an ally of Mir Qasim in the Battle of Buxar.
• During Jehangir’s reign Sir Thomas Roe and Captain Hawkins visited Moghul court to secure commercial privileges.
• Real name of Shah Waliullah was Ahmed and his historical name was Azimuddin.
• Haji Shareetullah of Bengal was the founder of Farazi Tehriz in 1802. Farazi Tehriz meant to pay more attention on fundamental of Islam.
• Syed Ahmed of Rai Brelli (Oudh) was the founde of Jehad Tehrik against Sikhs. He was martyred at Balakot (NWF) in 1831.
• Battle of Buxar was fought in 1764.

• The total length of coastline of Pakistan is 1046.
• Cease Fire line came into existence in 1949.
• Pakistan can be divided into six natural regions.
• High of K2 is 8611 Meters.
• The coldest place in Pakistan is Sakardu.
• Most of the Hosiery Industry is located in Karachi.
• The Heavy Mechanical complex was established with the help of China at Taxila.
• The first Census in the subcontinent took place in the year 1901.
• Wheat is the major Kharif Crop of Pakistan.
• Kotli is the city of Azad Kashmir.
• The SOS village built in Faisalabad.
• Pakistan celebrated Quaid’s year in 2001.
• Pakistani Cricketer Saeed Anwar declared to join Afghan Jehad.
• Maulana Shibly wrote books on Islamic History.
• The first translation of the Holy Quran was in Sindhi.
• Qutab Minar is in Delhi.
• Cholistan Desert is in Bahawalpur.
• Pakistan can be divided per climate into 4 regions.
• Hashim Shah wrote Sassi Punnu.
• The British Communal Award was announced in 1932.
• Land between two rivers is called Do, aba.
• Shah Jahan Constructed Jamia Masjid Thatta.
• Sindh River flows from Bolan River.
• Kohat is the oldest cantonment of Pakistan.
• Muslims were interested in the art of Calligraphy.
• The length of Durand Line is 2240 km.
• The length of Pakistan’s common border with Iran is 805 km.
• Chinese province adjoining Pakistan is Sinkiang.
• Jinnah Barrage is originated on the river Sindh.
• The height of Tarbela Dam is 500 feet.
• Wah city of Pakistan is linked with cement, arms and ammunition industry.
• Sukkur barrage is completed in 1932.
• Khanpur Dam is near Islamabad.
• Simly Lake is near Islamabad.
• Tanda Dam is located in NWFP.
• Khanpur Dam irrigates Attock and Abbotabad.
• Sassi was born in Bhutta Wahan.
• Baba Farid Shakar Gunj died at Pakpattan in 1265.
• Nishtar hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan.
• Sahiwal is the new name of ‘Montgomery’.
• Noor Mahal is located at Bahawalpur.
• The founder of Suharwardi silsila in Pakistan is Rukn-e-Alam.
• Baheshti Darwaza is located in Pakpattan.
• The tomb of Anarkali is situated in at Lahore.
• Shahjehan built Shalimar Garden.
• Hazrat Data Gunj Baksh came in Lahore in 1039 A.D. from the city of Ghazni.
• Minar-e-Pakistan is also called Minto park
• Data Ganj Baksh is the author of Kashful Mahjoob.
• Badshaahi mosque was built in 1674.
• The construction of Islamabad began in 1952.
• Sher Shah built G.T. Road.
• Imperial Highway is the old name of G.T. Road.
• Karakoram highway passes through 3 ranges.
• Nanga Parbat is commonly known as Killer Mountain.
• Karakoram highway was completed in 1978.
• Karakoram was completed in the total period of 20 years.
• The word Karakoram means ‘crumbling rock’.
• Karakoram is a Turkish word.
• Karakoram highway passes through khunjrab pass.
• Punial is said to be the place where ‘heaven and earth meet’.
• Siachin glacier is located near Astor.
• Hunza is called real Shangrilla.
• Khyber Pass connects Gilgit with Chitral.
• Totally Punjab has 8 divisions.
• The contribution of forestry to the agriculture sector is 0.4%.
• Use of Boron and Zink can improve cotton yield.
• National Arid and Land Development and Research Institute is located at Islamabad.
• Arid Zone Research Centre of PARC is situated at Quetta.
• Thar Coalfield is the biggest coalfield of Pakistan.
• An M-1 motorway is Islamabad-Peshawar.
• NEC (company) set up Pakistan’s first T.V. station.
• 3 radio stations were working at the time of partition.
• Total length of Indus Highway is
• The new name of Debal is ‘Bhanbhore’.
• Gharo Creek is a lake.
• Kalakot Fort is situated near Thatta.
• Ranjit Singh sold Kashmir for 75 Lakhs.
• Poonch, a state of Kashmir, fought with Dogra by obtaining arms from tribal areas.
• 10 seats are reserved for non-muslims in National Assembly.
• Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of Armed Forces.
• The religion of Tamil is Hinduism.
• There is only one female university in Pakistan.
• Kohat is the oldest cantonment of the country.
• Shalimar Garden was built in 1642 A.D.
• Faisalabad is commonly known as little Manchester.
• Harrappa is located at Sahiwal.
• The tomb of jehangir is located a Shahdara.
• Tomb of Noor Jehan is located at Lahore.
• Attock Fort was built byAkbar.
• Heer Ranjha was written by Waris Shah.
• Sohni Mahiwal was written by Hashim Shah.
• Sindh is called Bab-ul-Islam.
• Chack was the father of Raja Dahir.
• Keti Bunder is the name of a coastal area.
• French Beach is located at Karachi.
• Ranikot Fort is located near Hyderabad.
• Kotri barrage was built in 1955.
• Al Mawardi was born in Basra.
• Steel Mill is in Bin Qasim
• Old name of Jacobabad is Khangharh.
• Kot Digi Fort is in Khairpur district.
• Peshawar means city of flowers.
• Warsak dam (near Peshawar) is built on Kabul River.
• Tirich Mir mounts of Hindu Kash separate Afghanistan and Tajistan from Pak:
• Islamia College Peshawar was founded in 1914 by Sahibzada Abdul Qayum.
• Quaid Azam Medical College is in Bahawalpur.
• Choukundi toms are located near Karachi.
• Atock Fort was built by Akbar.
• The land b/w Indus & Jehlum river is called Thal Desert or Sindh Sagar Doab.
• Ruins of Harapa found in Sahiwal.
• Lahore Fort was built by Akbar.
• At Toonsa Sharif the borders of three provinces meet.
• With Gilgit & Baltistan the frontiers of three counties meet.
• Tochi pass connects Pak: with China.
• Pak: has 6 international airports.
• Pak: has 27 Radio Stations.
• —- district, —- divisions.
• Pak: railways factory is in Risalpur.
• Chitral is famous for gold.
• Port Qasim is the largest seaport of Pak: smallest is Gawadar
• The chairman of National Economic Council is PM.
• National flower of Pakistan is Jasmine.
• National bird of Pakistan is Chakore.
• National tree of Pakistan is Deodar.
• National animal of Pakistan is Markhor (a type of goat).
• National emblem of Pakistan is Cresent.
• National sport of Pakistan is land Hockey.
• Oldest cantonment of Pak: is Kohat.
• HQ of Pak: Army is at RawalPindi.
• HQ of Airforce is at Chaklala.
• HQ of Navy is at Islamabad.
• Islamabad is 8 miles from Rawalpindi.
• Photograph on the coin of one rupee is Quaid’s photo.
• “ ::two rupee is Badshahi Mosque (chk)
• “ ten rupee note is Khyber Pass.
• “ 5 rupee note is
• “ 50 rupee note is
• “ 100 is Quaid’s Residecy, Ziarat Quetta.
• “ 500 is Badshahi Mosque, Lahore.
• “ 100 is Jehangir’s Tomb.
• “ 5000 is of Faisal Mosque, Islamabad.
• 4.8% of total area of Pak: is forests (standard is 25%)
• Hub dam and Thadho Dam are in Malir Karachi near Gadap Town.
• Map of Shah Faisal Mosque was made by Wahdat Diloky of Turkey.
• Largest radio station of Pak: is Islamabad.
• Tarbela dam is in Abot Abad.
• Raeewind is in Kasur.
• Baitul Maal established in 1992.
• General sales tax, under the constitution 1973 is a Federal subject.
• Pak: national flag was adopted on 11 August, 1947
• Jasmine adopted on July 5, 1961.
• National drink is Cane Juice.
• Railway stations in Pak: = 965.
• Rabi crops are grown b/w months of Oct-March.
• Under Indus Water Basin Treaty Pak: got Jehlum, Chenab & Indus. India got Ravi, Sutlaj.
• Chenab and Jehlum flow from Kashmir.
• Tirchmir is the highest peak of Hindukash.
• A bicameral legislature was proposed for the first time in 1973 constitution.
• Length of Pak-India border is 1,610 km.
• Length of Pak-Iran border is 805 km.
• Length of Pak-China border is 595 km.
• Length of Pak-Afghan border is 2052 km or 1300 miles.
• 5 rivers flow in Punjab Ravi, Sutlaj, Chenab, Indus & Beas.
• Warsak dam is on Kabul River.
• Rawal Dam is on Kurrang River.
• Khanpur dam is on Haro River.
• Tanda dam is in Baluchistan.
• Tarbela deam was completed in 1969.
• Length of Indus is 2900 km.
• Source of Indus is Mansoorowar Lake in Gilgit.
• Muztag pass connects Gilgit-Yarkand (China).
• Khankum Pass connects Chitral-Wakhan (Afghanistan)
• The Shandur Pass connects Chitral and Gilgit.
• Khyber Pass connects Peshawar-Kabul
• Kulk pass connects Gilgit-China.
• Bolan pass connects Queta-Afghanistan.
• Tochi pass connects Pak:-China.
• Length of Silk Rourte (Korakorum Route) is 965 km.
• Geneva Pact was signed on 14th April, 1988.
• Simpla Pact was singed on 3rd July, 1972.
• Numb: of words in anthem=50.
• Numb: of lines in anthem=15.
• Numb: of ammendements made 17.
• Numb: of troops in a division are 12000 to 20,000.
• Numb: of troops in brigade is 4000 to 5000.
• Barrages built on Indus = 8.
• Tarbela dam is in NWFP (Abotabad) on Indus river.(Largest)
• Mangla dam is in AJK on Jehlum River(Highest)
• Warsak dam is in NWFP near Peshawar on Kabul river.
• Direct dialing system was introduced b/w Lahore and Rawalpindi for first time in 1964.
• Rivers of Pakistan—– Punjab== Ravi+Chanab+Sutlaj.
• :::: Sindh ===Indus, Hub.
• NWFP==Kabul, Sawat, Zhob.
• Baluchistan==Bolan.
• Baluchistan is 43% of total Pak:.
• Geographical divisions of Pak: are 1.Northern Mountains, 2. Western off-shoots of Himalayas, 3. Baluchistan Plateau, 4. Potohar Plateau & Salt range, 5. Lower Indus Plain, 6. Thar desert.
• Pak: has 3 stock exchanges (confirm it).
• Broad Peak I is on Karokarum range.
• Colonel Sher Khan belonged to Sindh Regement.
• Kot Diji is a fort in Khairpur.
• Ancient mosque of Pak: is at Bhambhor.
• Time taken to sing National Anthem is 1 minute, 20 sec.
• Instruments used are 38.
• Texila is in Punjab and NWFP.
• Rashid Minhas martyred in August 1971.
• Mangla dam is on river Jehlum.
• Old name of Supreme Court is Federal Court.
• 10 persons have received Nishan-e-Hyder.
• Kharif (Summer Season) crops include—Cotton, rice, sugar cane, maize, Jaur and Bajra.
• Rabi (Winter OCT-March) crops are wheat, gram, barley and tobacco.
• Jhat Pat is the old name of Dera Allah Yar.
• There are 7 rivers in Baluchistan.
• Mast Tawakkal was the poet of Balochi.
• Khanpur dam is near Haripur.
• Skardu is also called “Little Tibet”.
• Swat became part of Pakistan in 1969.
• The most precious gemstone “Emerald” are found in Swat.
• Gilgit is the capital of Northern Areas of Pak:
• Khushhal Khan belonged to English period.
• The alphabet of Pushto was prepared by Saifullah.
• First poet of Pushto was Amir Karar.
• Saiful Maluk is near Naran.
• Dera Adam khan is famous for Gun factory.
• Durand line is b/w Peshawar and Afghanistan.
• Pakistan Forest Institution is located in Peshawar.
• Bala Hassan Fort was built by Babrat at Peshawar.
• Saidu Sharif is a lake in NWFP.
• British took Peshawar from Sikhs.
• Population-wise NWFP stands 3rd.
• Area-wise it is 4th.
• Lands down Bridge connect Sukkur with Rohri.
• Guddu Barrage was completed in 1932.
• Real name of Qalandar Lal Shahbaz is Shaikh Usman Marvindi.
• In 1973 constitution there are 290 articles.
• Pak: comprises of 61% of mountainous area.
• National Assembly has 342 seats & Senate has 100 seats with 14 for each province.
• Provincial Assembly seats Punjab=371, Sindh=168, NWFP=124, Baluchistan=65.
• Name of Ustad Bukhari is Syed Ahmed Shah.
• Real name of Shaikh Ayaz is Shaikh Mubarak.
• Barrages on Indus are Toonsa, Jinnah, Sukkur, Gudo, Kotri & Ghulam Mohd:.
• Ports and harbours are Kimari (Kar: ), Bin Qasim (Kar: ),
• Jinnah Naval Base (ormara), Gawadar (Baluc: ), Panjgore (Baluch: ).
• Deserts of Pak: Thar (Sindh), Thal (Punjab), Cholistan (Punjab).
• Famous glaciers are Siachen, Batura, Baltoro.
• K2 (Karakurum Range) with 8610 meters.
• Mountain Ranges are Himaliya, Koradoram, Hindu Kash, Sulaiman and Salt Range.
• Tomb of Babur is in Kabul.
• Real name of Noor Jahan (Wife of Jahangir) was Mehrun Nisa.
• NADRA was setup in Feb: 16, 2000.
• The master plan of Islamabad was prepared in 1960 by MIS Constructinos Doxiades (of Greek).
• National Institute of Oceanlogy Karachi =1982.
• Pak: test fired Ghauri missile in April 6, 1998.
• First nuclear reactor was setup in Karachi.
• Pak:’s first agriculture university setup in Faisalabad.
• Chomas festival is held in Kalash valley near Chitral.
• Nearest provincial capital from Islamabad is Peshawar.
• Tomb of Hamayoon is in Delhi.
• Tomb of Jahangir is at Lahore.
• National Assembly has 60 women seats.
• National anthem was written in 1954.
• Gandhara civilization discovered from Texila.
• Social Action Plan launched in 1992-93.
• Rahmat Ali suggested name of Pakistan on 28th Jan: 1933 in “Now or Never” pamphlet in London.
• Rehmat Ali was born in 1893 in a village Mohar district Hoshiyarpur (East Punjab).
• Rahmat Ali died at the age of 58 in 1951 and was buried in Cambridge University.
• Ancient name of Peshawar was Phushkalvati.
• India framed its constitution in 1950.
• Kara korum Highway (Silkroute) B/w Pak: & China was completed on 18th June, 1978.
• Jamrood Fort (Peshawar) was built by General Hari Singh Nalwa in 1836.
• Landi Khani is the end of the main line of Railway system of Pakistan.
• Cholistan desert is in Bahawlpur district.
• Harpa is in Sahiwal.
• Bhambhore is in Thatta.
• Firdousi, the Persian poet (Shah Nama) was the member of Sultan Mehmood’s court.
• Tomb of Baba Farid is in Pak Patan.
• Tomb of Sachal is in Ranipur.
• Nishtar Hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan and was built in 1953.
• A.H means Anne Hegirae (Latin Term) =13th Sep: 622 A.D.
• Nanga Parbat is situated in Himalayan.
• Total arable land of Pakistan is 27%.
• Pakistan is situated at the West End of the Indo Gangetic.
• Wakhan separates Pakistan from Tajikistan.
• Hindu-kush range is also known as Little Pamirs.
• Sub-Himalya is also known as Siwaliks.
• The Sindh Sagar Doab is also known as Thal Desert.
• Takt-I-Suleman is the highest peak of Sulaiman Mountains.
• The length of Indus River is 2900 km.
• Six barrages are constructed on the River Indus.
• Hispar Glacies is located in Hunza.
• The famous Umar Kot fort was built in 1746.
• Katch and Gawadar are the districts of Makran Division.
• Punjgore is the district of Makran division.
• Meaning of Quetta is fort.
• Gomal River is in NWFP.

• Nizam-ul-Mulk tusi was famous for his wisdom.
• “USA is ruled by a power elite,” said C.Wright Mills.
• Hub dam supplies electricity to Sindh.
• The number of divisions in the province of Sindh is five.
• Total districts in the province of Sindh are 22.
• Naib Subedar is the lowest commissioned officer of Pakistan Army.
• River Kabul joins Indus river at Attock.
• Meerani Dam is under construction near Turbat.
• Chashma right bank canal on the Indus River provides water for Jhelum River.
• Jinnah station was established in continent Asia on January 25th, 1991.
• National institute of silicon technology was established in 1991.
• Rawalpindi, a region of Punjab, is free from the problem of water logging.
• Jhelum River joins Chenab River near Trimmu.
• River Ravi originates in the Indian state of Hamachel Pradesh.
• Chashma barrage was built in 1971 on river Indus.
• Warsak dam was built in 1960 on river Kabul.
• Rawal dam was built in 1965 on river Kurang.
• Pakistan’s oldest archaeological site is situated near Larkana.
• Ayoub Park covers an area of 2300 acres.
• Khewra is the main source of gypsum in Pakistan.
• Sainadak is famous for copper, silver and gold.
• Attock oil refinery is located in Rawalpindi.
• 43% of the gas is obtained from Sui.
• Peshawar means ‘city of flowers’.
• Lahore Fort was built in 1560.
• National singer, Noor Jehan, died on 23rd December, 2000.
• Taxila is located b/w Jehlum and Indus.
• Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Center is locates at Islamabad.
• Nasirabad region of Balochistan will be irrigated through Kachi cananl.
• The district of the country having lowest population density is: Kharan
• In violation of lndus Basin Treaty 1960, India has constructed Wullar barrage on River Jhelum.
• Water -flows of the river are diverted to Wuller Barrage through the construction of Kishanganga Dam.
• India is constructing Kishanganga Dam in Baramula.
• India has constructed “Baglihar Dam” in occupied Kashmir`s district of Doda.
• AKHORI DAM. Location. Across Nandnakas near Akhori village about 28 KM east of Attock Punjab.
• Wakhan is a narrow strip of land which separates Afghanistan from Pakistan.

• Hoysals was a Kingdom of South during Ala-ud-Din Khilji’s period.
• Raja Tarangini is a book on history of Kashmir written by Pandit Kachan.
• Koshak-e-Siri was the name of the Palace of Ala-ud-Din.
• Ustad Isa was the Chief Architect of Taj Mahal Agra.
• Mahabat Khan was a renowned General of Jahangir. He arrested Jahangir and Noor Jahan.
• Malik Kafur was a General of Ala-ud-Din Khilji. He conquered Deccan.
• Alai Darwaza was the structure constructed by Ala-ud-Din Khilji near Qutb Minar in 1311 A.D.
• Tehrik-e-Alfi was a history written by a team of historians during the reign of Akbar.
• Nasir-ud-Din Qubacha was a lieutenant of Muhammad Ghouri and served as Governor of Multan.
• Durgavati was the ruler of Gondwana and was defeated by Akbar in 1564 A.D.
• Maham Anaga was the foster mother of Akbar the Great.
• Gulbadan Begum was the sister of Mughal King Hamayun. She wrote “Hamayun Nama”.
• Infallibility Decree was a document signed by Akbar in 1597, which authorized him to act as the supreme arbitrator in civil and ecclesiastical affairs.
• Battle of Plassey (1757) was fought between:The Ruler of Bengal and East Indian Company.
• Lucknow Pact (1916) provided for the representation of Muslims in the Provincial Lagislative Councils in the proportion of One-Half of the elected members in Bengal to the Muslims.
• The August Offer (1940) was aimed at Offering greater share to Indians in Services.
• Nadir Shah, King of Persia, marched into Delhi in 1739.
• Diarchy was introduced in the government of Indian Act of 1919.
• Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakariya:
Ans. He was a great saint of Suharwardi branch of mysticism and flourished in Multan.
• Sidi Maula was a saint of Jalal-ud-Din Khilji’s period and was executed on charges of political treason.
• Juna Khan was the original name of Muhammad bin Taghluq.
• Ain-e-Akbari is the renowned work of Abul Fazl about the Government of Akbar the Great.
• Tarikh-e-Daudi A history of Lodi Dynasty written by Abdullah during the Mughal period.
• In order to inquire into the injustice done to the Muslims during congress ministries, the Muslim League appointed a committee under the chairmanship of Raja Muhammad Mehdi.
• Uch: A place near Bahawalpur district. It is the burial place of Makhdoom Jehanian.
• Tabaqat-e-Akbari was the name of history written by ‘Nizam-ud-Din’ in 1593. It contains detailed account of Ghaznavids to the 36th year of Akbar’s reign.
• Buland Darwaza was built by Akbar the Great at Fatehpur Sikri to commemorate his conquest of Gujrat.
• Fatawa-e-Jehandari was ‘Zia-ud-Din Barani’s’ book on state craft.
• Shams Siraf Afif: Author of ‘Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi”.
• Fuwaid-ul-Faud was written by Zia-ud-Din Barani.
• Mirza Haider Dughlat:
Ans. He was a cousin of Babur and author of ‘Tarikh-e-Rashidi’.
• Nadir-ul-Asr Mansur: The title was conferred by Mughal Emperor Jahangir upon his Court Painter Mansoor.
• Muhammad Masum Nami: A Governor of Qandhar. He lies buried at Sukkur. He wrote “Tarikh-e-Sinkh”
• Muslim League was founded under the leadership of Nawab Saleemullah Khan.
• Allama Iqbal was elected as a member of Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1926 and chosen President of Muslim League in 1930.
• Iqbal’s early poems were composed mainly in
• Bang-e-Dara and published in the year 1924.
• Mr Mountbattan announced the Partition of India into two independent states on 3rd June 1947.
• The Cabinet Mission Scheme was placed before Quaid-e-Azam in April 1946.
• The Forty: This term refers to the forty slaves of Iltumish who played important role in contemporary politics.
• Panipat is a famous town near Delhi. Three important battles were fought on this ground.
• Moeen-ud-Din Ajmeri was a great saint of Chisti sect of Islamic Mysticism.
• Syed Brothers: Hussain Ali and Abdullah Khan who flourished in the early part of the 18th century are historically known as Syed Brothers. They were King Makers for few years.
• Rohtas Fort was built by Sher Shah near Jehlum.

• Firdausi wrote “Shahnama” and was also a court poet of Mahmud of Ghazni.
• Auqaf: Muslims Holy religious places are termed as Auqaf.
• Bahagar Kabir: Founder of Bakhti Movement. He flourished in 15th century.
• Kashful Mahjub is renowned work on mysticism by Ali Hajveri (Data Sahib).
• Abul Fazl: A leading light of Akbar’s reign. He wrote “Akbarnama” which is the most authentic history of Akbar’s period.
• Mudrasa Rahimia was established by Shah Abd-ur-Rahim at Delhi.
• Jainism is a religious movement started by Mahavirs.
• The year when the Quaid-e-Azam decided that the Muslim League would join the Interim Government in India was 1946.
• The name of a person who has been the Governor General as well as the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Khuwaja Nazim-ud-din.
• Tahmasap: The King of Persia who helped Hamayun to recapture his throne.
• Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was a great commander of Muhammad Ghouri who laid foundation of Slave Dynasty.
• Ghazi Malik: was the original name of Ghiyas-ud-Din Taghluq.
• Amir Khusrau: A great poet and singer. He was a disciple of Khawaja Nizam-ud-Din Aulia. He flourished during the Sultanate Period.
• Dara Shikohwas son of Shah Jahan, he fought against Aurangzeb Alamgir. He was mystic and writer.
• Bairum Khan was tutor of Hamayun and Akbar. He was chiefly instrumental in the victory of Mughals over Hemu in 1556.
• Madrasa-e-Rahimia: A famous religious institution started by Shah Abdul Rahim (Father of Shah Waliullah).
• Noor Jahan was a beloved Queen of Jahangir. She was an accomplished lady and assisted her husband in the affairs of the state.
• The Objectives Resolution was accepted by the Constituent Assembly on 12 March 1949.
• Sikandar Mirza was the last Governor General of Pakistan.
• Zill-e-Elahi means: Shadow of Allah.
• Sabuktgin was the ruler of Ghazni. He ruled Ghazni from 977 to 997.
• Ibn-e-Batuta was a famous African traveler who stayed in the court of Muhammad bin Taghluq for several years. He traveled over the quarter part of the then world from China to India.
• Kanwaha is the historical place in North India where Babur defeated the Rajputs in 1527. At this historical place, Babur broke his wine vessels.
• Sarus Sadur: Guardian of Islamic Law and Spokesman of Ulema.
• Qutbat-ul-Islam Mosque was built by Qutb-ud-Din Aibak near Qutb Minar at Delhi.
• Francis Bernier was a European traveler who visited Indian during Shahjehan’s Period.
• H. Kh. Baqi Billah Bairang was renowned saint of Naqshbandia order and was the spiritual guide of Hazrat Majadded Alf Sani.
• Kitab-ul-Hind was written by Al-Bairuni. This is an authentic source about Indian culture and social life.
• The ‘Objectives Resolution’ was passed at Karachi by the Constituent Assembly in 1949.
• The “One Unit” bill was accepted by the Parliament on 19th October 1955 when M. Ali Bogra was Prime Minister of Pakistan.
• Pirthvi Raj was overthrown and killed in 1192 A.D. at Thanesar by Muhammad Ghouri.
• Qutb Minar of Delhi was designed as a tower of victory being the hallmark of the Empire of the Turks.
• The famous garden Ram Bagh at Agra was laid out by Sikandar Lodi.
• The Lodi Dynasty was founded by Bahlol.
• Dara Shikoh in his religious thought was influenced by Mullah Shaida.
• The famous manuscript “Shikasta” and “Nastaliq” were written by Aurangzeb.
• In India, the legal status of the provinces was for the first time recognized under the Govt: of India Act 1935.
• The proposal of Union of India embracing both British India and the states was put forward by the Cabinet Mission.
• The JUP was set up in1948.
• The Syed Dynasty was founded by Khizar Khan.
• The Buland Darwaza is situated at Fatehpur Sikri.
• Jahangir was imprisoned by Mahabat Khan.
• Champaner is a General.
• Mukhdum Jehanian Jalal-ud-Din Jehangasht was a saint of Suhrwardiya Silsilah.
• Petticoat Government was headed by Maham Angah.
• I will tear it or burn it or throw it away but never accept it. Who stated this about the Government of India Act 1935?
Ans. M. K. Gandhi.
• The Rashmi Roomal Movement of 1905 was initiated by Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
• The Indian Independence Act was passed in the British Parliament on 18th July.
• Hazrat Nizam-ud-Din Auliya was a Sufi of Chishtia Order.
• Manachi was a European traveler who came to the court of Jahangir.
• One of the earliest coming Saints to India was Khawaja Qutb-ud-Din Bakhtiar Kaki.
• Home Rule League was founded in 1916.
• The Baghdad Pact was signed in 1955.
• The System of Basic Democracy was first introduced in 1959
• Hazrat Mehal’s real name was Umrao. She valiantly took part in 1857 War of Independence. She was the wife of Wajjid Ali Shah of Oadh.
• Syed Ameer Ali was an intellectual of high caliber. He worked as a lawyer, a Judge of Calcutta High Court, founded Central National Mohammedan Association and remained President of the Hughlie Imambara. He worked hard for Muslim League and Khilafat Movement. He settled down in London and died there.
• Manzoor Qadir was son of Sheikh Abdul Qadir. He was a seasoned advocate. He represented Pakistan at the International Law Association in Yugoslavia. He worked as Foreign Minister of Pakistan and Chief Justice of West Pakistan High Court.
• Lala Lajpat Rai was a great Arya Samajist. He took a most prominent part in the Congress affairs and along with Tilak and Bebin Pal took a prominent part in changing the Congress method from one of petition to that of application of direct sanction. He incurred displeasure of the British Government and was deported to Burma in 1907. He took part in non-cooperation movement and boycott movement.
• Divide & Quit written by Penderel Moon.
• Foreign Policy of Pakistan: A Historical Analysis is written by S. M. Burk.
• Name the person who negotiated the Canal Water Dispute between India and Pakistan: Ayyub Khan.
• Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign of the Islamic Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik.
• Hazrat Ali Hajveri (popularly known as Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh) belonged to Suharwardia Order.
• Fatawa-e-Jahandari was written by Zia-ud-Din Barani.
• Under the Mughals capital of the lower Sindh was Thatha.
• Kashmir was included into the Mughal Empire of Delhi in October 1586.
• In a battle near Peshawar, Jaipal was defeated by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1001.
• The Battle of Plassey firmly established the British Rule in Bengal.
• When presidential form of constitution was imposed 1st March 1962.
• The Qutb-ul-Islam mosque was built by Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban.
• Who contributed largely to the spread of Islam in Bengal Shahab-ud-Din Suharwardi.
• Syed Ahmad Shaheed fell martyr in 1831 at Balakot (NWFP).
• The Scientific Society was founded in 1864 at Ghazipur.
• In 1946 Elections, the All India Muslim League got 100 percent seats in the Central Assembly and over 88.8 percent seats in the Provincial Assemblies.
• The Second Summit Conference of the OIC was held in 1974 at Lahore.
• The “Asrar-us-Sanadeed” was compiled by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
• The Central Muhammadan Association was founded by Syed Amir Ali.
• The Muhammadan Literary Society of Calcutta was founded by Syed Amir Ali.
• Mr. Jinnah returned from England in year October 1935 to reorganize the AIML.
• The Indus Water Basin Treaty was signed in the year 19th September 1960.
• The Alai Darwaza is situated at Delhi.
• Baba Farid Ganj Shakar was a saint of Chishtia Silsila.
• Arhai Din Ka Jhonpara was a mosque.
• Anjuman-e-Himayat-e-Islam was established in the year1884.
• Islamabad was made capital of Pakistan in the year 1959.
• Muhammad bin Qasim was called back by Walid bin Abdul Malik.
• Pirthvi Raj was defeated by Muhammad Ghouri in 1192 A.D. at the battle of Tarain.
• Khilji Dynasty was founded by Jalal-ud-Din Firuz Khilji.
• The R.C.D. was brought about in 1964 among Pakistan, Iran, Turkey.
• The first and second Presidents of the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan were M. A. Jinnah and Ch. Muhammad Ali respectively..
• PARODA and EDBO were promulgated in 1949 and in 1958 respectively.
• The All Indian Muhammadan Educational Conference was founded in 1886.
• Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq was started in 1867.
• The Queen’s Proclamation was made in 1858.
• The author of “Mission with Mountbattan”: Compbell Johnson.
• The Federal Shariat Court was established in 25th June 1980.
• Khusrau Malik was the Governor of Lahore.
• Sindh was conquered by Muhammad Ghauri in 1182.
• Hamayun was born at Kabul.
• Peacock throne was erected by Shahjehan.
• Pirpur Committee was formed in 1937 and was headed by Raja Muhammad Mehdi of Pirpur.
• Bahadur Shah II was the Supreme Commander of the rebellious armies in the War of Independence, 1857.
• Hyderabad Deccan surrendered to India on 17 September 1948.
• Peshawar was captured by Syed Ahmad Shaheed in 1830.
• Government of Indian Act, 1935 came into operation in 1937.
• Muhammad bin Qasim captured the city Daibul in 712 A.D.
• The Temple of Somnath was situated near the peninsula of Gujrat.
• Arabic coinage was first introduced in Indian by Jalal-ud-Din Firuz.
• Khilji Dynasty was established by Ala-ud-Din Khilji.
• Babur the founder of Muhgal Dynasty, died in 1530 A.D at Delhi.
• The biggest Mosque built by Shahjehan in located at Delhi.
• Red Fort of Delhi was built by Shahjehan.

• Shabbir Ahmad Usmani was the first president of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam.
• My life……..A Fragment was written by Muhammad Ali Jauhar.
• Yayha Khan became the Chief Martial Law Administrator on 25 March 1969.
• The institution of the Federal Ombudsman was created in 13 January 1983.
• The Lovely Moti Masjid is located at Agra.
• Mahmud Ghaznavi is described as “the first pioneer and path-finder for Islam in this country” by Lane Poole.
• Buland Darwaza commemorates Akbar’s conquest of Gujrat.
• Behzad was a famous Persian painter.
• The real names of Nawab Mohsin-ud-Mulk and Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk are Mehdi Ali Khan and Mushtaq Hussain respectively.
• The “Zamindar” and “Comrade” newspapers were edited by Maulana Zafar Ali Khan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar respectively.
• Liaquat Ali Khan was martyred by Said Muhammad.
Punjab was given the status of a province on 1st April 1970
• The Kaunpur Mosque incident took place on 3 August 1913.
• Police firing on Khaksars in Lahore took place on 19 March 1940.
• Lal Bahadur Shahstri was the Prime Minister of India at the time of Tashkent Declaration.
Muhammad bin Qasim appointed Alafi as his advisor.
• Old name of Pakpatan was Ajudhan.
• The tomb of Babur is situated at Kabul.
• Akbar was born at Umar Kot.
• The author of “Safinat-ul-Auliya” was Dara Shikoh.
• Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to 14 children.
• Maulana Azad’s real name was Abu-al-Kalam.
• Hamdard was published by Ali Jauhar.
• Lord Linlithgow was the viceroy of Indian during the 2nd World War.
• Defense Council was formed on 1st April 1948.
• Liaquat Ali Khan went to America in May 1950.
• The Simla Agreement was signed on 3rd July 1972.
• Myth of Independence was written by Z. A. Bhutto.
• Author of My Brother is Miss Fatima Jinnah.
• The First Constituent Assembly was dissolved on 24th October 1954.
• 8th Amendment in the Constitution of 1973 was made in 1985.
• The real name of Noor Jehan was Mahr-un-Nisa.
• Haren Minar was built by Jehangir.
• The tomb of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak is in Lahore.
• Sir Syed Ahmad Khan went to England along with his son named Syed Mahmud.
• Nawab Abdul Latif founded Muhammadan Literary Society in the year1863.
• The founder of “Islamia College Peshawar” was Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum.
• The author of the book “Two Nation Theory” is:
Shafiq Ali Khan.
• The author of the book “Political System of Pakistan” is Khalid bin Saeed.
• The Canal Water Dispute was solved through the good offices of World Bank.
• The site for Islamabad was selected in 1960.
• Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto inaugurated the new Education Policy in 1974.
• Bombay came to British possession through Dowry.
• The High Courts in Indian were established under the Act of 1861.
• Bee Amma’s real name was Abida Bano.
• Quaid-e-Azam visited NWFP in his life time:
• Bande Mathram was composed in Bengal.
• Who was the president of Muslim League in 1932 Aziz Ahmad.
• Chaudry Rehmat Ali was a student at Cambridge’s college called Trinity.
• Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in 1915.
• NWFP got the status of the Governor’s province in 1937.
• Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from service in:
• The Fraizi Movement was founded by:
Hajji Shariat Ullah.
• The first Central Office of Muslim League was established in Lucknow.
• All India Muslim Students Federation was founded at Aligarh.
• Quaid-e-Azam reached Pakistan on 7th August, 1947.
• Nizam-e-Islam Party was founded by Chaudry Muhammad Ali.
• The famous book “ Hayat-e-Javed” was written on the life of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.
• How many times Mahmud invaded India?
• Who is the author of the book titled “Last Days of Quaid”? Col: Elahi Bakhsh.
• The oldest regional language of Pakistan is Sindhi.
• Pakistan joined Non-Aligned Movement at Bandung in 1979.
• Under the Constitution of 1956 which language was declared as the National Language? Urdu and Bengali.
• Under which Constitution, “Bicameralism” was introduced in Pakistan.1973.
• When was the first SAARC Conference held?
Ans. 1985.
• Qutb-ud-Din Aibak died during the game of:
Ans. Polo.
• Cahngez Khan came to India during the reign of Iltumish.
• Razia Sultana Married with Altunia.
• Ibn-e-Batuta visited Indian in14th Century.
• The color of the marble of “Taj Mahal” is:
• Aurangzeb Alamgir had: Three sons.
• Tadar Mal was the revenue minister of:
Ans. Akbar
• Which of the European nations came first to South Asia? Portuguese.
• Lahore Resolution was presented by:
• Sikandar Mirza declared Martial Law on:
October 1958.
• Pakistan People’s Party was founded in:
• Akbar’s tomb is situated at:Sikandra.
• William Hawkins secured many trade facilities for the English by Emperor Jehangir.
• Hameeda Bano was mother of: Akbar.
• At the time of his coronation at Kalanour the age of Akbar was: Thirteen and Half.
• Waqar-ul-Mulk died in 1917.
• Who took the oath of Governor-General of Pakistan from Quaid-e-Azam? Justice Mian Abdul Rashid.
• When Pakistan gave an application to the United Nations to become its member which country opposed it? Afghanistan.
• Who was the author of ‘My India Years’:
Lord Hardinge
• Sanghata Movement was started by: Dr Moonje
• The book ‘verdict on India’ was written by :
Beverlay Nickolas
• Famous Wardha scheme was about :
• Raja Dahir’s wife name is Rani Bai
• Raja Dahir wife committed suicide
• Razia Sultana was the daughter of Iltumish.
• Ibn-e-Batuta was A Moorish
• Fateh Pur Sikri was declared the capital of his kingdom by Akbar.
• The Chain of Justice was hanged fro the convenience of people for quick justice by Jehangir.
• British India Company was granted permission of trade with India by Jehangir.
• The First British Governor General of India was Warren Hastings.
• Sir Syed Ahmad Khan retired from the British service as Judge.
• During Hijrat Movement the Muslims of India migrated to Afghanistan.
• All-India National Congress participated in the 2nd Round Table Conference.
• Sharif Report highlighted the atrocities of Congress Ministries.
• The President of the 1st Constituent Assembly at the time of its dissolution was Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din
• Pakistan-China boundary Dispute was settled during the government of General Ayub Khan.
• During the Tashkent Agreement the Foreign Minister of Pakistan was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

1. The river Danube rises in which country?

2. Which US state has the sugar maple as its state tree and is the leading US producer of maple sugar?

3. Which country is nicknamed ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ because of the number of battles throughout history fought on its soil?

4. What is the capital of Libya?

5. Apart from French, German and Romansch, what is the fourth official language of the Switzerland?

6. Which country is the world’s largest producer of coffee?

7. In which city was the world’s first underground train was service opened in 1863?

8. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body?

9. Which country is separated form Ethiopia by the Red Sea?

10. What is the main port of Italy?

11. Mount Logan is the highest peak in which country?

12. In which state is Harvard University?
New Jersey.

13. Which is larger: Norway or Finland?

14. Which city was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy until 1865?

15. What is measured by an ammeter?
Electric current.

16. What is a rhinoceros horn made of?

17. Which three countries, apart from the former Yugoslavia, share borders with Greece?
Albania, Bulgaria, Turkey.

18. The Palk Strait separates which two countries?
India and Sri Lanka.

19. Ga is the symbol for which element?

20. In the Greek alphabet, what is the name for the letter O?

21. What, in the 16th and 17th century, was a pavana?
A dance.

22. A nephron is the functional unit of which organ in the human body?

23. In which country is the ancient city of Tarsus?

24. The Khyber Pass links which two countries?
Afghanistan and Pakistan.

25. Name the six US states that comprise New England.
Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts.

26. Which musical instrument is played by both exhaling and inhaling?
Harmonica (or mouth organ).

27. The northern part of which country is called Oesling?

28. Napier is a city in which country?
New Zealand.

29. What is the Hook of Holland?
A port in the southeast Netherlands,

30. The river Douro forms part of the border between which two countries?
Spain and Portugal.

31. In which country is the Great Slave Lake?

32. Which six countries border the Black Sea?
Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

33. Kathmandu is the capital of which country?

34. What name is given to a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid used in cooking?
Baking powder.

35. AOL are an internet service provider. What does AOL stand for?
America Online.

61. Quantas is the national airline of which country?

62. What in Scotland is the meaning of the prefix ‘Inver’?
River mouth.

63. Which US state has the lowest population?

64. Which county is nicknamed the Garden of England?

65. Which African country was formerly called French Sudan?

66. Which sport was originally called ‘soccer-in-water’?
Water polo.

67. Which unit of measurement is derived from the Arabic quirrat, meaning seed?

68. Which Italian city was originally built on seven hills?

69. What does the acronym NAAFI stand for?
Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes.

70. Dolomite is an ore of which metal?

71. Manama is the capital of which country?

72. On which river does Berlin stand?
River Spree.

73. What type of clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens?
The pendulum clock.

74. In which desert is the world’s driest place?
Atacama (Chile).

75. Which is the world’s saltiest sea?
The Red Sea.

76. …… and which is the least salty?
The Baltic Sea.

77. Which nun won the Nobel prize for peace in 1979?
Mother Teresa.

78. How many points in the pink ball worth in snooker?

79. Which scientist was named ‘Person of the Century’ by Time Magazine?
Albert Einstein.

80. What kind of creature is a monitor?
81. Which medical specialty is concerned with the problems and illnesses of children?

82. Who sailed in Santa Maria?
Christopher Columbus.

83. What name is given to the stiffening of the body after death?
Rigor mortis.

84. Which country was formerly known as Malagasy Republic?

85. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?

86. The name of which North African city literally means ‘white house’?

87. Of what sort of fish is the dogfish a small variety?

88. Which Asian country was divided at the 38th parallel after World War II?

89. What is the name of the Winter Olympics event that combines cross-country skiing and shooting?

90. Which American science-fiction writer wrote Fahrenheit 451?
Ray Bradbury.

91. For which powerful opiate is diamorphine the technical name?

92. How many dominoes are there in a normal set?

93. Who was cartoonist who created Batman?
Bob Kane.

94. Aerophobia is a fear of flying, agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, what is acrophobia a fear of?

95. In computing, how is a modulator-demodulator more commonly known?

96. An auger bit is used to drill what type of material?

97. What part of the wheelbarrow is the fulcrum?
The wheel.

98. What C is a device used to determine small lengths, of which a vernier is one type?

99. Rip, chain and band are types of which tools?

100. What calibrated tool was the standard tool for engineers and scientists prior to the invention of the hand-held calculator?
Slide rule.

101. What P is sometimes referred to as block and tackle?

102. For what purpose would a gardener use a dibber?
Making holes.

103. What J is a device used to raise an object too heavy to deal with by hand?

104. Ball-pein, club, claw and bush are types of which tool?

105. Which African animal’s name means ‘river horse’?

106. Which Indian religion was founded by Guru Nanak?

107. What is the most distant of the giant planets?

108. What is the capital of Austria?

109. What in printing do the letters ‘u.c.’ stand for?
Upper case.

110. Which eye infection is sometimes called pinkeye?

111. What sort of creature is an iguana?
A lizard.

112. What, politically, does UDI stand for?
Unilateral declaration of independence.

113. Wagga Wagga is a city in which Australian state?
New South Wales.

114. Which Indian religion celebrated the 300th anniversary of its founding in 1999?

115. What do the initials FBI stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation.

116. By what name is the fruit of the plant Ananas comosus known?

117. Donnerstag is German for which day of the week?

118. What type of citrus fruit is a shamouti?

119. Apiphobia is a fear of what?

120. Which Asian capital city was known as Batavia until 1949?
121. Which astronomical unit os distance is greater, a parsec or a light year?
A parsec.

122. The ancient city of Carthage is now in which country?

123. What in Russia is Izvestia?
A newspaper.

124. Which is the world’s windiest continent?

125. In the book Treasure Island what is the name of the ship?

126. In which part of the body are the deltoid muscles?

127. E is the international car registration letter for which country?

128. Vienna stands on which river?

129. What type of camel has two lumps?

130. In the MG motor car, what do the letters MG stand for?
Morris Garages.

131. The name of which Roman god means ‘shining father’ in Latin?

132. What is the central colour of a rainbow?

133. Which French city is a meeting place for the European Parliament?

134. What part of the body consists of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum?
Small intestine.

135. Annapurna is a mountain in which mountain range?

136. What kind of foodstuff is Monterey Jack? (It was also a cartoon’s name
‘What’s for breakfast?’

187. What is the name of a person, plant or animal which shuns the light?

188. What, in field of optics, is biconvex?
A lens which is convex on both sides.

189. Which country was invaded in Iraq in 1980?

190. What did Johann Galle discover in 1846?

191. What, in internet terminology, does SMTP stand for?
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

192. How is October 24 1929 remembered?
Black Thursday.

193. The River Danube flows into which sea?
The Black Sea.

194. Which strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand?
Cook Strait.

195. What, in internet terminology, does FTP stand for?
File Transfer Protocol.

196. Who wrote Black Beauty?
Anna Sewell.

197. What is the capital of Poland?

198. Ice-cream was first produced in which country in the 17th century?

199. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for?
Severe Acute Respiratory System.

200. Which popular name for Netherlands is actually a low-lying region of the country?

201. Which Shakepeare play was set in Elsinore Castle, Denmark?

202. Who said: ‘Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration’?

203. The Kyukyu Island chain lies between which two countries?
Japan & Taiwan.

204. Which fibrous protein is the major constituent of hair, nails, feathers, beaks and claws?

205. Of which fruit is morello a variety?

206. Which explorer discovered Victoris Falls in Africa?
David Livingstone.

207. Who was the last king of Egypt?

208. What is the literal meaning of the word mafia?

209. Which war lasted 16 years longer than its name implies?
The Hundred Year’s War.

210. What is the national sport of Malaysia and Indonesia?

211. Which is the shallowest of the Great Lakes?
Lake Erie.

212. What name is given to minute or microscopic animals and plants that live in the upper layers of fresh and salt water?

213. Which country was originally named Cathay?

214. Sinhalese is a language spoken in which country?
Sri Lanka.

215. The Sao Francisco river flows through which country?

216. In which sport do teams compete for the Dunhill Cup?

217. Which Shakespeare character’s last words are: ‘The rest is silence’?

218. In economics, whose law states that: ‘bad money drives out good money’?

219. Who made the first navigation of the globe in the vessel Victoria?

220. Which mountaineer on being asked why he wanted to climb Everest said: ‘Because it’s there’?
George Mallory.
221. What was the former name for Sri Lanka?

222. Of which Middle East, country is Baghdad the capital?

223. How many arms does a squid have?

224. Which indoor game is played with a shuttlecock?

225. Do stalactites grow upwards or downwards?

226. What food is also called garbanzo?

227. What is the quality rating for diesel fuel, similar to the octane number for petrol?
Catane number.

228. Which German city and port is at the confluence of the rivers Neckar and Rhine?

229. Where in Europe are the only wild apes to be found?

230. The Brabanconne is the national anthem of which country?

231. In which country is the River Spey?

232. Which international environmental pressure group was founded in 1971?

233. What is the capital of Morocco?

234. How many balls are on the table at the start of a game of pool?

235. In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?

236. What name is given to inflammation of one or more joints, causing pain, swelling and restriction of movement?

237. Which mineral is the main source of mercury?

238. What A is the national airline of Russia, code name SU?

239. What would be kept in a quiver?

240. What ‘ology’ is concerned with the study of unidentified flying objects?
241. Coal and longtailed are types of which bird family?

242. In the game of darts, what is the value of the outer bull?

243. In which part of the human body is the cochlea?

244. What is the modern name of the rocky fortress which the Moors named Gabel-al-Tarik (the Rock of Tarik)?

245. What was the name of German terrorist Andreas Baader’s female partner?
Ulrike Meinhof.

246. And what was the name of the urban guerrilla organisation they headed?
The Red Army Faction.

247. Which German bacteriologist discovered Salvarsan, a compound used in the treatment of syphilis, before the introduction of antibiotics?
Paul Ehrlich.

248. Which ancient Roman satirist wrote the 16 Satires?

249. Who became the Queen of Netherlands in 1980?

250. Who was the last Bristish king to appear in battle?
George II.

251. What is the art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals to make lifelike models called?

252. What is the Beaufort scale used to measure?
Wind speed.

253. What is the technical name for abnormally high blood presure?

254. What part of eye is responsible for its color?
The iris.

256. The letter RF on a stamp would indicate it is from which country?

257. What is the meaning of the musical term cantabile?
In a singing style.

258. San Juan is the capital of which island in the West Indies?
Puerto Rico.

259. Which profession gets its name from the Latin word for lead?

260. On which part of the body do grasshoppers have their ears?
Hind legs. 261. Who wrote children’s stories about the land of Narnia?
C.S. Lewis.

262. What is the second planet from the sun?

263. What is the highest mountain in the Alps?
Mont Blanc.

264. Of which Caribbean country is Port-au-Prince the capital?

265. Which German city is asscociated with the legend of the Pied Piper?
Hameln, or Hamelin.

266. What name is given to the wind pattern that brings heavy rain to South Asia from April to September?

267. What is the first book of the New Testament?
The Gospel according to Saint Matthew.

268. What name is given to the time taken for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay?

269. Who was president of Kenya from 1964 to 1978?
Jomo Kenyatta.

270. Which German author wrote the anti-war novel All Quiet on the Western Front?
Erich Maria Remarque.

271. Which country had a police force called the Tonton Macoutes?

272. What would you find in formicary?

273. Who was the first British sovereign to make regular use of Buckingham Palace when in residence in London?
Queen Victoria.

274. Of where is Sofia the capital?

275. What is meant by the musical term andante?
At a moderate tempo.

276. In a bullfight, what is the mounted man with a lance called?
A picador.

277. Which team has a soccer team called Ajax?

278. Which Dutch explorer discovered New Zealand?
Abel Tasman.

279. Who became first black world heavyweight boxing champion in 1918?
Jack Johnson.

280. The name of which city in South America means Vale of Paradise?
_____281. Which gas used in advertising signs has the symbol Ne?

282. Which branch of mathematics uses symbols to represent unknown quantities?

283. What does the abbreviation RAF stand for?
Royal Air Force.

284. What name is given to the use of live animals in the experiments?

285. Viti Levu is the largest island of which country?

286. The Golden Arrow was a famous train that ran from Paris to which destination?
Monte Carlo.

287. Which country fought on both sides during World War II?

288. What centigrade temperature is gas mark 6 equal to?
200 degrees C.

289. In the game of chess, which piece is called springer in Germany?

290. What is the meaning of the Russian word ‘mir’?

291. Who, in World War II, were Axis Power?
Germany, Italy. Japan.

292. Which scientist used kites to conduct electrical experiments?
Benjamin Frankline.

293. What is the longest river in France?

294. Which inventore had a research laboratory at Menlo Park?

295. Which birds fly in groups called skeins?

296. In medicine, which is the most widespread parasitic infection?

297. What nationality was the explorer Ferdinand Magellan?

298. Which Italian city is called Firenze in Italian?

299. What is Autralia’s largest city?

300. Which term meaning ‘lightning war’ was used to describe military tactics used by Germany in World War II?


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